43 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Imbal Jasa Lingkungan Di Sub-das Cikapundung (Studi Kasus Pada Desa Cikole Dan Desa Suntenjaya Kabupaten Bandung Barat)

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    Mekanisme Imbal Jasa Lingkungan (IJL) merupakan salah satu upaya dalampengelolaan sub-DAS. Mekanisme ini telah diimplementasikan di sub-DAS Cikapundung.Kesepakatan program IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung terjadi antara kelompok tani Giri PutriDesa Cikole dengan Pustanling dan kelompok tani Syurga Air dengan PT Aetra. BPLHDberperan sebagai mediator dalam kesepakatan ini. Pada pelaksanaannya, mekanisme IJL disub-DAS Cikapundung dikategorikan sebagai mekanisme IJL yang belum sepenuhnyamencerminkan mekanisme IJL yang berkelanjutan. Kriteria mekanisme IJL yangberkelanjutan seharusnya memenuhi aspek-aspek: realistic, voluntarily, conditional, danpro-poor (Munawir, 2009). Pada mekanisme IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung hal ini belumsepenuhnya terjadi.Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi yangdapat dilakukan agar mekanisme IJL di sub-DAS Cikapundung menjadi berkelanjutan.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan datadilakukan melalui wawancara dan kuisioner dengan kelompok tani Syurga Air dan GiriPutri, PT Aetra, Pustanling, BPLHD, serta LP3ES. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisiskesenjangan, analisis peran faktor dan analisis SWOT. Mekanisme IJL di sub-DASCikapundung belum berjalan secara berkelanjutan dikarenakan masalah dalamkelembagaan dalam pengelolaan dan monitoring perkembangannya di lapangan. Selain itudana yang diberikan kepada kelompok tani juga masih tergolong belum mencukupi untukaktivitas konservasi lahan. Untuk mewujudkan mekanisme IJL yang berkelanjutan makadiperlukan upaya-upaya strategis terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kelembagaan mediasikesepakatan dengan pembentukan lembaga mediator mekanisme IJL yang bukan dariinstitusi pemerintah agar fasilitasi, advokasi dan koordinasi mekanisme IJL berjalan lebihoptimal, juga perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pada regulasi terkaitIJL, meningkatkan optimalisasi setiap forum pertemuan, meningkatkan kinerjastakeholders, serta melakukan negosiasi dengan potential buyer


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    Jadwal dan pola tanam di lahan kering ditentukan olehcurah hujan bulanan di wilayah yang bersangkutan.Petani menetapkan jadwal dan pola tanam berpedomanpada kebiasaan yang turun menurun, antaralain berdasarkan bulan terjadinya hujan. Penetapanseperti ini selain pola tanam kurang optimal jugaseringkali mendatangkan risiko gagal panen. Untukmenghindari kejadian tersebut maka informasiyang akurat tentang karakteristik curah hujan inimerupakan suatu hal penting. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk: (1) Membangkitkan data curah hujan bulanandan tahunan berdasarkan data curah hujan historis; (2)Melakukan analisis curah hujan untuk mengevaluasipola dan jadwal tanam pertanian lahan kering.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metodedeskriptif dengan mengkaji pola dan jadwal tanamlahan kering di Kabupaten Bandung berdasarkandata curah hujan yang dibangkitkan dengan modelstokastik. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwaaplikasi metode stokastik curah hujan bulanan dapatdigunakan untuk membangkitkan data hujan bulanansintetik yang memiliki karakteristik yang tidakjauh berbeda dengan data historis. Berdasarkananalisis curah hujan diketahui bahwa secara umumpola tanam lahan kering di Kabupaten Bandung hanyadapat dilakukan 2 kali dalam setahun dan rata-ratabergeser mundur antara 2 minggu hingga 1 bulan darikebiasaan petani setempat (dari Okt 1 ke Okt 2 atauNov 1)

    Impact sedimentation to community structure macrozoobenthos in Segara Anakan Lagoon

