59 research outputs found

    La comprensión de los medios socioculturales en la etapa de Educación Infantil

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    El medio sociocultural que rodea al niño es el principal percusor en sus aprendizajes. El contexto familiar y escolar con los principales agentes socializadores que ayudan al niño a conocerse y a formarse, integramente, como persona. Las personas, desde su nacimiento, se encuentran inmersas en un mundo complejo y de dificil comprensión, pero a medida que van desarrollándose van descubriendo, experimentando y dando significado al mundo que los rodea. A través de este Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende elaborar una propuesta didáctica enfocada a que los niños conozcan la realidad sociocultural en la que se encuentran aprendiendo diferentes contenidos e ir dando significados a diferentes contextos donde se desenvuelven frecuentemente como puede ser el medio rural y el medio urbano.Grado en Educación Infanti

    A Cultural Heritage Application Schema: Achieving Interoperability of Cultural Heritage Data in INSPIRE

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    Cultural Heritage is a group of resources identified as a reflection of certain val-ues, beliefs, knowledge and tradition by a certain community. These resources are subject to management, preservation and diffusion through legislative and administrative means, which makes cultural heritage fall within the scope of Protected sites, one of the spatial data themes established in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. The INSPIRE Data Specification on Protected Sites thus serves as the starting point for modelling cultural heritage information in order to implement, distribute and share it in an interoperable framework based on Spatial Data Infrastructures. Unfortunately, this data specification was primarily conceived for natural protected sites, which makes an extension necessary if it is to be applied to cultural features. This paper proposes an extension composed of three parts: one devoted to administrative information —including legal protection—, another describes the feature itself, and, a third part is dedicated to the inclusion of additional documentation (texts, images, etc.)

    Inappropriate antibiotic use in the COVID-19 era: Factors associated with inappropriate prescribing and secondary complications. Analysis of the registry SEMI-COVID

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    Background: Most patients with COVID-19 receive antibiotics despite the fact that bacterial co-infections are rare. This can lead to increased complications, including antibacterial resistance. We aim to analyze risk factors for inappropriate antibiotic prescription in these patients and describe possible complications arising from their use. Methods: The SEMI-COVID-19 Registry is a multicenter, retrospective patient cohort. Patients with antibiotic were divided into two groups according to appropriate or inappropriate prescription, depending on whether the patient fulfill any criteria for its use. Comparison was made by means of multilevel logistic regression analysis. Possible complications of antibiotic use were also identified. Results: Out of 13,932 patients, 3047 (21.6%) were prescribed no antibiotics, 6116 (43.9%) were appropriately prescribed antibiotics, and 4769 (34.2%) were inappropriately prescribed antibiotics. The following were independent factors of inappropriate prescription: February-March 2020 admission (OR 1.54, 95%CI 1.18-2.00), age (OR 0.98, 95%CI 0.97-0.99), absence of comorbidity (OR 1.43, 95%CI 1.05-1.94), dry cough (OR 2.51, 95%CI 1.94-3.26), fever (OR 1.33, 95%CI 1.13-1.56), dyspnea (OR 1.31, 95%CI 1.04-1.69), flu-like symptoms (OR 2.70, 95%CI 1.75-4.17), and elevated C-reactive protein levels (OR 1.01 for each mg/L increase, 95% CI 1.00-1.01). Adverse drug reactions were more frequent in patients who received ANTIBIOTIC (4.9% vs 2.7%, p < .001). Conclusion: The inappropriate use of antibiotics was very frequent in COVID-19 patients and entailed an increased risk of adverse reactions. It is crucial to define criteria for their use in these patients. Knowledge of the factors associated with inappropriate prescribing can be helpful

    Newborns and low to moderate prenatal environmental lead exposure: Might fathers be the key?

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    This study is part of the BioMadrid Project, a bio-monitoring study designed to assess pollutants in the environment surrounding children born in the Madrid region. Our aim in this report is to evaluate the association between prenatal lead exposure and fetal development using three biological samples (maternal and paternal blood lead at around 34 weeks of gestation as well as cord blood lead levels), three biomarkers of effect in cord blood peripheral lymphocytes (micronucleus in binucleated cells, nucleoplasmic bridges, and nuclear buds), and different anthropometrical characteristics at birth. Maternal and cord blood lead were not associated with newborn measurements or genotoxicity biomarkers. In contrast, increases in father blood lead were coupled with lower weight (mean difference (MD), -110.8 g; 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), -235.6 to 6.00; p < 0.10) and shorter abdominal (MD, -0.81 cm; 95%CI, -1.64 to 0.00; p < 0.05) and cephalic (MD, -0.32 cm; 95%CI, -0.65 to 0.00; p < 0.05) circumferences at birth as well as with the presence of nucleoplasmic bridges (odds ratio, 1.03; 95%CI, 1.00 to 1.06; p < 0.05) and nuclear buds (odds ratio, 1.02; 95%CI, 0.99 to 1.04; p < 0.10). These associations were mainly confined to female babies, in whom paternal lead was also inversely associated with length. Our results support the hypothesis that paternal lead exposure may be affecting the development of newborns.Financial support was obtained from the Madrid Regional Health and Consumer Affairs Authority and the Spanish Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) grant PI040777). Dr. Esther Garcia-Esquinas was supported by a Río Hortega (CM10/00332) research training grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Carlos III Institute of Health) and by the Enrique Nájera predoctoral grant awarded by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and funded by the National School of Public Health.Peer reviewe

