111 research outputs found

    Comparación de los componentes de la literatura de perseverancia en dos poetas importantes de la era Ghaznavi: Sanayi Y Masoud Sa’d Salman

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    Throughout the history of Persian literature, there have been poets who have fueled the Persian literary treasures with their capable pen. In that sense, this article specifically examines and compares the poems of the sustainability of the two innovative and owners of style in Qaznavid era. On the one hand, Sanayi established a kind of social and critical poetry. Gnostic and Qalandar poetry with its lyrics and He freshened the religious doctrine with his Masnavis and expressed religious issues in the form of stories. On the other hand, the issues of sustainability literature are clearly evident in all of its poetic forms. Topics such as the fight against oppression and poverty, the invitation to lasting peace and the promotion of religious ethics. Masood Sa’d is one of the elite innovators of the Ghaznavi era, and his Habsiyeh (imprisonment), Shahrashoub, and his enchants show the genius of his poetry. His utilization of the components of sustainability is very significant especially in his imprisonment, and in other types of poetry, he has less. The present study tried to investigate these components regarding the limitations of article structure from a comprehensive perspective after careful study of the works of these two poets and acheiving the outstanding examples of sustainability literature.A lo largo de la historia de la literatura persa, ha habido poetas que han alimentado los tesoros literarios persas con su pluma capaz. En ese sentido, este artículo examina y compara específicamente los poemas de la sostenibilidad de los dos innovadores y dueños del estilo en la era Qaznavid. Por un lado, Sanayi estableció una especie de poesía social y crítica. La poesía gnóstica y Qalandar con sus letras y refrescó la doctrina religiosa con su Masnavis y expresó cuestiones religiosas en forma de historias. Por otro lado, los temas de la literatura de sostenibilidad son claramente evidentes en todas sus formas poéticas. Temas como la lucha contra la opresión y la pobreza, la invitación a una paz duradera y la promoción de la ética religiosa. Masood Sa’d es uno de los innovadores de élite de la era Ghaznavi, y su Habsiyeh (encarcelamiento), Shahrashoub y sus encantamientos muestran el genio de su poesía. Su utilización de los componentes de la sostenibilidad es muy significativa, especialmente en su encarcelamiento, y en otros tipos de poesía, tiene menos. El presente estudio trató de investigar estos componentes con respecto a las limitaciones de la estructura del artículo desde una perspectiva integral después de un estudio cuidadoso de los trabajos de estos dos poetas y lograr los ejemplos sobresalientes de literatura de sostenibilidad

    A comparative study of the image of the devil in the logic of Attar Attar and the commentary of Abolfotuh Razi

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    One of the most central themes in Sufi books and Persian commentaries is the subject of the devil and how he tells his story. In this research, in an analytical-descriptive manner, we have studied the image of the devil in the logic of Attar al-Tair and the interpretation of Ruz al-Jannan by Abul-Futuh Razi. We have analyzed the personal interpretations of Attar and Abolfotuh Razi from the story of Iblis and have shown the commonalities and differences between them in different parts of the story

    Divine Prayers and epopees

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    In our epic narratives, heroism is not limited to the bravery and warfare in the battlefield and hero is not the one who has the power, but wisdom, kindness and justice, generosity and enlightenment, and especially monotheism and praying to God is the highest heroism. During widespread recent research, the significant and effective role of the Shahnameh was studied on the epics after it. However, the study of ethics and wisdom of epics is less considered and most research dealt with mythological and heroic narratives as well as epics. There is not yet an independent study about the evaluation of divine prayers and remembrance of God in these epics and comparing them with Shahnameh. This research, by studying the prayer, traditions, conditions and their frequency in each epic, represents the influence of Shahnameh on these works

    Investigating the story of the appearance of Fazl Loghman in Masnavi and the kingdom that gave bitter fruit to Chakri in Mantiq al-Tair and Rumi's superiority in the artistic development of the story over Attar

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    In order to critique literary works (comparative literature), the works in question are usually criticized from two different cultures, so according to this type of method, the works created in the same culture can be examined together. He found their commonalities and differences and achieved good results. Although Attar and Sanai have played an important role in determining the intellectual policy and drawing of Rumi's mystical model, Rumi's ability in the art of storytelling and his mystical goals from the results of stories have a high place in literature and educational works, although many stories The works he uses are not in his mind and he has a history in his previous works. (Sanai and Attar) But their goals and final results are different. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the commonalities and differences of the above story from the perspective of storytelling in order to reveal that Rumi has a higher artistic position than Attar in the art of storytelling

    Leopard and its mythological-epic motifs in Shahnameh and four other epic works (Garshasbnameh, Kushnameh, Bahmannameh and Borzunameh)

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    In Shahnameh and other epic poems where the reflection of myths is the life of primitive and ancient Iranian communities, animals and other creatures are of great importance and go beyond their normal features and position. Myths that are the facts from the thoughts and ideas of the early man are mixed with different stories and are expressed symbolically and mysteriously.  Among the animals, “leopard” is one of the role players whose name has been mentioned in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and other epic poems and has accounted for themes and motifs. This paper seeks to examine the place of leopard in past myths and civilization as well as in the most valuable epic work, i.e. Shahnameh, and four other epic poems (Garshasbnameh, Kushnameh, Bahmannameh and Borzunameh) and extract, classify and analyze the most important mythological-epic and ritual motifs of this animal. These motifs include the lexical and symbolic meaning of leopard, the position of leopard in the myths and civilization of ancient Iran, the relationship between the goddesses and the leopard, the characteristics of leopard, child and leopard, leopard skin as a garment, metamorphosis, leopard in the welcome ceremony, leopard skin as a gift, demonic creature, leopard totem, leopard as war booty, leopard in the treasure of kings and leopard spell. The concept or symbol of the leopard in this research relies on its positive aspect, sometimes it is one of the goddesses and is respected and sometimes it is a symbol of courage, strength and victory

    The situation of lyrical literature in the sixth century

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    The sixth century is the Seljuk period from exciting times to different centuries in Iran. This study analyzes the causes and factors of changes in the style of poetry and its content and themes and changes the sponsors of poetry and finding poetry among the common people Mysticism and Sufism have dealt with the needs of the troubled society of that century.  In this study, due to the tendency of the monasteries towards the monasteries in the sixth century and the lack of attention of the Seljuk kings to the poets, there was a lack of introspection of the poet and interesting mystical agreements in his view and attention