976 research outputs found

    Pengaruh pemberian juice pisang raja sebagai doping alami terhadap daya tahan pada Club Sparta Makassar

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    Penelitian bertujuan adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pengaruh pemberian jus pisang raja sebagai doping alami terhdap daya tahan? Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian pemain club bolavolly Sparta Makassar berjumlah 10 orang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data maka diperoleh data Pre-Test pengaruh pemberian jus pisang raja sebagai doping alami terhadap daya tahan pada Club Sparta Makassar dengan total nilai rata-rata 81.8780, data minimal 75.75, data maksimal 89.41 dengan range 13.66. Data pengaruh sesudah pemberian jus pisang raja terhadap daya tahan diperoleh total nilai rata-rata 84.8750, data minimal 77.92, data maksimal 90.90, dengan range 12.98. Data pengaruh sebelum pemberian jus pisang raja terhadap daya tahan diperoleh nilai KolmogorovSmirnov 0,172 Asymp. Sig 0.950 (P>0.05), maka dapat dikatakan bahwa data tersebut mengikuti sebaran normal atau berdistribusi normal. Data pengaruh sesudah pemberian jus pisang raja terhadap daya tahan diperoleh nilai Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0,167, Asymp. Sig 0,953 (P>0.05), maka dapat dikatakan bahwa data tersebut mengikuti sebaran normal atau berdistribusi normal. Dari data pengaruh sebelum pemberian jus pisang raja terhadap daya tahan didapatkan nilai VO2 Max rata-rata 81.8780 dan memperoleh nilai P value sebesar 0,00

    Strategi KPU Polewali Mandar Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilih Pada Pemilu Tahun 2019

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi KPU Polewali Mandar dalam mendorong partisipasi pemilih pada Pemilu Tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan dta yaitu wawancara dan studi pustaka. Penulis melakukan wawancara dengan para informan yang dianggap mempunyai kapasitas dan otoritas untuk menjelaskan terkait peningkatan partisipasi pemilih. Kajian pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi dari buku, jurnal penelitian dan pembahasan peningkatan partisipasi pemilih.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strateg iyang dilakukan oleh KPU Polewali Mandar dalam mendorong partisipasi pemilih pada Pemilu Tahun 2019 sudah berjalan dengan baik tergambarkan pada 4 strategi yaitu strategi organisasi, strategi program, strategi pendukung sumber daya, dan strategi kelembagaan


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    Diajar menggunakan media simulasi virtual dan tanpa menggunakan media simulasi virtual pada SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang serta mengetahui perbedaan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik kelompok yang diajar menggunakan media simulasi virtual dan kelompok yang diajar tanpa menggunakan media simua vitual pada SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang. Jenis penelitian ini true experimental design dengan desain peneltian posttest-only control group design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas x1 sebanayak 35 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas x2 sebanyak 38 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. selanjutnya berdasarkan analisis dekstiptif diperoleh pemahaman konsep kelas eksperimen berada pada kategori sedang sedangkan kelas kontrol berada pada kategori sedang.  Untuk analisis inferensial diperoleh bahwa data bersifat homogen dan berdistrubusi normal sehingga selanjutnya dilakukan uji ipotesis yang menunjukkan bahwa h0 diterima dan h1 ditolak, artiyna tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pemahaman konsep fisika kelompok yang diajar menggunakan media simulasi virtual dengan kelompok yang diajar tanpa menggunakan media simulasi virtual. Kata kunci : Pemahaman konsep fisika, Media simulasi vitua

    Pemanfaatan Internet Marketing Dalam Pemasaran Produk Unggulan Pertanian Provinsi Gorontalo the Use of Internet as Marketing Media of Agriculture Prominent of Gorontalo Province

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    The aim of the research is to analyze utilization of internet marketing in promoting the prominent agriculture products in order to increase investment in the Province of Gorontalo, and the shortcoming in utilizing internet marketing. The source informant of this research consisted of related officials in the Agriculture and Food Security Department and the Investment Board of the Province of Gorontalo, the website administrator and some agriculture businessman. The data collected through a deep interview, observation upon the website content and the Customer Relationship Management from the marketing communication view. The result shows that the internet marketing utilization by the Agriculture and Food Security Department of the Province of Gorontalo has not been fully utilized because the content that managed by the website administrator contains information that considered not important by the customer (visitor) so that the decision making process is difficult to take. However, by the interactive facility that is part of the CRM, this mater can be minimized by the administrator by creating two-way communication. Beside that, by managing a good relationship with the prospective investor as well as the existing investor that run their investment through CRM, this thing can contribute in increasing investment value in the Province of Gorontalo. From this research also found that the shortcoming in utilizing internet marketing is more to the short of the website administrator knowledge about the website content that considered valuable to the web user. The website administrator still not capable in understanding the need of the web user


