54 research outputs found

    Effect of Diafiltration on Preparation of Fermented Mung Beans Concentrate as Probiotic Savory Flavor Through Ultrafiltration Membrane

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    Diafiltration by means of the ultrafiltration system of probiotic fermented Mung beans (Phaseolus radiatus L.) concentrate has been performed to reduce or eliminate salts and smaller impurities than the nominal cut-off of the membrane of 20,000 nominal weight cut-off (NWCO). These processes have been conducted as an attempt in order to get a probiotic product with organoleptic acceptability, composition, and the optimal total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) counts because the presence of salts will affect on the viability of LAB and the cell lysis of LAB and limit its utility in food products. Concentrate of probiotic mung beans was prepared through fermentation of LAB using inoculum of LAB consisting of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophylus (1 : 1) on fermented mung beans extractinoculated by inoculum of Rhizopus–C1 in rice substrates at salt condition. Ultrafiltration and diafiltration modes have been carried out at flow rate of 8.77 Liter/minute, room temperature and the pressure of 5 bar (0 to 79.7 minutes) and 7 bar (0-154.5 minutes) with the ratio of the volume of pure water to the volume of initial feed (number of diavolume, Nd) of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25, respectively. The experiment results based on total LAB counts as a probiotic product show that a high Nd can reduce the salt content but increase the total LAB counts. Nd of 1.0 results reduce the salt content which is equal to retentate, permeate, and the optimal total LAB counts. Ultrafiltration and diafiltration modes at the pressure of 7 bar and Nd of 1.0 give a retentate with total solid of 6.1355%, salt of 1.3515% and remove 86.15% of the salt from probiotic fermented mung beans concentrate and total LAB counts of 10.73 log cycles. Meanwhile, the permeate obtained at this condition results in flux value of 10.83 Liter/m2.hour with contents of total solid of 6.8199%, salt of 1.325% and total LAB counts of 5.49 log cycles

    Penerapan Membran Mikrofiltrasi Pada Pemurnian Ekstrak Kaldu Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.) Sebagai Fortifikan Produk Makanan

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    In preparation of mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) broth extract asfortificant agent offood products via purification by means of microfiltration (MF) membrane, operation conditions have important role. Application of MF membrane modul is afurther process of purification from small scale (Stirred MF cell, 30.175 cm2 of membrane area) to bench-scale (Cross-flow MF modul, 360 cm2 of membrane area). The main goal of this work was to find out effect of flow rate of material and operation pressure on compositions of concentrate/retentate and permeate from mung bean broth extract as savoury (umami)-based fortificant agent offood products. Preparation of mung bean broth extract was conducted by introducing broth extract of crude mung bean to Cross-flow MF modul at pump motor frequency of l0 and 20 Hz, room temperature and operation pressure of 2, 4 and 6 bar, respectively. Investigation was performed on permeate flux value, and analysis was conducted on concentrate/retentate and permeate, covering on total solids, dissolved solid, total protein, dissolved protein, N-amino and salt. The result of experiment showed that pump motor frequency and operation pressure affect on concentrate/retentate and permeate compositions. Increase of pump motor frequency and operation pressure increase permeate composition, but they tend to be almost similar on concentrate/retentate of mung bean broth extract. Treatment combination at pump motor frequency of 20 Hz and operation pressure of 2 bar generated the best composition of concentrate/retentate as hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) with concentrations of total solids of 3.98 %, soluble solid of 6.05 %, total protein of 5.65 %, dissolved protein of 5.3 mg/mL, N-amino of 0.95 mg/mL and salt of 2.04 %, while permeate gave flux value of 32.19 L/m2.hour with concentrations of total solids of 5.74 %, soluble solid of 5.04 %, total protein of 4.51 %, dissolved protein of 4.05 mg/mL, N-amino ofl.08 mg/mL and salt of 2.2 %, and had useful potency asfood savoury flavor

    Ultrafiltration Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in mung Beans Broth by Mixed LAB Culture

