23 research outputs found

    Pembentukan Karakter Melalui Pola Asuh Demokratis Untuk Mencegah Kecanduan Gadget Remaja Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi pola asuh  demokratis  dengan kecanduan gadget pada remaja awal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini remaja awal kelas VIII SMP X di Kabupaten Sleman Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 128 siswa. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisa Product Moment melalui bantuan SPSS 17 for Windows Hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada hubungan negatif dan signifikan antara persepsi pola asuh  demokratis  dengan kecanduan gadget pada remaja awal, nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,193 dengan nilai signifikansi (p) sebesar 0,000 (p<0,01) artinya hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara persepsi pola asuh demokratis dengan kecanduan gadget pada remaja awal. Semakin tinggi persepsi pola asuh demokratis maka kecanduan gadget cenderung semakin rendah. Sebaliknya semakin rendah persepsi pola asuh demokratis maka kecanduang gadget cenderung semakin tinggi

    Job Insecurity, Turnover Intention Karyawan di Era Digital Marketing Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Peran karyawan yang memiliki kemampuan khusus di dunia digital marketing dalam menghadapi masa pandemi covid 19 sangat dibutuhkan guna mempertahankan kelangsungan perusahaan. Perubahan strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan perusahaan ini memungkinkan karyawan merasakan job insecurity yang bisa mengakibatkan turnover intention. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara langsung dengan karyawan dan Systematic Literature Review (SLR) dari lima belas jurnal yang memiliki karakteristik dengan Job Insecurity,Turnover Intention serta tiga jurnal berhubungan dengan digital marketing dengan sumber data artikel dilakukan melalui database eresources Perpusnas, ResearchGate, Google scholar (2010-2020),serta ebook untuk mengambil artikel yang relevan yang diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia dengan istilah dan frasa kunci yang terkait dengan Job Insecurity,Turnover Intention, Digital Marketing dalam pencarian subjek terkait. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui peran digital marketing yang menimbulkan terjadinya Job Insecurity dan mengakibatkan turnover intention pada karyawan dalam perusahaan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa perubahan sistem kerja dalam penyesuaian strategi pemasaran melalui digital marketing dapat menjadi salah satu sebab yang menimbulkan ketidakamanan dalam bekerja atau Job Insecurity yang mengakibatkan kondisi Turnover Intention dalam perusahaan

    Dampak Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Transformasi Untuk Memperkuat Engagement Karyawan CV BM di Sentolo Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership training on work engagement of CV BM employees. The hypothesis proposed is that there are differences in the level of employee work engagement before transformational leadership training at leaders and after transformational leadership training at leaders where employee work engagement scores are higher after providing transformational leadership training interventions to leaders. The subjects in this study were 32 employees of CV BM company and leaders as the experimental group. The design used is one group pre-test and post-test. The results of the Paired Sample T-Test show that the pretest and posttest scores for employees obtained the value of t = -4.989 p (0.01), which means there are differences in work engagement scores between pretest and posttest, where the posttest score is greater than the pretest score . This shows that transformational leadership training given to leaders affects the increase in employee engagement work at CV BM Yogyakarta

    Intervensi Kelompok (Bimbingan dan Konseling) untuk Mengurangi Prasangka pada Peserta Didik: Kajian Literatur

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    Pendidikan khususnya di Indonesia merupakan salah satu modal utama dalam pembangunan bangsa. Pentingnya pendidikan di Indonesia dibuktikan dengan adanya aturan perundang- undangan yang menjamin pemerataan pendidikan bagi seluruh warga Indonesia tanpa terkecuali baik suku ataupun status sosial. Hal ini memungkinkan bahwa dalam sebuah lingkungan pendidikan terdapat siswa dengan latar belakang baik suku ataupun status sosial yang berbeda yang menyebabkan terciptanya lingkungan yang heterogen. Keberagaman ini dapat memicu adanya prasangka pada setiap peserta didik. Prasangka yang tidak terajadi dapat menyebabkan adanya konflik sosial seperti kecurigaan, ketidakpercayaan, dan juga permusuhan. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini merupakan review literatur terhadap 7 jurnal dan penelitian nasional mengenai bimbingan dan konseling terhadap penurunan prasangka peserta didik. Berdasarkan review literatur yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa tingkat prasangka dapat diturunkan secara efektif dengan pemberian intervensi kelompok berupa pemberian bimbingan dan konseling. Teknik bimbingan dan konseling kelompok yang dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan prasangka sangat beragam seperti metode pemberian informasi dan penugasan, teknik sosiodrama, dan juga dengan pendekatan budaya

