2,545 research outputs found

    The Crisis Hits Home: Stress-Testing Households in Europe and Central Asia

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    The financial crisis and economic downturn threatens the welfare of more than 160 million people who are poor or are just above the poverty line in the economies of Eastern and Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Turkey. This note concerns the findings of recent World Bank analysis (Tiongson et al. 2010)1 that uses precrisis household data and aggregate macroeconomic outcomes in these countries to simulate the impact of the crisis on households—transmitted via credit market shocks, price shocks, and income shocks. The adverse effects are widespread, with both poor and nonpoor households being vulnerable. By 2010, for the region as a whole, it is estimated that some 11 million more people will be in poverty and more than 23 million additional people will find themselves just above the poverty line because of the crisis.financial cirsis, stress testing, household income, Europe, Central Asia, welfare, Soviet Union, Turkey, World Bank, shocks

    La exploración de las categorizaciones de la tipología de los varones violentos en la pareja: un estudio metodológico

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators were categorized based on whether they were generally violent (GV) or family only violent (FO) using self-report or arrest records. Classification criteria to assess recidivism in perpetrators of IPV were evaluated herein to determine the incremental validity of using a perpetrator’s criminal history in addition to their self-report information for categorization purposes. The concordance rates for categorizing subtypes of male perpetrators were compared for two methods, namely, self-report versus criminal history data. Categorizations were made based on self-reported history of violence and federal criminal records separately. Between measures consistency was defined as whether or not the self-report categorizations matched federal criminal record categorizations. It was hypothesized that self-report would not be sufficient as the sole method of categorizing male perpetrators, and the use of criminal history data would add to the validity of the categorization system. Self-reports of aggression were higher than criminal records of aggression. Using data sources together may yield the best outcomes for offenders and society. Implications are discussed.Se clasificaron los varones que ejercen violencia en las relaciones de pareja (VP) en función de si eran violentos en general (VG) o solo en el entorno familiar (VF), empleando registros de autoinformes o de arrestos. Se analizaron los criterios de clasificación para evaluar la reincidencia de los infractores de VP con el fin de determinar la validez incremental del uso de los antecedentes penales del infractor, además de la información procedente de su autoinforme para la clasificación. Se compararon los índices de concordancia para categorizar los subtipos de infractores masculinos para dos métodos: los datos procedentes de autoinforme y los de antecedentes penales. La categorización se basó en la historia de violencia autoinformada y en los antecedentes penales por separado. La congruencia entre medidas se definió como la coincidencia o discrepancia de la categorización de autoinforme con la categorización de antecedentes penales. Se planteó la hipótesis de que el autoinforme no bastaba como único método para clasificar a los infractores masculinos y que el uso de datos procedentes de antecedentes penales aumentaba la validez del sistema de categorización. Hubo más autoinformes sobre agresión que antecedentes penales de agresión. El uso conjunto de ambos podría tener mejores resultados, tanto para los delincuentes como para la sociedad. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados.S

    The Gattini cameras for optical sky brightness measurements at Dome C, Antarctica

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    The Gattini cameras are two site testing instruments for the measurement of optical sky brightness, large area cloud cover and auroral detection of the night sky above the high altitude Dome C site in Antarctica. The cameras have been operating since installation in January 2006 and are currently at the end of the first Antarctic winter season. The cameras are transit in nature and are virtually identical both adopting Apogee Alta CCD detectors. By taking frequent images of the night sky we obtain long term cloud cover statistics, measure the sky background intensity as a function of solar and lunar altitude and phase and directly measure the spatial extent of bright aurora if present and when they occur. The full data set will return in December 2006 however a limited amount of data has been transferred via the Iridium network enabling preliminary data reduction and system evaluation. An update of the project is presented together with preliminary results from data taken since commencement of the winter season

    Cp*Fe(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)(CHO) : hydride shuttle reactivity of a thermally stable formyl complex.