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    Increasing Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) concentration in fermented broth of mung beans by mixed culture of Lactobacillus sp. and Streptococcus thermophillus through ultrafiltration (UF) (20,000 MWCO) at flow rate of ~8.87 L/min, room temperature and pressure 5 and 7 bars for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes was performed. The results showed that pressure and time affected on UF performance, total solids, total protein and total number of LAB. Optimal time at pressure 5 bar was reached 60 minutes with flux 11.94 L/m2.hour, total solids 13.9423%, total protein 8.95%, total LAB 6.18 log CFU/mL, Robs of total solids 3.45%, total protein  58.67%, LAB 100% and DC 1.38 folds. The best time at 7 bar was reached 30 minutes with flux 16.16 L/m2.hour, total solids 12.2879%, total protein 4.41%, total LAB 6.04 Log CFU/mL, Robs of total solids 11.98%, total protein 45.76%, LAB 99.5 and DC 1.16 folds


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    Cross-flow Microfiltration System is one of important separation basic using membrane influenced by separation process condition (pressure, flow rate, temperature, time), particles size and molecular weight (MW). The goal of this experiment was to find out composition, type and intensity of flavor compounds produced from autolysate separation of meatlike flavor from fermented mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) through MF membrane at pump motor frequency 20 Hz, room temperature and operation pressure 6 bar for 90 minutes. The experiment results showed that Cross-flow MF System at permeate flux value of 31.83 L/m2.hour was able to separate N-Amino and dissolved protein as meatlike flavor compounds pass through MF membrane more much in permeate, while total solid, fat salt and  protein were rejected and retained more much in concentrate/retentate. Meatlike flavor compounds were dominated by sulphur. MF system was able to separate more much sulphur compounds as meatlike flavor present in permeate than concentrate/retentate. On the permeate was obtained 43 compound of meat analogue dominated by Sulphur-Nitrogen component (71.48%), namely 1,2,3-Triazole,4-flourodinitromethyl-1-methyl (0,01%), 2–Thiopenethiol (0,1%), Chlomethiazole (0,22%), 4-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylthiazole (70,99%), Furfuril-methyl-sulfide (0,11%), 2-Methyl-6-thiopurine (0,05% Area/0,2”g sample), While, other components covered Nitrogen (11), Pyran (4), Furan (5) , Alcohol  (4), Aldehiyde (3), Hidrocarbon (1) and  Ester - organi acid (5).Permeate has potential use as meatlike flavor extract, whereas retentate as concentrate/Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) is used for vegetable food products with meat taste and aroma. Key Words : Meat analog flavor, flavoring reaction, permeate, concentrate/retentate, microfiltration (MF)

    Potensi Nanofiltrasi dalam Pemekatan Bakteri Asam Laktat sebagai Probiotik Savory dari Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L.) Terfermentasi oleh Rhizopus-C

