19 research outputs found

    Analisis Aspek Pemasaran UMKM di Masa Resesi Global Dampak Dari Pandemi Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred globally has an impact on various sectors in Indonesia including the MSMEs sector. Based on these conditions, a marketing strategy is needed for MSMEs in Indonesia to be sustainable. The research aims to analyze and describe marketing strategies for MSMEs to survive in the Covid-19 pandemic condition. This research uses exploratory qualitative analysis with participatory observation techniques. This research uses primary data from observations and secondary data from previous studies. The results recommend MSMEs to sell their products via e-commerce and promote via digital marketing as a marketing strategy. Moreover, MSMEs need to optimizing customer marketing relationships in order to create a loyal customer. Loyal customers have the potential to make repeat purchases and recommend products to other potential consumers. By implementing this strategy, it is hoped that the MSME business will continue to survive and have a positive impact on society and the economy

    Implementation Role of HR in Organizational Transformation as Agent of Change

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    An organizational transformation that results in "dramatic" events that must be addressed by all members of the organization. This study uses three basic theories from Kurt Lewin that explain the process of change in an organization, namely unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. The phenomenon that occurs at Tidar University as a new university is the optimization of human resources towards Indonesia 2045. Humans with self empowerment and flexibility as agents of change in developing management strategies for successful organizational performance towards equality with other PTN. This research was conducted to examine the implementation of the role of professional resources on organizational transformation as an agent of change. This research was conducted through a literature study that refers to research and critical review of previous theories. As for the relevance of our data, we distributed questionnaires to 25% of the total employees as baseline deep in interviews in group discussions to share professional experiences, understand our own assumptions and assumptions of others and to understand the profession. The analysis uses Lewin's three-step process approach to agents of change in change in organizations. In a critical review change management has a constructive framework for managing organizational change through the process phase. The results of this study provide theories and practical implications of a process of change by the "agent of change"

    Analysis of Entrepreneurial Readiness in Tidar University Students

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    Universities as higher education institutions have an important role in the process of encouraging the growth of entrepreneurs. Tidar University is always trying to create new entrepreneurs. However, Tidar University has not yet evaluated how much the effectiveness of entrepreneurship teaching on students' entrepreneurial readiness. Therefore, research is needed in analyzing the factors that affect entrepreneurial readiness. The research was conducted at Tidar University from March to April 2020. The population of this study was students of the Faculty of Agriculture from Semester 2 to Semester 8 in the 2019/2020 academic year. The number of samples is 120 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the more students get training, the more ready they are to become entrepreneurs. Students suggest the following training to complement their existing skills: a) digital marketing, b) practical work training, c) success story seminars, d) business risks, e) business basics and soft skills, f) facing global markets and innovation, g) performance management, h) entrepreneurial mentality and spirit, i) how to capture business opportunities, j) marketing, k) time management and money management, l) agrosociopreneurs, m) building networks, and n) business tips and tricks. Students with high entrepreneurial education intentions have relatively less entrepreneurial readiness. This is because they have a lot of knowledge base which encourages them to be more careful if they want to start a business. Students have the perception that entrepreneurial readiness cannot be measured by the GPA value. Entrepreneurial experience encourages students to be ready to return to entrepreneurshi


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Return On Assets (ROA), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Operating Costs of Operating Income (BOPO) and inflation rates on the level of non-performing loans (NPL) in commercial banks. conventional in Indonesia for the 2015-2019 period. This research is an explanatory research that uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The data analysis technique uses panel data regression with a population of 29 conventional commercial banks in Indonesia. The data of this study are secondary data obtained by documentation by the Indonesia Stocks Exchange. The results showed that the variables Return On Assets (ROA), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), and the inflation rate had no effect on the level of Non Performing Loans (NPL). The variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a negative effect on Non-Performing Loans (NPL) with a coefficient of 0.034 at a significance level of 0.025 and the variable Operating Costs of Operating Income (BOPO) has a positive effect with a coefficient of 0.042 and a significance level of 0.046

