13 research outputs found

    Single molecule turnover of fluorescent ATP by myosin and actomyosin unveil elusive enzymatic mechanisms

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    Benefits of single molecule studies of biomolecules include the need for minimal amounts of material and the potential to reveal phenomena hidden in ensembles. However, results from recent single molecule studies of fluorescent ATP turnover by myosin are difficult to reconcile with ensemble studies. We found that key reasons are complexities due to dye photophysics and fluorescent contaminants. After eliminating these, through surface cleaning and use of triple state quenchers and redox agents, the distributions of ATP binding dwell times on myosin are best described by 2 to 3 exponential processes, with and without actin, and with and without the inhibitor para-aminoblebbistatin. Two processes are attributable to ATP turnover by myosin and actomyosin respectively, whereas the remaining process (rate constant 0.2-0.5 s(-1)) is consistent with non-specific ATP binding to myosin, possibly accelerating ATP transport to the active site. Finally, our study of actin-activated myosin ATP turnover without sliding between actin and myosin reveals heterogeneity in the ATP turnover kinetics consistent with models of isometric contraction

    Controlled Surface Silanization for Actin-Myosin Based Nanodevices and Biocompatibility of New Polymer Resists

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    Molecular motor-based nanodevices require organized cytoskeletal filament guiding along motility-promoting tracks, confined by motility-inhibiting walls. One way to enhance motility quality on the tracks, particularly in terms of filament velocity but also the fraction of motile filaments, is to optimize the surface hydrophobicity. We have investigated the potential to achieve this for the actin-myosin II motor system on trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS)-derivatized SiO2 surfaces to be used as channel floors in nanodevices. We have also investigated the ability to supress motility on two new polymer resists, TU7 (for nanoimprint lithography) and CSAR 62 (for electron beam and deep UV lithography), to be used as channel walls. We developed a chemical-vapor deposition tool for silanizing SiO2 surfaces in a controlled environment to achieve different surface hydrophobicities (measured by water contact angle). In contrast to previous work, we were able to fabricate a wide range of contact angles by varying the silanization time and chamber pressure using only one type of silane. This resulted in a significant improvement of the silanization procedure, producing a predictable contact angle on the surface and thereby predictable quality of the heavy meromyosin (HMM)-driven actin motility with regard to velocity. We observed a high degree of correlation between the filament sliding velocity and contact angle in the range 10-86°, expanding the previously studied range. We found that the sliding velocity on TU7 surfaces was superior to that on CSAR 62 surfaces despite similar contact angles. In addition, we were able to suppress the motility on both TU7 and CSAR 62 by plasma oxygen treatment before silanization. These results are discussed in relation to previously proposed surface adsorption mechanisms of HMM and their relationship to the water contact angle. Additionally, the results are considered for the development of actin-myosin based nanodevices with superior performance with respect to actin-myosin functionality

    Molecular motor-driven filament transport across three-dimensional, polymeric micro-junctions

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    Molecular motor-driven filament systems have been extensively explored for biomedical and nanotechnological applications such as lab-on-chip molecular detection or network-based biocomputation. In these applications, filament transport conventionally occurs in two dimensions (2D), often guided along open, topographically and/or chemically structured channels which are coated by molecular motors. However, at crossing points of different channels the filament direction is less well determined and, though crucial to many applications, reliable guiding across the junction can often not be guaranteed. We here present a three-dimensional (3D) approach that eliminates the possibility for filaments to take wrong turns at junctions by spatially separating the channels crossing each other. Specifically, 3D junctions with tunnels and overpasses were manufactured on glass substrates by two-photon polymerization, a 3D fabrication technology where a tightly focused, femtosecond-pulsed laser is scanned in a layer-to-layer fashion across a photo-polymerizable inorganic-organic hybrid polymer (ORMOCER®) with µm resolution. Solidification of the polymer was confined to the focal volume, enabling the manufacturing of arbitrary 3D microstructures according to computer-aided design data. Successful realization of the 3D junction design was verified by optical and electron microscopy. Most importantly, we demonstrated the reliable transport of filaments, namely microtubules propelled by kinesin-1 motors, across these 3D junctions without junction errors. Our results open up new possibilities for 3D functional elements in biomolecular transport systems, in particular their implementation in biocomputational networks

    Prolonged function and optimization of actomyosin motility for upscaled network-based biocomputation

