100 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation in thermal habitat volume for cold-water fish populations : implications for hydroacoustic survey design and stock assessment

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    For accurate stock assessment, survey design must consider fish behavior and ecology. Yearlings and older individuals of the commercially exploited cold-water species vendace (Coregonus albula) are found below the metalimnion through periods of thermal stratification. These stratification periods generally last for 3-4 months, from the middle of summer to early autumn. In lakes with heterogeneous distribution of depths, the habitat volume for vendace vary drastically within and across years, which affects the distribution and population densities. Variable thermal habitat volumes, with food and oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion through the period of stratification, may act as a population size-regulating factor.Using hydroacoustics in combination with trawl data and temperature profiles, we examined the distribution of vendace through annual periods of thermal stratification. We found that yearling and older vendace these periods were confined to cold-water habitat volumes representing less than 10 % of the total water volume of Lake MĂ€laren, the third largest lake in Sweden. By introducing stratification to the design of hydroacoustic surveys supported by midwater trawling, seasonal aggregations of fish in temporally restricted thermal habitat volumes can be used to lower survey effort and improve the precision in estimates of population size. Temporally restricted habitat volumes may induce risks for the populations to over-fishing and sensitivity to environmental changes that potentially may call for directed management

    Machine criticality assessment for productivity improvement: Smart maintenance decision support

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    Purpose\ua0The purpose of this paper is to increase productivity through smart maintenance planning by including productivity as one of the objectives of the maintenance organization. Therefore, the goals of the paper are to investigate existing machine criticality assessment and identify components of the criticality assessment tool to increase productivity.Design/methodology/approach\ua0An embedded multiple case study research design was adopted in this paper. Six different cases were chosen from six different production sites operated by three multi-national manufacturing companies. Data collection was carried out in the form of interviews, focus groups and archival records. More than one source of data was collected in each of the cases. The cases included different production layouts such as machining, assembly and foundry, which ensured data variety.Findings\ua0The main finding of the paper is a deeper understanding of how manufacturing companies assess machine criticality and plan maintenance activities. The empirical findings showed that there is a lack of trust regarding existing criticality assessment tools. As a result, necessary changes within the maintenance organizations in order to increase productivity were identified. These are technological advancements, i.e. a dynamic and data-driven approach and organizational changes, i.e. approaching with a systems perspective when performing maintenance prioritization.Originality/value\ua0Machine criticality assessment studies are rare, especially empirical research. The originality of this paper lies in the empirical research conducted on smart maintenance planning for productivity improvement. In addition, identifying the components for machine criticality assessment is equally important for research and industries to efficient planning of maintenance activities

