40 research outputs found

    Using an OPEN UMS format for document flow formalization in medicine

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    The question about construction of medical documents by means of AURRORA MIS with the use of the Open UMS format is considered in the work. The approach suggested allows data storage in the electronic form suitable for generation of required statistical reports and different researches and preserves a possibility of correct data interpretation

    Anatomy of an evolving island arc : tectonic and eustatic control in the south Central American fore-arc area

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    The southern part of the Central American isthmus is the product of an island arc. It evolved initially as a ridge of primitive island-arc tholeiites at a collision zone between the Farallon plate and proto-Caribbean crust (Albian-Santonian). During the Campanian, a major tectonic event (most probably subduction reversal) caused décollement of different units of the former plate margin. The resulting structural high was covered by a carbonate platform. From Maastrichtian to Eocenc times continuous subduction produced a stable morphotectonic configuration (trench-slope-outer-arc-fore-arccalcalkaline-arc). Fore-arc sedimentation was controlled by volcaniclastic input and tectonic activity along the outer arc's inner margin. Eustatic control is essentially recognized through lowstand signals such as extensive turbidite sand lobes. Steady accretionary uplift of the outer arc gradually closed the bypasses between forc-arc and trench slope. Eustatic control is verified by lowstand signals (sands) on the trench slope and highstand signals on the outer arc (carbonate ramps). During the Oligocene another major tectonic event affected the entire system: accretion ceased, segments decoupled, and regional compression resulted in general uplift and erosion. From latest Oligocene to Pliocene times, three episodes of tilting created a series of fault-angle depressions. Subsidence varies enormously among these basins. but sedimentation is largely shallow marine. Facies architecture reflects complex interactions between tectonic processes, changes in volcaniclastic sediment supply, and eustasy. Subsequently. very strong explosive volcanic activity resulted in excessive sediment input that overfilled most basins. The history of the island arc shows that tectonic processes largely controlled composition, distribution and geometry of the major sedimentary units. Eustatic signals do indeed occur when they are expected, but may be considered as an overprint rather than a dominating factor

    Geodinámica de las cuencas del Cretacio Superior-Paleógeno de la región "Forearc" del sur de Nicaragua y Norte de Costa Rica

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    The deeper refilling of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene forearc basins system in Southern Nicaragua and Northern Costa Rica is divided into five depositional systems. These depositional systems reflects the development of deep water (pelagic and turbiditic) sedimentation  due to the initiation and evolution of subdition at the Convergent Middle America Margin. This development can be summarized as follows:1. Prodominance of pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation during the Cretaceous and Lower Maastrichtian.2. Local depositation of coarse turbiditic sediments particulary in Santonian-Campanian, associated to the development of an oceanic relief during the Cretaceous.3. General estableshiment of turbiditic sedimentation since Maastrichtiana.4. Forearc breaking during Paleocene formed two long and parale basins due to the uplifting of an  outer non-volcanic arc.5. The sedimentary pattern changed radically in association with  the rising.6. The deep water sedimentation continued up to the Upper Eocene and possibily to the Lower Oligocene. Based upon sequencial analyses changes on the sedimental composition and lateral tendencies of facies, five different controlling factors for the  deep water sedimentation can be stated: a. Eustatic changes, b. tectonic uplifitings, c. subsidence, d. volcanism and e. effects of ephemeral barriers.El relleno profundo, Cretácico Superior-Paleógeneo, del sistema de cuencas de la región del "Forearc" del Sur de Nicaragua y Norte de Costa Rica, es dividido en cinco sistemas deposicionales. Estos sistemas deposicionales reflejan el desarrollo de la sedimentación profunda (pelágica y turbidítica), consecuencia de la apertura y evolución del margen convergente de Mesoamérica. Este desarrollo se sentitiza de la siguiente forma: 1. Predominancia de sedimentación pelágica-hemipelágica, a lo largo del Cretácico hasta el Maastrichtiano Inferior. 2. Depositación local de sedimentos turbidíticos gruesos, asociados al relieve oceánico del Cretácico, particularmente importante en el Santoniano-Campaniano. 3. Implantación generalizada de sedimentación turbidítica a partir del Maastrichtiano. 4. Escisión del "Forearc" en dos cuencas alargadas y pararelas, a lo largo del Paleoceno, como producto de ascenso del arco externo no volcánico. 5. El patrón de sedimentación turbidítica cambia radicalmente a causa de este levantamiento. 6. La sedimentación profunda prevalece hasta el Eoceno Superior, y posiblemente hasta el Oligeoceno Inferior. A partir del análisis secuencial, la variación composicional del sedimento y las tendencias laterales de facies, se establecen cinco factores controlantes de la sedimentación profunda: a. cambios austáticos., b. levantamientos tectónicos, c. subsidencia, d. volcanismo y e. efecto de barreras efímeras

    La definiciòn de usos del suelo en las cercanìas de fallas geológicas: explicación del protocolo técnico del decreto ejecutivo 32967 - MINAE, Anexo 3

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    A technical explanation of the protocol published as Executive Order (32967 - MINAE, Annex 3) is performed here. The protocol concerns the definition of land use in the surroundings of inactive, active and potentia- lly active faults. Besides clarifying the technical nomenclature, this text explains the procedure that the professional geologist should follow to establish the possible safety areas to be respected when defining land uses, articularly for construction. It also examines the scope of the technical report and its implications regarding the use of the property. Finally, the implementation of the Protocol in Costa Rica is discussed and its importance in the development of mana- gement and land planning.Se realiza una explicación técnica sobre el Protocolo Técnico publicado como Decreto Ejecutivo (32967 - MINAE, Anexo 3). El Protocolo se refiere a la definición de los usos del suelo en las cercanías de fallas geológicas inactivas, activas y potencialmente activas. Aparte de aclarar la nomenclatura técnica, se explica el procedimiento que debe seguir el profesional en geología para establecer las eventuales zonas de seguridad que deben respetarse al mo- mento de definir los usos del suelo, en particular para las construcciones. También se analiza el alcance del dictamen técnico y sus implicaciones respecto al uso de la propiedad. Finalmente, se discute la aplicación del Protocolo en Costa Rica y su importancia en el desarrollo de ordenamiento y planificación del territorio