12 research outputs found

    Metal Art in Anatolia (7Th Cent. Bc.-4Th Cent. Ad)

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    DergiPark: 326337trakyasobedThe gold, silver, copper, iron and lead ones were mined in Anatolia in the early periods. The main row material necessary for manufacture in metal workshops was metal. Metal would be supplied as ingots, most often imported of copper, tin, lead and other metals. On the basis of ownership of property, workshops may be classified as private, owned by the state and owned by a temple. From the point of view of seasonality of activity, settled locality and distribution of production the following types of workshops may be distinguished; 1) those working without interruption in a town or large settlement, oriented to mass consumption, but including workshops fulfilling small orders, 2) temporary workshops, 3) travelling workshops. The increase of serial production in Hellenistic metalworking and thus the further division of labour within workshops is shown by the casting of separate details- arms, legs, drapery- of bronze statuettes. The craftsmen of different origins worked together in such workshops. These workshops did not drop their links with their mother cities. They also met the demand of the barbarian hinterland for Greek luxury bronze vessels, like those found in Celtic, Thracian and Scythian tumuli. In the Hellenistic period remarkable metalworking schools emerged on the periphery of the Greek world, combining styles and techniques borrowed from Greek Hellenistic, Near Eastern and even Central Asian artMÖ. 7. yy ile MS. 4. yy arasındaki dönemde Anadolu’da altın, gümüş, bakır, demir ve kurşun yatakları işletilmiştir. Bunların bir kısmı Bizans ve Osmanlı devirlerinde de kullanılmıştır. Maden işleme atölyeleri erken devirlerden itibaren kent içinde kurulmaya başlanmış ancak yangın ve duman tehlikesi nedeniyle sonraları kent dışına taşınmıştır. Atölyeler devlet, tapınak ve özel mülkiyet tarafından yönetiliyordu. Ayrıca geçici ve gezici atölyeler de vardı. Uşak müzesinde sergilenen “Lydia Hazinesi” olarak isimlendirilen Uşak-Güre yöresi Tümülüs buluntuları, MÖ. 7.-6. yy.larda Gediz vadisinde yöresel atölyelerin varlığını gösterir. Büyük İskender’in ölümünden sonra Doğu’da bağımsız devletler kuruldu. Bu devletlerin önemli kentlerinde yöresel ustalar ile Hellen ustalar, heykeltıraşlar, dökümcüler birlikte çalıştı, maden sanat okulları kurdular. Hellenistik, Yakındoğu ve Orta Asya sanatının karışımı bir üslup ortaya çıkardılar. Geometrik devirde bronzdan küçük insan ve hayvan figürleri yapılır. MÖ. 7. yy’da kuros(çıplak erkek), MÖ.6.yy sonunda ise kore(giyimli kadın) heykelcikleri adak ve süs eşyası olarak kullanılmaya başlandı. Roma döneminde ordular sayesinde bronz döküm heykelcikler geniş bir alana yayıldı. Ayrıca günlük kullanım eşyası, kandiller, masa ayakları, insan ve hayvan heykelcikleri Roma eyaletlerinde çok kullanıldı. MS. 4. yy’da Büyük Konstantin zamanında hıristiyanlık yaygınlaşır. Yöresel özellikler, Doğu etkileri ve dini öğeler birleşir. Dökümler resmi ve dini atölyelerde yaygınlaşmaya devam ederle

    Tuzla civarındaki adalarda yapılan araştırmalar

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 180-MimariUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Profile of type 2 diabetic patients referred to electroneurography laboratory = Elektronörografi laboratuvarına yönlendirilen tip 2 diyabet hastalarının profili

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess the presence of minor complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) referred to electroneurography (ENG) laboratory for evaluation of neuropathy. In addition, the relationship between duration of disease, electrophysiologic findings, neurological examination findings, plasma glycated hemoglobin A1C levels, glucose levels and microvascular complications were examined. Materials and Methods: One hundred seventy patients with type 2 diabetes were included. Age, gender, duration of disease, results of ophthalmological examinations, neuropathic complaints, electrophysiological examination results, neurological examination findings and laboratory examination results including blood glucose and A1C levels, presence of albuminuria were recorded retrospectively. Results: Abnormal ENG findings were found in one hundred forty patients (82.4%). In all patients, the rate of retinopathy was 34.1% and the rate of albuminuria was 19.4%. The rate of polyneuropathy (PNP(was 78.2% in patients with abnormal neurologic examination. Neuropathic complaints and PNP were found to be related with the presence of retinopathy. The rate of retinopathy was higher in patients with albuminuria. Significant relationship was found between disease duration and retinopathy, PNP and neuropathic complaints. Conclusions: This study emphasizes that detailed history, neurological and ophthalmological examinations are easy, cost-effective and reliable examinations in follow-up of type 2 diabetics. ENG examination, which needs time and money, should be done in asymptomatic cases or for differential diagnosis of neuropathies with clues not related with diabetic neuropathy

