2,508 research outputs found

    The unruly rules of the game : writing game and writing practice in George Gissing's New Grub Street

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    In The Pleasure of the Text, Roland Barthes likens the reader-writer relationship to a game, the play of which is made possible by the writer's imaginative seeking out of his reader, and the reader's openness to being found. If each does his or her part—if neither bores the other—‘there can still be a game’. This model of writing and reading as exploratory, amorous gamesmanship is troubled by the literary equivalent of spectator sports, literature for a mass audience. According to this new model, described by Marshall McLuhan, ‘Without the audience, there is no game. It would be a practice’, a rehearsal without a play. Within mass culture, then, the game is determined not by the players' mutual efforts to defer the rules, but by the presence of an anonymous public, well-versed in rule and convention before first pitch is thrown or first sentence is read. How one writes, or fails to write, in the context of this new configuration of the game is the main question posed in George Gissing's New Grub Street (1891). I contend that, while the novel’s successful writers play to audience demand, their counterparts yearn for a proper writing practice. Boredom marks the latters’ refusal of the new rules of the game, flagging the novel’s construction and allocation of artistic authenticity.peer-reviewe

    Exploring deep phylogenies using protein structure : a dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry, Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Recent times have seen an exponential growth in protein sequence and structure data. The most popular way of characterising newly determined protein sequences is to compare them to well characterised sequences and predict the function of novel sequences based on homology. This practice has been highly successful for a majority of proteins. However, these sequence based methods struggle with certain deeply diverging proteins and hence cannot always recover evolutionary histories. Another feature of proteins, namely their structures, has been shown to retain evolutionary signals over longer time scales compared to the respective sequences that encode them. The structure therefore presents an opportunity to uncover the evolutionary signal that otherwise escapes conventional sequence-based methods. Structural phylogenetics refers to the comparison of protein structures to extract evolutionary relationships. The area of structural phylogenetics has been around for a number of years and multiple approaches exist to delineate evolutionary relationships from protein structures. However, once the relationships have been recovered from protein structural data, no methods exist, at present, to verify the robustness of these relationships. Because of the nature of the structural data, conventional sequence-based methods, e.g. bootstrapping, cannot be applied. This work introduces the first ever use of a molecular dynamics (MD)-based bootstrap method, which can add a measure of significance to the relationships inferred from the structure-based analysis. This work begins in Chapter 2 by thoroughly investigating the use of a protein structural comparison metric Qscore, which has previously been used to generate structural phylogenies, and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. The mechanistic exploration of the structural comparison metric reveals a size difference limit of no more than 5-10% in the sizes of protein structures being compared for accurate phylogenetic inference to be made. Chapter 2 also explores the MD-based bootstrap method to offer an interpretation of the significance values recovered. Two protein structural datasets, one relatively more conserved at the sequence level than the other and with different levels of structural conservation are used as controls to simplify the interpretation of the statistics recovered from the MD-based bootstrap method. Chapter 3 then sees the application of the Qscore metric to the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are believed to have been present at the dawn of life, making them one of the most ancient protein families. Due to the important functional role they play, these proteins are conserved at both sequence and structural levels and well-characterised using both sequence and structure-based comparative methods. This family therefore offered inferences which could be informed with structural analysis using an automated method. Successful recovery of known relationships raised confidence in the ability of structural phylogenetic analysis based on Qscore to detect evolutionary signals. In Chapter 4, a structural phylogeny was created for a protein structural dataset presenting either the histone fold or its ancestral precursor. This structural dataset comprised of proteins that were significantly diverged at a sequence level, however shared a common structural motif. The structural phylogeny recovered the split between bacterial and non-bacterial proteins. Furthermore, TATA protein associated factors were found to have multiple points of origin. Moreover, some mismatch was found between the classifications of these proteins between SCOP and PFam, which also did not agree with the results from this work. Using the structural phylogeny a model outlining the evolution of these proteins was proposed. The structural phylogeny of the Ferritin-like superfamily has previously been generated using the Qscore metric and supported qualitatively. Chapter 5 recovers the structural phylogeny of the Ferritin-like superfamily and finds quantitative support for the inferred relationships from the first ever implementation of the MD-based bootstrap method. The use of the MD-based bootstrap method simultaneously allows for the resolution of polytomies in structural databases. Some limitations of the MD-based bootstrap method, highlighted in Chapter 2, are revisited in Chapter 5. This work indicates that evolutionary signals can be successfully extracted from protein structures for deeply diverging proteins and that the MD-based bootstrap method can be used to gauge the robustness of relationships inferred

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Bahasa Reseptif Anak Usia Dini melalui Kegiatan Bermain Peran di Kelompok B PAUD Kabupaten Belu