    Data Analytics in Maintenance Planning – DAIMP

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    Manufacturing industry plays a vital role in the society, which is evident in current discussions on industrialization agendas. Digitalization, the Industrial Internet of Things and their connections to sustainable production are identified as key enablers for increasing the number of jobs in Swedish industry. To implement digitalized manufacturing achieving high maintenance performance becomes utmost necessity. A substantial increase in systems availability is crucial to enable the expected levels of automation and autonomy in future production. Maintenance organizations needs to go from experiences based decision making in maintenance planning to using fact based decision making using Big Data analysis and data-driven decision support. Currently, there is lack of maintenance-oriented research based on empirical data, which hinders the increased use of engineering methods within the area.The DAIMP project addresses the problem with insufficient availability and robustness in Swedish production systems. The main challenges include limited productivity, challenges in capability of introducing new products, and challenges in implement digital production. The DAIMP project connects data collection from a detailed machine level to system level analysis. DAIMP project aimed at reaching a system level analytics to detect critical equipment, differentiate maintenance planning and prioritize the most important equipment in real-time. Furthermore, maintenance organizations will also be supported in moving from descriptive statistics of historical data to predictive and prescriptive analytics.The main goals of the project are: Agreed data parameters and alarm structures for analyses and performance measures Increased back-office maintenance planning using predictive and prescriptive analysis Increased use of dynamic and data-driven criticality analysis Increased prioritization of maintenance activitiesThe goals were further divided into specific goals and six work packages were designed to execute the project.WP1 focused on the purchase phase and getting data structures and collaboration with equipment vendors correct from start.WP2 focused on the ramp-up phase of new products and production lines when predictive and prescriptive analytics are important to handle unknown disturbances.WP3 focused on the operational phase and to provide data-driven decision support for directing maintenance efforts to the critical equipment from a systems perspective.WP4 focused on designing maintenance packages for different equipment with inputs from WP3, including both reactive, preventive, and improving activities.WP5 focused on the evaluation and demonstration for different project resultsWP6 focused on coordination project managementIn WP1, models were developed to understand the missing element for the capability assessment from initiation of the machine tool procurement to the end of lifecycle. The information exchange and process of machine tool procurement from the end-users perspective was assessed. Additionally, the alarm structure is created using the capability framework and the ability model. In WP2, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive algorithms were developed and validated. The algorithms were developed using manufacturing execution system (MES) data to provide system level decision making using data analytics. Improved quality of decisions by data-driven algorithms. Moved from experienced based decision to algorithmic based decisions. Identified the required amount data sets for developing machine learning algorithm. In WP3, data-driven machine criticality assessment framework was developed and validated. MES and computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) data were used to assess criticality of machines. It serves as data-driven decision support for maintenance planning and prioritization. It provided guidelines to achieve systems perspective in maintenance organization. In WP4, a component classification was developed. It provides guidelines for designing preventive maintenance programs based on the machine criticality. It uses CMMS data for component classification. In WP6, three demonstrator cases were performed at (i) Volvo Cars focusing on system level decision support at ramp up phase, (ii) Volvo GTO focusing on global standardization and (iii) a test-bed demo of data-driven criticality assessment at Chalmers. Lastly, as part of WP6, an international evaluation was conducted by inviting two visiting professors.The outcomes of the DAIMP project showed a strong contribution to research and manufacturing industry alike. Particularly, the project created a strong impact and awareness regarding the value maintenance possess in the manufacturing companies. It showed that maintenance will have a key role in enabling industrial digitalization. The project put the maintenance research back on the national agenda. For example, the project produced world-leading level in MES data analytics research; it showed how maintenance can contribute to productivity increase, thereby changing the mind-set from narrow-focused to having an enlarged-focus; showed how to work with component level problems to working with vendors and end-users