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    [Cp*Fe(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)(CO)]+ [BArF24]− has been synthesised and characterised using single crystal X-ray diffraction, NMR and IR spectroscopies. Reduction of the CO ligand using Na[Et3BH] produces the corresponding neutral formyl complex Cp*Fe(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)(CHO), that is very thermally stable, and which is attributed to the electron-releasing properties of the spectator ligands. This compound is a potent hydride donor which exists in equilibrium with [Et3BH]−, Et3B, and the structural isomer (η4-C5Me5H)Cp*Fe(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)(CO), resulting from reversible hydride migration to the Cp* ligand

    Poor oral health including active caries in 187 UK professional male football players: clinical dental examination performed by dentists

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    The few studies that have assessed oral health in professional/elite football suggest poor oral health with minimal data on impact on performance. The aim of this research was to determine oral health in a representative sample of professional footballers in the UK and investigate possible determinants of oral health and self-reported impact on well-being, training and performance

    Lipidomic Evaluation of Feline Neurologic Disease after AAV Gene Therapy

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    GM1 gangliosidosis is a fatal lysosomal disorder, for which there is no effective treatment. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy in GM1 cats has resulted in a greater than 6-fold increase in lifespan, with many cats remaining alive at \u3e 5.7 years of age, with minimal clinical signs. Glycolipids are the principal storage product in GM1 gangliosidosis whose pathogenic mechanism is not completely understood. Targeted lipidomics analysis was performed to better define disease mechanisms and identify markers of disease progression for upcoming clinical trials in humans. 36 sphingolipids and subspecies associated with ganglioside biosynthesis were tested in the cerebrospinal fluid of untreated GM1 cats at a humane endpoint ( approximately 8 months), AAV-treated GM1 cats ( approximately 5 years old), and normal adult controls. In untreated GM1 cats, significant alterations were noted in 16 sphingolipid species, including gangliosides (GM1 and GM3), lactosylceramides, ceramides, sphingomyelins, monohexosylceramides, and sulfatides. Variable degrees of correction in many lipid metabolites reflected the efficacy of AAV gene therapy. Sphingolipid levels were highly predictive of neurologic disease progression, with 11 metabolites having a coefficient of determination (R(2)) \u3e 0.75. Also, a specific detergent additive significantly increased the recovery of certain lipid species in cerebrospinal fluid samples. This report demonstrates the methodology and utility of targeted lipidomics to examine the pathophysiology of lipid storage disorders

    Neural responses to a modified Stroop paradigm in patients with complex chronic musculoskeletal pain compared to matched controls: an experimental functional magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Background: Chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMSKP) is attentionally demanding, complex and multi-factorial; neuroimaging research in the population seen in pain clinics is sparse. A better understanding of the neural activity underlying attentional processes to pain related information compared to healthy controls may help inform diagnosis and management in the future. Methods: Blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) compared brain responses in patients with CMSKP (n=15) and healthy controls (n=14) while completing a modified Stroop task using pain-related, positive-emotional, and neutral control words. Results: Response times in the Stroop task were no different for CMSKP patients compared with controls, but patients were less accurate in their responses to all word types. BOLD fMRI responses during presentation of pain-related words suggested increases in neural activation in patients compared to controls in regions previously reported as being involved in pain perception and emotion: the anterior cingulate cortex, insula and primary and secondary somatosensory cortex. No fMRI differences were seen between groups in response to positive or control words. Conclusions: Using this modified Stroop tasks, specific differences were identified in brain activity between CMSKP patients and controls in response to pain-related information using fMRI. This provided evidence of differences in the way that pain-related information is processed in those with chronic complex musculoskeletal pain that were not detectable using the behavioural measures of speed and accuracy. The study may be helpful in gaining new insights into the impact of attention in those living with chronic pai

    Does Deworming Improve Growth and School Performance in Children?

