35 research outputs found

    Persyaratan Tambahan Khusus Guru Besar/Profesor

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    Persyaratan Tambahan Khusus Guru Besar/Profesor terdiri dari (1) Bukti telah menerima hibah penelitian dari Direktorat Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi tahun 2018 dengan biaya Rp. 120.000.000; (2) Bukti Kopromotor untuk Empat orang mahasiswa Program Doktor bidang studi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup, Pascasarjana, UNM

    Kajian Bentuk Dinding Dermaga Untuk Mereduksi Refleksi Gelombang = Study on Quaywall Shapes for Reducing Wave Reflections

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    ABSTRACT Wave disturbance in many harbours can increase significantly due to reflections from breakwaters and other harbour structures including quay. Vertical walls which are often chosen, could cause high reflections. Interference of incident and reflected waves makes loading-unloading difficult, and often dangerous for smaller vessels. Therefore, design of low reflection quaywalls as an alternative. constructions to secure appropriate calmness of basin in both ordinary sea conditions or storm is nedeed. The aim of this research was to examine the non-convensional quaywall to reduce reflected waves. This was done by conducting physical model tests. The influence of some parameters on the reflected waves absorption was studied. Quaywalls made from iron post with various gap width between post and 1:2 sloping crushed stone structure were studied. Regular waves having various wave heights and periods were used for the investigation. The result of the research showed that the reflected waves was partly affected by gap width between post, post width, and sloping crushed stone structure. Wave absorption was also significantly affected by the period and the height of the incoming waves. Reflection coefficient minimum for iron bar with gaps and crushed stone were between 0.24 and 0.35. For iron bar only the reflection coefficient minimum was between 0.32 and 0.46. Key words : basin - reflection - quaywall shapes

    Sistem Pintar Kelistrikan Smart Eco-Irrigation Syatem (SEIRS)

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    Sistem Pintar Kelistrikan Smart Eco-Irrigation Syatem (SEIRS

    Perumahan Tamarunang dalam memelihara drainase lingkungan

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    Tamarunang is located approximately 10 km from Makassar, and about 4 km from the border of Makassar City and Gowa Regency. As a developing area, Tamarunang Village is a reference for developers to build urban communities houses. The urbanization makes the growth of housing development more rapid. This has an impact on rainwater catchment areas turned into residential housing areas. The problems faced in this community partnership programs are: 1) the living area of partner 1 and 2 have poor drainage and reduced rain water catchment areas, 2) the impact of poor drainage causes water to overflow and pool on the public roads and yard, 3) the garbage and sedimentation that accumulates in the drainage causes clogged water flow, 4) due to the development of housing construction, causing the flow direction and pattern of environmental drainage flow in the partner area to be unclear. The method used in this community partnership program is mentoring method and participatory rural approach (PRA) method. The mentoring method was carried out to change the community's paradigm of thinking in handling environmental drainage, increasing the community's understanding of environmental cleanliness and structuring, and facilitating partners in making infiltration drainage, flow direction maps, and environmental arrangement. The PRA method is carried out to arouse the partner's sense of belonging to the product to be developed, and the partner's sense of responsibility towards the products and environment that surrounds them. The main method adopted in this Community Partnership Program (PKM) activity is the time of presentation of counseling material, the method used is lecture, discussion, question and answer, and simulation, while during the practice of making infiltration drainage, the method used is demonstration. The results are the installation of biopori pipes, overflowing water and pooling on the road and the people's home page has been reduced, and rainwater does not cause standing water on the road and downstream of the housing area. And the construction of the drainage channel is intended so that the drainage channel is not blocked again which can cause water to overflow into the highway

    Pembangunan Struktur Bangunan Air menggunakan Limbah Slag Nikel sebagai Agregat Kasar

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Pemanfaatan limbah slag nikel PT. Antam Pomalaa sebagai pengganti agregat kasar, perbandingan berat campuran beton basah, perbandingan berat volume beton antara beton beragregat kasar slag nikel dan beton normal, dan untuk mengetahui nilai kuat tekan beton beragregat slag nikel berdasarkan lama perendamannya. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian eksperimen yang dilakukan di laboratorium Uji Bahan dan Beton Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah slag nikel, kerikil, pasir, semen dan air. Slag nikel diambil diambil dari limbah hasil pembakaran PT. Antam Pomalaa Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemeriksaan karakteristik slag nikel masuk dalam kategori yang disyaratkan untuk digunakan sebagai agregat kasar pada beton. Pada berat campuran beton normal diperoleh berat isi 2270 kg/m2. Untuk penggunaan variasi 50% slag nikel. Nilai berat isi campuran meningkat sebesar 16 %. kemudian Meningkat 24% pada penggunaan agregat 100% slag nikel. Pada hasil pengujian kuat tekan. Beton alami pada umur 56 hari lama perendaman 55 hari memiliki kenaikan 12,27 %. Pada umur 90 hari, perendaman 89 hari memiliki kenaikan sebesar 16,29%. Sedangkan Beton 50% slag pada umur 56 hari, perendaman 55 hari memiliki kenaikan 14,28%. Pada umur 90 hari, perendaman 89 hari memiliki kenaikan sebesar 20,29 %. Kemudian Beton 100% slag nikel pada umur 56 hari lama perendaman 55 hari memiliki kenaikan 17 %. Pada umur 90 hari lama perendaman 89 hari memiliki kenaikan sebesar 26,63%. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan penggunaan limbah slag nikel dapat dijadikan pengganti agregat kasar untuk struktur bangunan air Kata Kunci: limbah, slag nikel, kuat tekan dan lama perendaman, bangunan ai