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    Change of structure community of Macrozoobenthos due to sedimentation has apparently contributed to a reduction of the quality of the aquatic environment, particularly in Segara Anakan Lagoon. This study aims to determine the extent to which the effects of sedimentation and nutrients in the Segara Anakan Lagoon on macrozoobenthos community structure. The method used in this study surveys. Primary data collected are nutrients, macrozoobenthos, sedimentation rate and secondary data. The results showed that the rate of sedimentation in the dry and rainy season was 0.067 to 2 m/s and 1.61 to 2.00 m/s respectively. Balanus sp, Melanoides sp, Corbicula sp, Polychaeta sp., Thiara sp. were dominance in the dry season, while Corbicula sp, Melanoides sp, Thiara sp, Tarebra sp, Balanus sp, Polychaeta sp. and Barbatia sp. were dominance in the rainy season.Keywords: sedimentation; community structure Macrozoobenthos; Segara Anakan Lagoo

    Modelling rainfall interception in unlogged and logged forest areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    International audienceRainfall interception losses were monitored for twelve months and related to vegetation and rainfall characteristics at the Wanariset Sangai on the upper reaches of the Mentaya river, Central Kalimantan. The rainfall interception losses were quantified for one hectare each of unlogged and logged humid tropical rainforests. The results show that interception loss is higher in the unlogged forest (11% of total gross rainfall) than in the logged forest (6%). Interception loss was also simulated by the modified Rutter model and Gash's original and revised models. Both the Rutter and revised Gash models predicted total interception loss over a long period adequately, and resulted in estimates of the interception loss that deviated by 6 to 14% of the measured values, for both the unlogged and logged plots

    Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Sebagai Pertimbangan Penataan Ruang

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    The concept of carrying capacity of water resource is applied as amanagement tool for the operationalization of sustainable regional planning.Carrying capacity of a region, comprising its supportive and assimilativecapacities, is defined as the ability to produce desired outputs from a resourcebase to achieve a higher and more equitable quality of life, while maintainingdesired environmental quality. The proposed conceptual model for thecarrying capacity-based planning process considers problems, constrainingand supporting factors, and interrelated systems within a dynamic ecosystemto arrive at the water resource-based sustainable regional planning

    Modelling rainfall interception in unlogged and logged forest areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Rainfall interception losses were monitored for twelve months and related to vegetation and rainfall characteristics at the Wanariset Sangai on the upper reaches of the Mentaya river, Central Kalimantan. The rainfall interception losses were quantified for one hectare each of unlogged and logged humid tropical rainforests. The results show that interception loss is higher in the unlogged forest (11% of total gross rainfall) than in the logged forest (6%). Interception loss was also simulated by the modified Rutter model and Gash's original and revised models. Both the Rutter and revised Gash models predicted total interception loss over a long period adequately, and resulted in estimates of the interception loss that deviated by 6 to 14% of the measured values, for both the unlogged and logged plots

    Factors affecting runoff and soil erosion: plot-level soil loss monitoring for assessing sustainability of forest management

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    The assessment on key ecological factors affecting runoff and soil erosion and the usefulness of plot-level monitoring of soil erosion was conducted by collecting runoff and soil loss records from 14 runoff plots. The runoff plots were set up in two catchments in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, where conventional logging and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) took place. Runoff plots were set up in forest areas with different levels of logging disturbances, i.e. harvesting areas, skid trails and undisturbed/control areas. The magnitude of runoff and soil loss from skid trail plots were found to be the highest, followed by control plots and harvest plots. Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris appeared to be important ecological factors that determine the magnitude of soil loss. The roles of these ecological factors were less significant compared to rainfall in determining the magnitude of runoff. Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris can be measured quantitatively or qualitatively without complicated equipment and methods. Furthermore, they are sensitive to logging disturbance which make them suitable verifiers of soil erosion. Monitoring of soil loss using runoff plots was cost-effective and allowed more direct linkages to be made between management practices and their impacts on runoff and soil erosion so that forest managers can identify problems and take appropriate preventive measures to improve their management practices