61 research outputs found


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    Realitas tertambah, atau kadang dikenal dengan singkatan bahasa Inggrisnya AR (augmented reality), adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi dan ataupun tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata tiga dimensi lalu memproyeksikan benda-benda maya tersebut dalam waktu nyata. Tidak seperti realitas maya yang sepenuhnya menggantikan Kenyataan, realitas tertambah sekedar menambahkan atau melengkapi Kenyataan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem waterfall, dimana alur penelitian akan mengikuti fase – fase yang ada di waterfall. Aplikasi ini akan dibangun dengan menggunakan Unity3D dan Vuforia.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu aplikasi bantu pembelajaran untuk memudahkan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi augmented reality melalui perangkat mobile. Sehingga mahasiswa juga dapat memahami bagaimana mobile augmented reality dapat membantu mahasiswa melihat secara nyata objek 3D secara interaktif

    Qualitative Assessment of Batur Sheeps Kept by Smallholder Farmers in Banjarnegara, Indonesia

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    Batur sheep is one of Indonesian’s local sheep species with the original geographical distribution in the Batur District and surrounding areas. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of the Batur sheep that were kept by smallholder farmers. The study was conducted in Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia in February 2020 by identifying the qualitative traits of Batur sheeps (64 males and 129 females) compared to other sheep breeds. Qualitative data were then transformed into dummy data and given scores in each category. Data were analyzed descriptively using Chi-square analysis and Independent Sample T-Test. The Chi-square analysis findings determined (P<0.05) the qualitative characteristics, which included the face profile, the face wool coat density, and the suitability score of the male and female of the Batur sheep breed. The total of 98.6% male and 74.4% female sheep had suitable qualitative characteristics to the Batur sheep breed with suitability scores of 91.72 and 81.90, respectively. In conclusion, the male and female Batur sheep on Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia, was still suitable to Batur sheep breed based on the assessment of the body’s phenotypic assessment. Keywords: Body characteristics, Exterior traits, Local sheep, Phenotypic assessment, Suitability valu

    Inovasi Peleburan Logam yang Mudah, Efektif dan Efisien Menggunakan Teknologi Portable Cupola

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    In the era of technology like this, a variety of facilities and infrastructure supporting the majority of human life is made of metal materials. Metals include iron, steel, aluminum, copper and so forth. However, the technology required to recycle metal requires high temperatures. In addition to the metal required to process the huge cost. It is also the cause of scrap metal collectors can not be productive with its own scrap metal processing. The most collectors reselling scrap metal to a larger factory with a very low price. Designed and made with Cupola Portable is expected to increase the productivity of the collectors of scrap metals. Objectives to be achieved from Student Creativity Program is to design and create a cupola that is portable, simple, efficient and economical for metal processing. Then create a cupola that is portable in order to increase the sale value of the existing metal trash bins on metal collectors. Portable Cupola that will be created using the basic principles of ordinary cupola, but made smaller and simpler because it is intended for small and medium-sized metal collectors

    Kinerja Induk Kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon Masa Laktasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja induk kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon masa laktasi. Penelitian menggunakan 14 ekor induk kambing yang terdiri dari tujuh ekor kambing Peranakan Etawah dan tujuh ekor kambing Bligon. Parameter yang diamati adalah litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian induk, body condition score (BCS), bobot sapih, post partum estrus (PPE), post partum mating (PPM), dan konsumsi pakan. Data dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah ANOVA. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa PPE dan PPM induk kambing Bligon berbeda nyata (P<0,05) berturut-turut yaitu (83,28±9,65 vs 93,71±7,69 ; 101,57±9,55 vs 112,42±7,32) hari, sedangkan litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian, BCS, konsumsi pakan induk kambing PE dan Bligon tidak berbeda nyata. Disimpulkan bahwa PPE dan PPM kambing Bligon lebih baik daripada kambing PE, tetapi kedua bangsa kambing tersebut memiliki kinerja induk yang relatif sama

    Tingkah Laku Seksual Pejantan dan Induk Sapi Peranakan Ongole dengan Sistem Perkandangan Koloni Terbatas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku seksual pejantan dan induk sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) yang dipelihara secara koloni terbatas. 1 ekor pejantan dan 4 ekor induk sapi PO dipelihara secara berkoloni terbatas (diumbar bersama selama 1 jam, selanjutnya dikandangkan secara individu). Pengamatan tingkah laku seksual dilakukan secara langsung pada pejantan yaitu oro-nasal contact, flehmen, mounts orientation response, dan service. Tingkah laku seksual induk meliputi mounting, stand to be mounted dan karakteristik vulva. Pengamatan tingkah laku seksual pejantan dilakukan pada seluruh fase siklus estrus induk, pada induk hanya pada fase estrus. Penentuan fase siklus estrus dilakukan dengan melihat perubahan karakter dari sel epitel vagina ternak. Data dianalisis secara deskripsi kauntitatif. Terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan (

    Technical aspects and clinical limitations of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in male infertility: a global survey, current guidelines, and expert recommendations.

