98 research outputs found

    Review of the nutritional benefits and risks related to intense sweeteners

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    Unfortunately, the original version of this article [1] contained an error. The author’s names were included incorrectly, the surnames were presented before the forename: Bruyère Olivier, Ahmed H. Serge, Atlan Catherine, Belegaud Jacques, Bortolotti Murielle, Canivenc-Lavier Marie-Chantal, Charrière Sybil, Girardet Jean-Philippe, Houdart Sabine, Kalonji Esther, Nadaud Perrine, Rajas Fabienne, Slama Gérard and Margaritis Irène The author list has been corrected in the original article and is also included correctly below: Olivier Bruyère, Serge H. Ahmed, Catherine Atlan, Jacques Belegaud, Murielle Bortolotti, Marie-Chantal Canivenc-Lavier, Sybil Charrière, Jean-Philippe Girardet, Sabine Houdart, Esther Kalonji, Perrine Nadaud, Fabienne Rajas, Gérard Slama, Irène Margaritis (NB: erratum 1 p. doi: in volume 73, 49, published 23 October 2015, (eCollection 2015, PMID: 26500771, PMCID: PMC4619575))International audienceBackground : The intense sweeteners currently authorised in Europe comprise ten compounds of various chemical natures. Their overall use has sharply risen in the last 20 years. These compounds are mainly used to formulate reduced-calorie products while maintaining sweetness.Methods : This extensive analysis of the literature reviews the data currently available on the potential nutritional benefits and risks related to the consumption of products containing intense sweeteners.Results and Conclusions : Regarding nutritional benefits, the available studies, while numerous, do not provide proof that the consumption of artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes is beneficial in terms of weight management, blood glucose regulation in diabetic subjects or the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Regarding nutritional risks (incidence of type 2 diabetes, habituation to sweetness in adults, cancers, etc.), it is not possible based on the available data to establish a link between the occurrence of these risks and the consumption of artificial sweeteners. However, some studies underline the need to improve knowledge of the links between intense sweeteners consumption and certain risks

    Patient-reported outcomes with lanreotide Autogel/Depot for carcinoid syndrome: An international observational study

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Lanreotide Autogel/Depot effectively controls symptoms in patients with carcinoid syndrome associated with neuroendocrine tumours. Data on patient-reported outcomes are sparse. AIM: To evaluate the effect of lanreotide on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) with carcinoid syndrome. METHODS: This was an international, open-label, observational study of adults with neuroendocrine tumours and history of diarrhoea, receiving lanreotide for >3 months for relief of carcinoid syndrome symptoms. The primary PRO measure was satisfaction with diarrhoea control. Secondary PRO measures included severity, change in symptoms and impact on daily life of diarrhoea; and patient satisfaction with flushing control. RESULTS: Of 273 patients enrolled, 76% were 'completely' or 'rather' satisfied with diarrhoea control; 79% reported improvement in diarrhoea with lanreotide. The proportion of patients with 'mild', 'minimal', or 'no diarrhoea' increased from 33% before treatment to 75% during treatment; 75% were unconcerned about the impact of diarrhoea on daily life. Satisfaction with flushing control amongst patients with significant flushing at treatment initiation was 73%. CONCLUSIONS: Lanreotide treatment was associated with improvements in symptoms as well as a range of PROs in patients with neuroendocrine tumours and carcinoid syndrome (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01234168)

    Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis et la maladie de Crohn, cause ou conséquence ?

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    La maladie de Crohn est une maladie inflammatoire chronique intestinale de cause inconnue, qui peut toucher n importe quel segment du tube digestif. Cette maladie évolue de manière imprévisible sous forme de poussées entrecoupées de rémission. Des facteurs sont suspectés de provoquer ou d influencer le développement de la maladie de Crohn. Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) fait partie de ces facteurs, c est la bactérie responsable de la paratuberculose des ruminants ou maladie de Johne. Le but de ce travail bibliographique est d'estimer, au vu des connaissances actuelles, le rôle éventuel de cette mycobactérie dans la maladie de Crohn. La description de la maladie de Crohn de son épidémiologie à son traitement, de la paratuberculose des ruminants et de MAP a permis de réaliser une comparaison approfondie entre ces deux pathologies et de mieux comprendre les limites des études sur la recherche de cette bactérie chez des patients souffrant de la maladie de Crohn. Des similarités cliniques et lésionnelles existent entre la maladie de Crohn et cette pathologie très répandue dans le monde, touchant des ruminants et provoqué par MAP. Une association entre MAP et la maladie de Crohn a pu être mise en évidence, sans que l'on puisse actuellement déterminer si celle-ci a un caractère causal pour un sous-groupe de patients atteints de maladie de Crohn ou s'il ne s'agit que d'une surinfection secondaire aux lésions provoquées par la maladie.TOURS-BU Sciences Pharmacie (372612104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Penser les relations humains / non-humains : Introduction

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    Overwintering strategy of two weevils infesting three gorse species: when cold hardiness meets plant-insect interactions.

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    International audienceThe cold hardiness of two closely related weevil species, Exapion ulicis and E. lemovicinum was studied in relation to their life cycles. These two seed-eating weevils reproduce on Ulex plant species with different fruiting phenologies. E. ulicis lays eggs in spring and overwinters as an adult while E. lemovicinum lays eggs in autumn and overwinters as a larva. Adult weevils were collected in natural populations of Brittany (Western France) and characterized with morphological and molecular tools before experiments. We showed that both weevil species exhibited low supercooling points (SCPs) with mean seasonal values below -17°C. Fresh mass, moisture content and sex were not correlated to supercooling ability. Weevils died upon freezing and the lower lethal temperatures (LLT) were within the range of SCP, indicating that both species are freezing intolerant. Comparison between species for SCP, LLT and survival to exposure at -8°C in winter showed a higher cold resistance for E. ulicis than for E. lemovicinum. In addition, the seasonal evolution of cold hardiness differed depending on the species. These features suggest that response to cold of weevils is linked to their life cycles, and thus to the life history of their host plants

    Breeding system of the subantarctic plant species Pringlea antiscorbutica R. Br. And search for potential insect pollinators in the Kerguelen Islands

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    International audienceThe reproductive biology of Pringlea antiscorbutica R. Br. (Brassicaceae), an endemic species from the southern Indian Ocean islands, is investigated here. Controlled crosses were performed between plants grown in a common garden on the Kerguelen Islands. Searching for potential insect pollinators, we investigated the flying ability of all insects known from the Kerguelen Islands. We showed evidence for self-compatibility, low pollen limitation in the absence of a biotic pollen vector and slight selfing depression in P. antiscorbutica. The insects present on the islands are mostly wingless and are not likely to be efficient pollinators of this species. Since P. antiscorbutica shows morphological adaptations to insect pollination despite the absence of pollinators in its present range, we conclude that this species recently evolved from insect pollination to wind and/or autonomous pollination
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