409 research outputs found

    Uji Efektivitas Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Etanol Daun Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Penyebab Jerawat Propionibacterium acnes Secara In Vitro

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    Cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) merupakan salah satu bumbu dasar untuk penyedap rasa masakan, umumnya berwarna merah menyala atau hijau tua. Selain buahnya digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur, daun dari cabai rawit juga berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri. Kandungan senyawa daun cabai rawit yang diduga berperan sebagai antibakteri adalah golongan senyawa flavonoid, glikosida, saponin dan terpenoid. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi kemudian ekstrak daun cabai rawit diformulasikan dalam bentuk sediaan gel dengan varian konsentrasi ekstrak. Pengujian stabilitas gel dilakukan dengan metode stress condition meliputi uji organoleptik, homogenitas, daya sebar, pH dan viskositas. Penentuan efektivitas gel ekstrak etanol daun cabai rawit dilakukan dengan teknik sumur. Hasil uji stabilitas menujukkan gel memenuhi kriteria sediaan semisolid yang baik dari segi parameter organoleptik, homogenitas, daya sebar, pH dan viskositas kecuali utuk F I tidak memenuhi kriteria dari segi viskositas. Zona hambat yang diperoleh dari pengujian efektivitas gel terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Propionibacterium acnes penyebab jerawat yaitu F I (20%) = 11,2 mm; F II (25%) = 12 mm; F III (30%) = 13mm dan kontol (+) Medi-Klin ®gel mengandung 1,2% Klindamisin posfat = 25,2 mm

    Numerical simulation of the 1996 Toli-Toli tsunami and the 2000 peleng tsunami central of Celebes with single fault model

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    Central of Celebes is a seismic active region caused close to the triple junction between the Eurasian, Indo-Australian, and Pacific/Philippine plates. This region has high seismicity which dominated by shallow earthquake. This condition can be a trigger to generate an earthquake with tsunami potentially. The purpose of this study are to make model of Toli-Toli and Peleng tsunami source, its tsunami propagation and identify its run up at some point. In this study, we use two study cases. There are the 1996 Toli-Toli tsunami which located in Celebes Sea caused by activity of Palu Koro active fault which intersect with convergent boundaries of two tectonic plates, Philiphina Plate and Eurasian Plate and the 2000 Peleng tsunami which occur because of Batui Thrust which activated by Sorong Fault in East Celebes. This study use earthquake source parameter from Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) catalog. We use single fault model to describe the source. While to get tsunami propagation and run up we use bathymetry data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to see tsunami propagation and its run up at some point which may be get maximum height. All of data were treated by using tsunami simulation program from Mamoru Nakamura with finite difference method. The simulation run up of Toli-Toli tsunami get the highest in South Dampal with height about 4 m, while for Peleng tsunami simulation, Bangkalan Island get the highest with height about 2.67 m. The simulation result from run up Toli-Toli tsunami indicate similarity with visual estimate but for simulation of Peleng tsunami, there are different with visual estimate result. It is caused by the morphology of the Peleng island which going constriction relatively, so energy can be amplified, easily therefore visual estimate can be different with our simulation

    Identifikasi Pola Sebaran Intrusi Batuan Bawah Permukaan Menggunakan Metode Geomagnet di Sungai Jenelata Kabupaten Gowa

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    This research has been conducted using geomagnetic method at Jenelata River, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study is to identify subsurface geological structure of the study area. The number of measurement points as much as 248 points with area 70 × 300 meters. The process of data acquisition using a magnetometer. Data processing was carried out with the diurnal correction and IGRF correction and using filter upward continuation. Modelling conducted using forward modeling using the software Mag2DC. The total magnetic field ranges from 42,456 to 43,111.6 nT. Based on a qualitative interpretation obtain local magnetic anomaly contour variations values between -320 to 240 nT. While the quantitative interpretation indicates basalt rocks with susceptibility values to SI, which breached pyroclastic rocks with susceptibility values to SI, in the form of dyke

    Poverty Condition of Lipa’ Saqbe Mandar Weavers: Initial Findings from Agriculture Area of West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Lipa' Saqbe Mandar (or just called Lipa' saqbe) is an unique culture of Mandar ethnic, it is still preserved today, because the Mandar people wear Lipa' Saqbe at every event held both in traditional ceremonies of Mandar culture like weddings or grief moments. Lipa' Saqbe weavers are the majority of mandarist fishermen and the wives of the peasants who in the concept of indigenous culture mandar adheres to the principle of Siwali Parriq which means the wives of Mandar descendants are able to work to help the family economy, one of them by weaving. This paper attempst to calculate weavers household who are living below poverty line and how severe they are? The study employed Foster- Greer-Torbecke (FGT) Indices Method: Head Count Index (HCI) and Poverty Gap Index (PGI). The results show that: (1) HCI of the study is 0.7333 indicate that 70.33% of Lipa' Saqbe weaver is living below poverty line, while (2) PGI reveals that the depth of poverty in weaver household is, however, close to zero (0) indicating that no poverty severity gap among households. The low income of Mandar silk weavers is the marketing system through traders or distributors. Although most of the weavers sell their woven products directly to the local market, the purchasing power of local communities is quite low so that their woven products are sold to wholesalers or distributors

    Penentuan Profil Ketebalan Sedimen Lintasan Kota Makassar Dengan Mikrotremor

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    Di kota metropolitan yang jauh dari fokus gempa besar misalnya Kota Makassar, getaran yang paling banyak mempengaruhi kontruksi bangunan adalah gempa mikro yang bersumber dari getaran mesin, angin, tumbuhan dan aktivitas manusia. Sumber getaran di permukaan bumi dapat menyebabkan tanah di sekitarnya beresonansi. Resonansi pada lapisan tanah yang terjadi secara periodik disebut gempa mikro atau mikrotremor. Hasil pengukuran mikrotremor dari arah Kabupaten Gowa ke Kota Makassar menjadi fokus analisis dalam penelitian ini. Studi mikrotremor ini bertujuan mengetahui berapa besar frekuensi resonansi, tingkat kerentanan seismik dan pendugaan ketebalan lapisan sedimen pada lintasan mikroteremor yang dibuat melewati daerah Gowa sampai kota Makassar. Frekuensi resonansi lintasan mikrotremor Gowa-Makassar sangat bervariasi mulai dari 0,647 – 11,698 Hz, dengan frekuensi resonansi rata-rata berada pada 6,29 Hz. Nilai indeks kerentanan seismik lintasan mikrotremor Gowa-Makassar berada pada interval nilai 0,15 – 30. Tingkat kerentanan seismik Gowa-Makassar cenderung semakin besar ke arah topografi yang lebih tinggi. Hasil perhitungan ketebalan sedimen lintasan mikrotremor Gowa-Makassar menggunakan teknik S/R adalah 6 – 66 m
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