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    PURPOSE: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) is a functional sperm abnormality that can impact reproductive potential, for which four assays have been described in the recently published sixth edition of the WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. The purpose of this study was to examine the global practices related to the use of SDF assays and investigate the barriers and limitations that clinicians face in incorporating these tests into their practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinicians managing male infertility were invited to complete an online survey on practices related to SDF diagnostic and treatment approaches. Their responses related to the technical aspects of SDF testing, current professional society guidelines, and the literature were used to generate expert recommendations via the Delphi method. Finally, challenges related to SDF that the clinicians encounter in their daily practice were captured. RESULTS: The survey was completed by 436 reproductive clinicians. Overall, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase deoxyuridine triphosphate Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) is the most commonly used assay chosen by 28.6%, followed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (24.1%), and the sperm chromatin dispersion (19.1%). The choice of the assay was largely influenced by availability (70% of respondents). A threshold of 30% was the most selected cut-off value for elevated SDF by 33.7% of clinicians. Of respondents, 53.6% recommend SDF testing after 3 to 5 days of abstinence. Although 75.3% believe SDF testing can provide an explanation for many unknown causes of infertility, the main limiting factors selected by respondents are a lack of professional society guideline recommendations (62.7%) and an absence of globally accepted references for SDF interpretation (50.3%). CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the largest global survey on the technical aspects of SDF testing as well as the barriers encountered by clinicians. Unified global recommendations regarding clinician implementation and standard laboratory interpretation of SDF testing are crucial

    Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis: Optimizing Laboratory Procedures and Test Interpretation through a Clinical Audit and Global Survey of Practices

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    Purpose: The success of vasectomy is determined by the outcome of a post-vasectomy semen analysis (PVSA). This article describes a step-by-step procedure to perform PVSA accurately, report data from patients who underwent post vasectomy semen analysis between 2015 and 2021 experience, along with results from an international online survey on clinical practice. Materials and methods: We present a detailed step-by-step protocol for performing and interpretating PVSA testing, along with recommendations for proficiency testing, competency assessment for performing PVSA, and clinical and laboratory scenarios. Moreover, we conducted an analysis of 1,114 PVSA performed at the Cleveland Clinic's Andrology Laboratory and an online survey to understand clinician responses to the PVSA results in various countries. Results: Results from our clinical experience showed that 92.1% of patients passed PVSA, with 7.9% being further tested. A total of 78 experts from 19 countries participated in the survey, and the majority reported to use time from vasectomy rather than the number of ejaculations as criterion to request PVSA. A high percentage of responders reported permitting unprotected intercourse only if PVSA samples show azoospermia while, in the presence of few non-motile sperm, the majority of responders suggested using alternative contraception, followed by another PVSA. In the presence of motile sperm, the majority of participants asked for further PVSA testing. Repeat vasectomy was mainly recommended if motile sperm were observed after multiple PVSA's. A large percentage reported to recommend a second PVSA due to the possibility of legal actions. Conclusions: Our results highlighted varying clinical practices around the globe, with controversy over the significance of non-motile sperm in the PVSA sample. Our data suggest that less stringent AUA guidelines would help improve test compliance. A large longitudinal multi-center study would clarify various doubts related to timing and interpretation of PVSA and would also help us to understand, and perhaps predict, recanalization and the potential for future failure of a vasectomy

    Controversy and consensus on the management of elevated sperm DNA fragmentation in male infertility: a global survey, current guidelines, and expert recommendations

