33 research outputs found


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    Waste problems in big cities is something that is often faced, as well as in the city of Tangerang. Garbage is a continuous problem that requires the active role of the community in solving it. The Tangerang City Government has carried out recycling activities with Black Soldier Flies (BSF) bioconversion in managing waste which is a form of innovation by empowering the community. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out evaluations and strategies through the theory of effectiveness seen from the aspects of achieving goals, integration and adaptation in order to see results and measure the achievements of the programs implemented and the benefits for the community. In this study using a qualitative descriptive analysis method by describing the circumstances and phenomena that occur as well as problems by conducting interviews, observations, and published documents and information. The research interviews were conducted with representatives of the Tangerang City government, environmental activists (Indonesian Benua Lestari Foundation), Jatiuwung ITF officers, and the community who received maggot cultivation training. The results obtained in the implementation of community empowerment in processing organic waste with BSF bioconversion when viewed from the aspect of achieving goals, integration and adaptation have not been effective


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    One of the bureaucratic reform agendas is to improve the performance of the apparatus as public servants, through the application of the principle of merit as a benchmark for the implementation of the management of the State Civil Apparatus, which includes aspects of performance management. Therefore, apparatus performance management is an important thing as a benchmark for achieving organizational goals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of the non-optimal implementation of the performance management system policy for the Tangerang City Civil Servant and provide a description of the more professional model of implementing the PNS performance management system in the City of Tangerang. The research method used is qualitative research, primary data collect through in-depth interviews with Tangerang City Civil Servants purposively. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the cause of the performance management system is not optimal because it is not in accordance with the standards and objectives of the applicable policy, all of the resources as policy implementers have implemented the policy but have not been maximized at every stage, the support of technological resources with the construction of e-performance applications and Information Systems Management of the State Civil Apparatus has not been effective in presenting employee performance profile data, the importance of setting clear standards and objectives for each stage of the performance management system implementation , maximizing the role of the apparatus resource assessor to provide guidance and counseling training for performance appraisal officials, building a performance management information system that integrates all stages of performance management, and strengthens the commitment and support of all management to implement the performance management system consistently


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    This study aims to identify, describe, and analyze collaborative governance models of public services in the Indonesian Innovation Startup (SII) program conducted by the Directorate of Technology-Based Start-ups, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). This study uses the Integrative Framework for Collaborative Governance in realizing organizational goals. This concept is used in order to analyze the role of stakeholders in participating in realizing collaborative government governance in the implementation of the Indonesian Innovation Startup program. This research uses qualitative research with the case study method of the Maskit startup in the Indonesian Innovation Startup (SII) program. The data sources come from documents regarding the SII program and the concept of collaborative governance as well as interviews from various sources. The data are collected through interviews, observations, and documentation carried out by involving related parties, namely the program organizers (government), participants (startup companies), and incubators. The results of the study show that the collaborative governance process in the SII program followed by the Maskit startup, has generally implemented the concept of the Integrative Framework for Collaborative Governance. All elements within the framework, including principled engagement, shared motivation, and joint capacity, have been implemented by all stakeholders involved, namely BRIN as the organizer of the SII program, Maskit as the startup participating in SII, and University of Indonesia as the incubator. This research is expected to enrich academic studies on collaborative governance in the realm of public policy and can be used as a reference for those who wish to conduct similar research or create collaborative programs with elements of government, universities, SMEs, and various other relevant parties

    Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Pengelolaan Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik Nasional (SP4N) dalam mewujudkan konsep “No Wrong Door Policy” di lingkungan Lembaga Administrasi Negara

