3,260 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiriterhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Prosedur Kompleks Oleh Siswa Kelas X Smk Negeri 1 Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terhadap kemampuan menulis teks prosedurkompleks pada siswa kelas X SMK N 1 SiantarKabupatenSimalungunTahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK N 1 Siantaryang terdiri dari 6 kelas dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 181 orang. Dari jumlah tersebut ditetapkan sampel sebanyak 25 orang siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksprimen dengan modelone-group pre-test posttest design.Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menjaring data adalah tes penugasan hasil karya (tertulis). Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji “t”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks prosedurkompleksdengan menerapkan model pembelajaran inkuiri termasuk kategori baik dengan rata-rata 80,2, sedangkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulisteks prosedurkompleks sebelum menerapkan model pembelajaran inkuiritermasuk dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata 73,2. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata menulis teksprosedurkomplekssiswa setelah perlakuan lebih tinggi daripada nilai sebelum perlakuan. Pengujian hipotesis thitung = 3,30 kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan ttabel pada taraf signifikan 5% = 2,06. Karena thitung = 3,30> ttabel = 2,06, maka hipoteis nihil (H0) ditolak. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri berpengaruh positifterhadapkemampuan menulis teksprosedurkompleksoleh siswa kelas X SMK N 1 SiantarKabupatenSimalungun

    Lorentz transformations of open systems

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    We consider open dynamical systems, subject to external interventions by agents that are not completely described by the theory (classical or quantal). These interventions are localized in regions that are relatively spacelike. Under these circumstances, no relativistic transformation law exists that relates the descriptions of the physical system by observers in relative motion. Still, physical laws are the same in all Lorentz frames.Comment: Final version submitted to J. Mod. Opt. (Proc. of Gdansk conference

    Relativistic Doppler effect in quantum communication

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    When an electromagnetic signal propagates in vacuo, a polarization detector cannot be rigorously perpendicular to the wave vector because of diffraction effects. The vacuum behaves as a noisy channel, even if the detectors are perfect. The ``noise'' can however be reduced and nearly cancelled by a relative motion of the observer toward the source. The standard definition of a reduced density matrix fails for photon polarization, because the transversality condition behaves like a superselection rule. We can however define an effective reduced density matrix which corresponds to a restricted class of positive operator-valued measures. There are no pure photon qubits, and no exactly orthogonal qubit states.Comment: 10 pages LaTe

    Nonlocal effects in Fock space

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    If a physical system contains a single particle, and if two distant detectors test the presence of linear superpositions of one-particle and vacuum states, a violation of classical locality can occur. It is due to the creation of a two-particle component by the detecting process itself.Comment: final version in PRL 74 (1995) 4571; 76 (1996) 2205 (erratum

    Developing a corpus of strategic conversation in The Settlers of Catan

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    International audienceWe describe a dialogue model and an implemented annotation scheme for a pilot corpus of annotated online chats concerning bargaining negotiations in the game The Settlers of Catan. We will use this model and data to analyze how conversations proceed in the absence of strong forms of cooperativity, where agents have diverging motives. Here we concentrate on the description of our annotation scheme for negotiation dialogues, illustrated with our pilot data, and some perspectives for future research on the issue

    A holistic approach to dissecting SPARC family protein complexity reveals FSTL-1 as an inhibitor of pancreatic cancer cell growth.

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    SPARC is a matricellular protein that is involved in both pancreatic cancer and diabetes. It belongs to a wider family of proteins that share structural and functional similarities. Relatively little is known about this extended family, but evidence of regulatory interactions suggests the importance of a holistic approach to their study. We show that Hevin, SPOCKs, and SMOCs are strongly expressed within islets, ducts, and blood vessels, suggesting important roles for these proteins in the normal pancreas, while FSTL-1 expression is localised to the stromal compartment reminiscent of SPARC. In direct contrast to SPARC, however, FSTL-1 expression is reduced in pancreatic cancer. Consistent with this, FSTL-1 inhibited pancreatic cancer cell proliferation. The complexity of SPARC family proteins is further revealed by the detection of multiple cell-type specific isoforms that arise due to a combination of post-translational modification and alternative splicing. Identification of splice variants lacking a signal peptide suggests the existence of novel intracellular isoforms. This study underlines the importance of addressing the complexity of the SPARC family and provides a new framework to explain their controversial and contradictory effects. We also demonstrate for the first time that FSTL-1 suppresses pancreatic cancer cell growth

    Role of International Medical Graduates in Kentucky Medicine: Implications For Workforce Planning and Medical Education

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    An argument for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) as part of a state’s physician workforce is that they “fill the gap” created by the shortage of United States Medical Graduates (USMGs) required to meet the demand for physician services, especially primary care physicians in rural areas. The purpose of this study is to examine the overall impact of IMGs on Kentucky’s physician workforce and determine whether they overcome the shortage of USMGs. Information from the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure (KBML) was used to examine the distribution and practice patterns of IMGs and USMGs. IMGs are similar to USMGs in terms of gender, age, and average hours worked. IMGs were not any more likely than USMGs to practice in a primary care specialty. They were more likely to practice in a rural county and a county with a critical access hospital. In conclusion, IMGs do not completely “fill the gap” in physician shortages in most Kentucky counties. More programs to attract and retain physicians should be developed, especially in rural areas. Additional residency programs at regional medical centers is one recommendation to accomplish this

    On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-case Minimization

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    We focus on the average-case analysis: A function w : V -> Z+ is given which defines the likelihood for a node to be the one marked, and we want the strategy that minimizes the expected number of queries. Prior to this paper, very little was known about this natural question and the complexity of the problem had remained so far an open question. We close this question and prove that the above tree search problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees with diameter at most 4. This results in a complete characterization of the complexity of the problem with respect to the diameter size. In fact, for diameter not larger than 3 the problem can be shown to be polynomially solvable using a dynamic programming approach. In addition we prove that the problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees of maximum degree at most 16. To the best of our knowledge, the only known result in this direction is that the tree search problem is solvable in O(|V| log|V|) time for trees with degree at most 2 (paths). We match the above complexity results with a tight algorithmic analysis. We first show that a natural greedy algorithm attains a 2-approximation. Furthermore, for the bounded degree instances, we show that any optimal strategy (i.e., one that minimizes the expected number of queries) performs at most O(\Delta(T) (log |V| + log w(T))) queries in the worst case, where w(T) is the sum of the likelihoods of the nodes of T and \Delta(T) is the maximum degree of T. We combine this result with a non-trivial exponential time algorithm to provide an FPTAS for trees with bounded degree

    Quantum and classical descriptions of a measuring apparatus

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    A measuring apparatus is described by quantum mechanics while it interacts with the quantum system under observation, and then it must be given a classical description so that the result of the measurement appears as objective reality. Alternatively, the apparatus may always be treated by quantum mechanics, and be measured by a second apparatus which has such a dual description. This article examines whether these two different descriptions are mutually consistent. It is shown that if the dynamical variable used in the first apparatus is represented by an operator of the Weyl-Wigner type (for example, if it is a linear coordinate), then the conversion from quantum to classical terminology does not affect the final result. However, if the first apparatus encodes the measurement in a different type of operator (e.g., the phase operator), the two methods of calculation may give different results.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX (including one encapsulated PostScript figure