    Data Analytics in Maintenance Planning – DAIMP

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    Manufacturing industry plays a vital role in the society, which is evident in current discussions on industrialization agendas. Digitalization, the Industrial Internet of Things and their connections to sustainable production are identified as key enablers for increasing the number of jobs in Swedish industry. To implement digitalized manufacturing achieving high maintenance performance becomes utmost necessity. A substantial increase in systems availability is crucial to enable the expected levels of automation and autonomy in future production. Maintenance organizations needs to go from experiences based decision making in maintenance planning to using fact based decision making using Big Data analysis and data-driven decision support. Currently, there is lack of maintenance-oriented research based on empirical data, which hinders the increased use of engineering methods within the area.The DAIMP project addresses the problem with insufficient availability and robustness in Swedish production systems. The main challenges include limited productivity, challenges in capability of introducing new products, and challenges in implement digital production. The DAIMP project connects data collection from a detailed machine level to system level analysis. DAIMP project aimed at reaching a system level analytics to detect critical equipment, differentiate maintenance planning and prioritize the most important equipment in real-time. Furthermore, maintenance organizations will also be supported in moving from descriptive statistics of historical data to predictive and prescriptive analytics.The main goals of the project are: Agreed data parameters and alarm structures for analyses and performance measures Increased back-office maintenance planning using predictive and prescriptive analysis Increased use of dynamic and data-driven criticality analysis Increased prioritization of maintenance activitiesThe goals were further divided into specific goals and six work packages were designed to execute the project.WP1 focused on the purchase phase and getting data structures and collaboration with equipment vendors correct from start.WP2 focused on the ramp-up phase of new products and production lines when predictive and prescriptive analytics are important to handle unknown disturbances.WP3 focused on the operational phase and to provide data-driven decision support for directing maintenance efforts to the critical equipment from a systems perspective.WP4 focused on designing maintenance packages for different equipment with inputs from WP3, including both reactive, preventive, and improving activities.WP5 focused on the evaluation and demonstration for different project resultsWP6 focused on coordination project managementIn WP1, models were developed to understand the missing element for the capability assessment from initiation of the machine tool procurement to the end of lifecycle. The information exchange and process of machine tool procurement from the end-users perspective was assessed. Additionally, the alarm structure is created using the capability framework and the ability model. In WP2, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive algorithms were developed and validated. The algorithms were developed using manufacturing execution system (MES) data to provide system level decision making using data analytics. Improved quality of decisions by data-driven algorithms. Moved from experienced based decision to algorithmic based decisions. Identified the required amount data sets for developing machine learning algorithm. In WP3, data-driven machine criticality assessment framework was developed and validated. MES and computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) data were used to assess criticality of machines. It serves as data-driven decision support for maintenance planning and prioritization. It provided guidelines to achieve systems perspective in maintenance organization. In WP4, a component classification was developed. It provides guidelines for designing preventive maintenance programs based on the machine criticality. It uses CMMS data for component classification. In WP6, three demonstrator cases were performed at (i) Volvo Cars focusing on system level decision support at ramp up phase, (ii) Volvo GTO focusing on global standardization and (iii) a test-bed demo of data-driven criticality assessment at Chalmers. Lastly, as part of WP6, an international evaluation was conducted by inviting two visiting professors.The outcomes of the DAIMP project showed a strong contribution to research and manufacturing industry alike. Particularly, the project created a strong impact and awareness regarding the value maintenance possess in the manufacturing companies. It showed that maintenance will have a key role in enabling industrial digitalization. The project put the maintenance research back on the national agenda. For example, the project produced world-leading level in MES data analytics research; it showed how maintenance can contribute to productivity increase, thereby changing the mind-set from narrow-focused to having an enlarged-focus; showed how to work with component level problems to working with vendors and end-users