    Mercury, lead and cadmium in human milk in relation to diet, lifestyle habits and sociodemographic variables in Madrid (Spain)

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    [Background]: Although breastfeeding is the ideal way of nurturing infants, it can be a source of exposure to toxicants. This study reports the concentration of Hg, Pb and Cd in breast milk from a sample of women drawn from the general population of the Madrid Region, and explores the association between metal levels and socio-demographic factors, lifestyle habits, diet and environmental exposures, including tobacco smoke, exposure at home and occupational exposures.[Methods]: Breast milk was obtained from 100 women (20 mL) at around the third week postpartum. Pb, Cd and Hg levels were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Metal levels were log-transformed due to non-normal distribution. Their association with the variables collected by questionnaire was assessed using linear regression models. Separate models were fitted for Hg, Pb and Cd, using univariate linear regression in a first step. Secondly, multivariate linear regression models were adjusted introducing potential confounders specific for each metal. Finally, a test for trend was performed in order to evaluate possible dose-response relationships between metal levels and changes in variables categories.[Results]: Geometric mean Hg, Pb and Cd content in milk were 0.53 μg L(-1), 15.56 μg L(-1), and 1.31 μg L(-1), respectively. Decreases in Hg levels in older women and in those with a previous history of pregnancies and lactations suggested clearance of this metal over lifetime, though differences were not statistically significant, probably due to limited sample size. Lead concentrations increased with greater exposure to motor vehicle traffic and higher potato consumption. Increased Cd levels were associated with type of lactation and tended to increase with tobacco smoking.[Conclusions]: Surveillance for the presence of heavy metals in human milk is needed. Smoking and dietary habits are the main factors linked to heavy metal levels in breast milk. Our results reinforce the need to strengthen national food safety programs and to further promote avoidance of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking during pregnancy.Peer reviewe

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Sistema de Información Web de los Recursos Sociales de España

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    La CISTI 2007 es organizada por la Universidad Fernando Pessoa, siendo también promotores el Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Instituto Nacional de Administración, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Vigo, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Universidad de Extremadura, y la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez.El Sistema de Información Web de los Recursos Sociales de España pretende convertirse en un instrumento de información sobre servicios sociales para personas mayores en España. Se está desarrollando en el Instituto de Economía y Geografía del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), utilizando tecnologías avanzadas de los Sistemas de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Su principal objetivo es servir de apoyo para la toma de decisiones en materia de políticas públicas sociales, y ser de gran utilidad a la comunidad científico-técnica, al colectivo profesional de los servicios sociales (gestores de las políticas públicas y profesionales de la producción y distribución de servicios sociales), a las propias personas mayores y sus familias, y a la sociedad en general.IMSERSO. CSIC. Plan Avanza. Ministerio de IndustriaPeer reviewe

    Integración y control de modelos de datos complejos en Sistemas de Información Geográfica a través del mapeado objeto-relacional

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    Semana Geomática Internacional. International Geomatic week[EN]At the same time that the complexity of a Geographic Information System (GIS) data model is growing, the complexity for manage the model is greater. We will show a methodology in order to integrate the geographic component and the thematic component by means of Object-oriented programming, e.g using polymorphism; after we will control and manage the data model from a Object-relational map layer. We will get a software for manage this layer easily and flexible. We will increase the performance using optimized SQL and we will make spatial analysis more comfortably and e cient.Under the scope of a historical research project about trade networks, we will show this metodology and several results like a kernel density in order to indentify the main paths of the ships. [ES]Según crece la complejidad del modelo de datos para un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), crece la dificultad a la hora de manejar los datos para su explotación. Se propondrá una metodología para integrar las componentes geográfica y temática por medio de técnicas de orientación a objetos, como el polimorfsmo, y posteriormente se controlará y operará el modelo desde una capa de mapeado objeto-relacional. Se conseguirá un software que gestione el SIG de una manera sencilla y flexible, se conseguirá aumentar el rendimiento al utilizar SQL optimizadas, y se podrán realizar análisis espaciales de una manera más cámoda y eficaz. En el marco de un proyecto de investigación histórica sobre redes mercantiles, mostraremos la aplicación de la metodología y como resultado un análisis kernel density con el objetivo de mostrar la densidad de tráfico marítimo entre puertos.Peer reviewe