26 research outputs found
Pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Usefulness, dan Satisfaction terhadap Continued IT Usage Intention: Expected-Confirmation Model (ECM)
Fundraising activities digitally for various projects are growing in Indonesia, especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic appeared. The psychographics of the Indonesian people who are friendly have made them voluntarily donate to humanitarian activities. Kitabisa.com is one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms in Indonesia for online fundraising. The study’s purpose is to determine the Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Usefulness, and Satisfaction effect on Continued IT Usage Intention on the Kitabisa.com platform. 50 users of the Kitabisa.com platform were used to be a sample and taken using the saturation sampling technique or saturated sampling because of the suitability of the research characteristics. To analyze data, researchers conducted a path analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Based on the study results, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Enjoyment significantly and directly affect satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction significantly influences the Continued IT Usage Intention. Meanwhile, only Perceived Usefulness significantly and indirectly affects the Continued IT Usage Intention through satisfaction. Furthermore, researchers also found that Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Usefulness, and Satisfaction were confirmed able to meet the expectations of users through the confirmation variable
Comparative Analysis between SA-516 Gr 70 Material with SA-537 Class 2 Material in Shell Pressure Vessel Fabrication Process
A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold fluids under pressure, including liquids and gases with varying pressures and temperatures. The pressure exerted on the vessel's walls and body is a critical factor that must be carefully considered to ensure compliance with applicable international design standards and prioritize worker safety and security. This research focused on a pressure vessel to investigate the impact of temperature on shell thickness to meet ASME standards. The study utilized shell components made from SA-516 Gr 70 and SA-537 materials. Experiments were conducted with each material at temperatures of 250°C, 235°C, and 343°C, revealing that thickness varies based on material and temperature. The research findings demonstrate compliance with ASME standards, as the shell thickness in all trials exceeded the minimum specified in the drawings.Bejana tekan adalah wadah yang dirancang untuk menampung cairan bertekanan, termasuk cairan dan gas dengan tekanan dan suhu yang bervariasi. Tekanan yang diberikan pada dinding dan badan bejana merupakan faktor penting yang harus dipertimbangkan secara cermat untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap standar desain internasional yang berlaku dan memprioritaskan keselamatan dan keamanan pekerja. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada bejana tekan untuk menyelidiki dampak suhu terhadap ketebalan cangkang agar memenuhi standar ASME. Penelitian ini menggunakan komponen cangkang yang terbuat dari bahan SA-516 Gr 70 dan SA-537. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan setiap bahan pada suhu 250°C, 235°C, dan 343°C, yang menunjukkan bahwa ketebalan bervariasi berdasarkan bahan dan suhu. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan kepatuhan terhadap standar ASME, karena ketebalan cangkang di semua uji coba melebihi minimum yang ditentukan dalam gambar
Ovarian stimulation protocols (anti-oestrogens, gonadotrophins with and without GnRH agonists/antagonists) for intrauterine insemination (IUI) in women with subfertility
Background Intrauterine insemination (IUI) combined with ovarian hyperstimulation (OH) has been demonstrated to be an effective form of treatment for subfertile couples. Several ovarian stimulation protocols combined with IUI have been proposed, but it is still not clear which stimulation protocol and which dose is the most cost-effective. Objectives To evaluate ovarian stimulation protocols for intrauterine insemination for all indications. Search strategy We searched for all publications which described randomised controlled trials comparing different ovarian stimulation protocols followed by IUI. We searched the Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Group's Central register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). We searched the electronic databases of MEDLINE (January 1966 to present) and EMBASE (1980 to present). Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials only were considered for inclusion in this review. Trials comparing different ovarian stimulation protocols combined with IUI were selected and reviewed in detail. Data collection and analysis Two independent review authors independently assess trial quality and extracted data. Main results Forty three trials involving 3957 women were included. There were 11 comparisons in this review. Pregnancy rates are reported here since results of live birth rates were lacking. Seven studies (n = 556) were pooled comparing gonadotrophins with anti-oestrogens showing significant higher pregnancy rates with gonadotrophins (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.7). Five studies (n = 313) compared anti-oestrogens with aromatase inhibitors reporting no significant difference (OR 1.2 95% CI 0.64 to 2.1). The same could be concluded comparing different types of gonadotrophins (9 studies included, n = 576). Four studies (n = 391) reported the effect of adding a GnRH agonist which did not improve pregnancy rates (OR 0.98 95% CI 0.6 to 1.6), although it resulted in significant higher multiple pregnancy rates (OR 2.9 95% CI 1.0 to 8). Data of three studies (n = 299) showed no convincing evidence of adding a GnRH antagonist to gonadotrophins (OR 1.5 95% CI 0.83 to 2.8). The results of two studies (n = 297) reported no evidence of benefit in doubling the dose of gonadotrophins (OR 1.2 95% 0.67 to 1.9) although the multiple pregnancy rates and OHSS rates were increased. For the remaining five comparisons only one or none studies were included. Authors' conclusions Robust evidence is lacking but based on the available results gonadotrophins might be the most effective drugs when IUI is combined with ovarian hyperstimulation. When gonadotrophins are applied it might be done on a daily basis. When gonadotrophins are used for ovarian stimulation low dose protocols are advised since pregnancy rates do not differ from pregnancy rates which result from high dose regimen, whereas the chances to encounter negative effects from ovarian stimulation such as multiples and OHSS are limited with low dose gonadotrophins. Further research is needed for each comparison made
تعليم مهارة الكلام في معهد نور العلوم مالانج: دراسة تحليلية تقويمية
Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ulum Kebonsari Malang adalah lembaga pendidikan yang amat peduli pada pengajaran Bahasa Arab. Hal ini tampak pada bahan-bahan ajar, terutama pada bahan ajar ilmu-ilmu agama. Namun, tujuan pengajaran Bahasa Arab, khususnya kemahiran berbicara masih sebatas membaca dan memahami buku-buku teks. Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ulum Kebonsari Malang menggunakan buku Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah karangan KH. Bashari Alwi, yang terdiri dari empat buku. Buku satu, dua, dan tiga berisi kemahiran berbicara, sedangkan buku empat berisi kemahiran menulis.
Masalah penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) Bagaimana pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? 2) Apa bahan ajar untuk ketrampilan berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? 3) Apa metode pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? 4) Bagaimana evaluasi pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? 5) Apa relevansi pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang?
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengungkap secara komprehensif hal-hal berikut: 1) pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, 2) Bahan ajar untuk ketrampilan berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, 3) Metode pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, 4) Evaluasi pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, 5) Relevansi pengajaran kemahiran berbicara di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus (case study). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para guru pengajar Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang yang menggunakan kitab Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Tujuan pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang belum jelas dan tidak didasarkan pada teori pengajaran bahasa, 2) Materi pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang sudah memenuhi syarat dengan gradasi pemberian materi dari yang sederhana ke yang lebih komplek, dari yang mudah ke yang sulit. Namun, masih diperlukan penyesuaian materi dengan kondisi riil para pebelajar (siswa). 3) Metode pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang masih tradisional, belum menggunakan metode pengajaran modern yang relevan dengan materi dan siswa,
4) Evaluasi pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang belum tepat. Hal ini tampak pada jenis evaluasi yang belum dilakukan secara lisan untuk evaluasi kemahiran berbicara, 5) Relevansi pengajaran Bahasa Arab di PP. Nurul Ulum Malang relative minim. Hal ini tampak pada minimnya kreatifitas guru dan mengelaborasi kondisi dan kebutuhan siswa dalam pengajaran, terlebih di era modern sekarang yang menuntut adanya ‘student center’ bukan ‘teacher center’.
