8 research outputs found

    Hiyal (Legal Stratagems) in Islamic Finance: Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to systematically review the existing literature on the application of Hiyal (legal stratagems) in Islamic finance. The article visualizes the linkages between different authentic works done on the topic and how the topic has evolved through the decades.   Theoretical framework: The article visualizes the linkages between different authentic works done on the topic and how the topic has evolved through the decades.   Design/methodology/approach:  A systematic literature review of published peer-reviewed articles on Hiyal(legal stratagems) was conducted. A comprehensive search strategy was applied to retrieved 35 articles from 25 leading journals published between 1997 and 2021.   Findings:  The research found that the existing knowledge on the topic especially of the current century is more focused on Riba (usury) stratagems to circumvent the prohibitions of the conventional capitalist financial system. It is because the discussion popped up as a reaction to the modern Islamic financial system, especially from traditional scholars. Malaysia and a few western countries have contributed the most to the topic.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  This review provides a significant contribution to Islamic finance literature by identifying the related discussions in the area and pointing the gap that need to be further explored.   Originality/value:  It is concluded that the literature on the topic ‘the application of Hiyal(legal stratagem in Islamic financial law” is less in numbers and not well-integrated, as the topic is still in the growing stage

    Administrative Transparency in Libya's Ministry of Health from An Islamic Perspective: Challenges and Determinants

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    The issue with the research is that it attempts to examine the administrative openness of the Libyan Ministry of Health from an Islamic point of view. The purpose of this research is to determine, from an Islamic point of view, how transparent the administrative processes of the Libyan Ministry of Health are. The objective also is to determine the factors that contribute to administrative openness as well as the obstacles that stand in the way of administrative transparency. The technique that was used in this research was an analytical descriptive one, and it was aimed at describing and analysing the administrative transparency of the Libyan Ministry of Health from an Islamic view. The findings demonstrated that the Islamic viewpoint of administrative openness centered on honesty and the practical application of the principles of honesty and integrity for the purpose of appeasing Allah. According to the findings of the research, established norms of administrative openness should be rapidly agreed upon and implemented in all institutions under the jurisdiction of the Libyan government. ِ The implications of study indicates the Islamic perspective of administrative transparency on the ministry of health in Libya

    Libyan Islamic Banks Experience in Reducing Bank Liquidity from an Islamic

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    Background: The problem with the study is that the problem of bank liquidity in Libyan Islamic banks is exacerbated by the excess of bank liquidity coverage. (2): Purpose: The study aims to learn about Libyan banks' experience in reducing bank liquidity from an Islamic perspective: Malaysian banks are a model. The study highlights the importance of highlighting Libyan Islamic banks' experience in reducing bank liquidity from the perspective of Islamic Malaysian banks as a model. (3) Method: The study followed a qualitative approach to evaluating internal and external factors, circumstances and variables associated with Libyan Islamic banks' experience in reducing bank liquidity from an Islamic perspective. Individual open interviews were conducted with employees of Libyan Islamic Banks, estimated at 15 employees from Libyan Islamic Banks. Fifteen questions were posed to participants, centered on internal control and its elements on bank liquidity and its components from an Islamic perspective. The study found several findings, (4) Results: including that bank liquidity risk is the risk to banks and may amount to a crisis related to the bank's lack of cash that enables it to fulfil its day-to-day duties to customers.  And (5) Conclusion: include an attempt to adopt a peace model and to open the door to short, medium and long-term investments in order to maintain the levels and rates of bank liquidity of Libyan Islamic banks

    The Application of Simons’ “Levers of Control” in the Quran and Sunna

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    Simons'1 “levers of control” is a strategy-based framework that takes into consideration the belief systems of and the functions and interactions within an organization. The purpose of this article is to discuss Simons' levers of control from an Islamic viewpoint, based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunna. It demonstrates that the concept of “levers of control”, as posited by Simons, does not contradict the basic tenets of Islam. In fact, all the main components of the levers of control - belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive system - were actually emphasized and vigorously implemented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, these practices have never before been organized into well-arranged and systematic categories that can be used as guidelines by Islamic organizations. Such organizations should aspire to implement comprehensively the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in all aspects of organizational management functions, including those related to control. However, in the absence of clear and comprehensive guidelines, any implementation may not be appropriate or in accordance with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW. More importantly, incorrect implementation as a result of limited understanding or misunderstanding of the Prophet's SAW practices can affect the overall perception of Islam. By properly utilizing the levers of control, organizations that strive to emulate the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in their operations can be successful

    Cadar dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam dan Budaya

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    Perspektif Islam tentang cadar terikat dan dibatasi oleh konsep aurat. Sebagian ulama memandang wajah bukan termasuk aurat untuk itu wajah tidak harus ditutup dengan cadar. Sebagian yang lain melihat dan menyimpulkan wajah sebagai aurat perempuan sehingga wajib bagi perempuan menutup wajah dengan cadar. Perspektif budaya, sosial dan politik juga mengikuti trend cadar di tengah masyarakat. Di Aceh penggunaan cadar dari tahun ke tahun cenderung meningkat khusunya setelahTsunami. Di Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Ar-Raniry terdapat sepuluh mahasiswi pengguna cadar yang sempat diwawancarai dengan beberapa alasan berbeda, di antaranya karena ikut-ikutan senior tanpa mengetahui dalil dan urgensinya lebih dalam, sering mengikuti kajian, karena menggunakan cadar dipahami sebagai sunnah dan terinspirasi dari orang lain. Motivasi penggunaannya berbeda-beda sesuai struktur pemahaman terhadap hukum cadar, keimanan atau sekedar mengikut trend. Tidak hanya itu, isu cadar ini juga memunculkan ragam pandangan dan penolakan dari kalangan feminisme. Untuk itu, tulisan ini dikemukakan untuk memperoleh gambaran detail dan rinci tentang hukum cadar dan berbagai respon terhadap penggunaannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat juga mengemukakan hasil wawancara terhadap sepuluh orang mahasiswi pengguna cadar

