91 research outputs found

    Homogénéisation en viscoélasticité linéaire non-vieillissante par la méthode de l'inclusion équivalente : application aux matériaux cimentaires

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    The prediction of long-term behaviour of cementitious materials is a major concern which contributs to the study of the durability of prestressed structures. This work focuses on the use of the equivalent inclusion method, simplified multi-scale homogenization approach, for the prediction of creep in these materials. Creep is modelled by the non-ageing linear viscoelasticity. The equivalent inclusion method overcomes certain difficulties and limitations posed by conventional approaches. For cementitious materials (highly heterogeneous), conventional multi-scale approaches are, either digitally heavy and complex to implement, or not sufficiently detailed to take into account the specificities of a microstructure. The equivalent inclusion method presents a middle way and allows the calculation of simplified matrix-inclusion type microstructures and to provide estimates or bounds on the homogenized behaviour.Under its variational form, the equivalent inclusion method has, up to now, been implemented only for spherical inclusions. This work proposes to extend this method to ellipsoidal inclusions whose variation of slenderness allows the modelling of new aspheric elements such as cracks, fibers and portlandite crystals. Such enrichment of the geometry has an impact on the computation time, that is amplified in the context of creep. The second aspect of the work then applies to the extension of the equivalent inclusion method to the non-ageing linear viscoelasticity by means of the Laplace-Carson transform. An effective methodology (both from the viewpoint of precision and calculation time) is finally proposed to perform the numerical inversion of this transformLa prédiction du comportement à long terme des matériaux cimentaires est un enjeu majeur pour contribuer à l'étude de la durabilité des structures précontraintes. Le présent travail porte sur l'utilisation de la méthode de l'inclusion équivalente, approche d'homogénéisation multi-échelle simplifiée, pour la prédiction du fluage dans ces matériaux. Le fluage est modélisé par la viscoélasticité linéaire sans vieillissement. La méthode de l'inclusion équivalente permet de contourner certaines difficultés et limitations que présentent les approches classiques. Pour les matériaux cimentaires, fortement hétérogènes, les approches multiéchelles classiques sont ou bien numériquement lourdes et très complexes à mettre en œuvre, ou bien pas suffisamment détaillées pour prendre en compte les spécificités d'une microstructure. La méthode de l'inclusion équivalente présente un juste-milieu et permet de calculer des microstructures simplifiées de type matrice-inclusions et de fournir des estimations ou des bornes sur le comportement homogénéisé. Sous sa forme variationnelle, la méthode de l'inclusion équivalente n'a jusqu'alors été mise en œuvre que pour des inclusions de forme sphérique. Le présent travail propose d'étendre cette méthode à des inclusions de forme ellipsoïdale dont la variation de l'élancement permet de modéliser de nouveaux éléments asphériques tels que les fissures, les fibres et les cristaux de portlandite. Cette complexification de la géométrie a un impact sur le temps de calcul, qui est amplifié dans le cadre du fluage. Le second volet du travail porte alors sur l'extension de la méthode de l'inclusion équivalente à la viscoélasticité linéaire sans vieillissement par l'intermédiaire de la transformée de Laplace-Carson. Une méthodologie efficace (tant du point de vue de la précision que de celui du temps de calcul) est finalement proposée pour effectuer l'inversion numérique de cette transformé

    Global myocardial longitudinal strain in a general population—associations with blood pressure and subclinical heart failure: The Tromsø Study

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10554-019-01741-3.The early detection of subclinical myocardial dysfunction can contribute to the treatment and prevention of heart failure (HF). The aim of the study was to (i) describe myocardial global longitudinal strain (GLS) patterns in a large general population sample from Norway and their relation to established cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors; (ii) to determine its normal thresholds in healthy individuals and (iii) ascertain the relation of myocardial GLS to stage A subclinical heart failure (SAHF). Participants (n = 1855) of the 7th survey of the population-based Tromsø Study of Norway (2015–2016) with GLS measurements were studied. Linear and logistic regression models were used for assessment of the associations between CVD risk factors and GLS. Mean GLS (SD) in healthy participants was − 15.9 (2.7) % in men and − 17.8 (3.1) % in women. Among healthy subjects, defined as those without known cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities, GLS declined with age. An increase of systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 10 mm Hg was associated with a 0.2% GLS reduction. Myocardial GLS in individuals with SAHF was 1.2% lower than in participants without SAHF (p < 0.001). Mean myocardial GLS declines with age in both sexes, both in a general population and in the healthy subsample. SBP increase associated with GLS decline in women. Our findings indicate high sensitivity of GLS for early subclinical stages of HF

