174 research outputs found


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    This research identifies several regulations related to public-private partnership (PPP) agreements such as acts, government regulations, presidential regulations, and local byelaws. Wefind that in addition to having some legal lacunae, the existing norms are either conflicting or obscure. In practice, this condition opens chance for many interpretation which eventually result in a cornucopia of different variety of inferior regulations. We will show that provisions pertaining to the designation of the contractingparties in a PPP and its dispute settlement are conflicting. Penelitian ini berhasil menunjukkan beberapa peraturan hukum yang menjadi payung hukum perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dan swasta, antara lain dalam bentuk undang-undang,peraturan pemerintah, peraturan presiden, dan peraturan daerah.Temyata masih terdapat kekosongan norma, konfliknorma, dan kekaburan norma dalam berbagai peraturan hukum tersebut sehingga menimbulkan berbagai penafsiran dalam praktik, dan pada akhimya berdampak pada berbagai ragam peraturan. Konflik norma berkisar tentang siapa yang menjadi para pihak dalam perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dan swasta serta bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa atas sengketa hukum tersebut


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    The major improvement of franchise practices in Indonesian within the last 10 (ten) years has speeded to many region. Yet the government and local government under informed about the exact concept and regulation of franchise. Therefore this research meant to find out the concept of franchise and how the government regulate franchise agreement and its relation with transfer of technology. This research in a normative research as a way to depth study legal norms in various primary and secondary legal sources in Indonesia. In fact, in Indonesian the practice of franchise has developed widely without having a particular law to regulate formulate a law to regulate franchise particularly, as the regulation in form of government  regulation (PP No. 42 of 2007) is inadequate to solve the complex legal problem of franchise practice.Keyword : franchise, agreement, transfer of technolog


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    The Shares divestment Process of PT NTT becomes interesting legal problem to criticize because the case of shares divestment that involves a big company foreign company in gold mining sector that happened in Indonesia especially in West Nusa Tenggara.The research analyze about how the Indonesian Law regulates on shares divestment and how the divestment practice conducted by Local government of West Nusa Tenggara. Through the normative approach (normative study) and case approach. It was concluded that the law in Indonesian has not been regulated on the process of shares divestment by the Government (Local Company). However through the legal analogy method so the Acts Number 1 Year 2004 on State treasury and some of its implementation regulations applicable to the investments and divestments process. Likewise, as long as the divestment cooperation aims to build the public infrastructure so that the President Regulation Number 65 Year 2005 refers to President Number 13 Year 2010 could be umbrella of law. In the process of shares divestment of PT. NNT, it is found the procedural mistakes by the Government of West Nusa Tenggara, as well as there are collaboration agreement contain a conflict of norm, so that potentially causing losses to the state. Keywords:  the Cooperation Agreement, Divestiture Share

    Legal Education in Indonesia Towards an Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    This study aims to uncover and explore the role of legal education in Indonesia in preparing skilled workers in facing the industrial era 4.0. The method used in this study is a normative method with a legislative approach and a historical approach. The results showed the need for a Diploma in Law Education (D4) specifically to educate Applied Bachelor candidates in the field of law that were prepared to be professionals in their respective fields (lawyers, prosecutors, judges and others). Applied Bachelor (D4) is specifically given practical legal material and therefore graduates are not to continue to master’s level. This adopted the Juris Doctor education pattern in several Western countries. This graduate to work as an Advocate must take an examination by the Supreme Court or Advocate Organization without going through additional education / training and without having to do more internships

    Perjanjian antara Pemerintah dengan Pihak Swasta dalam Kaitannya dengan Divestasi Saham Pt.nnt di Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The research analyzes about how the Indonesian Law regulates on shares divestment and how the divestment practice conducted by Local government of West Nusa Tenggara.Through the normative approach (normative study) and case approach. It was concluded that the law in Indonesian has not regulated, the process of shares divestment by the Government (Local Company). However Trough the Legal analogy method so the Acts Number 1 Year 2004 on State treasury and some of its implementation regulations applicable to the investments and divestments process. Likewise, as long as the divestment cooperation aims to build the public infrastructure so that the President Regulation Number 65 Year 2005 refers to President Number 13 Year 2010 could be umbrella of law.In the process of shares divestment of PT. NNT, it is found that there were procedural mistakes by the Government of West Nusa Tenggara, as well as there was collaboration agreement contain a conflict of norm, so that it has potential of loss to the state