    The Application of Simons’ “Levers of Control” in the Quran and Sunna

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    Simons'1 “levers of control” is a strategy-based framework that takes into consideration the belief systems of and the functions and interactions within an organization. The purpose of this article is to discuss Simons' levers of control from an Islamic viewpoint, based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunna. It demonstrates that the concept of “levers of control”, as posited by Simons, does not contradict the basic tenets of Islam. In fact, all the main components of the levers of control - belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive system - were actually emphasized and vigorously implemented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, these practices have never before been organized into well-arranged and systematic categories that can be used as guidelines by Islamic organizations. Such organizations should aspire to implement comprehensively the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in all aspects of organizational management functions, including those related to control. However, in the absence of clear and comprehensive guidelines, any implementation may not be appropriate or in accordance with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW. More importantly, incorrect implementation as a result of limited understanding or misunderstanding of the Prophet's SAW practices can affect the overall perception of Islam. By properly utilizing the levers of control, organizations that strive to emulate the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in their operations can be successful


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    This study aims to spread awareness of the importance of increasing scientific research in the field of Islamic management and help researchers and students of Islamic management well-known authors, institutions, and journals, as well as the volume of cooperation between countries with regard to publication. Clarifying the number of common citations and keywords used in Islamic management research. This study adopts a bibliometric method. In total, 280 articles and 59 reviews were retrieved from the Scopus database. This study analyzed the data using VOSviewer software. The analyses were divided into three main categories: co-citations with cited sources ,co-occurrence with author keywords, and co-authorship with the country.    A total of 280 articles on Islamic management were published in the Scopus database from 1983 to 2020. Intellectual production is low, necessitating double efforts to enhance scientific publications in world-class journals. The Journal of Islamic Marketing is the top journal publishing  Islamic management articles, and the most frequently used keyword is Islamic marketing, which ranked first among the countries with the highest scientific production , number of researchers, and universities of scientific production in the field of Islamic management. This study is a comprehensive review of academic articles on Islamic management using bibliometric analysis, which is rare in Islamic management. This is the first bibliometric study on Islamic management

    The Writing of Hadith in the Era of Prophet Muhammad: A Critique on Harun Nasution’s Thought

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    The discussion regarding the writing of hadith during the life of the Prophet is a contentious topic within the area of Islamic and hadith studies both in the West and in the Islamic world. Orientalists write their work on hadith with a presumption that hadith has never been written during the life of Prophet Muḥammad. They contend that hadith text only emerged in the third century of Hijrah, i.e. in the era of al-Bukhāri. A few others believe that it started in the era of Malik of the Umayyad. This orientalist’ mindset affects some Muslim intellectuals who accept this premise. One of them is Harun Nasution, a well respected great mind who wrote a book entitled Islam Ditinjau Dari Berbagai Aspeknya (Islam Viewed from Various Aspects). However, historical evidence demonstrates that the writing of hadith was carried out at the time when the Prophet was still alive. A number of sheets were discovered, which contain hadith text compilations narrated by the companions of the Prophet, such as the Ṣahīfah of  ͑Ali bin Abi Ṭalib, Ṣahifah of Jābir bin  ͑Abdillah, and others. Some scholars have misunderstood the message in a saying of the Prophet that prohibited the writing of hadith. They have ignored other hadith that negated the previous hadith by which the Prophet allowed the writing of hadith in his life time. Even though there are a number companions who did not write hadith in this period, it does not mean hadith were not allowed to be written, but it was due to their own preference not to write the hadith.[Perdebatan tentang penulisan hadits masa kehidupan Nabi tetap menjadi tema yang hangat dalam kajian keislaman dan kajian hadits, baik di barat maupun di dunia Islam sendiri. Beberapa orientalis berpendapat bahwa hadits tidak ditulis pada masa Nabi Muhammad. Mereka menyebutkan teks hadits mulai muncul abad ketiga hijriah, misalnya pada era Bukhari. Lainnya percaya bahwa teks hadits dimulai pada masa Malik al Umayyad. Perspektif seperti orientalis ini diterima oleh beberapa intelektual muslim Indonesia, salah satunya Harun Nasution yang menulis buku Islam ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspeknya. Bagaimanapun bukti sejarah menunjukkan penulisan hadits sudah dimulai ketika Nabi masih hidup. Sejumlah lembaran yang mengandung kompilasi teks hadits dari beberapa sahabat Nabi seperti, Ṣahīfah dari Ali bin Abi Ṭalib dan Ṣahifah dari Jābir bin  ͑Abdillah. Sejumlah akademisi keliru dalam memahami pesan Nabi yang melarang menuliskan hadits. Mereka mengabaikan hadits yang menegasikan hadits sebelumnya yang membolehkan penulisan hadits selama hidup Nabi. Meskipun ada sejumlah sahabat yang melarangnya, namun ini bukan berarti hadits tidak diijinkan untuk ditulis, tetapi hal ini lebih terkait dengan masing-masing referensi untuk tidak menuliskannya.