    Förvaltning av signalkrÀfta i sjöar

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    Fisket efter signalkrĂ€fta har fĂ„tt allt större ekonomisk och social betydelse i Sverige. Trots detta saknas vĂ€l underbyggda rĂ„d för hur ett hĂ„llbart fiske ska bedrivas.  Projektet ”Utveckling av fisket efter signalkrĂ€fta – hur ska man optimera fiske och förutsĂ€ga risken för populationskollapser?” Ă€r ett projekt som delfinansieras av Europeiska fiskerifonden 2009-2013. Som en inledande del i detta projekt gjordes en litteratursammanstĂ€llning, och baserat pĂ„ denna har planeringen av det framtida arbetet kunnat konkretiseras.  MĂ„lsĂ€ttningen med litteraturgenomgĂ„ngen var att identifiera vilken information om signalkrĂ€ftans biologi och ekologi som behövdes för att kunna ta fram bra fiskerimodeller för hur ett hĂ„llbart fiske bör bedrivas. Dessutom var det viktigt att förstĂ„ varför vissa bestĂ„nd av signalkrĂ€fta har kollapsat.  FĂ„ngsterna av signalkrĂ€fta varierar mellan sjöar. Denna variation kan, i sjöar som inte Ă€r försurade, till stor del förklaras med hur stor andel av sjöns botten som Ă€r tĂ€ckt med sten. Finns det mycket sten i en sjö finns det ocksĂ„ mycket signalkrĂ€ftor. Det finns nĂ„gra fĂ„ studier i Sverige pĂ„ signalkrĂ€ftan dĂ€r populationer har följts under en lĂ€ngre tid (minst 15 Ă„r). Dessa visar att fĂ„ngst per mjĂ€rde och uttag av konsumtionskrĂ€ftor varierar mellan olika Ă„r inom en sjö. Dessa variationer kan till viss del förklaras med temperaturen under föregĂ„ende Ă„r, men mekanismen bakom detta Ă€r inte kĂ€nd. Studier av andra arter sötvattenskrĂ€ftor och en del marina skaldjur (t.ex. hummer) tyder pĂ„ att rekryteringen (reproduktionsframgĂ„ngen) till viss del kan förklara variationerna i fĂ„ngstnivĂ„er mellan olika Ă„r.  Denna litteraturgenomgĂ„ng visar att det saknas vĂ€sentlig information om signalkrĂ€ftans ekologi och biologi för att kunna ta fram teoretiska modeller som ska ligga till grund för rekommendationer om hur ett hĂ„llbart fiske ska bedrivas. De bestĂ„ndsanalyser som bedömts vara intressanta för signalkrĂ€fta krĂ€ver vissa dataunderlag för att ge tillförlitliga resultat. De enskilt viktigaste faktorerna Ă€r rekryteringsframgĂ„ng, tillvĂ€xt, naturlig dödlighet, och detaljerad fiskeristatistik (anstrĂ€ngning, selektivitet, fĂ„ngster etc.). Med anledning av resultaten frĂ„n denna litteraturgenomgĂ„ng bedömdes följande insatser som prioriterade:  ‱ undersöka betydelsen av honans storlek för rekryteringsframgĂ„ng ‱ utveckla tekniken för mĂ€rkning av krĂ€ftor i olika typer av bestĂ„nd för att sedan kunna anvĂ€nda Ă„terfĂ„ngstdata för att bestĂ€mma individuell tillvĂ€xt, naturlig dödlighet och fiskeridödlighet  ‱ uppskatta ytan tillgĂ€ngligt krĂ€fthabitat för olika krĂ€ftbestĂ„nd och bedöma i vilken mĂ„n det pĂ„verkar potentiellt fiskeuttag  ‱ analysera ett flertal sjöar med och utan populationskollapser och undersöka vilka miljöfaktorer som kan förklara uppkomsten av kollapser  ‱ analysera sĂ„vĂ€l pestfrekvens som infektionsgrad i enskilda krĂ€ftor och utvĂ€rdera om det finns en koppling mellan populationskollapser och ökade pestangrepp i sjöa

    The global build-up to intrinsic edge localized mode bursts seen in divertor full flux loops in JET

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    A global signature of the build-up to an intrinsic edge localized mode (ELM) is found in the temporal analytic phase of signals measured in full flux azimuthal loops in the divertor region of JET. Toroidally integrating, full flux loop signals provide a global measurement proportional to the voltage induced by changes in poloidal magnetic flux; they are electromagnetically induced by the dynamics of spatially integrated current density. We perform direct time-domain analysis of the high time-resolution full flux loop signals VLD2 and VLD3. We analyze plasmas where a steady H-mode is sustained over several seconds during which all the observed ELMs are intrinsic; there is no deliberate intent to pace the ELMing process by external means. ELM occurrence times are determined from the Be II emission at the divertor. We previously [Chapman et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 062302 (2014); Chapman et al., in 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Europhysics Conference Abstracts (European Physical Society, 2014), Vol. 38F, ISBN 2-914771-90-8] found that the occurrence times of intrinsic ELMs correlate with specific temporal analytic phases of the VLD2 and VLD3 signals. Here, we investigate how the VLD2 and VLD3 temporal analytic phases vary with time in advance of the ELM occurrence time. We identify a build-up to the ELM in which the VLD2 and VLD3 signals progressively align to the temporal analytic phase at which ELMs preferentially occur, on a ∌2−5ms timescale. At the same time, the VLD2 and VLD3 signals become temporally phase synchronized with each other, consistent with the emergence of coherent global dynamics in the integrated current density. In a plasma that remains close to a global magnetic equilibrium, this can reflect bulk displacement or motion of the plasma. This build-up signature to an intrinsic ELM can be extracted from a time interval of data that does not extend beyond the ELM occurrence time, so that these full flux loop signals could assist in ELM prediction or mitigation