    Efektifitas program pelatihan dan pengembangan terhadap kinerja karyawan

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    Semakin berkembangnya zaman, setiap perusahaan atau organisai dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi dan selalu mengupdate setiap sumber daya manusia (SDM), yaitu dengan cara memberikan program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawannya. Dengan adanya program pelatihan dan pengembangan diharapakan perusahaan atau organisasi mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lainnya dalam segala bidang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar efektivitas yang diperoleh dari adanya program  pelatihan dan pengembangan yang diadakan oleh kantor Bpjs Ketenagakerjasan Pusat serta wajib  diikuti oleh karyawan Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan di setiap cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Magelang memberikan program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawannya berupa magang dan kewartaan jurnalistik serta Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi yang ada di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri untuk proses peningkatan pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan cara studi kepustakaan, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu dengan adanya program pelatihan dan pengembangan mampu meningkatkan kinerja karyawan

    SDM Digital: Strategi Tranformasi Bank Menjadi Bank Digital

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    Abstrak: Disrupsi pada semua lapisan industri termasuk industri jasa keuangan membuat petinggi perusahaan untuk beradaptasi dengan trend teknologi yang ada. Disrupsi digital memaksa transformasi mutlak harus dilakukan, suka atau tidak suka. Realitas ini mengakibatkan perbankan dan industri asuransi perusahaan berada di bawah tekanan untuk mengatasi beberapa kekuatan yang berubah di pasar tempat seperti kondisi ekonomi makro yang menantang, meningkatkan tekanan persaingan untuk kepemimpinan pasar, lingkungan peraturan yang ketat, dan selera pelanggan yang berubah. Trend persaingan pun berubah, tidak lagi persaingan tradisional yang selama ini terjadi. Industri perbankan dan asuransi harus menghadapi munculnya perusahaan keuangan baru yang disebut Financial Technology (Fintech). Selera dan preferensi pelanggan dibentuk oleh pengalaman digital mereka di luar perbankan. Fintech memiliki keunggulan pada layanan kecepatan dan kemudahan dalam menangani pelanggan, sehingga ekspektasi dan kebutuhan pelanggan dapat terlayani dengan lancar. Akibatnya, lembaga perbankan berada di titik puncak untuk harus segera melakukan revolusi digital.  Setiap aspek bisnis perlu beradaptasi dengan cara mengoptimalkan kekuatan internal dan eksternal. Kekuatan internal yang menjadi kunci kesuksesan transformasi tradisional ke digital adalah melalui transformasi digital pada Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Transformasi digital pada SDM menjadi topik yang menarik bagi para peneliti SDM dalam satu dekade terakhir, tentunya juga menjadi fokus perhatian banyak professional SDM. Alasan utama mengapa transformasi digital pada SDM karena teknologi digital memiliki potensi dan kemampuan untuk mengubah SDM seperti yang kita kenal saat ini untuk menjadi lebih efisien.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana praktik Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (HRM/MSDM) dapat menjadi kunci kesuksesan industri perbankan dalam menanggapi peningkatan persaingan yang semakin kompleks. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi MSDM dapat menjadi faktor kunci kesuksesan perusahaan dalam beradaptasi pada era digital. MSDM berperan menciptakan perubahan kebiasaan-kebiasaan digital dalam perusahaan, menyiapkan SDM digital pada perusahaan, dan pengembangan kapabilitas digital.  Penelitian ini akan membantu masa depan penelitian di bidang MSDM untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih tentang fenomena SDM Digital dalam pengembangan landasan teoritis untuk studi lebih lanjut.   Kata kunci: Adaptasi, Disrupsi, Perbankan, Persaingan, Tranformasi SDM Dgital.   Abstract: Disruption at all levels of the industry, including the financial services industry, made company officials adapt to existing technological trends. Digital disruption forces the transformation to be absolutely necessary, whether we like it or not. This reality is that the banking and corporate insurance industry is under pressure to cope with some of the changing forces in the market place such as challenging macroeconomic conditions, increasing competitive pressure for market leadership, a strict regulatory environment, and changing customer tastes. The competition trend has changed, it is no longer traditional competition that has been happening so far. The banking and insurance industry must face the emergence of a new financial company called Financial Technology (Fintech). Customer tastes and preferences are shaped by their digital experience outside of banking. Fintech has the advantage of speed and ease of handling customers, so that customer expectations and needs can be served smoothly. As a result, banking institutions are at the cusp of urgently having to carry out a digital revolution. Every aspect of a business needs to adapt in a way that optimizes internal and external strengths. Internal strength that is the key to the success of traditional transformation to digital is through digital transformation in Human Resources (HR). Digital transformation in HR has become an interesting topic for HR researchers in the last decade, of course, has also become the focus of attention of many HR professionals. The main reason why digital transformation in HR is because digital technology has the potential and ability to transform HR as we know it today to be more efficient. The purpose of this research is to explore how the practice of Human Resource Management (HRM / MSDM) can be the key to the success of the banking industry in responding to increasing competition which is increasingly complex. The results of this study indicate that the function of HRM can be a key factor in a company's success in adapting to the digital era. HRM plays a role in creating changes in digital habits in companies, preparing digital human resources for companies, and developing digital capabilities. This research will help future research in the field of HRM to provide a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of Digital HR in developing a theoretical foundation for further studies.   Keywords: Adaptation, Disruption, Banking, Competition, Digital human resource transformation