Atas dasar hasil penelitian, maka disarankan hal-hal berikut. Bagi penulis hendaklah mengkaji ulang muatan materi di kitab Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah, terutama pada kesesuaian materi dengan kondisi riil dan kebutuhan siswa. Bagi pengajar Bahasa Arab, hendaklah merumuskan tujuan yang sesuai dengan kemahiran yang diajarkan sesuai teori yang digunakan. Juga memilih metode dan evaluasi yang sesuai. Bagi kepala pondok, hendaklah memberikan kesempatan yang lebih besar bagi para guru untuk mengembangkan profesionalitasnya dengan memberikan atau mengikutkan pada berbagai pelatihan agar mampu memberikan pengajaran Bahasa Arab yang efektif, inovatif, dan efisien. Bagi peneliti mendatang, hendaklah melakukan penelitian yang lebih detail dengan teknik yang lebih baik yang hasilnya akan bias menyempurnakan temuan dari penelitian ini.
Nurul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Kebonsari Malang education institutions are very concerned about teaching in Arabic. This appears on the materials, especially in the teaching of religious sciences. However, the purpose of teaching Arabic, especially mastery still speak and understand a reading textbooks. Teaching Arabic at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ulum Kebonsari Malang use books Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah essay KH. Bashari Alwi, which consists of four books. Book one, two, three and a mastery speak, while the book contains four conversance writing.
Based on the assumption that talking is the mastery of basic mastery must be hold by students, the research must be done about the use of books Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah.
Research problem as follows: (1) How is teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? (2) What materials for teaching speaking skills using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah in PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? (3) What methods of teaching mastery speak with the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah in PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? (4) How can evaluation of teaching mastery speak with the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang? (5) What is the relevance of teaching mastery speak with the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang?
Research purposes is comprehensively reveal the following: (1) teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang (2) Materials for teaching speaking skills using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang (3) Method of teaching mastery speak with the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah in PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, (4) Evaluation of teaching mastery speak with the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang, (5) Relevance to speak with the mastery of teaching using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang.
This research is a case study research (case study). Population in this research is the teacher of Arabic in the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang who use the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah.
Results of this research are as follows: (1) The purpose of teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang unclear and not based on the theory of language teaching, (2) of teaching material using the Arabic book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang already qualified with the gradation of the material from simple to more complex, from the easy to the difficult. However, adjustments are still needed
with the material conditions of the real pebelajar (students), (3) Method of teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang is still traditional, not to use modern teaching methods that are relevant to the content and students, (4) Evaluation of teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah on the PP. Nurul Ulum Malang not right. This appears on the type of evaluation that has not been made verbally to speak conversance evaluation, (5) The relevance of teaching Arabic using the book Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah in PP. Nurul Ulum Malang relative minimum. This appears to lack the creativity of teachers and elaborated conditions and needs of students in teaching, especially in the modern era is now demanding that the
'student center' not a 'teacher center.
On the basis of research results, it suggested the following. The author should review the material in the book of cargo Madarij ad Durus al Arabiyyah, especially on the suitability of the material with the real conditions and needs of students. For Arabic teachers, should formulate objectives in accordance with the mastery of the theory taught appropriate use. Also choose the methods and the appropriate evaluation. For the huts, which should provide greater opportunity for teachers to develop profesionalitasnya with or include in a variety of training to be able to provide teaching Arabic effective, innovative, and efficient. For future researchers should conduct more detailed research of the techniques that better results will be biased to refine the findings from this research
Ergonomic analysis through good manufacturing practice (gmp) training (case: Binjai MSME)
The work environment is one of the most important factors in production. In this paper, a study was conducted on the work environment in MSMEs to determine the safety and health of the work environment in producing products. Specifically, the study was conducted to see the deviation in the application of GMP in MSME. The subjects were 30 MSMEs involved in the research from Binjai Municipalities. This study uses a qualitative analysis method that aims to evaluate the level of application of 14 aspects of GMP and find out the understanding of MSMEs on aspects of GMP. The analysis results show that the types of products with the most considerable deviations from the GMP aspect are Bakery Products and Ready-to-Eat Snacks MSMEs. However, overall, the most urgent aspects to improve are Aspect Process control and Production Location and Environment. The deviation results can reach 100%, indicating that GMP implementation is lacking or does not apply GMP