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    Background The World Bank ranks soil-transmitted helminth infection as causing more ill health in children aged 5–15 years than any other infection. In light of this ranking, global agencies recommend regular, mass treatment with deworming drugs to children in developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) argues that “deworming helps meet the Millennium Development Goals”, in particular the six health-related goals:eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;achieve universal primary education;promote gender equality and empower women;reduce child mortality and improve maternal health; and combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. However, deworming campaigns cost money to deliver, and so we must be clear that WHO statements about the impact of these programmes are based on reliable evidence. In 2000, we systematically reviewed the reliable evidence from relevant controlled trials about the effects of anthelminth drugs for soil-transmitted helminth infection on child growth and cognition. This systematic review, published in The Cochrane Database and the BMJ, demonstrated uncertainty around the assumed benefit and concluded that it may be a potentially important intervention, but needed better evaluation. The BMJ published a large number of letters that criticised the findings, including from authors at the World Bank, the WHO, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Pan American Health Organization. We do not feel that these criticisms were scientifically substantive enough to undermine the method or the conclusion. For example, several critics commented on the fact that the systematic review could not make any conclusions about the long-term effects of treatment—but, as we argued in our reply to these criticisms, “we were unable to find any randomised controlled trials that evaluated long term benefit, and the evidence of short term benefit was not, for us, convincing.” The research community quite correctly carried out further randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of repeated doses in community trials with longer follow-up compared with no intervention or placebo. In light of this additional research, we have now updated the original Cochrane review. An author of one of the trials included in the 2000 review, Ed Cooper, criticised the review for not taking into account heterogeneity in parasite burdens. Therefore, in the recently updated review, we conducted an additional subgroup analysis at trial level stratified by worm intensity and prevalence

    In vivo parasitological measures of artemisinin susceptibility

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    Parasite clearance data from 18,699 patients with falciparum malaria treated with an artemisinin derivative in areas of low (n=14,539), moderate (n=2077), and high (n=2083) levels of malaria transmission across the world were analyzed to determine the factors that affect clearance rates and identify a simple in vivo screening measure for artemisinin resistance. The main factor affecting parasite clearance time was parasite density on admission. Clearance rates were faster in high-transmission settings and with more effective partner drugs in artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACTs). The result of the malaria blood smear on day 3 (72 h) was a good predictor of subsequent treatment failure and provides a simple screening measure for artemisinin resistance. Artemisinin resistance is highly unlikely if the proportion of patients with parasite densities of <100,000 parasites/microL given the currently recommended 3-day ACT who have a positive smear result on day 3 is <3%; that is, for n patients the observed number with a positive smear result on day 3 does not exceed (n + 60)/24

    CsI‐Antisolvent Adduct Formation in All‐Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskites

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    The excellent optoelectronic properties demonstrated by hybrid organic/inorganic metal halide perovskites are all predicated on precisely controlling the exact nucleation and crystallization dynamics that occur during film formation. In general, high‐performance thin films are obtained by a method commonly called solvent engineering (or antisolvent quench) processing. The solvent engineering method removes excess solvent, but importantly leaves behind solvent that forms chemical adducts with the lead‐halide precursor salts. These adduct‐based precursor phases control nucleation and the growth of the polycrystalline domains. There has not yet been a comprehensive study comparing the various antisolvents used in different perovskite compositions containing cesium. In addition, there have been no reports of solvent engineering for high efficiency in all‐inorganic perovskites such as CsPbI3. In this work, inorganic perovskite composition CsPbI3 is specifically targeted and unique adducts formed between CsI and precursor solvents and antisolvents are found that have not been observed for other A‐site cation salts. These CsI adducts control nucleation more so than the PbI2–dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) adduct and demonstrate how the A‐site plays a significant role in crystallization. The use of methyl acetate (MeOAc) in this solvent engineering approach dictates crystallization through the formation of a CsI–MeOAc adduct and results in solar cells with a power conversion efficiency of 14.4%.It is found that unique adducts form between CsI and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and certain antisolvents, such as methyl acetate, during film formation of the all‐inorganic perovskite CsPbI3. These adducts significantly influence crystallization and the power conversion efficiency of the resulting solar cells.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154525/1/aenm201903365-sup-0001-SuppMat.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154525/2/aenm201903365.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154525/3/aenm201903365_am.pd