    Adaptasi Perubahan Spektrum SMK 2016 oleh Guru SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Konstruksi dan Properti

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    This activity aims to increase the understanding of teachers of the Department of Building Engineering at SMK 4 Gowa about irrigation and its buildings. The method used in this community partnership program, the mentoring method and the participatory rural approach (PRA) method. Mentoring m ethod a re used to im proveteachers' understanding of irrigation networks and irrigation structures. The PRA method is carried out to arouse the partner's sense of belonging to the product to be developed, and the partner's sense of responsibility towards the product and the environment around it. The initial survey was conducted to see the extent of respondents' initial understanding prior to the implementation of PKM on the understanding and ability of teachers to understand the material to be provided. After the PKM implementation activities, the survey was again conducted to measure the level of understanding of respondents after the implementation of the PKM activities and to be a m easure of the effectiveness of the implementation of the PKM to vocational teachers in the construction and property engineering expertise program. The results of the activity show that most teachers have only understood the irrigation material in the Fair category. There is even an average of 12 percent of teachers whose understanding is still lacking. The teachers also have not been able to distinguish irrigation buildings very well. After the implementation of the PKM activity, the teachers participating in the activity experienced a very significant increase in understanding. Teachers' understanding of the category was very good at 4.36% to 41.28%. Good category from 20.00% to 55.64% even after the activity, all teachers had understood the material about irrigation and its buildings. Keywords: construction and property engineering expertise program, vocational teachers, irrigation structure

    Meeting the industrial demand of construction engineering graduate competence

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    The aim of this study is to identify the distribution and relevance of graduate competencies in S1 PTSP Department FT UNM to those in the world of work. This research was conducted for a year. The location of this research was conducted in according with the distribution of graduates. Samples amount 28 respondents. The data collected used questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The result shows that the waiting period of graduate majoring in engineering education buildings PTSP FT UNM within the last 3 years (2013-2015) in getting a job was an average of 4.4 months. Then, the relevance of the work with their educational background according to their expertise was 85.72% while 14.28% are not suitable. Furthermore, the level of relevance of graduates’ technical skills in the field of building engineering was at the level of relevant amount 44.48%, and in the field of education at the level of highly relevant amount 55.00% of the number of observed respondents. The level of employability skills were in the proficient category with the average value about 48.75% of all aspects

    Traffic Conditions and Characteristics: Investigation of Road Segment Performance

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    The dimensions of the road affect the flow of traffic passing over it. Even though the traffic lanes are the same width, the traffic flow will not be the same because the environment is different. This study aims to determine traffic conditions and characteristics through density analysis and the level of traffic service on the roads. This research is a type of non-experimental research, like a case study with survey methods and direct field observations to determine the performance of the road network. The primary data collected through direct recording in the field is the number of vehicles passing through Perintis Kemerdekaan Road and observing the side constraints that reduce capacity and service levels and impede smooth traffic flow. Data analysis used the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and Indonesia Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997. The service level value (LOS) is obtained by dividing the peak traffic volume in the west direction of 4728 PCU/hour with the road capacity value obtained by the service level of 0.89 entering category E while in the east direction with a traffic volume value of 4974 PCU/hour obtained the degree of saturation value of 0.94. The results of the study show that the level of road service is between (D - E) with a value of 0.85 to 1.00, which means that it is close to road capacity and sluggish speed, high traffic density due to internal barriers and vehicle drivers who experience traffic jams of medium duration

    Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitude, Environmental Motivation, Local Government Commitment, and Zero Waste Behaviour of Perumnas Society of Makassar City

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    Waste problem has become a serious problem in the world including a housing which is the location of the settlement for society. At least, there are three problems resulting from the waste problem, namely global warming, natural resources crisis, and ecosystem crisis. Zero waste is a concept that is used to overcome the waste problem. In order to zero waste can be realized, behaviour from every society is needed. Zero waste behaviour can be influenced by several factors, such as knowledge, attitude, motivation, and commitment. This study aimed to describe environmental knowledge (EK), environmental attitude (EA), environmental motivation (EM), local government commitment (LGC) and zero waste behaviour (ZWB) of Perumnas society of Makassar City, and to describe the influence of EK, EA, EM, and GCindividually and together toward ZWB of Perumnas society of Makassar City. Data collecting were gathered by questionnaire deployment to 60 societies of PerumnasBumiTamalanreaPermai and PerumnasAntang. After did statistic examine, the research result showed that EK is in high category (38.33%), EA is in high category (33.33%), EM is in medium category (33.33%), LGC is in medium category (35%), and ZWB is in medium category (36.67%). EK, EA, EM, and LGC influenced toward ZWB individually and together. Based on the result, (1) EK affects toward ZWB, with significance value was 0.000 FTable2.400. Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, motivation, commitment, behaviour, zero waste, environmental