7 research outputs found

    Análise bioxeoquímico do mar Mediterráneo no 2018

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    [Abstract]: The Mediterranean Sea is a very interesting area from a political, social, economic and scientific point of view, because of its location and the activities developed around it, its size and its physicochemical properties. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until 2011, with the creation of the MED-SHIP program, that world-wide ocean studies took it into consideration. One of the scopes of this program was to monitor the evolution of its biogeochemical properties, therefore, similar oceanographic cruises should be conducted along the years. In March of 2018 one of these cruises, the MSM72, took place. This end-of-degree thesis introduces the chemistry of the carbonate system in seawater and the importance of its study in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, this work summarizes the data obtained by the chemical oceanography group in charge of the measurements for the CO2 system’s variables (pH, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and carbonate ion) during the MSM72 cruise as well as the analysis procedures, from the sampling to the resulting information.[Resumen]: El Mar Mediterráneo es una zona muy interesante desde un punto de vista político, social, económico y científico debido a su ubicación y las actividades desarrolladas en torno a él, su tamaño y sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Sin embargo, no fue hasta 2011, con la creación del programa MED-SHIP que los grandes estudios internacionales del océano lo incluyeron. Uno de los objetivos de este programa es monitorizar la evolución de las propiedades biogeoquímicas de este mar, de manera que varias campañas oceanográficas similares deberían llevarse a cabo a lo largo de los años. En marzo de 2018, tuvo lugar una de estas campañas, la MSM72. Este TFG introduce la química del sistema del carbonato en agua de mar y la importancia de su estudio en el Mar Mediterráneo. Además, este trabajo resume los datos obtenidos por el grupo de química encargado de medir las variables del sistema del CO2 (pH, Alcalinidad Total, Carbono Inorgánico Disuelto e ion carbonato) durante la campaña MSM72, así como explica el procedimiento de los análisis desde el muestreo hasta la obtención de información.[Resumo]: O Mar Mediterráneo é unha zona moi interesante dende un punto de vista político, social, económico e científico debido á súa ubicación e as actividades desenvoltas no seu redor, o seu tamaño e as súas propiedades fisicoquímicas. Non obstante, non foi ata o 2011, coa creación do programa MED-SHIP que os grandes estudios internacionais do océano o tiveron en conta. Un dos obxectivos deste programa é monitorizar a evolución das propiedades bioxeoquímicas deste mar, de manera que varias campañas oceanográficas similares deberían levarse a cabo ao longo dos anos. En marzo de 2018, tivo lugar unha destas campañas, a MSM72. Neste TFG introdúcese a química do sistema do carbonato en auga de mar e a importancia do seu estudo no Mar Mediterráneo. Ademais, este traballo resume os datos obtenidos polo grupo de química encargado de medir as variables do sistema do CO2 (pH, Alcalinidad Total, Carbono Inorgánico Disuelto e ión carbonato) durante a campaña MSM72, así como explicar o procedemento dos análisis dende o muestreo ata a obtención de información.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2017/201

    Variability and Trends in Physical and Biogeochemical Parameters of the Mediterranean Sea during a Cruise with RV MARIA S. MERIAN in March 2018

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    The last few decades have seen dramatic changes in the hydrography and biogeochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex bathymetry and highly variable spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric forcing, convective and ventilation processes contribute to generate complex and unsteady circulation patterns and significant variability in biogeochemical systems. Part of the variability of this system can be influenced by anthropogenic contributions. Consequently, it is necessary to document details and to understand trends in place to better relate the observed processes and to possibly predict the consequences of these changes. In this context we report data from an oceanographic cruise in the Mediterranean Sea on the German research vessel Maria S. Merian (MSM72) in March 2018. The main objective of the cruise was to contribute to the understanding of long-term changes and trends in physical and biogeochemical parameters, such as the anthropogenic carbon uptake and to further assess the hydrographical situation after the major climatological shifts in the eastern and western part of the basin, known as the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Transients. During the cruise, multidisciplinary measurements were conducted on a predominantly zonal section throughout the Mediterranean Sea, contributing to the Med-SHIP and GO-SHIP long-term repeat cruise section that is conducted at regular intervals in the Mediterranean Sea to observe changes and impacts on physical and biogeochemical variables. The data can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.905902 (Hainbucher et al., 2019), https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913512 (Hainbucher, 2020a) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913608, (Hainbucher, 2020b) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913505, (Hainbucher, 2020c) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.905887 (Tanhua et al., 2019) and https://doi.org/10.25921/z7en-hn85 (Tanhua et al, 2020)

