79 research outputs found

    Valorisation of hemp inflorescence after seed harvest: Cultivation site and harvest time influence agronomic characteristics and essential oil yield and composition

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    Cannabis sativa L. is a multipurpose crop, whose industrial varieties, complying with the 0.2% Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) threshold set by the EU legislation, can be cultivated without restrictions by farmers. Other than its traditional use as a source of bast fibres from the stems, the fixed oil extracted from its seeds represents a valuable nutritional product. Its inflorescence is also a further exploitable threshing residue originating from seed harvest, as they can be used for the extraction of the essential oil (EO), a high-value added product. This study aims at contributing to the re-evaluation of industrial hemp cultivation as an agro-environmentally sustainable crop for the diversification of Mediterranean cropping systems, by exploring the possibility of recovering the EO from the inflorescence after seed harvest. The influence of the cultivation site (lowland and upland of Pisa province, Tuscany, central Italy) and the harvest time (August and September) have been investigated on the ‘Fedora 17’ monoecious hemp cultivar: the main agronomic traits in term of stem, seed and inflorescence production, as well as essential oil yield and composition have been evaluated. The crops harvested in September exhibited higher total dry yield as well as higher inflorescence and stem yields, while neither the site nor the harvesting period influenced the seed production, which was significantly influenced by harvest time x cultivation site interaction. Both seed fixed oil and crude protein content were affected by the cultivation site only, but in the opposite sense: the highest seed oil content was reached in the upland area, while the plants grown in the plain area exhibited the largest seed protein content. All the extracted EOs were rich in sesquiterpenes (mostly β-caryophyllene and its oxidized derivatives, and α-humulene), but monoterpene hydrocarbons were significantly represented as well (mainly α- and β-pinene, and myrcene). The EOs extraction yields were slightly higher in the earlier harvest for both sites

    Essential oils against Varroa destructor: a soft way to fight the parasitic mite of Apis mellifera

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    Essential oils (EOs) extracted from the aromatic plants Artemisia annua, Artemisia verlotiorum, Cinnamomum verum, and Citrus reticulata were investigated as repellents against the honey bees parasitic mite Varroa destructor. In laboratory tests, all EOs except C. reticulata exerted significant repellent activity against the mite after 24 h exposure. C. verumwas the most effective EO against V. destructor (median effective concentration EC50 =1.30 μL L−1), and the least toxic against honey bees (EC50 = 13.29 μL L−1). Because of its high selectivity ratio (A. mellifera LD50/V. destructor EC50 = 10.22), C. verum EO was then tested to control varroosis in colonies in field trials. The results of open field tests confirmed the efficacy observed in the laboratory. After one week of treatment, colonies treated with the EO showed a significant reduction of V. destructor infestation (about 65% at the dose of 25.0 μL L−1) and no negative effects on A. mellifera. Overall, our experiment indicated that C. verum EO could be used to effectively control varroosis in the hive with no side effects on the bee colonies

    Scutellaria caucasica A. Ham.: Morphological features and headspace characterization

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    In the context of a wide research project, a micromorphological and phytochemical characterization was performed on the vegetative and reproductive organs of Scutellaria caucasica A. Ham. (Lamiaceae), cultivated at the Ghirardi Botanic Garden (Toscolano Maderno, BS, Lombardy, Italy). The morphological survey revealed the presence of both non-glandular and glandular trichomes. The latter belonged to three different morphotypes: peltate, short-stalked and long-stalked capitate. Histochemical assays demonstrated that the terpenes biosynthesis mainly took place in the peltates, while short-stalked capitates secreted only polysaccharides; the long-stalked ones mainly produced polysaccharides, coupled with terpene and polyphenolic fractions. An element of novelty was represented by the characterization of the VOC emission profile. Leaves and flowers showed differences in their emissions: the floral profile had a higher number of compounds than that of the leaves (37 vs 29), with a higher heterogeneity. The almost totality of the leaf profile was characterized by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (98.8 %), while the flowers presented a more varied composition, with sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (87.2 %), monoterpenes (10.4 % oxygenated, 1.8 % hydrocarbons) and non-terpenes derivatives (0.6 %). The most abundant compounds were \u3b3-muurolene (42.6 %) and \u3b2-caryophyllene (35.0 %) in the leaves and in the flowers, respectively. In the flower headspace, 16 exclusive compounds were identified, among which germacrene D (31.7 %) dominated; leaves had 8 exclusive compounds, with valencene (1.8 %) as the most represented one. 21 common compounds were revealed: \u3b2-caryophyllene (34.1 % leaves; 35.0 % flowers), \u3b1-humulene (3.0 % leaves; 3.1 % flowers), alloaromadendrene (2.4 % leaves; 1.0 % flowers), \u3b1-copaene (2.1 % leaves; 2.7 % flowers) and \u3b2-copaene (2.2 % leaves; 1.5 % flowers) were the most abundant ones. \u3b3-Muurolene relative abundances (42.6 % leaves; 0.7 % flowers) were very different between the two profiles. Overall, this work represented the first multidisciplinary study on S. caucasica, combining a scientific research approach with the policies of the Open Science

