4,983 research outputs found
A Review of the Supersymmetry Searches at LEP
The searches for supersymmetric particles by the four LEP experiments, ALEPH,
DELPHI, L3, OPAL, have been made for many different theoretical models and
phenomenological scenarios. Since no significant signs of a SUSY signal have
been observed the results have been used to set exclusion limits and to
constrain the supersymmetric parameter space. This talk will focus on combined
SUSY searches, within the mSUGRA framework, from the four LEP experiments. The
results are based mainly on the data recorded between the years 1996-2000,
which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.7 fb and
center-of-mass energies from 161 up to 208 GeV.Comment: 8 Pages, 9 figures, talk given at the XXXVIIIth Rencontres de
Moriond: Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, Les Arcs, France,
March 15-22, 200
Status of the Forward Physics Projects in ATLAS
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC is building several detector systems for
forward physics studies and to determine the luminosity. The main forward
systems consist of a Cerenkov detector called LUCID, a Zero Degree Calorimeter
(ZDC) and Roman Pots which will house a scintillating fiber tracker system
called ALFA. Here we report some of the forward physics activities that are
foreseen in ATLAS together with the status of the related detector systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the XV International Workshop on
Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Munich, Germany, April 200
Search For Extra Dimensions At LEP
Searches for extra dimensions have been made at the four LEP experiments,
ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, where different processes have been searched for
within both the ADD and Randall-Sundrum scenarios. Since no signs of any signal
have been observed the results have been used to set exclusion limits in the
corresponding extra dimension models. This talk presents both individual
results from the LEP experiments as well as combined results from the searches
for graviton emission and virtual graviton exchange. The results are mainly
based on the data recorded between the years 1998-2000, which corresponds to an
integrated luminosity of 0.6 fb per experiment and center-of-mass
energies from 189 up to 209 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP04), Beijing, China, 16-22 Aug 200
Simulation of Z plus Graviton/Unparticle Production at the LHC
Theories with extra dimensions have gained much interest in recent years as
candidates for a possible extension of the SM. The observation of large extra
dimensions through real graviton emission is one of the most popular related
new phenomena. The main experimental signatures from graviton emission are
production of single jet and single photon events, which have been studied in
great detail. This work describes the implementation of graviton production
together with either a Z or a photon in Pythia 8. The potential of using Z plus
graviton production at the LHC as a complementary channel is also studied. For
completeness, this work also includes the more recently proposed scenario of
unparticle emission, since the effective theory of unparticles to some extent
represents a generalization of the large extra dimension model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; Added material; Accepted by Eur. Phys. J.
Boat design deriving from ethnographic study: a transdisciplinary approach to Malaysian fishing boat design.
The goal of the project is to further the positivist discourse of design by ascertaining whether ethnographic analysis contributes to the design process. To this end, the project provides 1) a culturally appropriate conceptual fishing boat design and 2) an industrial design case study.
This project identifies mechanistic and non-mechanistic design elements and presents the results of thematic analysis. This project develops a 40 GRT (gross register ton), Malaysian Class B fishing boat design based primarily upon ethnographic study of stakeholders, which includes fishermen, boat builders, designers and owners. The design concept is evaluated by fishermen regarding perceived performance as a fishing boat, aesthetics, safety, and comfort. The concept boat is compared with the visual stereotype of a traditional Malaysian fishing boat and a Western style, deck forward design. The conceptual design is evaluated with a creative product analysis matrix (CPAM) followed by a questionnaire based evaluation by fishermen.
This project is intended for students and practitioners of industrial design interested in culturally appropriate design. It provides insights into design methodology and ethnographic methods for developing an understanding of indigenous design sensitivities of a client or end user. This study provides an example of product development that integrates the designerâs creativity with the stakeholdersâ requirements and material culture. This project also demonstrates the technique of superimposing photographs via computer aided design (CAD) drawings to develop a visual stereotype. Moreover, this project demonstrates the benefit of employing visual models in charcoal and clay in ethnographic fieldwork
Branching ratio measurements of the 7.12-MeV state in 16O
Knowledge of the gamma-ray branching ratios of the 7.12-MeV state of 16O is
important for the extrapolation of the 12C(a,g)16O cross section to
astrophysical energies. Ground state transitions provide most of the
12C(a,g)16O total cross section while cascade transitions have contributions of
the order of 10-20%. Determining the 7.12-MeV branching ratio will result in a
better extrapolation of the cascade and E2 ground state cross section to low
energies. We report here on measurements on the branching ratio of the 7.12-MeV
level in 16O.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the Eigth International Symposium
on Nuclei in the Cosmo
Search for one large extra dimension with the DELPHI detector at LEP2
Single photons detected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP2 in the years
1997-2000 are used to investigate the existence of a single extra dimension in
a modifed ADD scenario with slightly warped large extra dimensions. The data
collected at centre-of-mass energies between 180 and 209 GeV for an integrated
luminosity of ~650 pb^-1 agree with the predictions of the Standard Model and
allow a limit to be set on graviton emission in one large extra dimension. The
limit obtained on the fundamental mass scale MD is 1.69 TeV at 95% CL, with an
expected limit of 1.71 TeV.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, contributed to Lepton Photon 2007, Daegu, Kore
Narrative as an antidote to a devastating colonial legacy
