10 research outputs found


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    Mengangkat seorang karyawan untuk menuju jabatan yang lebih tinggi adalah memerlukan penilaian yang adil dan akurat disertai pandangan dari berbagai aspek penilaian. Dimana aspek-aspek penilaian itu dirumuskan dalam bentuk kriteria-kriteria dan sub-sub kriteria. Kondisi ini adalah sebuah situasi dimana permodelan pengambilan keputusan dapat dilakukan. Jumlah orang yang hendak diangkat jabatannya biasanya banyaknya terbatas demikian pula jumlah kriteria yang hendak digunakan untuk menilai seseorang adalah juga terbatas. Sehingga kondisi ini memungkinkan untuk memodelkan situasi pengambilan keputusan dalam permodelan multiple attribute decision making (MADM) atau dalam istilah lain multiple criteria decision making (MCDM). Situasi pengambilan keputusan dimodelkan dalam sejumlah matriks keputusan untuk sejumlah bidang pengangkatan jabatan yang berbeda. Pengambilan keputusan ini terjadi di lingkungan PDAM Kabupaten Madiun. Sejumlah karyawan hendak diusulkan untuk menduduki jabatan tertentu yang lebih tinggi dari jabatan sebelumnya atau berpindah pada jabatan yang sederajat. Oleh karena situasi yang terjadi pada PDAM ini sesuai dengan kondisi MADM maka permasalahan pengusulan karyawan untuk menduduki jabatan tertentu dapat dimodelkan dalam MADM. Kemudian di atas MADM ini dapat dipilih metode perangkingan yaitu metode simple additive weighting (SAW). metode perangkingan ini sesuai dengan namanya adalah metode perangkingan yang sederhana. Dalam penulisan penelitian skripsi ini diusulkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis MADM dengan metode SAW yang dapat digunakan untuk pengusulan karyawan menduduki jabatan yang lebih tinggi atau untuk kenaikan pangkat. Kata Kunci : sistem pendukung keputusan, kenaikan jabatan, kenaikan pangkat, karyawan PDAM kabupaten Madiun, MADM, simple additive weighting (SAW)

    3D Natural State Modeling of Mount Iyang-Argopuro Geothermal Area, East Java, Indonesia

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    Mount Iyang-Argopuro is one of the geothermal working areas in the East Java. Mount Iyang-Argopuro has the potential of 185 MWe of reserves and 110 MWe of resources.  It is estimated to have a liquid dominated reservoir with temperature up to 250-275 oC. An early 3D natural state numerical model of Mount Iyang-Argopuro Field is created using TOUGH2 simulator in order to identify the undisturbed condition of reservoir and resource assessment. Since Mount Iyang-Argopuro geothermal area is still in the exploration stage, the model created based on based on geological, geophysical, and geochemical data. The model has an area 14 km x 8.2 km and 9180 m in thickness. The model consists of 7410 of rectangular cell blocks with the roughest cell size is 1000 m x 1000 m and the finest is 200 m x 500 m. The model is verified by matching the model temperature and pressure profiles to the calculated geothermometer temperature and pressure, which shows good match enough

    Smart Governance in Public Financial Management: A Study of Government Resources Management System (GRMS) in the City of Surabaya

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    This paper aims to examine the implementation of the Government Resource Management System (GRMS) in order to address problems in local government and local financial management from the Smart Governance point of view. It is based on a qualitative descriptive research involving interviews with various stakeholders, observation and analysis of relevant document. In line with its focus, this research uses smart city theory focusing on one of the dimensions that is relevant to this research problem, namely, smart governance. This research finds that the City Government of Surabaya has implemented the concept of Smart Governance in the management of regional finance through the GRMS system. The implementation of Smart Governance is evidence from five criteria, which include: 1) Participation in decision making: manifested in E-Planning process; 2) Public and social services: materialized in E-Procurement process; 3) Transparent Governance: manifested in e-Planning and e-Procurement processes in which in E-Planning the community is involved in the formulation of development planning through E-Musrenbang, and the auction process in E-Procurement; 4) Political strategies and perspectives: materialized in all GRMS processes because the whole system of GRMS is a strategy that integrates bureaucratic activities from upstream (the top or decision making level) to the downstream (to the community or citizen) so that it represents good local government and especially local financial management. By using GRMS, the overall local government and regional financial management process in the City of Surabaya can be done easily, effectively, efficiently, participatory and accountably