    Inriktningsdokument vÀgyta och vÀgkropp 2016-2025

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    Detta inriktningsdokument ska utgöra grunden för utvecklings- och arbetsinsatser i frĂ„gor som rör vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp pĂ„ Trafikverkets vĂ€gar. Med ”VĂ€gyta” avses belĂ€ggning och vĂ€gmarkering. Begreppet ”VĂ€gkropp” omfattar bĂ€righet och avvattning. Inriktningsdokument behandlar i första hand insatser för förvaltning och underhĂ„ll av vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp. MĂ„let Ă€r att arbeten och aktiviteter med Trafikverkets vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp ska vara koordinerade med övriga strategiska planer för Trafikverkets verksamhet och dĂ€rmed bidra till ökad samhĂ€llsnytta och kostnadseffektivitet. Ett dokument som pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt beskriver och prioriterar hanteringen av vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp inom Trafikverket har inte funnits tidigare. Projektets nytta innebĂ€r att Trafikverket som vĂ€ghĂ„llare pĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt kan vidta rĂ€tt Ă„tgĂ€rder i rĂ€tt tid för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla vĂ€gens status, uppfylla befintliga och kommande lagkrav, utföra kostnadseffektiva Ă„tgĂ€rder och förbĂ€ttra vĂ€garnas funktionalitet och robusthet med miljöhĂ€nsyn i hela processen. Trafikverkets strategi för drift och underhĂ„ll Ă€r framtagen för att stödja arbetet med att effektivt förverkliga de mĂ„l som satts upp för underhĂ„llsverksamheten i nationell plan och som kortfattat innebĂ€r att drift- och underhĂ„ll utförs för att trafiken ska komma fram med utlovad leveranskvalitet nu och i framtiden.Drift- och underhĂ„llsstrategin innehĂ„ller tre strategiska omrĂ„den: Möta kundernas förvĂ€ntningar Skapa lĂ„ngsiktig hĂ„llbarhet Vara kostnadseffektivaInriktningsdokument för VĂ€gyta och VĂ€gkropp Ă€r organiserat efter dessa strategiska omrĂ„den.Dokumentet Ă€r indelat i nulĂ€gesbeskrivning, börlĂ€gesbeskrivning och GAP-analys (handlingsplan): nulĂ€gesbeskrivning – beskriver nulĂ€get pĂ„ Trafikverkets vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp, med redovisning av pĂ„verkande faktorer, sĂ„vĂ€l internt som externt börlĂ€gesbeskrivning – beskriver mĂ„lbilden för Trafikverkets vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp GAP-analys – beskriver Ă„tgĂ€rder för att komma frĂ„n nulĂ€get till börlĂ€get. ÅtgĂ€rderna redovisas i en handlingsplan dĂ€r ansvarig och sluttid framgĂ„r.De högst prioriterade Ă„tgĂ€rderna för Trafikverkets vĂ€gyta och vĂ€gkropp Ă€r: Definiera mĂ„lstandard för vĂ€gkropp och vĂ€gmarkering samt revidera mĂ„lstandard för belĂ€ggning InhĂ€mtning av efterslĂ€pande underhĂ„ll. Ta fram tydliga effektsamband av underhĂ„llsĂ„tgĂ€rder och kommunicera dem till beslutsfattare. Resultat frĂ„n vĂ€gytemĂ€tningar anvĂ€nds i högre grad i planering av Ă„tgĂ€rder (bĂ„de val av objekt och val av Ă„tgĂ€rd). Prognosmodellen utvecklas. Nya mĂ„tt för att fĂ„ bĂ€ttre kontroll pĂ„ vĂ€garnas tillstĂ„nd och nedbrytning ska arbetas fram; exempelvis ytskador, bĂ€righet, belĂ€ggningstjocklek och friktion. Trafikverket ska etablera ett gemensamt forum för vĂ€gkropp respektive vĂ€gmarkering som ska verka för gemensamma arbetssĂ€tt, regelverk och FoI inom Trafikverket. Representation frĂ„n UH, IV och PL ska finnas.FoI-inriktning BelĂ€ggning samt Inriktningsdokument VĂ€gyta och VĂ€gkrop

