493 research outputs found

    Rawan Atari - The Influence of Multi-Sensory Environment on Physiological Response in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Children with Special Health Care Needs

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    A research study based on the sensory integration theory was conducted to examine the effects of multi-sensory environment (MSE) on physiological arousal in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and special health care needs. Adapted environments may serve as a mechanism to treat anxiety levels in a population of children who experience more severe generalized anxiety symptoms than typically developing children. The sample consisted of children with community-based diagnoses of ASD and children with special health care needs, primarily children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) from the Milwaukee Center for Independence (MCFI). Treatment for the autism sample was carried out by a trained MCFI staff member and treatment for children with special health care needs was carried out by a trained physical therapist. Electrodermal response was used as a measure to detect the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system. The measurement of electrodermal activity was recorded by a wireless bracelet device that recorded the skin conductance level of the participant prior to entering the sensory room, during treatment in the sensory room, and after exiting the sensory room. Results indicated increased arousal in children with CP, as sensory stimulation was the main goal of physical therapists. Results for the autism sample varied by participant and indicated that treatment needs to be individualized for optimal benefits. Findings support the use of MSE as an alternative technique to improve therapeutic opportunities for children with cerebral palsy by stimulating sensations that are otherwise generally dormant.https://epublications.marquette.edu/mcnair_2014/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Brief Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Scale (BEPSS); Development of a New Practical Instrument

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    Introduction: Methodologically correct assessment of patient satisfaction (PS) plays a crucial role for quality-improvement purposes. Evaluation of Iranian literature on emergency department’s PS resulted in an emerging need for developing a new instrument with satisfactory psychometric properties. The present study, aimed to develop and initially validate a scale to measure PS in emergency departments. Methods: A sample of 301 patients was selected in 2014 from two hospitals in Tehran. A pool of 24 items was prepared for administering. An item analysis was conducted to evaluate the quality of each item. Validity and reliability of the scale were evaluated. The data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis yielded in a 20-item scale in five domains named emergency department staff, emergency department environment, physician care satisfaction, general patient satisfaction, and patient’s family’s satisfaction. Validity and factor structure of the scale were reported satisfactory. Reliability coefficients of the domains ranged between 0.75 and 0.88. Conclusion: The findings of the present study provided evidence for psychometric properties of a newly developed scale for PS assessment in emergency departments. Five underlying components of PS were found in the item pool. In sum, this scale may be used in research and emergency departments to measure PS

    The Impact of Ethnic Identity on Psychological Well-being and Perceived Discrimination among Arab Americans

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    The current study intended to expand upon psychological research on the Arab American community, which has faced increased discrimination since 9/11 and recent ISIS-related terrorist attacks. Since perceived discrimination has been associated with greater psychological distress among Arab Americans, it is important to determine whether any protective factors are available for this community. In a sample of Arab Americans, the relationship between perceived discrimination and aspects of psychological well-being (i.e., self-esteem, flourishing, and satisfaction with life) were examined in order to gain a better overall picture of Arab American mental health. Because ethnic identity has been recognized as a protective factor against discrimination for other minority groups, it was examined as such for the current sample. Ethnic identity exploration, resolution, and affirmation were studied in relation to psychological well-being, and ethnic identity was studied as a moderator between perceived discrimination and psychological well-being. A recent typology created by Umaña-Taylor, Yazedjian, and Bámaca-Gómez (2004) was used to classify participants into ethnic identity clusters based on degrees of exploration, resolution, and affirmation. The sample comprised 156 self-identified Arab Americans living in the United States who were at least 18 years of age. Results from multiple regression analyses demonstrated that perceived discrimination was negatively related to self-esteem and flourishing. Ethnic identity exploration was not significantly related to psychological well-being. However, ethnic identity resolution and affirmation were significantly, positively related to self-esteem, flourishing, and satisfaction with life. Ethnic identity affirmation appeared to be a moderator by mitigating the impact of perceived discrimination on flourishing. Based on Umaña-Taylor and colleagues’ (2003) typology, four ethnic identity clusters emerged using a hierarchal cluster analysis, and participants fell into one of the following: (a) Achieved Positive, (b) Diffuse Positive, (c) Moratorium Positive, and (d) Diffuse Negative. Findings are generally consistent with previous research among various minority groups, as well as Erikson’s (1968) theory and Tajfel’s (1981) theory. However, the current study suggests that it may be ethnic identity affirmation that serves as protective factor against discrimination, rather than ethnic identity exploration or resolution. Therefore, future studies are encouraged to study the components of ethnic identity independently of one another


