12 research outputs found

    Faktor Premenstrual Syndrome pada Wanita Usia Subur 18 – 40 Tahun

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of symptoms in reproductive women that appear on the 7-14 days before menstruation, such as physical, psychological, and behavioral disorders. Symptoms that often occur include excessive anxiety, irritability, breast pain, increased or decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, acne, lumbago and back pain which can reduce productivity. Some experts say that PMS occur due to decreased serotonin levels caused by low physical activity, less or excess BMI, and hypertension. This research aims to analyze the relationship between PMS with physical activity, BMI, and hypertension in women 18-40 years old. This research was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The total sample was 54 reproductive women in Tuban District according to the inclusion criteria and using purposive sampling. Chi square statistical test was used to determine the significant level of data obtained level of significant α=0,05. After the chi square test was carried out, it was obtained physical activity with ρ = 0,012, BMI with ρ = 0,002, and hypertension with ρ = 0,003. This means there are relationship between physical activity, BMI, and hypertension with PMS. The conclusion is habits in proper and routine physical activity, normal BMI, and no history of hypertension can reduce the PMS complaints.Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) merupakan kumpulan gejala pada wanita usia subur (WUS) yang tampak pada 7-14 hari menjelang menstruasi seperti gangguan fisik, psikis, dan perilaku. Gejala yang sering terjadi meliputi rasa cemas berlebih, mudah marah, nyeri pada payudara, peningkatan atau penurunan nafsu makan,, mual muntah, muncul jerawat, sakit pinggang dan punggung hingga dapat mengurangi produktivitasnya. beberapa ahli mengungkapkan PMS terjadi karena penurunan kadar serotonin disebabkan oleh aktivitas fisik rendah, BMI kurang atau berlebih, dan hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan PMS dengan aktivitas fisik, BMI, dan hipertensi pada WUS 18-40 tahun. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik. observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 54 wanita usia subur di Kecamatan Tuban yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Uji statistik chi square digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat signifikan pada data yang diperoleh pada tingkat kemaknaan α=0,05. Setelah dilakukan uji chi square diperoleh aktivitas fisik dengan ρ=0,002, BMI dengan ρ=0,026, dan hipertensi dengan ρ=0,003, Artinya, ada hubungan antara aktivitas fisik, BMI, dan hipertensi dengan PMS. Simpulannya adalah kebiasaan dalam beraktivitas fisik yang tepat dan rutin, BMI normal, dan tidak memiliki riwayat hipertensi dapat mengurangi keluhan PMS yang dirasakan

    The Effect Of Curcumin to the Anti Mullerian Hormone Serum Concentration in Endometriotic Rat Model

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    Medical therapy of endometriosis can only be used within a limited time because of arising side effects. One method of medical treatment that was developed for this purpose is using herbal ingredients, the curcumin. The objective of this study was to study the AMH concentration in serum of endometriotic rat model with curcumin supplementation. This experimental study was performed at embryology laboratory Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Airlangga University, Surabaya, July – October 2011. This was an experimental laboratory tests using 38 female rats (Rattus novergicus) with the inclusion criteria. To make endometriotic rat model, each rat was injected with: both cyclosporin A and ethynil estradiol intramuscularly, human endometrial tissue of benign ovarian tumors intraperitoneally. The endometriotic rat model were randomly divided into two groups. The intervention group was comsuming curcumin 24 mg (240 mg/kg) once daily until fourteen days. The rats were sacrificed and the AMH concentration from serum were measured by ELISA kit assay from Cusabio Biotech, Wuhan, China. There was a significant difference in serum concentration of AMH between curcumin group (44.9 ± 20.1) an placebo group (29.8 ± 11.9) (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the concentration of serum AMH is higher in endometriotic rat models with curcumin supplementation. (MOG 2011:19;96-101

    Frekuensi Antenatal Care Tidak Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawatan Kesehatan pada Ibu Nifas

