26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT. The aims of this research are to analyze of farmers profit in cattle farm based on rural farm. This research was conducted in January to February 2013. Population in this research consists of all of breeders in cattle farm in Bone regency. Location determined based on the number of population of cattle every district, they are big, medium and small population. The sample of breeders selected by random sampling. Collectiong data by observation, interview and using questionaire. Analysis of the data used descriptive statistics analysis. The results showed that average the number of breeding scale is six head. The profit of beef cattle farmers is Rp 2,663,519 per year or Rp 474.291 per year. R/C ratio is 1,11 so this business is feasible. Profit of breeders based on breeding scale was categoried feasible in finansial aspect if the number of breeding scale over fourthhead

    Factors Affecting The Adoption Rate Of Beef Cattle Farmers Implementing A Profit-Sharing System In Bone District

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the level of adoption of beef cattle farmers who run a profit-sharing system. This research was conducted in Bone District, South Sulawesi Province. The sample size was 164 farmers who adopted the profit-sharing system using probability sampling technique. Data collection methods were conducted through observation and interviews. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression models using simultaneous and partial tests. Independent variables included social capital (trust, cooperation, and norms), financial capital (business capital, farm income, non-farm income and land area), and human capital (formal education, farming experience and counseling). The dependent variable includes the level of adoption of farmers. The results showed that the level of adoption of beef cattle farmers who run the profit-sharing system is in the very low category because farming work is only used as a side job and pays less attention to operational costs so that sometimes the results are less profitable. Therefore, extension activities are needed to educate farmers on how to manage operational costs used during the beef cattle rearing system. Factors that influence the level of adoption are trust, cooperation, norms, business capital, farm income, land area and farming experience

    Competitiveness of Beef Cattle Fattening in Kulo Subdistrict, Sidrap District South Sulawesi

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    The research was aimed to analyze competitiveness of fattening beef cattle fattening in Kulo sub district, Sidrap District. The research was conducted April to June 2015. Data analysis method used was the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The result of research was revenue of beef cattle fattening in Kulo subdistrict Sidrap district was positive (> 0), means that beef cattle fattening provide financial benefits to the farmers and revenue was also hight. The government's policy toward beef cattle fattening may be the policy of the output-input. Based on the ratio indicators PAM models, private prices was higher than the social price

    Identifikasi niche marketing produk jeroan sapi di Indonesia

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    Jeroan sapi secara luas telah dikonsumsi pada berbagai kelompok masyarakat di Indonesia. Berbagai hidangan masakan tradisional menggunakan jeroan sapi sebagai bahan utama seperti coto makassar, sop saudara, rendang, pallubasa, dan soto. Kebutuhan jeroan sapi di Indonesia masih harus dicukupi dengan produk impor dimana produksi dalam negeri belum mencukupi. Selain itu, peningkatan harga daging sapi dari tahun ke tahun menyebabkan konsumen memilih beralih untuk membeli jeroan sapi. Hal ini merupakan peluang yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh produsen dan pedagang. Penting untuk melakukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar konsumen dapat membeli jeroan sapi dengan kuantitas, kualitas dan atribut yang mereka inginkan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi niche marketing atau ceruk pasar jeroan sapi di Indonesia dengan melihat strategi yang dapat diterapkan oleh pedagang dalam menjual produk jeroan sapi. Studi literatur khususnya tentang pasokan jeroan sapi, konsumsi dan niche marketing jeroan sapi digunakan dalam studi ini. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk pemasaran jeroan sapi di Indonesia perlu melihat latar belakang sosial ekonomi konsumen, budaya makanan lokal, dan preferensi konsumen khususnya kualitas, harga dan jenis jeroan sapi yang diinginkan

    Application of the Halal Guarantee System to Broilers in Traditional Markets: Worker’s Knowledge of Halal Guarantee