    Profile of type 2 diabetic patients referred to electroneurography laboratory [Elektronörografi laboratuvarına yönlendirilen tip 2 diyabet hastalarının profili]

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess the presence of minor complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) referred to electroneurography (ENG) laboratory for evaluation of neuropathy. In addition, the relationship between duration of disease, electrophysiologic findings, neurological examination findings, plasma glycated hemoglobin A1C levels, glucose levels and microvascular complications were examined. Materials and Methods: One hundred seventy patients with type 2 diabetes were included. Age, gender, duration of disease, results of ophthalmological examinations, neuropathic complaints, electrophysiological examination results, neurological examination findings and laboratory examination results including blood glucose and A1C levels, presence of albuminuria were recorded retrospectively. Results: Abnormal ENG findings were found in one hundred forty patients (82.4%). In all patients, the rate of retinopathy was 34.1% and the rate of albuminuria was 19.4%. The rate of polyneuropathy (PNP(was 78.2% in patients with abnormal neurologic examination. Neuropathic complaints and PNP were found to be related with the presence of retinopathy. The rate of retinopathy was higher in patients with albuminuria. Significant relationship was found between disease duration and retinopathy, PNP and neuropathic complaints. Conclusions: This study emphasizes that detailed history, neurological and ophthalmological examinations are easy, cost-effective and reliable examinations in follow-up of type 2 diabetics. ENG examination, which needs time and money, should be done in asymptomatic cases or for differential diagnosis of neuropathies with clues not related with diabetic neuropathy

    Double inversion recovery sequence in temporal lobe epilepsy: Preliminary results

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    AMAÇ:DIR (double inversion recovery), çift inversiyon pulsu uygulanarak FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery) ve STIR (short time inversion recovery) sekansları nın hibrid özelliklerinin elde edildiği bir sekanstır. T2 kontrastı düşük lezyonlarda yüksek duyarlılık gösterdiği iddia edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, temporal lob epilepsisi olan hastalarda mezial temporal skleroz ve diğer temporal lob lezyonlarının görüntülemesinde DIR sekansının konvansiyonel sekanslardan üstün olacağı hipotezini araştırmaktı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Temporal lob epilepsisi ön tanılı 33 olgunun ve MRG incelemelerinde anormallik saptanmayan 10 sağlıklı deneğin hipokampüs ve temporal lobları koronal planda DIR, FLAIR ve T2A sekansları ile incelendi. Epilepsi olgularında genel lezyon varlığı, hipokampal lezyon seçilebilirliği, temporal boynuz dilatasyonu ve artefaktlara yönelik kalitatif, normal deneklerde ise hipokampal ve beyaz cevhere ait sinyal gürültü oranı, hipokampüs-beyaz cevher kontrast-gürültü oranına yönelik kantitatif değerlendirmeler yapıldı. Değerlendirmeler için 3 ya da 4 puanlı ölçekler kullanıldı. BULGULAR T2A sekansta sinyal gürültü oranı ölçümleri ve DIR sekansta kontrast-gürültü oranı ölçümleri diğer sekanslara oranla daha yüksek idi. Yedi hastada MTS ile uyumlu bulgular, dört hastada kronik infarkt sekeli ve iki hastada kitle vardı. DIR sekansı, beyin omurilik sıvısı artefaktları nedeniyle hipokampüs atrofisine az duyarlı idi. Genel lezyon varlığı ve hipokampal lezyon seçilebilirliği, her üç sekans için birbirine benzer olmasına karşın, en yüksek skorlar DIR sekansta izlendi. Ancak, DIR sekansında, genel lezyon varlığı skorları mezial temporal skleroz benzeri lezyonlar ve solid kitleler için en yüksek iken kistik lezyonlar için en düşük idi. Ancak mezial temporal skleroz ile uyumlu lezyonlarda ve solid kitlelerde lezyon kontrastı DIR sekans için en yüksek iken kistik lezyonlarda ise en düşüktü. SONUÇ DIR sekansı, artefaktlarından kaynaklanan olumsuzluklara karşın, mezial temporal skleroz benzeri hipokampal lezyonlara çok duyarlı bir sekanstır. Temporal lop epilepsisi olgularında diğer konvansiyonel sekanslarda atrofinin eşlik etmediği şüpheli mezial temporal skleroz lezyonu varsa, ek olarak DIR sekans kullanılabilir.PURPOSE: DIR (double inversion recovery) is a sequence with the hybrid contrast of both FLAIR and STIR sequences, produced by the application of double inversion recovery pulse. It has been suggested that DIR provides high sensitivity to lesions with low T2 contrast. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that DIR sequence is superior to conventional sequences in the identification of mesial temporal sclerosis and other temporal lobe lesions in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-three subjects with a prediagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy and ten healthy control subjects with no abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging studies have been studied with DIR, FLAIR and T2W sequences. Coronal images through temporal lobes and hippocampus were acquired. Qualitatively, overall sensitivity to the presence of lesions, hippocampal lesion detectability, temporal horn dilatation and artifacts were evaluated in temporal lobe epilepsy cases and quantitatively, hippocampal and white matter signal-to-noise ratio as well as hippocampus-white matter contrast-to-noise ratio were calculated in the healthy subjects. Subjective scores were graded on a scale of 3 or 4 points. RESULTS: Signal-to-noise ratio scores were higher on T2W sequence, however contrast-to-noise ratio scores were higher on DIR sequence compared to the other two sequences. Imaging findings were compatible with mesial temporal sclerosis in seven patients, tumoral mass in two, and chronic infarct in four. DIR sequence was less sensitive to hippocampal atrophy than the other two sequences because of cerebrospinal fluid artifacts. Overall sensitivity to the presence of lesions and hippocampal lesion detectability scores, although similar among three sequences, were highest with DIR sequence. However, lesion sensitivity scores were highest for lesions compatible with mesial temporal sclerosis and for solid masses and lowest for cystic lesions on DIR sequence. CONCLUSION: Despite the presence of artifacts, DIR is a sequence providing high sensitivity to mesial temporal sclerosis like lesions at hippocampus. DIR might be useful as an additional sequence when the other conventional sequences reveal a suspicious lesion with no accompanying hippocampal atrophy