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    Maternal health care knowledge affects prenatal care and pregnanci’s outcome. Antenatal care is one opportunity to increase maternal health care knowledge. This study aims to investigate the association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang. This study was a cross sectional design. The sample was thirty five Postpartum women who admitted in RSUD Majenang on 12th May to 12th June with criteria: being on post partum period, had aterm pregnancy, could show KIA books, had maximally senior high school graduated and performed antenatal care with obstetric and gynecologist maximally twice during pregnancy. Antenatal care visits assessed by questionnaire and antenatal visits record in KIA book. Level of maternal health care knowledge was assessed by questionnaire and interview. This study found 62.9% of total respondents had good antenatal care visits, 28.6% moderate and 8.6% had less antenatal care visits during last pregnancy. 57.1% of total respondents had moderate maternal health care knowledge, 31.4% less and 11.4% had good maternal healthcare knowledge. Spearman Rank test with the significance level = 0.05 showed p value = 0, 293, it means there is no significant association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health care knowledge. Conclusion, the un significant association between antenatal care visits level of maternal health care knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang may caused by many factors, such as the respondents belief about maternal health care information, diverse information resources, insufficient education materials from health care providers and lack of anteatal care quality assessment from health ministry

    Analisis Antimullerian Hormon (AMH) di Dalam Serum pada Berbagai Kategori Indeks Masa Tubuh

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    Obesity-related to the result of decreased reproduction. Obese women are more prone to abnormal anovulation and uterine bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia/cancer, infertility, miscarriage, and pregnancy complications, compared to women of normal weight. This study aims to determine the levels of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in the serum at various BMI (body mass index), also to determine the relationship and correlation between obesity and AMH levels in serum. The population in the study were women aged 20 years to 40 years with less BMI, Normal BMI and Obesity BMI. The study subjects were women between the ages of 20 to 40 years with a BMI less than 17-19.9, obesity BMI ≥ 25 and normal BMI 20-25 as controls. Height measurement, weight weighing, and BMI calculation carried out according to the standard and subject to approval. Taking blood samples for the examination of AMH levels carried out by the RSKI laboratory (Infection Special Hospital) Airlangga University. The results of the data processed with SPSS 25 with the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and Mann Whitney statistical analysis for different tests and Spearman analysis for the correlation test. The results of the study found homogeneous samples, there were no significant differences between the AMH levels of the less and obese groups with, p = 0.832 (p&gt; 0.05). AMH levels in BMI were less (0.459 ± 0.112 ng / mL) than obesity BMI (0.432 ± 0.058 ng / mL), so it was concluded that AMH levels did not correlate with less BMI with obesity BMI, with a correlation value (r) = -0.105 (p = 0.643; p&gt; 0.05). The results of this study concluded that body mass index not related and does not correlate with the levels of anti-Mullerian hormone in the serum

    Association Between Food Plastic Packaging and Dysmenorrhea in Female Adolescents

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    Background: Most women experience certain pain and difficulty during menstruation or what is known as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is a gynecological problem and is the most frequently reported chief complaint in women. Dysmenorrhea is defined as cramping in the lower abdomen that occurs before or during menstruation. The use of plastic as food and beverage packaging is still a commonly used in the community. Plastic contains several compounds, including phthalates and bisphenol-A (BPA) which have potential as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Menstruation and dysmenorrhea are closely related to hormonal system disorders. This study aims to analyze the relationship between food plastic exposure and the incidence of dysmenorrhea among adolescents.Subjects and Method: The design in this study is observational analytic with a cohort approach. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga with a population of midwifery students. The sampling technique used was total sampling with a total of 149 subjects. The dependent variable was. dysmenorrhea. The independent variable was food plastic exposure. The instruments used were a visual analogue scale (VAS) questionnaire and a food plastic exposure questionnaire. The data collection was taken in 2 menstrual cycles. Data were analyzed by chi-square test.Results: The results showed that 71.8% of the subjects experienced moderate level of exposure to food plastic. Dysmenorrhea reported that 128 subjects (86%) had dysmenorrhea. In VAS assess-ment, most of the subjects which was 43% experienced mild pain. This study showed that there was a relationship between exposure to plastic food and the incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescents (p= 0.049).Conclusion: There is a relationship between exposure to plastic food and the incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescents.Keywords: Plastics, BPA, Phthalates, EDCs, Dysmenorrhea.Correspondence: Pudji Lestari. Department of Public Health and Preventive Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Uni-versitas Airlangga. Jl. Mayjen Prof. Dr. Moestopo 47, Surabaya, East Java. Email: [email protected] of Maternal and Child Health (2022), 07(01): 75-81https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2022.07.01.08