    Influence of hypertension on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function including segmental strain and strain rate

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    Background - Left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic functions are important cardiovascular risk predictors in patients with hypertension. However, data on segmental, layer-specific strain, and diastolic strain rates in these patients are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate segmental two-dimensional strain rate imaging (SRI)-derived parameters to characterize LV systolic and diastolic function in hypertensive individuals compared with that in normotensive individuals. Methods - The study sample comprised 1194 participants from the population-based Know Your Heart study in Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk, Russia, and 1013 individuals from the Seventh Tromsø Study in Norway. The study population was divided into four subgroups: (A) healthy individuals with normal blood pressure (BP), (B) individuals on antihypertensive medication with normal BP, (C) individuals with systolic BP 140–159 mmHg and/or diastolic BP > 90 mm HG, and (D) individuals with systolic BP ≥160 mmHg. In addition to conventional echocardiographic parameters, global and segmental layer-specific strains and strain rates in early diastole and atrial contraction (SR E, SR A) were extracted. The strain and SR (S/SR) analysis included only segments without strain curve artifacts. Results - With increasing BP, the systolic and diastolic global and segmental S/SR gradually decreased. SR E, a marker of impaired relaxation, showed the most distinctive differences between the groups. In normotensive controls and the three hypertension groups, all segmental parameters displayed apico-basal gradients, with the lowest S/SR in the basal septal and highest in apical segments. Only SR A did not differ between the segmental groups but increased gradually with increasing BP. End-systolic strain showed incremental epi-towards endocardial gradients, irrespective of the study group. Conclusion - Arterial hypertension reduces global and segmental systolic and diastolic left ventricular S/SR parameters. Impaired relaxation determined by SR E is the dominant factor of diastolic dysfunction, whereas end-diastolic compliance (by SR A) does not seem to be influenced by different degrees of hypertension. Segmental strain, SR E and SR A provide new insights into the LV cardio mechanics in hypertensive hearts

    Novel approach to artefact detection and the definition of normal ranges of segmental strain and strain-rate values

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    Aims - Strain artefacts are known to hamper the correct interpretation of segmental strain and strain-rate (S/SR). Defining the normal ranges of myocardial segmental deformation is important in clinical studies and routine echocardiographic practice. In order to define artefact-free normal ranges for segmental longitudinal S/SR parameters, we investigated the extent to which different types of artefacts and their segmental localisation in the three different myocardial layers created a bias in the results of echocardiographic strain measurements. Methods - The study included echocardiograms from men and women aged 40–69 years from two population-based studies, namely the Know Your Heart study (Russia) and the Tromsø Study (Norway). Of the 2207 individuals from these studies, 840 had normal results, defined as the absence of hypertension or indicators of any cardiovascular disease. Two-dimensional (2D) global and segmental S/SR of the three myocardial layers were analysed using speckle tracking echocardiography. Artefacts were assessed with two different methods: visual identification of image-artefacts and a novel conceptual approach of ‘curve-artefacts’ or unphysiological strain-curve formation. Results - Segmental strain values were found to have significantly reduced in the presence of strain-curve artefacts (14.9%±5.8% towards −20.7%±4.9%), and increased with the foreshortening of the 2D image. However, the individual global strain values were not substantially altered by discarding segmental artefacts. Reduction due to artefacts was observed in all segments, layers, systolic and diastolic strain, and SR. Thus, we presented normal ranges for basal-septal, basal, medial and apical segment groups after excluding artefacts. Conclusion - Strain-curve artefacts introduce systematic errors, resulting in reduced segmental S/SR values. In terms of artefact-robust global longitudinal strain, the detection of curve-artefacts is crucial for the correct interpretation of segmental S/SR patterns. Intersegmental S/SR gradients and artefacts need to be considered for the correct definition of normalcy and pathology

    Phonetic Segmentation using a Wavelet-based Speech Cepstral Features and Sparse Representation Classifier, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2021, nr 4