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    National development is a continuous effort to improve the quality of people and society in Indonesia. Economic development that was originally oriented to the growth of large-scale industries shifted to economic development that was more emphasis on the populist economy. One of them through SMEs but many small industries or SMEs that can not grow one of them is the industri krupuk rambak  in Kendal because of the lack of ability of their MSDM so many businesses out of business. With the improvement of the quality of MSDM and also the role of government is expected to improve the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs in terms of technology, facilities and infrastructure, capital and marketing. 

    The Role of Financial Ratios on the Financial Distress Prediction

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    Predictions of financial distress has a central role for the company's going concern aspects. This research aims to empirically prove the role of profitability, leverage and liquidity in financial distress. The research population comprised all companies incorporated in the agricultural sector as well as basic industry and chemical sectors. The research sample obtained as many as 380 observations through the purposive sampling method. This study uses logistic regression analysis. This study provides evidence of significant role between profitability and liquidity on financial distress condition in the agricultural sector as well as the basic industry and chemical sectors. In the basic industry and chemical sectors, leverage has a significant role on financial distress condition

    Analisis penggunaan aplikasi bpjstku mobile dalam upaya meningkatkan kemudahan masyarakat pekerja

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    Teknologi informasi merupakan suatu sistem yang sangat bermanfaat untuk suatu organisasi atau perusahaa. Penggunaan sistem sebagai fasilitas yang diberikan oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan agar lebih efektif dan mempermudah peserta Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas kemudahan masyarakat pekerja dalam menggunakan aplikasi BPJSTKU Mobile di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KC Cilacap. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif, pengukuran menggunakan skala guttman, sample sebanyak 50 orang dengan teknik purposive sampling dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Teknik analisi data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dekriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi BPJSTKU Mobile telah berhasil dalam memberikan kemudahan masyarakat pekerja dan sebagian besar peserta sudah mengeggunakan aplikasi BPJSTKU Mobile untuk mengakses informasi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KC Cilacap

    Analisis Pengaruh Keberhasilan Diri, Toleransi Akan Risiko, dan Kebebasan Dalam Bekerja Terhadap Motivasi Berwirausaha (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen Universitas Tidar)

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of self-efficacy, risk tolerance, and freedom at work on entrepreneurial motivation in students of the Management Department Universitas Tidar. This study uses primary data obtained directly from the object of research through a questionnaire. The primary data was then processed using SPS through the T test, and F test. The results of the F test showed that self-efficacy, risk tolerance, and freedom at work had a significant simultaneous effect on entrepreneurial motivation. The test results based on the ANOVA test or the F statistical test show an F value of 23,964 with a probability of 0.000 meaning that the independent variables can explain together the dependent variable. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidenfitikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh keberhasilan diri, toleransi akan risiko, dan kebebasan dalam bekerja terhadap motivasi berwirausaha pada mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen Universitas Tidar. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari objek penelitian melalui kuisioner. Data primer kemudian diolah menggunakan SPSS yaitu melalui uji asumsi klasik, uji T, dan uji F. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan diri, toleransi akan risiko, dan kebebasan dalam bekerja berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap motivasi berwirausaha. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan uji ANOVA atau uji statistik F menunjukkan nilai F sebesar 23,964 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,000 artinya bahwa variabel bebas dapat menjelaskan secara bersama-sama terhadap variabel terikat