    Kontrol Diri Dan Konformitas Teman Sebaya Dengan Perilaku Bullying Pada Siswi

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine: 1) the relationship between self-control and bullying behavior, 2) the relationship between peer conformity and bullying behavior, 3) the joint relationship between self-control and peer conformity and bullying behavior. The research sample was 142 high school students who had bullied. Methods of data collection in this study using the bullying scale, self-control scale and conformity scale. Data analysis using product moment correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. The results showed there was: 1) Negative relationship between self-control and bullying behavior, the correlation was -0.622 (p&lt;0.01); 2) Positive relationship between conformity and bullying, correlation value is 0.626 (p&lt;0.01); 3) The relationship between self-control and conformity with bullying obtained an F value of 73,592 and a correlation coefficient of 0.717 (p&lt;0.01) and the effective contribution of self-control and conformity to predict bullying in students is 51.4% while the remaining 48.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.

    Behavioral cognitive therapy to reduce cyberbullying behavior in adolescents during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the level of cyber bullying between the group that was given cognitive behavioral therapy and the group that was not given cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition, measuring the level before and after being given cognitive behavioral therapy in adolescents. The method used in this research is an experimental approach study. The results of the analysis using the Mann Whitney-U test measure cyber bullying in the experimental group that was given cognitive behavioral therapy and the control group that was not given therapy with a pre-test Z score Z = -1.781 with Asymp. Signature (2-tailed) 0.075 and post-test Z score -2.619 with 0.009, which means that there is a difference in the level of cyber bullying in adolescents between the experimental group and the control group. The results of the Wilcoxon Rank test to measure the pretest-posttest obtained a value of Z = -2.527 and p = 0.012 (p>0.05), while for the posttest-follow-up Z score of -2.217 with p = 0.27 means that there are differences in cyber levels. bullying before and after, and after the follow-up was given cognitive behavioral therapy in the experimental group which means a decrease in the level of cyber bullying in the experimental group

    Pelatihan Berfikir Positif untuk Meningkatkan Self-Esteem pada Remaja Yatim Piatu di Yogyakarta

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    The aim of this research is to test the effectivennes the effects of positif thinking training in self-esteem of teen orphanage woman ‘X’ Yogyakarta. Subjects were 12 adolescents divided into 6 subjects of the experimental group and 6 subjects of the control group with low and medium self-esteem categories. Self-esteem category obtained from score scale Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (CSEI) from Coopersmith (1967) adapted and modified by the researchers. The research design used pre-post control group design with data analysis technique used Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon test. The Mann-Whitney test was used to see the difference in scores in the experimental and control groups. The result of data analysis with Mann-Whitney test showed that there was no significant difference of self-esteem in the experimental group after being treated with self-esteem control group without being treated (p = 0,746&gt; 0,05). The result of data analysis with Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant difference of self-esteem in experimental group before and after treatment (p = 0,027 &lt;0,05).The aim of this research is to test the effectivennes the effects of positif thinking training inself-esteem of teen orphanage woman ‘X’ Yogyakarta. Subjects were 12 adolescentsdivided into 6subjects of the experimental group and 6 subjects of the control group with lowand medium self-esteem categories. Self-esteem category obtained from score scaleCoopersmithSelf Esteem Inventory (CSEI) from Coopersmith (1967) adapted and modifiedby theresearchers. The research design used pre-post control group design with dataanalysis technique used Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon test. The Mann-Whitney test wasused to see the difference in scores in the experimental and control groups. The result ofdata analysis with Mann-Whitney test showed that there was no significant difference of selfesteemintheexperimentalgroupafterbeingtreatedwithself-esteemcontrolgroupwithoutbeingtreated(p=0,746&gt;0,05).TheresultofdataanalysiswithWilcoxontestshowedthattherewasasignificantdifferenceofself-esteeminexperimentalgroupbeforeandaftertreatment(p=0,027&lt;0,05)