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    Speech segmentation is the process of dividing speech signal into distinct acoustic blocks that could be words, syllables or phonemes. Phonetic segmentation is about finding the exact boundaries for the different phonemes that composes a specific speech signal. This problem is crucial for many applications, i.e. automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this paper we propose a new model-based text independent phonetic segmentation method based on wavelet packet speech parametrization features and using the sparse representation classifier (SRC). Experiments were performed on two datasets, the first is an English one derived from TIMIT corpus, while the second is an Arabic one derived from the Arabic speech corpus. Results showed that the proposed wavelet packet de composition features outperform the MFCC features in speech segmentation task, in terms of both F1-score and R-measure on both datasets. Results also indicate that the SRC gives higher hit rate than the famous k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classifier on TIMIT datase

    Insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing in FKRP-related limb-girdle muscular dystrophy R9. The Norwegian LGMDR9 cohort study (2020)

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    Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy R9 (LGMDR9) is a progressive and disabling genetic muscle disease. Sleep is relevant in the patient care as it impacts on health, functioning, and well-being. LGMDR9 may potentially afect sleep by physical or emotional symptoms, myalgia, or sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) through cardiorespiratory involvement. The objective was to investigate the occurrence of insomnia and unrecognized or untreated SDB in LGMDR9, associated factors, and relationships with fatigue and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). All 90 adults in a Norwegian LGMDR9 cohort received questionnaires on sleep, fatigue, and HRQoL. Forty-nine of them underwent clinical assessments and 26 without mask-based therapy for respiration disorders additionally underwent polysomnography (PSG) and capnometry. Among 77 questionnaire respondents, 31% received mask-based therapy. The prevalence of insomnia was 32% of both those with and without such therapy but was signifcantly increased in fatigued respondents (54% vs 21%). Insomnia levels correlated inversely with mental HRQoL. Among 26 PSG candidates, an apnea–hypopnea index (AHI)≥5/h was observed in 16/26 subjects (≥15/h in 8/26) with median 6.8 obstructive apneas and 0.2 central apneas per hour of sleep. The AHI was related to advancing age and an ejection fraction<50%. Sleep-related hypoventilation was detected in one subject. Fatigue severity did not correlate with motor function or nocturnal metrics of respiration or sleep but with Maximal Inspiratory Pressure (r=− 0.46). The results indicate that insomnia and SDB are underrecognized comorbidities in LGMDR9 and associated with HRQoL impairment and heart failure, respectively. We propose an increased attention to insomnia and SDB in the interdisciplinary care of LGMDR9. Insomnia and pulmonary function should be examined in fatigued patients

    Análise da qualificação dos profissionais de um hospital para assistência ao surdo: Analysis of the qualification of professionals of a hospital for deaf assistance

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    A Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) é reconhecida como língua oficial da comunidade surda do país (BRASIL, 2002). Através de um estudo, evidenciou-se que pacientes surdos adiam a procura pela consulta médica, gerando um sofrimento maior para o indivíduo e risco de piora do caso, o que ocorre devido aos obstáculos encontrados, muitas vezes, no atendimento (CHAVEIRO et al., 2008). Relatos de casos reportam que profissionais alegaram sentimentos, como insegurança, incapacidade e impotência, ao atenderem pacientes com surdez e não terem conhecimento da Libras (FRANCISCHETTI et al, 2017). Por isso, este trabalho buscou pesquisar como ocorre a comunicação entre o paciente surdo e a equipe multiprofissional em uma instituição de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo, a partir da pesquisa de natureza descritiva, exploratória de caráter transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de um questionário objetivo, contendo 11 questões. Participaram, voluntariamente, 30 profissionais registrados no hospital do interior de São Paulo, sendo 21 (70%) do sexo feminino e 9 (30%) do sexo masculino. Houve predomínio de idades entre 50 e 59 anos (40%). Quanto à escolaridade, a maioria possui ensino superior completo (63,3%) e, de todos os participantes, 27 (90%) não aprenderam na graduação e nem realizaram curso de Libras. Em relação ao atendimento ao surdo, 18 (60%) já o realizaram e, destes, 8 (26,67%) demonstraram muito desconforto, 6 (20%) desconforto e 4 (13,33%) sentiram-se satisfeitos. Esses dados revelam que existem desafios perante um atendimento ao deficiente auditivo, sendo necessário que medidas como capacitação anual em Libras sejam empregadas a fim de consolidar o aprendizado e facilitar o uso na prática