34 research outputs found

    Assessing infrequent large earthquakes using geomorphology and geodesy in the Malawi Rift

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    In regions with large, mature fault systems, a characteristic earthquake model may be more appropriate for modelling earthquake occurrence than extrapolating from a short history of small, instrumentally observed earthquakes using the Gutenberg–Richter scaling law. We illustrate how the geomorphology and geodesy of the Malawi Rift, a region with large seismogenic thicknesses, long fault scarps, and slow strain rates, can be used to assess hazard probability levels for large infrequent earthquakes. We estimate potential earthquake size using fault length and recurrence intervals from plate motion velocities and generate a synthetic catalogue of events. Since it is not possible to determine from the geomorphological information if a future rupture will be continuous (7.4 ≤ M W ≤ 8.3 with recurrence intervals of 1,000–4,300 years) or segmented (6.7 ≤ M W ≤ 7.7 with 300–1,900 years), we consider both alternatives separately and also produce a mixed catalogue. We carry out a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment to produce regional- and site-specific hazard estimates. At all return periods and vibration periods, inclusion of fault-derived parameters increases the predicted spectral acceleration above the level predicted from the instrumental catalogue alone, with the most significant changes being in close proximity to the fault systems and the effect being more significant at longer vibration periods. Importantly, the results indicate that standard probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) methods using short instrumental records alone tend to underestimate the seismic hazard, especially for the most damaging, extreme magnitude events. For many developing countries in Africa and elsewhere, which are experiencing rapid economic growth and urbanisation, seismic hazard assessments incorporating characteristic earthquake models are critical

    Bayesian Network Modeling and Expert Elicitation for Probabilistic Eruption Forecasting: Pilot Study for Whakaari/White Island, New Zealand

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    Bayesian Networks (BNs) are probabilistic graphical models that provide a robust and flexible framework for understanding complex systems. Limited case studies have demonstrated the potential of BNs in modeling multiple data streams for eruption forecasting and volcanic hazard assessment. Nevertheless, BNs are not widely employed in volcano observatories. Motivated by their need to determine eruption-related fieldwork risks, we have worked closely with the New Zealand volcano monitoring team to appraise BNs for eruption forecasting with the purpose, at this stage, of assessing the utility of the concept rather than develop a full operational framework. We adapted a previously published BN for a pilot study to forecast volcanic eruption on Whakaari/White Island. Developing the model structure provided a useful framework for the members of the volcano monitoring team to share their knowledge and interpretation of the volcanic system. We aimed to capture the conceptual understanding of the volcanic processes and represent all observables that are regularly monitored. The pilot model has a total of 30 variables, four of them describing the volcanic processes that can lead to three different types of eruptions: phreatic, magmatic explosive and magmatic effusive. The remaining 23 variables are grouped into observations related to seismicity, fluid geochemistry and surface manifestations. To estimate the model parameters, we held a workshop with 11 experts, including two from outside the monitoring team. To reduce the number of conditional probabilities that the experts needed to estimate, each variable is described by only two states. However, experts were concerned about this limitation, in particular for continuous data. Therefore, they were reluctant to define thresholds to distinguish between states. We conclude that volcano monitoring requires BN modeling techniques that can accommodate continuous variables. More work is required to link unobservable (latent) processes with observables and with eruptive patterns, and to model dynamic processes. A provisional application of the pilot model revealed several key insights. Refining the BN modeling techniques will help advance understanding of volcanoes and improve capabilities for forecasting volcanic eruptions. We consider that BNs will become essential for handling ever-burgeoning observations, and for assessing data's evidential meaning for operational eruption forecasting

    Risk and uncertainty assessment of volcanic hazards

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    Alternative Covid-19 mitigation measures in school classrooms:analysis using an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission

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    The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has impacted children's education, with schools required to implement infection control measures that have led to periods of absence and classroom closures. We developed an agent-based epidemiological model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a school classroom that allows us to quantify projected infection patterns within primary school classrooms, and related uncertainties. Our approach is based on a contact model constructed using random networks, informed by structured expert judgement. The effectiveness of mitigation strategies in suppressing infection outbreaks and limiting pupil absence are considered. COVID-19 infections in primary schools in England in autumn 2020 were re-examined and the model was then used to estimate infection levels in autumn 2021, as the Delta variant was emerging and it was thought likely that school transmission would play a major role in an incipient new wave of the epidemic. Our results were in good agreement with available data. These findings indicate that testing-based surveillance is more effective than bubble quarantine, both for reducing transmission and avoiding pupil absence, even accounting for insensitivity of self-administered tests. Bubble quarantine entails large numbers of absences, with only modest impact on classroom infections. However, maintaining reduced contact rates within the classroom can have a major benefit for managing COVID-19 in school settings

