195 research outputs found

    Landscapes of high mountains of the Northeast Caucasus

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    The work analyses the appropriateness of the Northeast Caucasus landscapes spatial differentiation, the peculiarities of their geographical spreading are revealed, the landscape variety estimation is give

    «Integration Preconditions of Power Supply Systems of Russia and the Ukraine: Geographical Aspect»

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    In this article the author considered spatial aspects of opportunities of integration of power industry of Russia and the Ukraine into the Euro-Asian power supply system. The sector review of spatial preconditions for branch integration is also carried out.Атаев З.А., д.геог.н., доц., проф. кафедры энергетики, проректор по научной работе НОУ ВПО «Современный технический институт» (Россия, г. Рязань

    Small Enclosed Diesel Generator with a Multifunctional Brushless Exciter and Nanostructured Insulating Materials Used

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    AbstractThe design and ventilation system features of a small enclosed diesel generator with a multi-functional brushless exciter suitable for application under extreme environmental service conditions as well as the results of the generator ventilation system calculation and the thermal stability analysis are presented in the paper

    Zekeriyya el-Ensari’nin Fethu’l-Vehhab Bişerhi Menheci’t-Tullâb Adlı Kitabının Kitabu’l-Bûyû’dan Kitabu’l-Ferâiz’e Kadar Olan Kısmının Tahkiki

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    Bu tez, Şeyhülislam Zekeriya el-Ensari’nin şafi fıkhında telif ettiği Fethu’l-Vehhab bi Şerh-i Menheci’t-Tullab adlı kitabından bir bölümün incelenmesini ve tahkikini içermektedir. Tahkiki yapılan kısım Kitabu’l-Bey’den başlayıp Cuâle Kitabının sonuna kadar devam eden bölümdür. Zekeriya el-Ensari son dönem Şafii fakihlerinin önde gelenlerinden biri olup, Şeyhülislam unvanını elde etmiştir. Şafi mezhebinin ikinci tenkıh/ayıklama ameliyesini yapanlardandır. Fıkhi hükümlerin naklinde güvenilir şahsiyetlerinden biridir. Kitapları mezhepte en mutemed kaynaklardandır. Bu çalışmama önce araştırmanın önemini, bu eseri seçme nedenini, araştırmanın planını, yöntemini, Şeyhülislam’ın biyografisini, ismini, nesebini, doğumunu, yetişmesini, ilmi talep etmesini, hocalarını, talebelerini, üstlendiği ilmi makamları, vefatını ve eserlerini ihtiva eden bir mukaddime ile başladım. Ayrıca Fethu’l-Vehhab’ın aslı olan el-Minhac sahibi İmam Nevevi’den de söz ettim. Sonra çalışmamı iki kısma ayırdım. Birinci kısımda Fethu’l-Vehhab kitabından, onun isminin belgelenmesinden, müellife nispet edilmesinden, ulemanı bu kitaba verdikleri değerden bahsettim. Bunun yanında elimin altında bulunan ve tahkikte dayandığım yazma nüshalarını da tanıttım. İkinci kısımda ise tahkikini yaptığım metni tanıttım. Metin, eserin Kitabu’l-Buyu’ bölümünün tamamını içermektedir. Eser, on iki kitap, on üç bap ve otuz sekiz fasıldan oluşmaktadır.This thesis has included Studying and editing a section of the book of Fath al Wahhāb bi Sharh Manhaj al-Tullāb in the Shafiī School of Law by Shaiẖ al-Islām Zakariā al-Ansārī (died 926 A.H approximately 1519\1520 A.D).The edited section has included the entire segment of the Book of sales and trades starting from the Book of sales until the end of the book of Allowance and wages. Zakariā al-Ansārī was one of the late luminaries in the Shafiī School of Law who gained the title of Shaiẖ al-Islām. He was also one of the scholars who participated in the second revision in the Shafiī School of Law and was one of the accredited scholars in conveying Juristic laws; moreover, his books were one of most important sources in this school of law. What I did in this thesis included also writing an introduction talking about the importance of editing the heritage, the reasons behind choosing this book, the research plan, the editing method, writing a biography of Shaiẖ al-Islām; his name, date of birth, his education and growth, his teachers and students, the positions that he occupied, the date of his death and his books. I also talked about the life of Imām al-Nawawī; the writer of the book al-Minhāj which is the origin of Fath al Wahhāb. After that I divided the body of the thesis into two parts, in the first part, I talked about the book of Fath al Wahhābl; authentication of the name of the book, the attribution of this book to his author, the importance of this book, the scholars’ interests in this book, and describing the written manuscripts which I had and I used to edit this book

    High-mountain Ridges of the Eastern Caucasus

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    The article thoroughly analyses the major orographical elements of Eastern Caucasian highlands described during author’s multiyear field studie

    Hard- and software problems of spaced meteor observations by optical electronics

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    An optical electronic facility is being used for meteor observations along with meteor radars and astronomical TV. The main parts of the facility are cameras using UM-92 optical electronic image tubes. The three cascade optical electronic image tube with magnetic focusing has a 40 mm cathode and resolution in the center of up to 30 pairs of lines/mm. The photocathode is of a multislit S-20 type. For meteor spectra observations, replica gratings of 200 and 300 lines/mm are used as the dispersive element


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    The cooling systems for semiconductor integrated circuits with high degree of integration of microelectronic circuits and electronic devices with high density thermal power based on dielectric fluid and heat pipes are proposed.Предложены системы охлаждения полупроводниковых интегральных схем с высокой степенью интеграции и микроэлектронных схем с высокой плотностью выделяемой тепловой мощности на основе диэлектрической жидкости и тепловых труб

    Research of the rotor end winding ventilation ducts effect on the thermal state of enclosed synchronous generator

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    В данной статье рассматривается влияние вентиляционных каналов в торцевых частях обмотки возбуждения генератора на общий среднеобъемный перегрев обмотки возбуждения относительно поступающего в межполюсное пространство воздуха с помощью численного моделирования в пакете ANSYS.In this paper the number and size effect of the end rotor winding ventilation ducts in synchronous generator SG-60 on volume average winding temperature rise over the inflow air using numerical modeling approach in ANSYS is considered

    Theoretical foundations of improvement of business processes of organization

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    The article dwells on the Business - process: concept, essence, classificatio

    Theoretical foundations of improvement of business processes of organization

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    The article dwells on the Business - process: concept, essence, classificatio