    FoI-rapport Inriktning belÀggning

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    Det primÀra syftet Àr att FoI-inriktning BelÀggning ska utgöra grunden för prioritering av kommande FOI-ansökningar som rör BelÀggning. SekundÀra syften Àr mÄnga och avser sÄvÀl interna som externa aktörer. Exempel pÄ dessa Àr branschutveckling, samarbete och förankring. Det finns inga aktuella strategidokument avseende Forsknings- och Innovationsverksamhet inom omrÄdet BelÀggning. Genom att arbeta fram en lÄngsiktig strategi ökar möjligheterna till att mer systematiskt arbeta med de ÄtgÀrder och aktiviteter, som ger de bÀsta effekterna för att nÄ de uppsatta mÄlen enligt bl.a. Trafikverkets FoI-strategi.De omrÄden som identifierats som högst prioriterade för kommande FoI-ansökningar och som rör BelÀggning Àr (utan inbördes rangordning): Utveckling av anlÀggningsinformation och tillstÄndsdata, för att kunna vÀrdera bÄde funktionellt tillstÄnd och ÄtgÀrdsbehov. Utveckling av tydliga modeller för att bedöma samhÀllsekonomiska effekter av belÀggningsÄtgÀrder; framförallt miljöeffekter och effekter av tyngre laster. Utveckling av beslutsstödsystem, som underlÀttar ÄtgÀrdsval vid olika förutsÀttningar. Utveckling av bÀttre modeller för livscykelkostnader (livslÀngd, tillverknings-kostnad, nedbrytning m.m.). Utveckling av mÄtt, som pÄ ett mer direkt sÀtt beskriver kopplingen mellan vÀgytans egenskaper och effekter pÄ trafiksÀkerheten. Utveckling av resurssnÄla och miljöanpassade belÀggningar. NÀr det gÀller buller och partiklar behöver Trafikverket hitta alternativ till andra metoder för att förbÀttra miljön i stÀder. Trafikverket önskar att tillsammans med branschen utreda förutsÀttningar att anordna en testanlÀggning. Avvattningens effekter pÄ belÀggningar behöver studeras ytterligare för att sÀkerstÀlla att rÀtt belÀggningsÄtgÀrder utförs pÄ rÀtt plats i rÀtt tid. Utveckling av heltÀckande och oförstörande provningsmetoder, som fungerar bÄde i fÀlt och pÄ laboratorium, för styrning och kontroll av egenskaper hos material och fÀrdiga belÀggningar. Utveckling av regelverk för att styra mot homogenitet och rÀtt kvalitet utifrÄn vÀgavsnittets behov. Utveckling av mer bestÀndiga belÀggningar t.ex. genom utvecklad klisterteknik (produkt och metod). Utveckling av bindemedel med lÀngre livslÀngd och mindre miljöpÄverkan. TankbelÀggningar som fungerar pÄ mer högtrafikerade vÀgar, samt förebyggande förseglingar som förhindrar nedbrytning av vÀgen.FoI-inriktning BelÀggning samt Inriktningsdokument VÀgyta och VÀgkrop