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Team Building TerhadXKohesivitas Tim Marketing pada PTX

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    This study aims of this research is to find out the effect of team building training toward team’s cohesiveness in the marketing divisionof PTX. There are 24 Subjects of this research divided into two group consist of 12 people in theexperiment groups and 12 people in the control group using random assignment as sample collection technique with valid and reliable cohesiveness scale as data collection technique. The data analysis technique of this research was using Paired Sample T Test.The subjects of this study is marketing division’s employees of PT. X, aged between18-35 years with low and medium cohesiveness. The design of this research was using pretest posttest control group design. The comparative test was using Paired Sampel T Test to compare the difference toward experiment group before and after training obtained (t=8,210 and p = 0,000; p &lt; 0,001). It means that there is distinctive cohesiveness score of the team before and after the team building training. Furthermore, the result of using Independent Sampel T Test to compare these experiment and control group is t = 4.386 and p = 0.000 (p&lt;0.01), MD 48.50, 37.83). It means that the cohesiveness of experiment group is higher compared to control group after team building training

    Relaksasi Otot Progresif Untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Stres Pada Waria yang Terinfeksi HIV/AIDS

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    Objective of this research is to understand the effectivity of the progressive muscle relaxation in order to decline the stress level among the HIV/AIDS infected ladymen. We propose the hypothesis that there will be a decline stress level among those HIV/AIDS ladymen just after they received the progressive muscle relaxation. Five ladymen participate in this research and their stress level are moderate untill high. Design of this research is the one group pretest-posttest. Instrument of data collection is the DASS 42 Stress Scalle. We ask participants to complete the scale just before and after receiving five times progressive muscle relaxation. This research reveals that there is a significant difference in stress level between before and after receiving five timer progressive muscle relaxation (Z = -2,032, p = .042 or p&lt; .05). The mean scores for the stress level are 26.00 and 15.00 just before and after receiving the progressive muscle relaxation respectively. Based on that data, we come to conclusion that the progresssive muscle relaxation is effective in reducing stress level among the infected HIV/AIDS ladymen

    Pelatihan Asertivitas untuk Memperkuat Self Confidence pada Mahasiswa di Yogyakarta

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    The study aims to examine the influence of assertiveness training toward increasing self confidence in college students woman dormitories "DD" West Kalimantan in Yogyakarta. The subjects of the study were 10 college students woman who had low self confidence and assertiveness, divided into two groups namely experiment and control of each of the five subjects. The research design used was pretest-posttest control group design, with U-Mann Whitney analysis and Wilcoxon Rank Test analysis. U-Mann Whitney analysis results showed a significant difference in the self confidence and assertiveness score of the experimental group and the control group that is self confidence (p=0.009 &lt;0.05) and assertiveness (p=0.009 &lt;0.05). Average subjects result of self confidence in the experimental group (84.40) and the control group (74.20), and the average value of assertiveness subjects in the experimental group (102.20) and the control group (89.20). The result of the Wilcoxon Rank Test showed a significant difference in the self confidence and assertiveness score of the  experimental group between before and after being given assertiveness training, that is confidence (p=0,043 &lt; 0,05) and assertiveness (p=0,043 &lt; 0,05). This result are supported on self confidence score before training (75.20) increasing to (84.40) after assertiveness training and the assertiveness score before training (92.40) increased to (102.20) after assertiveness training. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that assertiveness training can improve self confidence in college students woman dormitories "DD" West Kalimantan in Yogyakarta.