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    PURPOSE: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) has been associated with male infertility and poor outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The purpose of this study was to investigate global practices related to the management of elevated SDF in infertile men, summarize the relevant professional society recommendations, and provide expert recommendations for managing this condition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An online global survey on clinical practices related to SDF was disseminated to reproductive clinicians, according to the CHERRIES checklist criteria. Management protocols for various conditions associated with SDF were captured and compared to the relevant recommendations in professional society guidelines and the appropriate available evidence. Expert recommendations and consensus on the management of infertile men with elevated SDF were then formulated and adapted using the Delphi method. RESULTS: A total of 436 experts from 55 different countries submitted responses. As an initial approach, 79.1% of reproductive experts recommend lifestyle modifications for infertile men with elevated SDF, and 76.9% prescribe empiric antioxidants. Regarding antioxidant duration, 39.3% recommend 4-6 months and 38.1% recommend 3 months. For men with unexplained or idiopathic infertility, and couples experiencing recurrent miscarriages associated with elevated SDF, most respondents refer to ART 6 months after failure of conservative and empiric medical management. Infertile men with clinical varicocele, normal conventional semen parameters, and elevated SDF are offered varicocele repair immediately after diagnosis by 31.4%, and after failure of antioxidants and conservative measures by 40.9%. Sperm selection techniques and testicular sperm extraction are also management options for couples undergoing ART. For most questions, heterogenous practices were demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: This paper presents the results of a large global survey on the management of infertile men with elevated SDF and reveals a lack of consensus among clinicians. Furthermore, it demonstrates the scarcity of professional society guidelines in this regard and attempts to highlight the relevant evidence. Expert recommendations are proposed to help guide clinicians

    Controversy and consensus on indications for sperm DNA fragmentation testing in male infertility: a global survey, current guidelines, and expert recommendations.

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    PURPOSE: Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) testing was recently added to the sixth edition of the World Health Organization laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. Many conditions and risk factors have been associated with elevated SDF; therefore, it is important to identify the population of infertile men who might benefit from this test. The purpose of this study was to investigate global practices related to indications for SDF testing, compare the relevant professional society guideline recommendations, and provide expert recommendations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinicians managing male infertility were invited to take part in a global online survey on SDF clinical practices. This was conducted following the CHERRIES checklist criteria. The responses were compared to professional society guideline recommendations related to SDF and the appropriate available evidence. Expert recommendations on indications for SDF testing were then formulated, and the Delphi method was used to reach consensus. RESULTS: The survey was completed by 436 experts from 55 countries. Almost 75% of respondents test for SDF in all or some men with unexplained or idiopathic infertility, 39% order it routinely in the work-up of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), and 62.2% investigate SDF in smokers. While 47% of reproductive urologists test SDF to support the decision for varicocele repair surgery when conventional semen parameters are normal, significantly fewer general urologists (23%; p=0.008) do the same. Nearly 70% would assess SDF before assisted reproductive technologies (ART), either always or for certain conditions. Recurrent ART failure is a common indication for SDF testing. Very few society recommendations were found regarding SDF testing. CONCLUSIONS: This article presents the largest global survey on the indications for SDF testing in infertile men, and demonstrates diverse practices. Furthermore, it highlights the paucity of professional society guideline recommendations. Expert recommendations are proposed to help guide clinicians

    Behavioral, Ecological, and Evolutionary Aspects of Meat-Eating by Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii)

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    Meat-eating is an important aspect of human evolution, but how meat became a substantial component of the human diet is still poorly understood. Meat-eating in our closest relatives, the great apes, may provide insight into the emergence of this trait, but most existing data are for chimpanzees. We report 3 rare cases of meat-eating of slow lorises, Nycticebus coucang, by 1 Sumatran orangutan mother–infant dyad in Ketambe, Indonesia, to examine how orangutans find slow lorises and share meat. We combine these 3 cases with 2 previous ones to test the hypothesis that slow loris captures by orangutans are seasonal and dependent on fruit availability. We also provide the first (to our knowledge) quantitative data and high-definition video recordings of meat chewing rates by great apes, which we use to estimate the minimum time necessary for a female Australopithecus africanus to reach its daily energy requirements when feeding partially on raw meat. Captures seemed to be opportunistic but orangutans may have used olfactory cues to detect the prey. The mother often rejected meat sharing requests and only the infant initiated meat sharing. Slow loris captures occurred only during low ripe fruit availability, suggesting that meat may represent a filler fallback food for orangutans. Orangutans ate meat more than twice as slowly as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), suggesting that group living may function as a meat intake accelerator in hominoids. Using orangutan data as a model, time spent chewing per day would not require an excessive amount of time for our social ancestors (australopithecines and hominids), as long as meat represented no more than a quarter of their diet
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