    II Premio UDC sustentabilidade a traballos fin de grao e mestrado 2019

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    Recóllense nesta obra os oito traballos premiados no que foi a segunda edición do Premio UDC Sustentabilidade a Traballos de Fin de Grao e Mestrado, correspondente ao ano 2019. A convocatoria destes premios xurdiu dunha proposta recibida desde a Facultade de Ciencias da Educación, no marco do programa internacional Green Campus, e que finalmente a Oficina de Medio Ambiente da Universidade da Coruña materializou

    Physical and biogeochemical parameters of the Mediterranean Sea during a cruise with RV Maria S. Merian in March 2018

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    The last few decades have seen dramatic changes in the hydrography and biogeochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex bathymetry and highly variable spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric forcing, convective and ventilation processes contribute to generate complex and unsteady circulation patterns and significant variability in biogeochemical systems. Part of the variability of this system can be influenced by anthropogenic contributions. Consequently, it is necessary to document details and to understand trends in place to better relate the observed processes and to possibly predict the consequences of these changes. In this context we report data from an oceanographic cruise in the Mediterranean Sea on the German research vessel Maria S. Merian (MSM72) in March 2018. The main objective of the cruise was to contribute to the understanding of long-term changes and trends in physical and biogeochemical parameters, such as the anthropogenic carbon uptake and to further assess the hydrographical situation after the major climatological shifts in the eastern and western part of the basin, known as the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Transients. During the cruise, multidisciplinary measurements were conducted on a predominantly zonal section throughout the Mediterranean Sea, contributing to the Med-SHIP and GO-SHIP long-term repeat cruise section that is conducted at regular intervals in the Mediterranean Sea to observe changes and impacts on physical and biogeochemical variables

    Variability and Trends in Physical and Biogeochemical Parameters of the Mediterranean Sea during a Cruise with RV MARIA S. MERIAN in March 2018

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    The last few decades have seen dramatic changes in the hydrography and biogeochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex bathymetry and highly variable spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric forcing, convective and ventilation processes contribute to generate complex and unsteady circulation patterns and significant variability in biogeochemical systems. Part of the variability of this system can be influenced by anthropogenic contributions. Consequently, it is necessary to document details and to understand trends in place to better relate the observed processes and to possibly predict the consequences of these changes. In this context we report data from an oceanographic cruise in the Mediterranean Sea on the German research vessel Maria S. Merian (MSM72) in March 2018. The main objective of the cruise was to contribute to the understanding of long-term changes and trends in physical and biogeochemical parameters, such as the anthropogenic carbon uptake and to further assess the hydrographical situation after the major climatological shifts in the eastern and western part of the basin, known as the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Transients. During the cruise, multidisciplinary measurements were conducted on a predominantly zonal section throughout the Mediterranean Sea, contributing to the Med-SHIP and GO-SHIP long-term repeat cruise section that is conducted at regular intervals in the Mediterranean Sea to observe changes and impacts on physical and biogeochemical variables. The data can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.905902 (Hainbucher et al., 2019), https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913512 (Hainbucher, 2020a) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913608, (Hainbucher, 2020b) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913505, (Hainbucher, 2020c) https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.905887 (Tanhua et al., 2019) and https://doi.org/10.25921/z7en-hn85 (Tanhua et al, 2020)