    Frekuensi Antenatal Care Tidak Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawatan Kesehatan pada Ibu Nifas

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    Maternal health care knowledge affects prenatal care and pregnanci’s outcome. Antenatal care is one opportunity to increase maternal health care knowledge. This study aims to investigate the association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang. This study was a cross sectional design. The sample was thirty five Postpartum women who admitted in RSUD Majenang on 12th May to 12th June with criteria: being on post partum period, had aterm pregnancy, could show KIA books, had maximally senior high school graduated and performed antenatal care with obstetric and gynecologist maximally twice during pregnancy. Antenatal care visits assessed by questionnaire and antenatal visits record in KIA book. Level of maternal health care knowledge was assessed by questionnaire and interview. This study found 62.9% of total respondents had good antenatal care visits, 28.6% moderate and 8.6% had less antenatal care visits during last pregnancy. 57.1% of total respondents had moderate maternal health care knowledge, 31.4% less and 11.4% had good maternal healthcare knowledge. Spearman Rank test with the significance level = 0.05 showed p value = 0, 293, it means there is no significant association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health care knowledge. Conclusion, the un significant association between antenatal care visits level of maternal health care knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang may caused by many factors, such as the respondents belief about maternal health care information, diverse information resources, insufficient education materials from health care providers and lack of anteatal care quality assessment from health ministry.</em

    Frekuensi Antenatal Care Tidak Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawatan Kesehatan pada Ibu Nifas

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    ABSTRACT Maternal health care knowledge affects prenatal care and pregnanci’s outcome. Antenatal care is one opportunity to increase maternal health care knowledge. This study aims to investigate the association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang. This study was a cross sectional design. The sample was thirty five Postpartum women who admitted in RSUD Majenang on 12th May to 12th June with criteria: being on post partum period, had aterm pregnancy, could show KIA books, had maximally senior high school graduated and performed antenatal care with obstetric and gynecologist maximally twice during pregnancy. Antenatal care visits assessed by questionnaire and antenatal visits record in KIA book. Level of maternal health care knowledge was assessed by questionnaire and interview. This study found 62.9% of total respondents had good antenatal care visits, 28.6% moderate and 8.6% had less antenatal care visits during last pregnancy. 57.1% of total respondents had moderate maternal health care knowledge, 31.4% less and 11.4% had good maternal healthcare knowledge. Spearman Rank test with the significance level = 0.05 showed p value = 0, 293, it means there is no significant association between antenatal care visits and level of maternal health care knowledge. Conclusion, the un significant association between antenatal care visits level of maternal health care knowledge among postpartum women in RSUD Majenang may caused by many factors, such as the respondents belief about maternal health care information, diverse information resources, insufficient education materials from health care providers and lack of anteatal care quality assessment from health ministry

    Relationship Between Angiopoietin-Like-Protein-2 Levels And Anti-Mullerian Hormone Levels In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Of Reproductive Age

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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most prevalent metabolic disease affecting reproductive-age women and is often present with insulin resistance. Angiopoietin-like-protein-2 (ANGPTL2) is an angiogenic factor influencing insulin resistance in PCOS, manifesting in the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). There are no previous studies regarding the relationship between ANGPTL2 levels and AMH in PCOS. The study aims to analyse the relationship between ANGPTL2 and AMH levels in PCOS and to compare ANGPTL2 and AMH levels between PCOS phenotypes. Methods: This cross-sectional study on 43 women aged 18-40 diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria. Subjects were recruited consecutively and categorized into four PCOS phenotypes. Serum levels of ANGPTL2 and AMH were measured and analysed by correlation and comparison test using SPSS 26. Results: A total of 43 PCOS samples were included in the study within 4 months. Based on the severity, phenotype A (anovulation, hyperandrogenic and polycystic ovaries) showed the highest levels of ANGPTL2 and AMH. There was no significant difference in ANGPTL2 levels between the PCOS phenotypes. There was a significant difference in AMH levels between phenotypes, where the highest value was between phenotypes A and B. There was a positive correlation between ANGPTL2 and AMH levels. Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between ANGPTL2 and AMH serum levels. The ANGPTL2 serum levels were not significantly different. In contrast, the AMH serum levels significantly differed across the four PCOS phenotypes, with the highest level found in phenotype A