16 research outputs found

    Analysis of Spelling Error In Dissertation Based on the General Guideline for Indonesian Spelling (Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia)

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    This study aims at describing and classifying forms of misspelling in dissertations based on General Guideline for Indonesian Spelling (Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia [PUEBI]). It is a descriptive qualitative study. The type of data obtained in this study is document text, consisting of primary data sourced from dissertation and secondary data sourced from related documents. Data collection is carried out by using text analysis, documentation, and recording techniques. The result of this research shows that spelling errors in dissertation include 10 errors of writing capital letter, 9 errors of writing italic, 14 errors of forming word, 5 errors of using full stop mark, 5 errors of using comma sign, 1 error of using colon sign, and 6 errors of using quotation mark. Maximum errors are in the use of punctuation and the word formation. Based on the result, it can be concluded that there are still many spelling errors in writing dissertation. Therefore, it needs more effort to understand the rules of writing, such as the use of standard words, PUEBI, capital letter, punctuation, and word formation to make a good writing, especially in writing dissertation


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    Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk memperkaya referensi siswa-siswa SD tentang profesi-profesi formal yang ada. Referensi ini bermanfaat untuk membantu siswa-siswa dalam merumuskan cita-cita mereka di masa depan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode pelatihan berbentuk Kelas Inspirasi melalui teknik ceramah, diskusi, dan latihan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh siswa-siswa kelas 4, 5, dan 6 SD Negeri Bantayan Kecamatan Nurussalam, Kabuaten Aceh Timur. Namun untuk pembahasan ini difokuskan hanya pada siswa kelas 5 SD yang berjumlah sebanyak 25 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian Kelas Inspirasi ini dilaksanakan selama satu hari dengan memberikan penyampaian materi dan contoh perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris, sesi diskusi dan penyiapan bahan perkenalan siswa dalam bahasa Inggris, serta diakhiri sesi praktek perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris dari siswa. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah siswa mampu menulis perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris yang meliputi nama (my name is…../I am….), tempat tinggal (I live in…..), cita-cita (my ambition is…../I want to be…..) serta mampu mempraktekkannya di depan kelas. Selain itu, dari hasil observasi selama di kelas dan wawancara dengan beberapa siswa, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa siswa-siswa sangat senang dengan adanya Kelas Inspirasi ini. Mereka sangat senang dengan kehadiran kami (yang mereka sebut sebagai orang-orang kota) di sekolah mereka. Dari kegiatan Kelas Inspirasi ini, direkomendasikan kepada kepala sekolah untuk dapat menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang serupa di masa depan


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    The study aims to observe the application of speed-reading techniques to improve reading skills for students in SMAN 1 Kluet Selatan. The research took place through Classroom Action Research (CAR) in class XII-IPA 1, which consisted of 27 students and involved a researcher (as a teacher) and an observer. The results of this study indicate that the use of speed reading techniques can improve students' reading skills. The technique application is confirmed to be effective if supported by the teacher's ability to plan the lesson in the classroom. It includes proportional activities in the teaching and learning process and a conducive classroom atmosphere created by providing learning facilities and infrastructure. The success of applying the speed reading technique is confirmed by the appearance of positive student responses and their active participation in each learning activity.   Keywords:  speed reading technique, reading activity, reading abilit


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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis proposal skripsi sehingga dapat mempermudah pembimbingan oleh dosen pembimbing dan dapat mempercepat mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan seminar proposal skripsi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pelatihan melalui zoom cloud meeting, membagikan handout, dan melakukan latihan-latihan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebanyak 65 orang dengan narasumber sebanyak tiga orang yang merupakan Tim PKM serta dibantu oleh 2 mahasiswa sebagai panitia. Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan dalam waktu 5 hari dengan memberikan materi yang berhubungan dengan penulisan proposal skripsi dari sudut pandang academic writing. Hasil dari pelatihan yang bersumber dari data pendaftaran seminar proposal di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris memperlihatkan bahwa ada tren peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang mendaftar seminar proposal. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan 5 dosen pembimbing bahwa mereka merasa lebih mudah membimbing dan meng-ACC proposal skripsi mahasiswa salahsatunya karena gaya penulisannya sudah bagus sesuai academic writing. Dari hasil itu, direkomendasikan untuk mengumpulkan handouts pelatihan ini menjadi sebuah buku panduan penulisan proposal dan skripsi mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


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    The variation of linguistic characteristics in academic writing between male and female is inevitable to happen. Therefore, this study aimed at finding out the differences of male and female students in linguistic characteristics of academic writing from perspective of linguistics, especially at the level of text analysis. The quantitative research method with convergent parallel design was used to analyze sixty students’ essay writing chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The result revealed that there were some differences of linguistic characteristics in academic writing between male and female. The female students outperformed male students in all linguistic characteristics in text-level analysis. The female students were found more capable in paragraphing competences, linking devices, text output counts, topical organization, and ending. The findings generally support the notion that differences of linguistic characteristics between male and female should be considered in teaching academic writing to create a friendly teaching-learning process for both genders

    Home-to- School Connection: Literacy Practices of a Teenager Living in Tourist Area