    Analisa Indikasi Pembentukan Scaling Berdasarkan Simulasi Numerik Sumur Panas Bumi

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    Scaling is one of the problems commonly found during geothermal fluid production. Scaling can form in production wells, two-phase pipes, and geothermal reinjection wells. Scaling in geothermal production wells is formed due to fluid from the reservoir which has been saturated by silica changing phases into two phases so that the sediment is formed. Scaling in geothermal production wells can reduce the diameter in the wells resulting in a decrease in geothermal fluid production. Scaling deposition is influenced by several factors, namely the concentration of silica in the fluid, pressure, and temperature. In this study, pressure and temperature decreases in the wells during the production process were analyzed using the CMG-STARS simulator. Based on the pressure and temperature data, the tendency for scaling to form is estimated based on the calculation of the Silica Scaling Index at several well depth intervals. Based on the SSI value, it is known that intervals that have the potential for scaling are at a depth of 50 m - 450 m and 967 m - 1745.5 m. Dryness and SSI values decreased at an interval of 550 m - 873 m because there was a zone of feed zone at a depth of 820 m

    Peramalan Kinerja Reservoir Lapangan Panas Bumi Gunung Iyang-Argopuro, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Menggunakan Simulasi Numerik TOUGH2

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    The Mount Iyang-Argopuro geothermal field is a prospect field located in East Java, Indonesia. This field has a water-dominated reservoir and still in the exploration stage. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out how the production capacity of the Mount Iyang-Argopuro reservoir. The scenario of field development is done by simulating a reservoir model that has reached a natural state. The model was created and simulated with a TOUGH2 simulator, assuming the field will be produced for 30 years with a production capacity of Iyang-Argopuro geothermal field is 55 MW. Several production scenarios are tested on the model to obtain an appropriate production target. Based on the simulation results, a production capacity of 55 MW for 30 years was achieved with 9 production wells. Fluid from the wells flow to a 9 bar pressurized separator and an 8.5 bar turbine pressure. Despite the decline in production, the scenario is still able to maintain generating capacity above 55 MW

    Prediksi Terjadinya Scaling Berdasarkan Analisa Output Curve Pada Sumur Panas Bumi

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    Faktor penting di dalam pengoperasian suatu lapangan panas bumi adalah keberlanjutan produksi dan masalah-masalah yang mempengaruhinya. Masalah-masalah yang sering muncul disuatu lapangan panas bumi adalah scaling, korosi dan problem mekanis. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan adanya masalah di sekitar lubang sumur hingga permukaan adalah metode analisa deliverability. Analisa dilakukan berdasarkan interpretasi data dan grafik deliverability yang pernah dilakukan oleh Grant. Dalam penelitian ini, data diambil dari 3 sumur yang berbeda dari salah satu lapangan panas bumi di Indonesia. Dari hasil analisa sumur A, B dan C telah mengalami penurunan produksi. Output curve sumur A menunjukkan penurunan produksi sebesar 60-85%, yang disebabkan oleh perpindahan titik flashing. Perpindahan ini terlihat dari peningkatan nilai dryness dari 7-14% di tahun 1997 menjadi 13-15% di tahun 2010. Pada sumur B penurunan produksi yang terjadi sekitar 50%, yang disebabkan oleh penurunan tekanan reservoir. Penurunan tekanan reservoir terlihat dari penurunan tekanan pada feed zone yaitu 27 bar di tahun 1997 menjadi 20 bar di tahun 2010.  Sumur C juga menunjukkan penurunan produksi sebesar 29% yang disebabkan oleh pergerakan titik flashing


