2,939 research outputs found

    The use of systematic reviews in the planning, design and conduct of randomised trials: a retrospective cohort of NIHR HTA funded trials

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    BACKGROUND: A systematic review, with or without a meta-analysis, should be undertaken to determine if the research question of interest has already been answered before a new trial begins. There has been limited research on how systematic reviews are used within the design of new trials, the aims of this study were to investigate how systematic reviews of earlier trials are used in the planning and design of new randomised trials. METHODS: Documentation from the application process for all randomised trials funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) between 2006 and 2008 were obtained. This included the: commissioning brief (if appropriate), outline application, minutes of the Board meeting in which the outline application was discussed, full application, detailed project description, referee comments, investigator response to referee comments, Board minutes on the full application and the trial protocol. Data were extracted on references to systematic reviews and how any such reviews had been used in the planning and design of the trial. RESULTS: 50 randomised trials were funded by NIHR HTA during this period and documentation was available for 48 of these. The cohort was predominately individually randomised parallel trials aiming to detect superiority between two treatments for a single primary outcome. 37 trials (77.1%) referenced a systematic review within the application and 20 of these (i.e. 41.7% of the total) used information contained in the systematic review in the design or planning of the new trial. The main areas in which systematic reviews were used were in the selection or definition of an outcome to be measured in the trial (7 of 37, 18.9%), the sample size calculation (7, 18.9%), the duration of follow up (8, 21.6%) and the approach to describing adverse events (9, 24.3%). Boards did not comment on the presence/absence or use of systematic reviews in any application. CONCLUSIONS: Systematic reviews were referenced in most funded applications but just over half of these used the review to inform the design. There is an expectation from funders that applicants will use a systematic review to justify the need for a new trial but no expectation regarding further use of a systematic review to aid planning and design of the trial. Guidelines for applicants and funders should be developed to promote the use of systematic reviews in the design and planning of randomised trials, to optimise delivery of new studies informed by the most up-to-date evidence base and to minimise waste in research

    A randomised trial comparing combination chemotherapy using mitomycin C, mitozantrone and methotrexate (3M) with vincristine, anthracycline and cyclophosphamide (VAC) in advanced breast cancer.

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    This paper describes a randomised clinical trial in patients with advanced breast cancer, comparing the regimen 3M, mitomycin C 7-8 mg m-2 (day 1), mitozantrone 7-8 mg m-2 (day 1 and 21), methotrexate 35 mg m-2 (day 1 and 21) given on a 42 day cycle with a standard anthracycline containing regimen, VAC, vincristine 1.4 mg m-2 (day 1), anthracycline (adriamycin or epirubicin) 30 mg m-2 (day 1), cyclophosphamide 400 mg m-2 (day 1) given on a 21 day cycle. Of a total of 217 patients, 107 were randomised to 3M and 110 to VAC and a mean of 5.5 courses was given per patient. The overall response rate (complete and partial) was 53% (95% Confidence Limits (CL): 43-62%) for 3M and 49% (CL; 39-58%) for VAC. The response according to sites of metastases was the same for both treatment groups. Symptomatic toxicity including alopecia, neuropathy, vomiting (P less than 0.001) and nausea (P less than 0.01) were significantly less for 3M. Myelosuppression including leucopenia (P less than 0.001) and thrombocytopenia (P less than 0.001) was significantly greater with 3M at day 21, although there was no difference in nadir counts in patients at special risk of myelosuppression and there was no evidence of an increase in infective or bleeding complications. There was no significant difference in the duration of response to 3M (10 months, CL 6-15) and VAC (11 months, CL 7-12), nor in survival (3M, 8 months, CL 6-12; VAC, 10 months, CL 8-12). These results indicate that 3M is as effective as, but has significantly less symptomatic toxicity than, an anthracycline containing regimen for the treatment of advanced breast cancer

    Morphological aspects of male and female hands

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    This is an electronic version of an article published in Annals of Human Biology, 1996, 23(6), 491-494. Annals of Human Biology is available online at informaworldTM http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a739339013~db=all~order=pageThis journal article discusses a series of hand radiographs from Gwynedd, North Wales, which were assessed for frequencies in digital and metacarpal formulae between the genders

    The dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor GSK2126458 is effective for treating solid renal tumours in Tsc2+/- mice through suppression of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis

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    Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) is an inherited tumour syndrome caused by mutations in TSC1 or TSC2 that lead to aberrant activation of mTOR. Tumour responses in TSC patients to rapamycin, an allosteric inhibitor of mTOR, or its analogs are partial and reversible probably due to feedback activation of Akt. In this study, we examined the efficacy of GSK2126458, an ATP-competitive dual inhibitor of PI3K/mTOR, in comparison to rapamycin for treatment of renal tumours in genetically engineered Tsc2+/- mice. We found that both GSK2126458 and rapamycin caused significant reduction in number and size of solid renal tumours. GSK2126458 also significantly reduced the number and size of all lesions (cystic, papillary and solid) although to a lesser extent compared to rapamycin. GSK2126458 inhibited both PI3K and mTOR while rapamycin exerted stronger inhibitory effect on mTORC1 in renal tumours. Furthermore, GSK2126458 and rapamycin suppressed proliferation of tumour cells. Importantly, GSK2126458 increased apoptosis of solid tumours but rapamycin did not. Further investigations are therefore needed to test whether rapamycin in combination with GSK2126458 could promote apoptosis and thus improve therapy of TSC-associated renal tumours

    Damage function for historic paper. Part I: Fitness for use

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    Background In heritage science literature and in preventive conservation practice, damage functions are used to model material behaviour and specifically damage (unacceptable change), as a result of the presence of a stressor over time. For such functions to be of use in the context of collection management, it is important to define a range of parameters, such as who the stakeholders are (e.g. the public, curators, researchers), the mode of use (e.g. display, storage, manual handling), the long-term planning horizon (i.e. when in the future it is deemed acceptable for an item to become damaged or unfit for use), and what the threshold of damage is, i.e. extent of physical change assessed as damage. Results In this paper, we explore the threshold of fitness for use for archival and library paper documents used for display or reading in the context of access in reading rooms by the general public. Change is considered in the context of discolouration and mechanical deterioration such as tears and missing pieces: forms of physical deterioration that accumulate with time in libraries and archives. We also explore whether the threshold fitness for use is defined differently for objects perceived to be of different value, and for different modes of use. The data were collected in a series of fitness-for-use workshops carried out with readers/visitors in heritage institutions using principles of Design of Experiments. Conclusions The results show that when no particular value is pre-assigned to an archival or library document, missing pieces influenced readers/visitors’ subjective judgements of fitness-for-use to a greater extent than did discolouration and tears (which had little or no influence). This finding was most apparent in the display context in comparison to the reading room context. The finding also best applied when readers/visitors were not given a value scenario (in comparison to when they were asked to think about the document having personal or historic value). It can be estimated that, in general, items become unfit when text is evidently missing. However, if the visitor/reader is prompted to think of a document in terms of its historic value, then change in a document has little impact on fitness for use

    Exploratory insights from the right-sided electrocardiogram following prolonged endurance exercise.

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    BACKGROUND: Prolonged strenuous exercise has a profound effect on cardiac function. The right heart may be more susceptible to this imposition; yet, right-sided chest leads have not been utilised in this setting. METHODS: Thirty highly trained athletes at the 2014 Western States 100-mile Endurance Run from Squaw Valley to Auburn, California (body mass 68 ± 12 kg, age 45 ± 10 years, 57 ± 15 miles per week) were recruited for the study. Pre- and post-race, a right-sided 12-lead ECG was obtained and data were extracted for P, R and S waves, J point, ST segment and T wave amplitude. Data were compared using Students T-test and statistical significance set as P < .05. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in P wave amplitude (29%) and QTc interval (4%) pre- to post-race from standard 12-lead ECG. From the right-sided12-lead ECG, a 23% (P = .01) and 38% (P = .03) increase in J point amplitude in V1R and V2R and a 22% (P = .05) increase in ST segment integral in V2R and V3R were evident. T wave inversion was evident in leads V2R-V6R in 50-90% of athletes, respectively. Close examination revealed marked heterogeneity in individual ECGs. CONCLUSIONS: Completion of a 100-mile ultra-marathon resulted in significant changes in the right-sided ECG alongside more marked responses in specific individuals. P wave, ST segment and T wave changes post-race are indicative of acute exercise-induced right heart electrical adaptation
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