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    Sistem Pengelolaan Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik Nasional atau SP4N yang merupakan sistem yang terintegrasi dalam pengelolaan pengaduan nasional secara berjenjang dalam upaya mewujudkan konsep “No Wrong Door Policy” yang merupakan pengelolaan pengaduan yang mengutamakan menerima pengaduan dari mana saja dan jenis apapun serta memastikan pengaduan tersebut dapat ditangani oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik yang berwenang. dalam penerapannya SP4N memanfaatkan teknologi informasi melalui portal layanan aspirasi dan pengaduan online rakyat atau dikenal dengan lapor!, dalam Implementasinya Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN) belum mengoptimalkan portal tersebut sebagai kanal pengaduan utama sedangkan PerMenPANRB 62/2018 mengamanatkan penggunaan portal lapor! Sebagai kanal utama layanan pengaduan instansi pemerintah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh LAN. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan penelitian bersifat deskriptif eksploratif, dengan menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan menurut George Edward III yang terdiri dari 4 (empat) faktor yaitu : komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara semi terstruktur dengan melibatkan key informan yang berwenang dalam pengelolaan pengaduan di LAN. Hal yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah mengoptimalisasikan penggunaan portal lapor! dalam seluruh pengelolaan pengaduan di lingkungan LAN.

    How can I Connect? the Link between Flexible Work Arrangements and Inter-organizational Networks (Case study: Indonesian Civil Service)

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    This study aims to examine how significantly Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) contribute to the improvement of civil service inter-organizational networks by looking at various factors, including trust, adaptability, information technology readiness, and other control variables. This study uses a mixed-methods design. The quantitative approach uses an online survey of 675 civil servants’ respondents from central and regional agencies. A qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with local civil service in West Java Province, Central Java Province, and Semarang City. The collected data is then analyzed Path Analysis using SPSS version 25. The research revealed that Flexible Work Arrangements contributed to increasing the influence of the level of trust on the work network. Meanwhile, FWA do not contribute to the effect of adaptability and readiness of information technology on the work network. This is supported by qualitative data which shows that Trust is the main factor to increase the network when implementing FWA in order to create a good network, with high and solid trust, both trust in leaders, colleagues, and stakeholders, then any instruction as soon as possible is realized into a good cooperation network when FWA is realized by developing a Flexible Work Arrangement syste

    Model Inovasi Kolaboratif Redistribusi Aset dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir di Desa Jayamukti, Kabupaten Subang

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    Redistribusi aset tidak hanya menyerahkan tanah kepada masyarakat tetapi juga upaya memberdayakan masyarakat agar mampu mengelola tanah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Dalam melaksanakan program tersebut diperlukan adanya inovasi kolaborasi yang dapat melibatkan dan mendorong peran aktif berbagai pihak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana model inovasi kolaborasi, aktor penting dan peran aktor dalam redistribusi aset di Desa Jayamukti Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan Kepala Seksi Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Subang, pegawai Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang, pegawai Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan dan Penelitian dan Pembangunan Daerah (BP4D) Kabupaten Subang, serta pegawai Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Kabupaten Subang. Adapun data sekunder berupa dokumen-dokumen yang terkait dengan gugus tugas dan program reforma agraria di Kabupaten Subang. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan menggunakan model analisa Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model inovasi kolaborasi yang digunakan yaitu pembentukan Gugus Tugas Reforma Agraria (GTRA) yang merupakan bentuk inovasi pemerintah Kabupaten Subang dalam melaksanakan redistribusi aset dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aktor penting yang terlibat berasal dari berbagai instansi pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Subang dan organisasi masyarakat. Aktor tersebut memiliki peran dalam merencanakan, mengkoordinasikan, menetapkan, melaksanakan, pengawasan dan pelaporan program redistribusi aset. Diperlukan kolaborasi lebih lanjut antar pemerintah dalam rangka menyelesaikan masalah yang menjadi kewenangan pemerintah provinsi yaitu perubahan rencana tata ruang tanah timbul dan juga yang menjadi kewenangan pemerintah pusat yaitu pengenaan tarif PNBP atas tanah timbul.Title: Collaborative Innovation Model of Asset Redistribution for Coastal Community Empowerment in Jayamukti Village, Subang DistrictAsset redistribution hands over lands to the community to empower them by managing the land to improve their welfare. To implement, collaborative innovation is needed by involving annd encouraging  various parties to actively engage. This study aims to describe collaborative innovation model, important actors  and their roles in asset redistribution at Jayamukti Village, Subang Regency. This study employs descriptive qualitative methods by collecting primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained by interviews with Section Heads of the Subang Regency Land Office, employees of the Subang Regency Fisheries Office, employees of the Subang Regency Development Planning and Research and Development Agency (BP4D), and employees of the Subang Regency Community and Village Empowerment Office. The secondary data collected were documents related to the form of Agrarian Reform Task Unit  (GTRA) at Subang Regency. The data obtained were analyzed by the Miles and Huberman analysis model with data reduction, presentation and conclusions. The results show that the collaborative innovation model used was the establishment of GTRA as an innovation from the government Subang Regency to implement asset redistribution and community empowerment. Important actors involved were various local government agencies of Subang Regency and community organizations. Those actors involved in planning, coordinating, establishing, implementing, supervising and reporting asset redistribution programs. Further collaboration among governments is needed to solve some problems where the provincial government was authorized on spatial plans of  arising land while  the central government was authorized on nontax revenue and arising land