    Double inversion recovery sequence in temporal lobe epilepsy: preliminary results [Temporal lob epilepsisinde "double inversion recovery" sekansi: ön sonuçlar.]

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    PURPOSE: DIR (double inversion recovery) is a sequence with the hybrid contrast of both FLAIR and STIR sequences, produced by the application of double inversion recovery pulse. It has been suggested that DIR provides high sensitivity to lesions with low T2 contrast. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that DIR sequence is superior to conventional sequences in the identification of mesial temporal sclerosis and other temporal lobe lesions in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-three subjects with a prediagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy and ten healthy control subjects with no abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging studies have been studied with DIR, FLAIR and T2W sequences. Coronal images through temporal lobes and hippocampus were acquired. Qualitatively, overall sensitivity to the presence of lesions, hippocampal lesion detectability, temporal horn dilatation and artifacts were evaluated in temporal lobe epilepsy cases and quantitatively, hippocampal and white matter signal-to-noise ratio as well as hippocampus-white matter contrast-to-noise ratio were calculated in the healthy subjects. Subjective scores were graded on a scale of 3 or 4 points. RESULTS: Signal-to-noise ratio scores were higher on T2W sequence, however contrast-to-noise ratio scores were higher on DIR sequence compared to the other two sequences. Imaging findings were compatible with mesial temporal sclerosis in seven patients, tumoral mass in two, and chronic infarct in four. DIR sequence was less sensitive to hippocampal atrophy than the other two sequences because of cerebrospinal fluid artifacts. Overall sensitivity to the presence of lesions and hippocampal lesion detectability scores, although similar among three sequences, were highest with DIR sequence. However, lesion sensitivity scores were highest for lesions compatible with mesial temporal sclerosis and for solid masses and lowest for cystic lesions on DIR sequence. CONCLUSION: Despite the presence of artifacts, DIR is a sequence providing high sensitivity to mesial temporal sclerosis like lesions at hippocampus. DIR might be useful as an additional sequence when the other conventional sequences reveal a suspicious lesion with no accompanying hippocampal atrophy

    Görüntü İşleme Teknikleri İle Filyos Manyetik Anomali Haritasından Çizgiselliklerin Saptanması

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    Bu çalışmada, manyetik anomali haritalarına, olası yeraltı yapı kenarlarının saptanabilmesi için Hough donüşüm algoritması uygulanmıştır. Yöntem, yatay türev temelli bir kenar saptama algoritması olarak kullanılmıştır. Algoritma, hızlı sonuçlar üretebilen basit filtre işlemleri üzerine dayandırılmıştır. İlk olarak, yapay manyetik görüntüler üzerinde uygulamalar yapılmış ve tatmin edici sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. İkinci olarak, Zonguldak ili, Çaycuma ilçesine bağlı Filyos Beldesi’ndeki Antik Teion-Billaos kenti olarak bilinen arkeolojik alanda alınan toplam manyetik ölçümler kullanılarak olası yapı duvarlar ve yollar saptanmıştır. Sonuçta, yöntemin çizgiselliklerin saptanmasındaki performans ve davranışı incelenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Yatay türev, Hough dönüşümü, Kenar saptama, Manyetik görüntü, Çizgisellik, Filyos, Türkiye