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep di SDN 1 Cikidang pada pembelajaran IPA materi gaya dengan menggunakan metode Quantum Learning, penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena pembelajaran IPA di SDN 1 Cikidang belum terlihat adanya penguasaan konsep yang dilaksanakan selama pembelajaran, sehingga penguasaan konsep IPA di SDN 1 Cikidang masih sangat kurang. Oleh karena itu dirumuskan permasalahan dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini yaitu bagaimana pelaksananaan pembelajaran IPA materi gaya dengan menggunakan metode Quantum Learning, dan bagaimana peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada pembelajaran IPA materi gaya dikelas V dengan menerapkan metode Quantum Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengungkap pelaksanaan model Quantum Learning dalam meningkatkan penguasaan konsep pada pembelajaran IPA materi gaya, (2). mengungkap peningkatan penguasaan konsep setelah meperapan metode Quantum Learning. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan penelitian tindakan kelas, adapun model penelitian menggunakan model Kemmis and Mc.Taggart yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penggumpulan observasi aktivitas guru, observasi aktivitas siswa, soal tes evaluasi penguasaan konsep. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatkan penguasaan konsep pada setiap siklus dengan menerapan metode Quantum Learning. Berdasarkan temuan disarankan, bagi setiap guru yang akan menggunakan metode Quantum Learning dalam meningkatkan penguasaan konsep, agar benar-benar mempersiapkan alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan saat kegiatan pembelajaran, terutama saat pembelajaran praktikum. Kata kunci: Metode Quantum Leaning, Penguasaan Konsep pada pembelajaran IP

    DINAMIKA SOSIAL PEKERJA ANAK DI SEKTOR TAMBANG TIMAH ILEGAL BELITUNG (Studi Kasus tentang Pekerja Anak Di Sektor Tambang Timah Ilegal Desa Lintang Belitung)

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    i ABSTRAK Pekerja anak adalah sebuah istilah untuk mempekerjakan anak kecil. Istilah pekerja anak dapat memiliki konotasi pengeksploitasian anak kecil atas tenaga mereka, dengan gaji yang kecil atau pertimbangan bagi perkembangan kepribadian mereka, keamanannya, kesehatan, dan prospek masa depan. Meskipun ada beberapa anak yang mengatakan dia ingin bekerja (karena bayarannya yang menarik atau karena anak tersebut tidak suka sekolah), hal tersebut tetap merupakan hal yang tidak diinginkan karena tidak menjamin masa depan anak tersebut. Pekerja anak di sektor tambang timah ilegal, dalam kehidupannya mereka tidak ada yang sempat menikmati keindahan masa kanak kanak, mendapat kesempatan bermain atau pendidikan dan kehidupan yang wajar. Mereka harus bekerja karena menjadi tempat bergantung keluarga. Penelitian ini berjudul “Dinamika Sosial Pekerja Anak Di Sektor Tambang Timah Ilegal Belitung” memiliki tujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika sosial pekerja anak di sektor tambang timah ilegal Belitung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis metode studi kasus. Data yang dihasilkan diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam bersama informan yaitu, delapan pekerja anak dua diantaranya yang tercatat tidak bersekolah dan pengamatan di lapangan secara langsung. Kesimpulan dari penelitian tentang dinamika sosial pekerja anak dapat di ketahui bahwa dinamika sosial pekerja anak dalam mengendalikan dan mengatur pola-pola berpikirnya sudah mampu untuk berpikir tentang kehidupan yang mereka hadapi. Dinamika sosial pekerja anak dalam mengendalikan dan mengatur pola-pola merasakannya, pekerja anak sudah mampu memaknai apa yang benar dan apa yang salah, apa yang penting dan yang tidak penting, dan apa yang harus di lakukan dan yang tidak harus di lakukannya. Dinamika sosial pekerja anak dalam memaknai pola-pola menilai sudah cukup baik dan dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan yang tidak baik. Dinamika pekerja anak dalam mengendalikan pola-pola bertindak adalah sudah mampu membuat keputusan keputusan dan pilihan-pilihan terbaik di dalam kehidupan mereka