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    Concentration of fermented Mung beans as ingredient probiotic through Nanofiltration at fixed pump motor frequency and pressure for long time was an important effort to reach optimal operation condition, so it is generated savory functional product with the best total LAB count and composition. Concentration process of fermented Mung beans substrates by Rhizopus-C fermented by LAB using mixed cultures of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus and enriched by full cream milk at 40 °C for 48 hours was performed at pump motor frequency of 20 Hz, room temperature and pressure of 25 bar for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 minutes, respectively. The result of activity demonstrated that long time of concentration process would reduce permeate flux, increased retentate composition of total LAB count, total solids, total acids, dissolved protein and reducing sugar, while salt concentration would be de- clined. Based on total LAB count and process efficiency, optimal time of concentration to generate retentate as savory probiotic was 210 minutes with concentrations of total solids of 21.25 %, total acids of 1.35 %, dissolved protein of 5.65 mg/mL, reducing sugar of 127.5 mg/mL, salt of 0.57 % and total LAB count of 2.6 x 1010 cfu/mL, whereas permeate as side product could be used as probiotic acidulent gave flux of  9 L/m2.hour with concentrations of total solids of 2.24%, total acids of 1.24 %, dissolved protein of  0.02 mg/mL, reducing sugar of 2.985  mg/mL, salt of 0.67 %  and totalLAB count of 1.2 x 107 cfu/mL.ABSTRAKPemekatan konsentrat kacang hijau terfermentasi sebagai probiotik ingredient menggunakan sistem nanofiltrasi den- gan waktu yang semakin meningkat pada tekanan & kecepatan motor tetap merupakan upaya untuk memperoleh kon- disi operasi optimal sehingga dihasilkan produk fungsinal savory dengan total BAL dan komposisi terbaik. Proses pemekatan dilakukan selama 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 ,180, 210, 240, 270 dan 300 menit, tekanan 25 bar, frekwensi motor pompa 20 Hz, suhu ruang pada substrat kacang hijau terfermentasi oleh Rhizopus C yang difermentasi oleh BAL pada suhu 40 °C selama 48 jam menggunakan campuran L. bulgaricus dan S. thermophilus dan diperkaya dengan susu skim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan waktu proses akan menurunkan fluks bahan namun meningkatkan komposisi retentat terhadap total BAL, total solid, total asam, protein terlarut, gula pereduksi sedangkan kadar garam cenderung menurun. Berdasarkan jumlah BAL dan efesiensi proses, Waktu pemekatan 210 menit adalah optimal dalam dalam menghasilkan retentat sebagai probiotik savory dengan total padatan kering 21,25 %, total asam 1,35 %, protein terlarut 5,65 mg/mL, gula pereduksi 127,5 mg/mL, garam 0,57 % dan jumlah BAL 2,6 x 1010 cfu/mL dan fluks permeat 9L/m2.jam sedangkan permeat sebagai produk samping yang berpotensi sebagai acidulant berprobiotik dengan kandun-gan total padatan kering 2,24 %, total asam 1,24 %, protein terlarut 0,02 mg/mL, gula pereduksi 2,985 mg/mL, garam0,67 % dan jumlah BAL 1,2 x 107 cfu/ml

    Potensi Nanofiltrasi Dalam Pemekatan Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Probiotik Savory Dari Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.) Terfermentasi Oleh Rhizopus-C

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    Concentration of fermented Mung beans as ingredient probiotic through Nanofiltration at fixed pump motor frequency and pressure for long time was an important effort to reach optimal operation condition, so it is generated savory functional product with the best total LAB count and composition. Concentration process of fermented Mung beans substrates by Rhizopus-C fermented by LAB using mixed cultures of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus and enriched by full cream milk at 40 °C for 48 hours was performed at pump motor frequency of 20 Hz, room temperature and pressure of 25 bar for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 minutes, respectively. The result of activity demonstrated that long time of concentration process would reduce permeate flux, increased retentate composition of total LAB count, total solids, total acids, dissolved protein and reducing sugar, while salt concentration would be de- clined. Based on total LAB count and process efficiency, optimal time of concentration to generate retentate as savory probiotic was 210 minutes with concentrations of total solids of 21.25 %, total acids of 1.35 %, dissolved protein of 5.65 mg/mL, reducing sugar of 127.5 mg/mL, salt of 0.57 % and total LAB count of 2.6 x 1010 cfu/mL, whereas permeate as side product could be used as probiotic acidulent gave flux of 9 L/m2.hour with concentrations of total solids of 2.24%, total acids of 1.24 %, dissolved protein of 0.02 mg/mL, reducing sugar of 2.985 mg/mL, salt of 0.67 % and totalLAB count of 1.2 x 107 cfu/mL

    Recovery of Natural Folic Acid and It’s Identification as Protein Isolate Through Beans Extraction Fermented by Rhizopus sp. and Rhizopus oligosporus C1 for Smart Food Formula