    Analisis Kelayakan Usahatani Jamur Tiram Di Kota Jambi

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    Oyster mushroom is a commodity that has high nutritional content and is used as an alternative food substitute. This commodity farming is relatively new in Jambi City. Oyster mushroom demand is high with a price range of IDR 17,000/kg to IDR 21,000/kg. However, there are still few farmers who do oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City. This study aims to (1) describe the general description of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City; (2) Analyzing the income of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City; (3) Analyzing the feasibility of oyster mushroom farming in Jambi City. The research sample was 18 sample farmers consisting of farmers who made F4 media and farmers who purchased F4 media. The data analysis method used is descriptive quantitative, cost, revenue, and income analysis methods, and uses the R/C Ratio, π/C ratio, and BEP feasibility analysis methods. The results showed that (1) Oyster mushroom farming activities in the study area had an average land area of 105.19 m2 with an average production of 1,260 kg and a harvest frequency of 60-90 times in one growing season. (2) The average income of oyster mushroom farming received by farmers who make F4 media is IDR 27.422.889.21/100m2/MT while farmers who buy F4 media have an average income of IDR 25.443.959.20/100m2/MT. (3) Oyster mushroom farming in the research area is feasible because it has an R/C value greater than one, capital productivity is greater than the prevailing bank interest rate, and production, price, and income received by farmers are above the BEP which counted