    Alternative Covid-19 mitigation measures in school classrooms:analysis using an agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission

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    The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has impacted children's education, with schools required to implement infection control measures that have led to periods of absence and classroom closures. We developed an agent-based epidemiological model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a school classroom that allows us to quantify projected infection patterns within primary school classrooms, and related uncertainties. Our approach is based on a contact model constructed using random networks, informed by structured expert judgement. The effectiveness of mitigation strategies in suppressing infection outbreaks and limiting pupil absence are considered. COVID-19 infections in primary schools in England in autumn 2020 were re-examined and the model was then used to estimate infection levels in autumn 2021, as the Delta variant was emerging and it was thought likely that school transmission would play a major role in an incipient new wave of the epidemic. Our results were in good agreement with available data. These findings indicate that testing-based surveillance is more effective than bubble quarantine, both for reducing transmission and avoiding pupil absence, even accounting for insensitivity of self-administered tests. Bubble quarantine entails large numbers of absences, with only modest impact on classroom infections. However, maintaining reduced contact rates within the classroom can have a major benefit for managing COVID-19 in school settings

    Ice sheet contributions to future sea-level rise from structured expert judgment

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    Despite considerable advances in process understanding, numerical modeling, and the observational record of ice sheet contributions to global mean sea-level rise (SLR) since the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, severe limitations remain in the predictive capability of ice sheet models. As a consequence, the potential contributions of ice sheets remain the largest source of uncertainty in projecting future SLR. Here, we report the findings of a structured expert judgement study, using unique techniques for modeling correlations between inter- and intra-ice sheet processes and their tail dependences. We find that since the AR5, expert uncertainty has grown, in particular because of uncertain ice dynamic effects. For a +2 °C temperature scenario consistent with the Paris Agreement, we obtain a median estimate of a 26 cm SLR contribution by 2100, with a 95th percentile value of 81 cm. For a +5 °C temperature scenario more consistent with unchecked emissions growth, the corresponding values are 51 and 178 cm, respectively. Inclusion of thermal expansion and glacier contributions results in a global total SLR estimate that exceeds 2 m at the 95th percentile. Our findings support the use of scenarios of 21st century global total SLR exceeding 2 m for planning purposes. Beyond 2100, uncertainty and projected SLR increase rapidly. The 95th percentile ice sheet contribution by 2200, for the +5 °C scenario, is 7.5 m as a result of instabilities coming into play in both West and East Antarctica. Introducing process correlations and tail dependences increases estimates by roughly 15%.</p

    Analysis of magma flux and eruption intensity during the 2021 explosive activity at the Soufrière of St Vincent, West Indies

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    Seismic RSAM signals and eruption cloud height measurements were used to estimate peak intensities of 40 explosive events during the 8-22 April 2021 activity of the Soufrière volcano. We estimated magma supply rates and erupted volumes in each explosion, characterized uncertainty by stochastic modelling and identified four eruptive stages. Stage 1 included an intense period of 9.5 hours with 11 explosive events with peak eruption intensity between 2000 and 4000 m3/s and magma supply rate reaching 828 m3/s. 12 high intensity explosions (∼4000 m3/s) occurred in Stage 2 with average magma supply rate of 251 m3/s. Stage 3 involved declining intensity, magma supply rate and lengthening repose periods between explosions. Stage 4 involved 3 much weaker explosions. The total erupted volume of magma is estimated at 38.5 × 106 m3 (90% credible interval: [22.0 .. 61.9] × 106 m3) consistent with independent estimates from analysis of tephra deposits and volcano subsidence sourced at ∼6 km depth. The 150-fold increase in magma supply rate, from the preceding effusive phase to Stage 1 of the explosive phase, is attributed to replacement of very high viscosity degassed magma occupying the shallow conduit system with new lower viscosity volatile-rich magma from the magma chamber. Supplementary material at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.655800