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    The Indonesian government's efforts to support food and beverage products that must be halal-certified by 2024 are by implementing a halal product guarantee system in the industry. One of the industries that must implement halal guarantees is poultry slaughterhouses. One of the criteria for a halal assurance system in a poultry slaughterhouse is the role of human resources.  This study aims to analyze the knowledge of human resources in Poultry Slaughterhouses. Application of knowledge about commitment and responsibility consists of halal criteria, human resource development, top management responsibilities, and training of halal staff. The object of research is poultry slaughterhouses that have implemented SNI halal standards and have not implemented SNI halal standards. The study used 52 samples using 2 technic, field studies consisting of observation, interview, questionnaire, documentation, and literature study techniques. Assessment of respondents' knowledge using the order of assessment (Likert scale). The knowledge of workers in an SNI halal standards poultry slaughterhouse regarding commitment and responsibility was in the very high category. However, poultry slaughterhouses do non-SNI halal standards have a very low category. Keywords: poultry slaughterhouses, knowledge, hala


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    ABSTRACT. In general farm and agriculture integrated (Crop-Livestock Systems), waste management feces and urine into organic products have not been pursued to the fullest to become a commercial product. The study aims to determine the income of rice- cattle integration system and determine thecontribution revenue of organic fertilizer made by farmers group mmassangang. The research was conducted in May-September 2014 housed in farmers group Ammassangang Ammassangang Village, District Lanrisang, Pinrang Regency. Type of research is quantitative descriptive. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analys to calculate the average income. Results showed that the income earned by the farmer groups Ammassangang on business integration cattle grains obtained from three activities, namely organic fertilizer business, the cattle business, and the business of rice. Operating revenues cattle Rp. 16.871.500,- per month, businesses rice Rp. 17.966.620.- per month andorganic fertilizer business is Rp. 37.871.500, - per month. Contribution of organic fertilizer business income to total income of farmers group Ammassangang is 51.8% so it can be categorized as a branch of business. From this study can be explained that the organic fertilizer business gives substantial contribution to the total income farmers group Ammassangang, so this is an impact on improving the welfare of members of farmers group Ammassangang be an additional source of income


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan, motivasi, biaya IB dan adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan peternak sapi potong di Desa Waji, (2) mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan, motivasi dan biaya IB terhadap adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan peternak sapi potong di Desa Waji. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey. Jenis data kualitatif.  Sumber data yaitu primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan yaitu data observasi dan wawancara. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh peternak yang mengadopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan sebanyak 150 peternak dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 34 peternak dengan menggunakan rumus slovin dan teknik penarikan sampel yaitu simple random sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk rumusan masalah pertama yaitu statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi dan rumusan masalah kedua yaitu statistik inferensial dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan program SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan peternak di Desa Waji mengenai teknologi inseminasi buatan tergolong tinggi karena peternak telah mengetahui manfaat teknologi inseminasi buatan dan telah menerapkan teknologi inseminasi buatan, motivasi peternak berada pada kategori sedang karena dipengaruhi oleh minat dan harapan peternak terhadap teknologi inseminasi buatan, biaya IB berada pada kategori sedang karena rata-rata peternak menganggap biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pelaksanaan IB cukup besar termasuk biaya sarana dan prasarana untuk IB serta kesiapan tenaga inseminator, dan adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan di Desa Waji berada pada kategori sedang karena rata-rata peternak tergolong cukup lama mengadopsi teknologi IB yaitu rata-rata 45-64 bulan tetapi peternak tidak mampu melakukan inseminasi buatan secara langsung, sehingga terdapat peternak yang kurang bertahan lama mengadopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan. (2) pengetahuan, motivasi dan biaya IB berpengaruh terhadap adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh dari produksi daging sapi lokal, konsumsi daging sapi lokal, dan harga daging sapi lokal pada bulan sebelumnya terhadap harga daging sapi di Kota Makassar. Penelitian dilakukan secara purposive (sengaja) dan dilakukan di Kota Makassar. Kota Makassar dijadikan sebagai lokasi penelitian dengan pertimbangan bahwa Ibu kota provinsi Sulawesi selatan ini juga terjadi fluktuasi harga daging sapi lokal bahkan cenderung mengalami kenaikan (/Kg) tiap tahunnya. Apalagi diketahui konsumsi rata-rata daging sapi lokal di kota Makassar sebesar 15 ribu ton perhari yang merupakan konsumsi terbesar di Provinsi sulsel. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linear Berganda. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa data time series bulanan dari tahun 2009-2014. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015 di Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak produksi daging sapi, konsumsi daging sapi lokal dan harga daging sapi bulan sebelumnya berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga daging sapi lokal di Kota Makassar. Sedangkan secara parsial harga daging sapi lokal bulan sebelumnya memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga daging sapi lokal di Kota Makassar. Sedangkan produksi daging sapi lokal dan konsumsi daging sapi lokal tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap  harga daging sapi lokal di Kota Makassar

    level technology adoption and characteristic cattle breeders who following bachelor village building