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    Protein isolate produced through fermentation of soy beans (Glycine soja L.), mung beans (Phaseolus radiatus L.) and kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using fungi of Rhizopus sp. (mixture) or Rhizopus oligosporus C1 (single) are natural source of folic acid for formulation of smart foods. The objective of this experimental activity was to know potential use of fermented beans (tempeh) as protein isolate as a result of pulverizing process and filtration through 100 mesh sieve and characteristic of its monomer, particularly  glutamic acid as a part of folic acid via LC-MS. Protein isolate extract was generated via pulverizing mixture between soy tempeh, mung bean tempeh and kidney bean tempeh, and water with ratio of 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 3, 1 : 4 and 1 : 5, respectively followed by filtration through 100 mesh sieve. The result of experimental activity displayed that interaction of all treatments affected on composition of tempeh extraction result as protein isolate. Identification using  LC-MS showed that difference in relative intensity for 3 kinds of tempeh on presence of glutamic acid. Protein isolates from soy tempeh, mung bean tempeh and kidney bean tempeh produced domination of glutamic acid monomer indicated subsequently at chromatogram with T 4.1, T 5.7 and T 7.1; T 4.0 and T 3.9

    Mikrofiltrasi Isolat Tempe Kedelai (Glycine Soja L.) Dan Distribusi Partikelnya Sebagai Sumber Asam Folat (Soybean (Glycine Soja L.) Tempe Isolate Microfiltration and Its Particle Distribution as Folic Acid Source)

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    Kedelai (Glycine soja L.) yang terfermentasi (tempe) oleh Rhizopus oligosporus-C1 berpotensi sebagai isolat protein sumber asam folat alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik partikel isolat protein dan komposisinya terutama asam folat dari bubur dan konsentrat bubur tempe. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melumatkan tempe pada rasio 1 bagian tempe dan 4 bagian air, filtrasi lolos 80 mesh dan pemurnian melalui sistem mikrofiltrasi (MF) sel berpengaduk. Perolehan bubur tempe dan konsentrat hasil MF selanjutnya dikeringkan dengan pengering vakum pada suhu 30°C dan tekanan absolut 22 cmHg selama 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pelumatan dan filtrasi meningkatkan asam folat, protein terlarut dan N-amino serta menurunkan total solid bubur dan filtrat. Sistem MF mampu memperoleh kembali asam folat, protein terlarut, N-amino dan total solid dalam konsentrat berturut-turut 51,41%; 73%; 74,3% dan 34,26% dibandingkan konsentrasi komponen-komponen dalam retentat dan permeat. Proses pengeringan konsentrat hasil MF menghasilkan bubuk dengan ukuran partikel lebih kecil, warna lebih cerah dan tingkat kehalusan lebih merata dengan partikel berukuran Ø 0,4-100 ”m (50,2%) dan sisanya (49,8%) berupa partikel berukuran antara 100-1000 ”m dengan komposisi total padatan 95,12%, protein terlarut 0,75 mg/mL, N-amino 14,56 mg/mL dan asam folat 299,66 ”g/mL


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    Telah dilakukan pemekatan hidrolisat dedak sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L Moench) B-100 hasil hidrolisis kultur Rhizopus C1,melalui ultrafiltrasi (UF) sel berpengaduk untuk memperoleh SDF/soluble dietary fiber sebagai anti kolesterol. Ultrafitrasi dilakukan pada tekanan 30 dan 40 psia dengan kecepatan putar pengaduk yaitu 200, 300 dan 400 rpm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi operasi pemekatan berpengaruh terhadap fluks permeat dan komposisi retentat & permeat. Perlakuan optimal berdasarkan SDF tertinggi dicapai pada tekanan 40 psia dengan kecepatan putar 300 rpm yang menghasilkan konsentrat dengan komposisi SDF 2,1575% (b.k), total padatan 1,8017 %, protein terlarut 0,0492 mg/mL, total protein 1,432 (b.k), tanin  0,043 % dan gula reduksi 1,744 mg/mL pada fluks 1,5 mL/cm2. menit