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pelaksanaan penegakan hukum penguasaan dan pemilikan tanah kawasan hutan di Dusun Jarang Koak, Desa Bebidas, Kecamatan Wanasaba, Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Mengkaji dan menganalisis kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam  penegakan hukum pemanfaatan tanah kawasan hutan tersebut. Dari Hasil Penelitian dapat di kemukakan bahwa (1) dalam Pelaksanaan penegakan hukum dalam pemanfaatan tanah kawasan hutan di Dusun Jurang Koak, Desa Bebidas, Kecamatan Wanasaba, Kabupaten Lombok Timur masih belum berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. di mana para aparat penegak hukum dalam penegakan hukum, hanya melihat dari unsur kepastian hukumnya saja, dan mengabaikan unsur manfaat dan keadilannya. Pada hal ketiga unsur tersebut harus mampu diterapkan  secara bersamaan, kalaupun pelaksanaan dari ketiga unsur tersebut di dalam praktiknya tidaklah mudah. Sedangkan (2) Kendala-kendala yang di hadapi dalam penegakan hukum pemanfaatan tanah kawasan hutan dapat  di bagi menjadi tiga yakni: dari sisi struktur, substansi dan kultur

    Peran BUMDes Dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Tradisional Di Desa Sikebau Jaya Kecamatan Rokan IV Koto Kebupaten Rokan Hulu

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    ABSTRAK Nama : ZAINAL ASIKIN Nim : 11641100790 Judul : Peran BUMDes Dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Tradisional Di Desa Sikebau Jaya Kecamatan Rokan IV Koto Kebupaten Rokan Hulu Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh peran BUMDes dalam membantu masyarakat dalam memudahkan mendapatkan bahan pokok sehari-hari dan meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat melalui potensi yang ada di desa sikebau jaya tersebut. Sehingga dapat mensejahtrakan masyarakat melalui program pasar tradisonal. dan BUMDes berdiri sebagai lembaga badan hukum yang mana kegiatan di dalamnya memiliki peranan penting dalam melakukan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat yang ingin melakukan perdagangan dan melakukan pengawasan terhadap pasar tradisonal Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah bagaimana Peran Bumdes Dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Tradisional Di Desa Sikebau Jaya Kecamatan Rokan IV Koto Kebupaten Rokan Hulu.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengelolaan pasar tradisional serta mengetahui pengawasan terhadap pasar tradisional. Teori yang digunakan tentang peran bumdes dalam pengelolaan pasar tradisional diambil dari buku: Herry Kamaroesid, Tata Cara Pendirian Dan Pengelolaan Bumdes,(Jakarta :Mitra Wacana Media ). informan dalam penelitian ini adalah informan utama direktur BUMDes jaya mandiri dan informan pendukung adalah kepala desa,pegawai bumdes dan 5 pedagang pasar tradisional. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. bedasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan peran BUMDes dalam pengelolaan pasar tradisional didesa sikebau jaya kecamatan rokan IV koto kabupaten rokan hulu dinyatakan berperan memberikan pelayanan kepada pedagang,menyediakan faslitas-fasliltas,penataan pasar tradisonal serta melakukan penyaluran dana hasil pengelolaan pasar tradisonal. dengan melakukan, melakukan retribusi terhadap pedagang,melakukan pengawasan kegiatan di pasar tradisonal,melakukan penyaluran dana pasar tradisional. Kata kunci: Peran BUMDes dan pengelolaan pasar tradisiona


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    The Shares divestment Process of PT NTT becomes interesting legal problem to criticize because the case of shares divestment that involves a big company foreign company in gold mining sector that happened in Indonesia especially in West Nusa Tenggara.The research analyze about how the Indonesian Law regulates on shares divestment and how the divestment practice conducted by Local government of West Nusa Tenggara. Through the normative approach (normative study) and case approach. It was concluded that the law in Indonesian has not been regulated on the process of shares divestment by the Government (Local Company). However through the legal analogy method so the Acts Number 1 Year 2004 on State treasury and some of its implementation regulations applicable to the investments and divestments process. Likewise, as long as the divestment cooperation aims to build the public infrastructure so that the President Regulation Number 65 Year 2005 refers to President Number 13 Year 2010 could be umbrella of law. In the process of shares divestment of PT. NNT, it is found the procedural mistakes by the Government of West Nusa Tenggara, as well as there are collaboration agreement contain a conflict of norm, so that potentially causing losses to the state. Keywords:  the Cooperation Agreement, Divestiture Share


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    The major improvement of franchise practices in Indonesian within the last 10 (ten) years has speeded to many region. Yet the government and local government under informed about the exact concept and regulation of franchise. Therefore this research meant to find out the concept of franchise and how the government regulate franchise agreement and its relation with transfer of technology. This research in a normative research as a way to depth study legal norms in various primary and secondary legal sources in Indonesia. In fact, in Indonesian the practice of franchise has developed widely without having a particular law to regulate formulate a law to regulate franchise particularly, as the regulation in form of government  regulation (PP No. 42 of 2007) is inadequate to solve the complex legal problem of franchise practice.Keyword : franchise, agreement, transfer of technolog
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