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    The view of literacy as a social practice has changed the view of researchers to study not only the activities in formal setting but also beyond the school walls (Hull and Schultz, 2002; Street, 2003). This paper aims to shed light how foreign literacy practices in out-of-school context, particularly in tourist areas, may potentially contribute to the students’ literacy ability in the formal context. This ethnographic research was conducted over a two-week period which situated in tourist destination areas, namely Gapang, in the municipality of Sabang, Indonesia. The input data comes mainly from participant observation, audio recordings, interviews and field notes to examine the linkages between outside literacy and school attainment. The findings suggest that there was a linkage between the literacy practices outside and inside school for participant.  Eventually, this study will be a beneficial input for teachers, parents and researchers, in the future study, to take into account the learning experiences available in both settings and integrate them into fruitful literacy learning at school


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    Good digestive system will produce a good immune system. A good immune system is needed to prevent the Covid-19 infection. Kefir is a probiotic drink which beneficial for the digestive system. Partners of the activities are PKK women in Sidorejo Village, Kota Langsa.  The method consists of three stages; preparation, education and production, and product harvesting. The result of the preparation stage is the delivery of the purpose of activities and agreement of timing of the activity. At the education stage, team explained the benefits of kefir milk for health as well as promising business opportunities, then continued with training of kefir production consists of milk sterilization, starter inoculation, and fermentation. The product is harvested after fermented for 2 x 24 hours. The results obtained good and uncontaminated kefir milk products, which indicates that the PKK women in Sidorejo Village, Kota Langsa has succeeded in making kefir milk products.Sistem pencernaan yang baik akan menghasilkan sistem imun yang baik. Sistem imun yang baik sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi pandemi covid-19. Kefir merupakan minuman probiotik yang bermanfaat bagi sistem pencernaan. Mitra kegiatan pelatihan adalah Ibu PKK Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa yang berjumlah …. orang. Metode kegiatan terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, edukasi dan pembuatan, dan pemanenan produk. Hasil dari tahap persiapan adalah tersampaikannya tujuan kegiatan pengabdian dan disepakatinya waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan. Pada tahap edukasi, tim pengabdian menjelaskan manfaat dari susu kefir bagi kesehatan serta peluang usahanya yang menjanjikan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan pembuatan susu kefir yang terdiri dari tahap sterilisasi susu, inokulasi starter, dan fermentasi. Tahap pemanenan dilakukan setelah susu kambing difermentasi selama 2 x 24 jam.  Hasil dari pemanenan diperoleh produk susu kefir yang baik dan tidak terkontaminasi yang menandakan bahwa Ibu PKK Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa telah berhasil membuat produk susu kefir

    Developing ESP based-digital learning materials support students’ needs at Indonesian vocational schools: Perceived quality

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    The purpose of incorporating digital learning materials into vocational school English instruction is to assist students in acquiring specific competencies. Additionally, prepared digital learning materials are intended to assist teachers in developing instructional materials that follow the principles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in vocational high schools (SMK). The research used the qualitative research and development (R&D) method. The stages of developing this teaching material model are adapted from Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel's 4Ds model (1974), which consists of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. As data sources, the participants were two teachers from two different vocational schools with a combined enrolment of 115 students. This research's results are a model for developing digital-based teaching materials (prepared digital learning materials). Furthermore, it was discovered that using the prepared digital learning materials greatly aided teachers in teaching English to achieve specific competencies. From the students' perspective, they admitted that it was also exciting because they perceived learning as distinct from traditional   learning materials due to digital materials usage


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    The postmodern paradigm has developed very broadly. It has not only become a discussion in the field of philosophy but also influenced almost all fields of science, especially the socio-cultural sciences, including language teaching. This study aims to review how postmodernism affects language teaching and what effects it has on the language teaching and learning process, be it teaching a second or foreign language or teaching a first language. This is an analytic study using a literature review approach from written sources to describe the results and draw research conclusions. The results show that postmodernism has influenced language teaching, especially with the emergence of criticism of existing teaching methods and the raising of the critical question of whether teaching languages should use existing teaching methods or whether language teaching does not need to follow these methods. Criticism then gives birth to an understanding method of pedagogy that is based on communicative language teaching (CLT). Postmodern philosophy suggests that language teaching can be done with a combination of several existing methods or can also add new methods or techniques


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    This study aimed to analyze the English subject in two vocational schools in Kota Langsa based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) approach and how it was implemented in the classroom. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The two vocational schools involved in the research are Hotel Hospitality Management and Maritime Fishing Vessel Engineering. The data were gained from the teachers and students by conducting observation, interview, Focus Group Discusssion (FGD), and document analysis of syllabus and teaching materials. The data were analyzed by comparing the real condition of teaching-learning process and the ideal condition based on ESP approach. The finding showed that the two schools used General English (GE) frequently rather than ESP on English subject. Despite the common use of GE in these two schools, they had the option to adjust their English subject into ESP standard. One school had the ESP subject called English for Maritime and another school chose Mandarin subject as the option. As a result, the school only had GE for English subject. Thus, the English subject was taught and designed as English for General Purposes rather than English for Specific Purposes