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    In operating geothermal field, the thing to note is the sustainable production as well as problems that affect it. The problem that often occurs in the geothermal field is scale, corrosion and mechanical problems. One technique that can be used to predict the problems that occur around the bottom hole to the surface is using the well deliverability analysis method. Analysis is done by data and curve interpretation of deliverability curve based on Grant experiment. This study take data from several wells in two Geothermal Field in Indonesia. From the analysis, well A, D and F show production decline The deliverability curve of well A shows the production decline for about 60 – 85%, it is caused by moving of the flashing point, it shows from the increasing of dryness value from 7-14% in 1997 become 13-15% in 2010. The deliverability curve of well D shows the production decline for about 50%, it is caused by declining of reservoir pressure that can be seen from the decreasing  of feed zone pressure in 1997 is 27 bar and in 2010 is 20 bar. The deliverability curve of well F shows the production decline for about 29%, it is caused by moving  of the flashing point


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    Geothermal energy comes from the heat in the earth. The word geothermal comes from the Greek words �geo�, meaning earth, and �therme�, meaning heat. People around the world use geothermal energy to produce electricity, to heat homes and buildings, and to provide hot water for a variety of uses (The NEED Project, www.need.org). In operating geothermal field, the thing to note is the sustainable production as well as problems that affect it. The problem that often occurs in the geothermal field is scale, corrosion and mechanical problems. Scale and corrosion problems are closely related to the charactheristic of the production fluid and the pressure drop caused by the production process. Pressure drop in the reservoir can be seen from the decreasing of wellhead pressure, but to look at the cause of production rate changing is not easy because we do not know what is actually happening in the reservoir to the surface. For that we need a study to predict the problems that occur around the bottom hole to the surface, so that preventive measures can be taken later or proper treatment. One technique that can be used to predict the problems that occur around the bottom hole to the surface is using the well deliverability analysis method. With this analysis we can predict the well behavior and problems that occur around the bottom hole to the surface. Analysis is done by data and curve interpretation of deliverability curve based on Grant experiment. Purposes of this study are analizing qualitatively and quantitatively the deliverability curve to predict the problem that occurs in a well, so it can give some recommendation to minimize or prevent the problem. This study takes data from two Geothermal Fields, X and Y Geothermal Field. Data from X Geothermal field contains 3 wells, they are well A, well B, and well C and from Y Geothermal field contains 4 wells they are well D, well E, well F and well G. The calculating data of well A and B are obtained by inputting some well and reservoir permeability and pressure drop between reservoir and feedzone. The calculating data of well D, E, F and G are obtained from WellSim simulator. The input data in WellSim are tracer flow test (TFT) data, well geometry, fluid type, maximum and minimum flow and reservoir pressure. The calculating is done to get deliverability curve and then the interpretation of the graph based on Grant experiment. From the analysis, well A, D and F show production decline. The deliverability curve of well A shows the production decline for about 60 � 85%, it is caused by moving of the flashing point, it shows from the increasing of dryness value from 7-14% in 1997 become 13-15% in 2010. The deliverability curve of well D shows the production decline for about 50%, it is caused by declining of reservoir pressure that can be seen from the decreasing of feed zone pressure in 1997 is 27 bar and in 2010 is 20 bar. The deliverability curve of well F shows the production decline for about 29%, it is caused by moving of the flashing point. Scale problem can be reduced by acidizing or by closing the well for a few moments and then opened again by reducing the size of the choke diameter orifices by using a smaller plate. Closing the well for a while also can increase the reservoir pressure and temperature, so it also can help the well to control the reservoir pressure. In addition, the reservoir pressure also can be controlled by good planning of water injection. Maintaining or controlling the reservoir pressure also can prevent the moving of the flashing point

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani “Umbul Makmur “ Melalui Motivasi Berwirausaha

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    This internal Community Service Programe with partners from the Women Farmers Group (KWT) “UMBUL MAKMUR”, a group consisting of women farmers located in Umbulsari A Hamlet, Sumberharjo village, Kapanewon Prambanan, was carried out in order to foster enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit among partners. The land which is quite large and there are still many that have not been utilized optimally is a very supportive initial capital to run a business in the field of agricultural products. The provision of production equipment assistance, the provision of business capital assistance coupled with the provision of knowledge on how to be successful in entrepreneurship by utilizing all the potential resources owned are expected to be able to improve the partner's economy. Assistance to partners is also carried out during the PbM 2022 program in such a way that the participation of KWT members is increasing. Evaluation is also carried out to monitor the progress and success of the program. The output of this Internal Community Service program is in the form of scientific articles published in proceedings, IPR of ISBN books, publications in mass media/online, and posters