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    A stract Significant advancements have been made towards exploitation of naturally available molecular motors and their associated cytoskeletal filaments in nanotechnological applications. For instance, myosin motors and actin filaments from muscle have been used with the aims to establish new approaches in biosensing and network-based biocomputation. The basis for these developments is a version of the in vitro motility assay (IVMA) where surface-adsorbed myosin motors propel the actin filaments along suitably derivatized nano-scale channels on nanostructured chips. These chips are generally assembled into custom-made microfluidic flow cells. For effective applications, particularly in biocomputation, it is important to appreciably prolong function of the biological system. Here, we systematically investigated potentially critical factors necessary to achieve this, such as biocompatibility of different components of the flow cell, the degree of air exposure, assay solution composition and nanofabrication methods. After optimizing these factors we prolonged the function of actin and myosin in nanodevices for biocomputation from 60 min. In addition, we demonstrated that further optimizations could increase motility run times to >20 h. Of great importance for the latter development was a switch of glucose oxidase in the chemical oxygen scavenger system (glucose oxidase–glucose–catalase) to pyranose oxidase, combined with the use of blocking actin (non-fluorescent filaments that block dead motors). To allow effective testing of these approaches we adapted commercially available microfluidic channel slides, for the first time demonstrating their usefulness in the IVMA. As part of our study, we also demonstrate that myosin motor fragments can be stored at -80 ◦C for more than 10 years before use for nanotechnological purposes. This extended shelf-life is important for the sustainability of network-based biocomputation

    Solving the 3-Satisfiability Problem Using Network-Based Biocomputation

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    The 3-satisfiability Problem (3-SAT) is a demanding combinatorial problem that is of central importance among the nondeterministic polynomial (NP) complete problems, with applications in circuit design, artificial intelligence, and logistics. Even with optimized algorithms, the solution space that needs to be explored grows exponentially with the increasing size of 3-SAT instances. Thus, large 3-SAT instances require excessive amounts of energy to solve with serial electronic computers. Network-based biocomputation (NBC) is a parallel computation approach with drastically reduced energy consumption. NBC uses biomolecular motors to propel cytoskeletal filaments through nanofabricated networks that encode mathematical problems. By stochastically exploring possible paths through the networks, the cytoskeletal filaments find possible solutions. However, to date, no NBC algorithm for 3-SAT has been available. Herein, an algorithm that converts 3-SAT into an NBC-compatible network format is reported and four small 3-SAT instances (with up to three variables and five clauses) using the actin–myosin biomolecular motor system are experimentally solved. Because practical polynomial conversions to 3-SAT exist for many important NP complete problems, the result opens the door to enable NBC to solve small instances of a wide range of problems

    Solving the 3-Satisfiability Problem Using Network-Based Biocomputation

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    The 3-satisfiability Problem (3-SAT) is a demanding combinatorial problem that is of central importance among the nondeterministic polynomial (NP) complete problems, with applications in circuit design, artificial intelligence, and logistics. Even with optimized algorithms, the solution space that needs to be explored grows exponentially with the increasing size of 3-SAT instances. Thus, large 3-SAT instances require excessive amounts of energy to solve with serial electronic computers. Network-based biocomputation (NBC) is a parallel computation approach with drastically reduced energy consumption. NBC uses biomolecular motors to propel cytoskeletal filaments through nanofabricated networks that encode mathematical problems. By stochastically exploring possible paths through the networks, the cytoskeletal filaments find possible solutions. However, to date, no NBC algorithm for 3-SAT has been available. Herein, an algorithm that converts 3-SAT into an NBC-compatible network format is reported and four small 3-SAT instances (with up to three variables and five clauses) using the actin-myosin biomolecular motor system are experimentally solved. Because practical polynomial conversions to 3-SAT exist for many important NP complete problems, the result opens the door to enable NBC to solve small instances of a wide range of problems

    Solving Exact Cover Instances with Molecular-Motor-Powered Network-Based Biocomputation

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    Information processing by traditional, serial electronic processors consumes an ever-increasing part of the global electricity supply. An alternative, highly energy efficient, parallel computing paradigm is network-based biocomputation (NBC). In NBC a given combinatorial problem is encoded into a nanofabricated, modular network. Parallel exploration of the network by a very large number of independent molecular-motor-propelled protein filaments solves the encoded problem. Here we demonstrate a significant scale-up of this technology by solving four instances of Exact Cover, a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) complete problem with applications in resource scheduling. The difficulty of the largest instances solved here is 128 times greater in comparison to the current state of the art for NBC

    A complete workflow for the differentiation and the dissociation of hiPSC-derived cardiospheres

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    Cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) are an invaluable tool for both basic and translational cardiovascular research. The potential that these cells hold for therapy, disease modeling and drug discovery is hampered by several bottlenecks that currently limit both the yield and the efficiency of cardiac induction. Here, we present a complete workflow for the production of ready-to-use hiPSC-CMs in a dynamic suspension bioreactor. This includes the efficient and highly reproducible differentiation of hiPSCs into cardiospheres, which display enhanced physiological maturation compared to static 3D induction in hanging drops, and a novel papain-based dissociation method that offers higher yield and viability than the broadly used dissociation reagents TrypLE and Accutase. Molecular and functional analyses of the cardiomyocytes reseeded after dissociation confirmed both the identity and the functionality of the cells, which can be used in downstream applications, either as monolayers or spheroids. Keywords: hiPSCs, Cardiomyocytes, Cardiac induction, 3D bioreactor, Papain dissociatio