824 research outputs found

    Characteristics of C-4 photosynthesis in stems and petioles of C-3 flowering plants

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    Most plants are known as C-3 plants because the first product of photosynthetic CO2 fixation is a three-carbon compound. C-4 plants, which use an alternative pathway in which the first product is a four-carbon compound, have evolved independently many times and are found in at least 18 families. In addition to differences in their biochemistry, photosynthetic organs of C-4 plants show alterations in their anatomy and ultrastructure. Little is known about whether the biochemical or anatomical characteristics of C-4 photosynthesis evolved first. Here we report that tobacco, a typical C-3 plant, shows characteristics of C-4 photosynthesis in cells of stems and petioles that surround the xylem and phloem, and that these cells are supplied with carbon for photosynthesis from the vascular system and not from stomata. These photosynthetic cells possess high activities of enzymes characteristic of C-4 photosynthesis, which allow the decarboxylation of four-carbon organic acids from the xylem and phloem, thus releasing CO2 for photosynthesis. These biochemical characteristics of C-4 photosynthesis in cells around the vascular bundles of stems of C-3 plants might explain why C-4 photosynthesis has evolved independently many times

    'Mutations in LAMB2 associate with albuminuria and Optic Nerve Hypoplasia with Hypopituitarism'

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    CONTEXT: Mutations in LAMB2, encoding the basement membrane protein, laminin Ξ²2, are associated with an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital nephrotic syndrome, ocular abnormalities and neurodevelopmental delay (Pierson Syndrome). CASE DESCRIPTION: This report describes a twelve year old boy with short stature, visual impairment and developmental delay who presented with macroscopic haematuria and albuminuria. He had isolated growth hormone deficiency, optic nerve hypoplasia and a small anterior pituitary with corpus callosum dysgenesis on his cranial MRI, thereby supporting a diagnosis of optic nerve hypoplasia syndrome. Renal histopathology revealed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Using next generation sequencing on a targeted gene panel for steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome, compound heterozygous missense mutations were identified in LAMB2 [c.737G>A p.Arg246Gln, c.3982G>C p.Gly1328Arg]. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed reduced glomerular laminin Ξ²2 expression compared to control kidney and a thin basement membrane on electron microscopy. Laminin Ξ²2 is expressed during pituitary development and Lamb2-/- mice exhibit stunted growth, abnormal neural retinae and here, we show, abnormal parenchyma of the anterior pituitary gland. CONCLUSION: We propose that patients with genetically undefined optic nerve hypoplasia syndrome should be screened for albuminuria and if present, screened for mutations in LAMB2

    Head-to-head comparison of amplified plasmonic exosome AΞ²42 platform and single-molecule array immunoassay in a memory clinic cohort

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    Background: Various blood biomarkers reflecting brain amyloid‐β (AΞ²) load have recently been proposed with promising results. However, to date, no comparative study among blood biomarkers has been reported. Our objective is to examine the diagnostic performance and cost effectiveness of three blood biomarkers on the same cohort. Methods: Using the same cohort (n=68), we compared the performance of the single‐molecule array (Simoa)‐AΞ²40 and AΞ²42, AΞ²42/AΞ²40 and the amplified plasmonic exosome (APEX)‐AΞ²42 blood biomarkers using amyloid PET as the reference standard. We also determined the extent to which these blood tests can reduce the recruitment cost of clinical trials by identifying Amyloid positive (AΞ²+) participants. Results: Compared to Simoa biomarkers, APEX‐AΞ²42 showed significantly higher correlations with amyloid PET retention values and excellent diagnostic performance (sensitivity=100%, specificity=93.3%, AUC=0.995). When utilized for clinical trial recruitment, our simulation showed that pre‐screening with blood biomarkers followed by a confirmatory amyloid PET imaging would roughly half the cost (56.8% reduction for APEX‐AΞ²42 and 48.6% for Simoa‐AΞ²42/AΞ²40) as compared to the situation where only PET imaging is used. Moreover, with a 100% sensitivity; APEX‐AΞ²42 pre‐screening does not increase the required number of initial participants. Conclusions: With its high diagnostic performance, APEX is an ideal candidate for AΞ²+ subject identification, monitoring, primary care screening, and could efficiently enrich clinical trials with AΞ²+ participants while halving recruitment costs

    Perspectives on the Trypanosoma cruzi-host cell receptor interaction

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    Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The critical initial event is the interaction of the trypomastigote form of the parasite with host receptors. This review highlights recent observations concerning these interactions. Some of the key receptors considered are those for thromboxane, bradykinin, and for the nerve growth factor TrKA. Other important receptors such as galectin-3, thrombospondin, and laminin are also discussed. Investigation into the molecular biology and cell biology of host receptors for T. cruzi may provide novel therapeutic targets

    Zebrafish Model for Functional Screening of Flow-Responsive Genes

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    OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is initiated at branches and bends of arteries exposed to disturbed blood flow that generates low shear stress. This mechanical environment promotes lesions by inducing endothelial cell (EC) apoptosis and dysfunction via mechanisms that are incompletely understood. Although transcriptome-based studies have identified multiple shear-responsive genes, most of them have an unknown function. To address this, we investigated whether zebrafish embryos can be used for functional screening of mechanosensitive genes that regulate EC apoptosis in mammalian arteries. APPROACH AND RESULTS: First, we demonstrated that flow regulates EC apoptosis in developing zebrafish vasculature. Specifically, suppression of blood flow in zebrafish embryos (by targeting cardiac troponin) enhanced that rate of EC apoptosis (β‰ˆ10%) compared with controls exposed to flow (β‰ˆ1%). A panel of candidate regulators of apoptosis were identified by transcriptome profiling of ECs from high and low shear stress regions of the porcine aorta. Genes that displayed the greatest differential expression and possessed 1 to 2 zebrafish orthologues were screened for the regulation of apoptosis in zebrafish vasculature exposed to flow or no-flow conditions using a knockdown approach. A phenotypic change was observed in 4 genes; p53-related protein (PERP) and programmed cell death 2-like protein functioned as positive regulators of apoptosis, whereas angiopoietin-like 4 and cadherin 13 were negative regulators. The regulation of perp, cdh13, angptl4, and pdcd2l by shear stress and the effects of perp and cdh13 on EC apoptosis were confirmed by studies of cultured EC exposed to flow. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a zebrafish model of flow manipulation coupled to gene knockdown can be used for functional screening of mechanosensitive genes in vascular ECs, thus providing potential therapeutic targets to prevent or treat endothelial injury at atheroprone sites
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