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    The purpose of this study was to explore working single mothers’ work-life balance in order to better understand how employers can assist them. Role theory, role conflict theory, and spillover theory were utilized to examine how working single mothers experience work-life balance and how they perceive it. In this study, the researcher sought to discover, analyze, and report work-life balance experiences of working single mothers through extended narrative accounts, which answer the following research questions: 1. In what ways do working single mothers strive to attain work-life balance? 2. What challenges do working single mothers encounter that affect their ability to obtain work-life balance? 3. How do working single mothers believe their employers’ policies, practices, and attitudes impact their ability to balance work and family responsibilities? Narrative inquiry was the best research approach for this study because it allowed the individuals to narrate their own stories. The methods of collecting data for this study consisted of a basic demographic questionnaire and in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The data analysis revealed four main themes and several subthemes highlighting the strategies, challenges, and employers’ contributions to the work-life balance of working single mothers

    Bridging the digital divide: young people's perspectives on taking action

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    Marginalised young people really do care about political and social issues, but that their day-to-day experiences often make it difficult for them to take action to create change in their communities, according to the findings of this report. "Taking action" means something quite different to marginalised young people, compared with traditional definitions of social and political participation. The research found that some of the barriers to participating in social and political action included not knowing how to take action, the attitudes of others and their own personal circumstances and characteristics. For those most marginalised, issues such as safety, personal security and health were paramount. The research involved focus groups with young people, as well as in-depth interviews with service providers, across Victoria. It explored how young people from a diverse range of backgrounds feel about participating in political and social action. This report is the second in a series of four that explores the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and its role in improving the mental health of young people who experience or who are at risk of experiencing social, cultural or economic marginalisation

    Polymeric Nanocomposite Structures Based on Functionalized Graphene with Tunable Properties for Nervous Tissue Replacement

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    Electroconductive scaffolds can be a promising approach to repair conductive tissues when natural healing fails. Recently, nerve tissue engineering constructs have been widely investigated due to the challenges in creating a structure with optimized physiochemical and mechanical properties close to the native tissue. The goal of the current study was to fabricate graphene-containing polycaprolactone/gelatin/polypyrrole (PCL/gelatin/PPy) and polycaprolactone/polyglycerol-sebacate/polypyrrole (PCL/PGS/PPy) with intrinsic electrical properties through an electrospinning process. The effect of graphene on the properties of PCL/gelatin/PPy and PCL/PGS/PPy were investigated. Results demonstrated that graphene incorporation remarkably modulated the physical and mechanical properties of the scaffolds such that the electrical conductivity increased from 0.1 to 3.9 ± 0.3 S m–1 (from 0 to 3 wt % graphene) and toughness was found to be 76 MPa (PCL/gelatin/PPy 3 wt % graphene) and 143.4 MPa (PCL/PGS/PPy 3 wt % graphene). Also, the elastic moduli of the scaffolds with 0, 1, and 2 wt % graphene were reported as 210, 300, and 340 kPa in the PCL/gelatin/PPy system and 72, 85, and 92 kPa for the PCL/PGS/PPy system. A cell viability study demonstrated the noncytotoxic nature of the resultant scaffolds. The sum of the results presented in this study suggests that both PCL/gelatin/PPy/graphene and PCL/PGS/PPy/graphene compositions could be promising biomaterials for a range of conductive tissue replacement or regeneration applications
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