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     This study examines maxim violations and implicatures in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. This research aims: (1) to describe the violations of the maxims contained in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan and (2) describe the types of implicature contained in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. In order to answer the existing problem formulation, this study uses the cooperative theory proposed by Yule (2014) to answer the first problem formulation that addresses the maxim violation. Then, to answer the second problem formulation that discusses the types of implicature using Grice's theory of conversational implicature. This research is included in the type of library research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data and data sources used in this study are sentences in the form of dialogue contained in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. Then, the data collection technique used is the technique of reading and recording using four stages in the analysis, namely: the identification stage, the classification stage, the interpretation stage and the conclusion drawing stage. The results of the study: (1) there are four maxims violations in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! Muhidin M. Dahlan's work, namely: violating the quality maxim, violating the quantity maxim, violating the behavior maxim, and violating the relation maxim. (2) There are four types of implicature in novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan's works, namely: general conversation implications, scale conversation implications, special conversation implications, and conventional conversation implications

    Kerangka Pemantapan Nasional Bagi Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Rakyat yang Berkeadilan

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the direct effect of communication and conflict on work commitment. The intermediate endogenous variable are communication and conflict, the endogenous variable is work commitment. This research is a quantitative research with survey method at State Junior High School Area of ​​Regency of Muna Southeast Sulawesi. The observational population is the teacher of the State Junior High School Area of ​​Muna Regency Southeast Sulawesi with a total of 393 people using survey method with path analysis used in hypothesis testing. Determination of the sample by using simple random technique was chosen using Slovin formula so that the number of samples to 80 respondents. The results of this study conclude that: (1) there is a positive direct effect of communication on work commitment, (2) that there is a direct negative effect of conflict on work commitment, (3) there is a direct negative effect of communication on conflict.   Keyword: communication, conflict and work commitmen


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    Based on the results of observing problems at SDN Bambalemo, teachers have different performances. In learning teacher performance is very influential for students. With the teacher's performance, students are not willing to do undesirable actions such as undisciplined, disrespectful and respectful of the teacher when speaking in front of the class. In addition, there are also teachers at SDN Bambalemo whose performance is less than optimal in carrying out the learning process in the classroom such as being late for class, less encouraging and guiding when students do not understand the learning material being taught so that students do not progress in their learning achievement, it is performance. the teacher decreases the learning achievement of their students. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between teacher performance and student achievement during the Covid19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative descriptive type of research that describes or describes the relationship between variable X (teacher performance) and variable Y (student learning achievement). The results of this study were seen from the achievement classification teacher performance criteria where of the 31 students who became respondents there were 15 students or 48.39% who stated that the performance of teachers at SDN Bambalemo was sufficient, 16 students or 51.61% stated that the teacher performance was less. Student learning can be seen from the classification of achievement where of the 31 students who became respondents there were 13 students or 41.93% who stated that student learning achievement was sufficient and 18 students or 58.07% stated that student achievement at SDN Bambalemo was lacking. Based on the data obtained in the field, it shows a serious relationship between teacher performance and student achievement, this is evidenced by the low questionnaire data on teacher performance, learning achievement and the acquisition of student report cards

    Reduced Graphene Oxide/Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibers Fabricated by Electrospinning Technique as An Ideal Candidate for Organic Solar Cell Devices

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    Functionalization of rGO that previously obtained by chemical reduction using hydrazine hydrate, has been done by changing its morphology into nanofiber with electrospinning technique and using PVA as a polymer matrix. The rGO nanofibers that had been formed were then characterized using Fourier Transformation-Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of C – C group and C = O group in nanofibers. SEM showed the change of nanofibers morphology which is marked by the increasing of fibres diameter and the hollow fibres become brighter. Furthermore, the effect of rGO concentration to nanofiber optical properties was confirmed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. According to this characterization, the absorbance of rGO/PVA nanofiber is decreased due to increased rGO concentration. The detail of optical properties of rGO is studied through complex refractive index and dielectric constant in which Kramers-Kronig transformation is then employed to calculate complex refractive index and complex dielectric constant. From the data, the optical properties of rGO/PVA nanofibers indicating that rGO/PVA nanofibers can be applied as transparent electrode an organic solar cell devices.DOI: 10.17977/um024v6i12021p01
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