    Tools to tie: Flower characteristics, voc emission profile, and glandular trichomes of two mexican salvia species to attract bees

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    A plant can combine physical and chemical tools to interact with other organisms. Some are designed for pollinator attraction (i.e., colors and volatile organic compounds-VOCs); others can act to discourage herbivores (i.e., non-glandular trichomes). Few studies fully address available tools in a single species; notwithstanding, this information can be pivotal in understanding new interactions out of the home range. We characterized flower traits, emission profiles of constitutive compounds from flowers and leaves, micro-morphology of the glandular trichomes, and listed flower visitors of two Mexican bird-pollinated Salvia species (S. blepharophylla and S. greggii), growing in an Italian botanical garden. Flowers were highly variable in their morphometric characteristics. In both species, four trichome morphotypes with similar histochemistry and distribution were documented for leaves and flowers except the calyx abaxial side. The vegetative emission profiles were qualitatively more complex than the floral ones; however, common compounds occurring in high relative percentages were β-caryophyllene and germacrene D. Floral bouquets were dominated by limonene and β-pinene in S. greggii and by 1,8-cineole in S. blepharophylla. Two potential (non-bird) pollinators were especially abundant: small bees belonging to the genus Lasioglossum and large bees belonging to the species Xylocopa violacea. Our study highlights the plasticity of these plants, as well as tools that can be conveniently used to establish novel interactions

    Chemical composition analysis of essential oils of four plants from Aurès region of Algeria and their antibacterial and antibiofilm activities against coagulase-negative staphylococci

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    Background: The altitudinal and geographical variability of the Aurès mountains of Algeria favored the existence of some endemic and rare varieties of medicinal plants. The aim of the present work is to determine the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties of the  essential oils (EOs) from aerial parts of four medicinal plants from Aurès region of Algeria; Juniperus thurifera L., Juniperus oxycedrus L., Salvia   officinalis L. and Thymus ciliatus ssp. munbyanus (Boiss. & Reut.) Batt. on coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) isolates. Methodology: Extraction of EOs from the four plant materials was carried out by hydro-distillation, and the EO yield expressed in gram of the distillate per 100 grams of dry matter. The chemical composition of the EOs was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. In vitro antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of the EOs were evaluated against CoNS previously isolated at the Anti-Cancer Center of Batna, Algeria using the agar disc diffusion assay and biofilm inhibition study, respectively. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum  bacterial concentration (MBC) of the EOs of S. officinalis L. and T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus were determined by the dilution method. Results: Twenty-seven and 41 compounds rich in monoterpene hydrocarbons were identified from J. oxycedrus and J. thurifera plants respectively, while 45 and 32 compounds, constituted mainly by oxygenated monoterpenes, were identified from S. officinalis L. and T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus, respectively. The EOs of T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus showed the most inhibitory activity of all the four plants on CoNS isolates (n=66) with mean  inhibition zone diameter of 24.99±6.29mm, and mean MIC and MBC values of 2.65±3.77mg/ml and 5.31±7.41mg/ml respectively, followed by S.  officinalis L., with mean inhibition zone diameter of 13.38± 6.52mm, and mean MIC and MBC values of 27.53±28.2 mg/ml and 31.97±33.19 mg/ml  respectively (p<0.0001 by one-way ANOVA). Also, percentage biofilm inhibition of CoNS isolates (n=59) was high for EOs of T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus  (65.63±10.71%) and S. officinalis L. (53.13±5.83%), although was significantly higher for T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus compared to S. officinalis L. (p<0.0001, t=7.874). Conclusion: Essential oils from T. ciliatus ssp. munbyanus and S. officinalis L. could represent an alternative to classical antibiotics against planktonic cells and biofilms of CoNS