I dette prosjektet bruker jeg ider fra litteraturteoretiker LeAnne Howe i kombinasjon med teorier fra Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart og Lemyra M. DeBruyn, to kliniske psykologer, for Ă„ utforske hvordan fortellinger kan fungere som en motkur mot kolonisering, og den destruktive arven fra kolonisering, for urbefolkningen i USA. Jeg argumenterer for at fortellinger kan vĂŠre med pĂ„ Ă„ skape og gjenopprette identiteter hos den amerikanske urbefolkningen, identiteter som historisk sett har vĂŠrt sterkt undertrykte av det dominante samfunnet. Jeg argumenterer videre for at en slik identitetsskaping er en prosess som kan Ăžke velvĂŠren blant den Amerikanske urbefolkningen. I tillegg argumenterer jeg for at fortellinger kan bidra til Ă„ skape sĂžrgeprosesser som fungerer som medisin mot et fenomen som Brave Heart and DeBruyn kaller «historical unresolved grief», noe som igjen bidrar til Ă„ skape velvĂŠre (56). Ettersom bĂ„de «historical unresolved grief» og undertrykte identiteter er et produkt av den pĂ„gĂ„ende koloniseringen av Amerika anser jeg prosesser som kan bidra til Ă„ motvirke disse fenomenene som prosesser av avkolonisering og «re-indigenisation» (Harrison 168). Jeg tar for meg Leslie Marmon Silko sin 1977 bok Ceremony, og Linda Hogan sin 1994 bok Solar Storms, og utforsker i detalj hvordan disse bĂžkene skaper velvĂŠre gjennom Ă„ fasilitere for overnevnte prosesser.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveMAHF-ENGMPENGLMAHF-LĂFRZMPHFFAKENG35
English Vocabulary Development Through MMORPGs: A theoretic study on the impact of vocabulary development through playing MMORPGs
This study investigates how MMORPGs influence the vocabulary of L2 learners through comparing the existing research on vocabulary acquisition to shed new light on research on vocabulary acquisition within MMORPGs. Furthermore, it examines how the findings of the reviewed research can influence English education as we know it today. The research question are as follows: How does playing online role-playing games influence the vocabulary of learners of English, and should any research findings in this area be taken into the English classroom?
To address my research question, I have split the thesis in three separate parts. The first reviewing research on vocabulary acquisition, the second looking into four studies concerning learning English as an L2 through MMORPGs, and the third a discussion on the didactic implications the findings of the studies from the second part may have on English education.
The results of this study indicate that MMORPGs are great tools for creating a language learning environment. The Knowledge Promotion curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2017) encourages the use of medias as tools for learning, and demand diversity in education. MMORPGs and the principles of the games within the genre can prove to be very beneficial in future English education
Satanology in Pauline Theology : An Exegetical Study of 2 Corinthians 12:7 and Romans 16:20
Master's thesis in Theology, VID Specialized University, Stavanger, may 2020We begin this Master thesis by questioning what the function of Satan is in the two Pauline verses 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20 and if their Satanological implications are compatible with each other. We further question how these two verses fit into the overall portrayal of Satan in the Pauline letters. Additionally, we question if the Satanological ideas of the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism are reflected in the Pauline letters.
In order to be able to identify potential Satanological reflections of the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism in the Pauline letters, we must first briefly present the overall Satanological outlook of the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism. We shall also add the New Testament (excluding the Pauline letters) to this brief presentation. The Satanology of the Old Testament diverges in many ways from that of the Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, Satan is mainly understood as a servant of God. However, in the Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament, Satan is additionally (although not necessarily in discord with the Old Testament image) clearly understood as an evil being. A certain doubleness of Satanâs servant-role and role as an enemy is nevertheless preserved in both the Second Temple literature and the New Testament, a feature which is also vaguely hinted at in the Old Testament. An important element to notice in both the Old Testament and the Second Temple literature is that God is repeatedly portrayed as ultimately in control and as the one who will defeat and condemn Satan.
As we do an exegetical study of the two Pauline verses 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20, we also encounter this double-sided impression of Satan as both Godâs servant/tool and enemy. Although certain aspects of these two verses remain ambiguous, we may with certainty conclude that there are two distinct impressions of Satanâs function in 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20. In 2 Cor 12:7 he functions (indirectly through his messenger) as a thorn which is given to discipline and preserve Paulâs spiritual life. An important remark here is that the ultimate giver of the thorn is God and not Satan. In Rom 16:20, Satan functions exclusively as an enemy to be crushed by God under the feet of the church. What is noteworthy with this is that the idea that God will crush his enemies under his (although here the churchâs) feet, is also clearly attested in both the Old Testament and the Second Temple literature. As we continue further with a comparative study between these two
verses and their Satanological implications, we observe that these two sides of Satanâs function are in fact compatible with each other. This is perhaps mainly because God is in both of these Pauline verses portrayed as the one ultimately in control, either as the giver of the thorn or as the crusher of Satan. Moreover, this is a clear feature of the Satanology(ies?) of both the Old Testament and the Second Temple texts, as well. Paulâs Satanology of 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20 does, as such, reflect central features of the Satanological outlook of both the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism. A certain tension is, however, still present between 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20.
Finally, an overall study of the Satanology portrayed in the Pauline letters broadens the image that 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20 present of the Satan-figure. But the two aspects of Satan as a servant/tool of God and as evil, as seen in 2 Cor 12:7 and Rom 16:20, are upheld. The aspect of God as sovereign is additionally confirmed. Hence, the Satanology of the Pauline letters is theocentric in the sense that Satan is continuously understood as inferior to God.submittedVersionMV 17 S
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