47 research outputs found

    Juan Roberto Munizaga Villavicencio (1934-1996)

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    Las ocupaciones humanas del sitio arqueológico de Santa Inés, Laguna de Tagua Tagua, Chile central

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    The study of archaeological and bioanthropological evidence from the SantaInés site (central Chile), together with new radiocarbon dates available, haveallowed us to define this site as a residential settlement with several occupationalevents associated with funerary practices. The first occupations correspond tomid-to-late Holocene hunter-gatherers, while the last event to the Early CeramicPeriod. Santa Inés presents strong affinities to the Cuchipuy site located in thevicinity. As a whole, they formed part of a settlement pattern clustered along theshoreline of the Tagua Tagua basin and its lake-basin resources.El estudio de las evidencias arqueológicas y bioantropológicas del sitio arqueológicode Santa Inés, situado en la ex laguna de Tagua Tagua (Chile Central), y sus nuevasedades radiocarbónicas, han permitido definir este sitio como un asentamientohabitacional con varios eventos ocupacionales asociados a prácticas funerarias. Lasprimeras ocupaciones corresponderían a cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno Medio yTardío y el último a un evento del Alfarero Temprano. Poseen fuertes afinidades con elcercano asentamiento de Cuchipuy. Como conjunto constituyeron parte de un patrónde asentamiento en torno a los recursos lacustres de la cuenca de Tagua Tagua

    Targeted Image Data Augmentation Increases Basic Skills Captioning Robustness

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    Artificial neural networks typically struggle in generalizing to out-of-context examples. One reason for this limitation is caused by having datasets that incorporate only partial information regarding the potential correlational structure of the world. In this work, we propose TIDA (Targeted Image-editing Data Augmentation), a targeted data augmentation method focused on improving models' human-like abilities (e.g., gender recognition) by filling the correlational structure gap using a text-to-image generative model. More specifically, TIDA identifies specific skills in captions describing images (e.g., the presence of a specific gender in the image), changes the caption (e.g., "woman" to "man"), and then uses a text-to-image model to edit the image in order to match the novel caption (e.g., uniquely changing a woman to a man while maintaining the context identical). Based on the Flickr30K benchmark, we show that, compared with the original data set, a TIDA-enhanced dataset related to gender, color, and counting abilities induces better performance in several image captioning metrics. Furthermore, on top of relying on the classical BLEU metric, we conduct a fine-grained analysis of the improvements of our models against the baseline in different ways. We compared text-to-image generative models and found different behaviors of the image captioning models in terms of encoding visual encoding and textual decoding

    Direct Dates and mtDNA of Late Pleistocene Human Skeletons from South America: A Comment on Chatters et al. (2014)

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    In a recent paper in the journal Science (2014, Vol. 344, pp. 750–754), J. Chatters et al. present a new early human skeleton from the Yucatan, Mexico, considering it in the context of eight other early “Paleoamerican” individuals—all from North America—that previously yielded ancient genetic evidence and/or direct radiocarbon ages. Despite including the archaeological site of Monte Verde II, Chile, in their discussion, we were alarmed that the authors otherwise ignored the South American record, presenting a map with the southern continent being devoid of PaleoAmerican human remains. We felt it important to remind our colleagues that South America has produced numerous directly dated human skeletal remains that are as old as the ones cited by Chatters et al. for North America, and that several of these have actually yielded mitochondrial (mt) DNA. Significant implications can be derived from this radiocarbon, bioanthropological, and mtDNA dataset, especially considering the antiquity of the earliest human populations and process of peopling of the New World.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Editorial Revista Chilena de Antropología: un largo camino

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