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    Indonesian goverment made several partnership programs including undergraduate programs develop the village. This study aimed to determine characteristic the level of technology adoption beef cattle breeders who follow the Bachelor Village Building (SMD). This study was conducted in January 2016 through February 2016 in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The population is all beef cattle breeders who follow the SMD. Sample selection is purposive sample beef cattle breeders who followed the SMD in the Bone Regency. The research method is descriptive statistics using Likert Scale and frequency distribution. The results showed that the level of technology adoption beef cattle breeders who followed the SMD program in the category of medium if the terms of the number and amount of training delivery technology adopted technology and characteristic breeders mostly productive (91 %), secondary level education (59, 1%), number of family members slightly (81.8%), the number of livestock ownership is high (59.1%), raising experience (68.2 %). Because of the frequency of training frequensi technology on the development of beef cattle business further improved for farmers who take the program SMD

    Persepsi Peternak Sapi Potong Terhadap Budaya Lokal Suku Bugis Terkait Aksesibilitas Pembiayaan

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    ABSTRAK. Pembiayaan pada peternak sapi potong masih merupakan determinan berkembangnya usaha peternakan.Cukup banyak penilaian yang ditentukan oleh pemberi pinjaman terutama lembaga formal yang menyulitkan peternak untuk mengaksesnya. Namun salah satu penilaian yang melekat pada diri peternak adalah karakter yang baik.Artikel ini menganalisis persepsi peternak sapi potong terhadap budaya lokal suku Bugis dan dikaitkan dengan dengan aksesibilitas pembiayaannya. Hal ini penting mengingat nilai-nilai budaya yang dianut oleh masyarakat sangat menentukan pembentukan karakter seseorang.Karakter perlu diperkuat karena merupakan salah satu hal yang dipertimbangkan oleh pemberi pinjaman untuk menilai apakah debitur layak diberikan kredit atau tidak termasuk peternak. Sementara persyaratan lainnya agak sulit dipenuhi oleh peternak seperti: collateral, capacity, dan capital.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bone Sulawesi Selatan yang mayoritas suku Bugis.Jumlah peternak yang diwawancarai sebanyak 70 orang.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Persepsi peternak terhadap nilai-nilai budaya seperti: kejujuran (alempureng), kecendekiaan (amaccang), kepatutan (asitinajang), keteguhan (agettengeng), usaha (reso) dan harga diri (siri’) adalah sangat positif dan setuju bahwa keenam hal tersebut dianggap sangat menentukan kemampuannya dalam mengakses pembiayaan. Budaya lokal tersebut perlu dijaga, dibina dan diperkuat untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan pemberi pinjaman baik lembaga formal maupun informal sehingga akses pembiayaan dapat meningkat.Keenam nilai-nilai tersebut saling berinteraksi dan menentukan karakter yang melekat pada diri peternak.(Perception of beef cattle breeders to local culture of buginese tribe related financing accessibility)ABSTRACT. Financing on beef cattle farmers is still a determinant of the development of livestock business. Quite a lot of judgments are determined by lenders, especially formal institutions that make it difficult for farmers to access it. But one of the inherent assessment of the breeder's self is a good character. This article analyzes the perception of beef cattle ranchers to the local culture of the Bugis tribe and associated with the accessibility of its financing. This is important because the cultural values adopted by the community are crucial to the formation of a person's character. The characterneeds to be strengthened because it is one of the things considered by the lender to assess whether the debtor is worthy of credit or not including the breeder. While other requirements are rather difficult to be met by breeders such as collateral, capacity, and capital.This research was conducted in Bone Bugis district of South Sulawesi. The number of farmers interviewed as many as 70 people. Research includes descriptive research and using descriptive statistical analysis. Farmers perception of cultural values such as honesty, intellect, propriety, perseverance, hard workandself-esteem are very positive and agree that these six things are considered determine its ability to access financing. The local culture needs to be maintained, nurtured and strengthened to increase the trust of both formal and informal lenders so that access to finance can increase. These values mutually intersect and determine the inherent character of the breeder