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    Tingkat bahasa reseptif anak usia dini masih minim peningkatannya disebabkan karena salah satunya pada proses pembelajaran yang masih kuran berfariasi dilakukan di luar kelas, sehingga kegiatan bermain peran diupayakan sebagai solusi terhadap kendala yang dihadapi. Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa reseptif anak usia dini melalui kegiatan bermain peran (role playing) di kelompok B PAUD kabupaten Belu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang fokuskan pada situasi dan kondisi di kelas. Pengumpulan data terdiri dari teknik observasi, teknik wawancara dan teknik dokumentasi. Analisa data Penilitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan dua siklus, dimana dalam satu siklus terdiri dari empat tahap diantaranya perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian pada analisis data dan pembahasan pada siklus I dan II maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan bermain peran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa reseptif anak usia dini 5-6 tahun di PAUD Kabupaten Belu. Hal ini terlihat dari beberapa peningkatan kemampuan bahasa reseptif anak diantaranya Anak didik yang berkembang sangat baik/BSB pada siklus I pertemuan ke I dengan empat indikator mencapai 30% peningkatannya,  pada pertemuan selanjutnya dengan empat indikator mencapai 50% peningkatannya. Kemudian pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1 dengan empat indikator mencapai 70% peningkatanya, pada pertemuan selanjutnya dengan empat indikator mencapai 85% peningkatannya


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    This article discusses the legal status of a child born from an embryo transfer from a woman who donors the egg to another woman who provide the womb. From Islamic law perspective, a child born from embryo transfer to another woman's womb belongs to the mother who gave birth to her, even though the egg is not from her. This then impacts on the inheritance status whereby the child can inherit from the mother who gave his/her birth, and vice versa. Meanwhile, positive law regards the child is the legal heirs of the parent who have the seed because they are the legal parent of the child pursuant to the agreement that has been agreed by the partie

    The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum of English at SMKN 1 Bantaeng: an Evaluative Study

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    The objectives of the research were to obtain a descriptive account of (1) the lesson plans of English language learning based on the 2013 Curriculum at SMKN 1 Bantaeng, (2) learning and assessment process of English language learning based on the 2013 Curriculum at SMKN 1 Bantaeng, (3) supporting factors and obstacles that the English teachers at SMKN 1 Bantaeng face in implementing the 2013 Curriculum of English. The researcher employed descriptive qualitative method. The subjects werefour English teachers of SMKN 1 Bantaeng who participated in this research. All the subjects were selected through purposive sampling. The data of this research were collected by using triangulation technique by combining observation, interview and examining document technique. The obtained data were analyzed in four major phases namely data collecting, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result of the research revealed that (1) Lesson plans prepared by English teachers at SMKN 1 Bantaeng were generally well arranged. (2) a. The implementation of English learning process at SMKN 1 Bantaeng based on the 2013 Curriculum still had many shortcomings. The very prominent shortcomings were the aspect of preliminary activities, the implementation of integrated learning, the selection of sources and media, as well as on the closing activities. b. The implementation of assessment process on English learning based on the 2013 Curriculum at SMK 1Bantaengwas not done well, because most of the components of the assessment were not carried out. (3) Supporting factors on the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum of English included (a) the high commitment of the school and government, (b) the distributed guidelines, syllabus, and text book, and (c) the school facilities. Meanwhile the obstacles consisted of (a) the lacking time allocation, (b) the complicated assessment system, and (c) the lack of teachers' understanding on the 2013 Curriculum. Key words: the 2013 Curriculum, ELT plans, practices and assessments,perception


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    Toko Jawa Timur adalah toko yang beralamat di Jl. Jendral sudirman Kota Sorongadalah sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat seperti sembako, baju danaksesoris dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti bahawa karyawan yang bekerja di tokoToko Jawa Timur bekerja terjadi ketidakdisiplinan dan kurang maksimalnya dalam bekerja dilapangan dan hal ini yang perlu diperhatikan dengan stres kerja pada karyawan. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa tingkat tinggi stres kerja karyawan dan faktorfaktorpenyebab stress di Toko Jawa Timur. Analisa perhitungan dalam gejala stres yangdialami karyawan dengan mengkatagorikan menjadi tiga, yaitu gejala fisiologis, gejala psikologisdan gejala perilaku dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dimana peneliti menentukanpengambilan sampel dengan cara menetapkan ciri-ciri khusus yang sesuai dengan tujuanpenelitian sehingga diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian inimenyimpulkan bahwa tingkat stres kerja yang dialami karyawan secara keseluruhan tergolongpada katagori rendah yaitu 2,33 dengan skor indicator stree kerja fisiologis dengan skorrataan2,6, psikologis dengan skor rataan 2,5 dan perilaku dengan skor rataan 2,0

    Arabic Learning Material Design

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    Learning Arabic is a complex and challenging process for many students. To increase the effectiveness of learning, innovative and well-structured material design is needed. This article focuses on reviewing the design of Arabic learning materials. The research analysis method used in this paper is the literature analysis method, and it is concluded that the concept of learning material design is a planning process that includes several stages. First, determine learning objectives that are focused on newly learned knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Second, choosing the right methods, media, and materials to achieve these goals and adjusting to the curriculum or competency standards and basic competencies. In this case, it is necessary to consider other supporting sources, such as relevant learning resources and appropriate learning environments. Third, conduct a theory review and have a learning method that is suitable for students. Fourth, consider availability and accessibility and Fifth, develop the design into reality through the development process. This stage includes making clear and detailed blue-print documents and conducting sample trials