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    Secara garis besar, Tesis ini menceritakan tentang isi dari rumusan perbuatan pidana pasal 112 ayat ( 1 ) dan ayat ( 2 ) Undang – Undang No.35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika dan isi dari rumusan perbuatan pidana pasal 127 ayat ( 1 ) huruf a Undang – Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika yang mana di antara kedua pasal ini terdapat tumpang tindih dalam hal rumusan perbuatan pidananya, karena cakupan dari pasal 112 tersebut terlalu luas sehingga isi dari pasal 127 tersebut dapat masuk dalam pengaturan pasal 112.Pasal 112 Undang – Undang Narkotika pada intinya mengatur tentang larangan seseorang untuk memiliki, menyimpan, menguasai atau menyediakan narkotika golongan I bukan tanaman secara tanpa hak atau melawan hukum, sedangkan pasal 127 mengatur tentang Penyalah Guna narkotika golongan I bagi diri sendiri yaitu perbuatan seseorang yang menggunakan narkotika bagi diri sendiri secara tanpa hak atau melawan hukum.Definisi tentang Penyalah Guna tersebut memberikan pemahaman kepada kita bahwa seseorang dilarang menggunakan narkotika apabila tidak ada ijin dari negara untuk menggunakannya.Namun, kita harus memahami bahwa sebelum orang menggunakan narkotika tersebut, tentunya ada perbuatan yang mendahuluinya, apakah dia memiliki, atau dia menyimpan, atau dia menguasai, atau dia menyediakan barang tersebut dan di antara perbuatan yang disebutkan tadi yaitu memiliki, menyimpan, menguasai atau menyediakan, semuanya diatur dalam pasal 112.Itulah mengapa Penulis katakan bahwa pengaturan dua pasal tersebut tumpang tindih karena satu perbuatan dapat dikenakan ketentuan pidana dari dua pasal tersebut, bahkan dua pasal tersebut memiliki ancaman pidana yang berbeda karena untuk pasal 112 aayat ( 1 ) misalnya, memiliki ancaman pidana penjara minimal 4 ( empat ) tahun dan maksimal 12  ( dua belas ) tahun dan denda paling sedikit Rp. 800.000.000,00 ( delapan ratus juta Rupiah ) dan paling banyak,00 ( delapan milyar Rupiah ), sedangkan pasal 127 ayat ( 1 ) huruf a memiliki ancaman pidana penjara maksimal 4 ( empat ) tahun dan apabila di persidangan Terdakwa terbukti sebagai Pecandu narkotika, maka kepadanya dapat diberikan rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial yang mana lamanya menjalani masa rehabilitasi tersebut dihitung sebagai masa menjalani tahanan.Dua pasal ketentuan pidana dalam Undang – Undang Narkotika tersebut tentunya tidak sesuai dengan Undang – Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang – Undangan, khususnya mengenai asas pembentukan peraturan perundang – undangan yang baik yaitu asas kejelasan rumusan dan materi muatannya tidak sesuai dengan asas ketertiban dan kepastian hukum


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    Pesantren X, a place for female Islamic student’s living in from many districts in Indonesia, has a lot of health issues both personal hygiene and environmental health. Room sanitation as a part of wide environment at Pesantren X was determined by student’s daily activity and their behaviours from one to another. This study aims to identify the conditions of female student’s room as well as their behaviour. This is a qualitative study. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with fi ve female Islamic students. The observation was conducted to describe conditions in female student’s room and surrounded environment. Female Islamic students have a risk to disease transmissions such as scabies, severe acute respiratory infection and other disease symptoms. This study indicated female students’ rooms were densely populated, one room occupied by 12 girls. Moreover, they also had not been taught on how to keep their rooms and beds neat and clean. They thought that Pesantren life is to live what it is. This implied an attitude of ignorance by female Islamic studentsin maintaining the rooms cleanliness. Those attitudes and behaviours have to be changed by Pesantren’s teacher by giving them good examples. By this, students would know, have strong will, and do a hygiene and healthy lifestyle. Abstrak Pesantren X, sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para santri dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, memiliki banyak sekali problematika kesehatan, mulai dari kebersihan diri hingga kebersihan lingkungan. Kebersihan lingkungan di dalam kamar ditentukan oleh kebiasaan sehari-hari santri serta perilaku antara santri satu dengan santri lainnya. Hal tersebut berisiko akan terjadinya sakit dan penyakit, diantaranya kudis, Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) dan berbagai macam gejala penyakit. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kamar serta kebiasaan santri putri di dalam kamar mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan (observasi) terhadap 5 (lima) orang santri, di kamar dan ruang-ruang yang bersifat umum. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa kamar santri putri dalam keadaan padat karena setiap kamar dihuni oleh 6–8 orang. Santri memiliki kebiasaan  meninggalkan kamarnya dalam keadaan tidak rapi atau berantakan. Selain itu, santri juga belum pernah diajarkan tata cara membersihkan dan menata tempat tidur dan sprei. Santri beranggapan bahwa hidup pesantren itu hidup apa adanya. Hal tersebut menyiratkan sikap semau gue atau tidak peduli dalam hal kebersihan dan kerapian kamar. Oleh karena itu. sikap dan kebiasaan tersebut perlu diubah. Perilaku dapat diubah dengan adanya keteladanan dari pengelola pesantren agar santri putri tahu, mau dan mampu hidup bersih dan sehat