    Investigación preliminar sobre los posibles efectos del tratamiento con arcilla mineral aplicado a aceites producidos a partir de aceitunas: enfoque sobre la eliminación de humedad y cambios en la composición

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    In this preliminary study, two non-filtered virgin olive oils (one freshly produced VOO-N; one VOO-O stored for one year) were subjected to moisture removal with mineral clay (raw or activated) and analyses were performed to attest possible effects on the quality of the product. The results demonstrated that the treatment of oil with mineral clay at 36-38 °C had no negative effect on the basic quality parameters or on the volatile comound profile. On the other hand, a significant decrease in the water amount as well as in pigments was observed in the samples subjected to this kind of treatment, in particular with raw clay. Regarding the colour measurement, the lightness (L) as well as the consumers’ acceptability exhibited a marked increase when oils were treated with raw clay.En este estudio preliminar, dos aceites de oliva vírgenes no filtrados (uno VOO-N recién producido y el otro, VOO-O almacenado durante un año) fueron sometidos a la eliminación del contenido de humedad con arcilla mineral (cruda o activada) y se realizaron análisis para atestiguar posibles efectos sobre la calidad del producto. Los resultados demostraron que el tratamiento del aceite con arcilla mineral, realizado a 36-38 °C, no tuvo consecuencias negativas en los parámetros básicos de calidad y en el perfil de los compuestos volátiles. Por otro lado, se observó una disminución significativa en la cantidad de agua y en los pigmentos en las muestras sometidas a este tipo de tratamiento, en particular con arcilla cruda. Con respecto a la medida del color, luminosidad (L) y aceptabilidad de los consumidores mostraron un aumento notable cuando los aceites se trataron con arcilla cruda

    Preliminary investigation of possible effects of mineral clay treatment applied to oils produced from olives: Focus on moisture removal and compositional changes

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    In this preliminary study, two non-filtered virgin olive oils (one freshly produced VOO-N; one VOO-O stored for one year) were subjected to moisture removal with mineral clay (raw or activated) and analyses were performed to attest possible effects on the quality of the product. The results demonstrated that the treatment of oil with mineral clay at 36-38 °C had no negative effect on the basic quality parameters or on the volatile comound profile. On the other hand, a significant decrease in the water amount as well as in pigments was observed in the samples subjected to this kind of treatment, in particular with raw clay. Regarding the colour measurement, the lightness (L) as well as the consumers' acceptability exhibited a marked increase when oils were treated with raw clay

    Essential oils as post-harvest crop protectants against the fruit fly drosophila suzukii: Bioactivity and organoleptic profile

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    The essential oils extracted from mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits, and from tea tree (Maleleuca alternifolia (Maiden and Betche) Cheel) leaves have been chemically analyzed and tested for their bioactivity against D. suzukii. Besides, to estimate consumers’ acceptability of the essential oil (EO) treatments, we evaluated their impact on the organoleptic characteristics of the EO-treated fruits. The main chemical constituents of the two EOs were 1,8-cineole and 4-terpineol for M. alternifolia (22.4% and 17.6% of the total components, respectively), and limonene (83.6% of the total components) for C. reticulata. The behavioral tests indicate that the two EOs are able to deter D. suzukii oviposition and that D. suzukii shows positive chemotaxis to low concentrations of the EOs and negative chemotaxis when the EO concentration increases. While no negative effects on the organoleptic profiles were detected for fruits treated with C. reticulata EO, the olfactory profile of fruits treated with M. alternifolia EO was so negative that they were defined as “not suitable for consumption” by panellists. Overall, our findings indicate that the use of EOs for the post-harvest protection of small fruits is feasible, provided that the essential oils are selected not only for their bioactivity against the insect pest but also for their affinity with the consumers’ sensorial system

    The cultivable bacterial microbiota associated to the medicinal plant Origanum vulgare L.: from antibiotic resistance to growth-inhibitory properties

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    The insurgence of antibiotic resistance and emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens prioritize research to discover new antimicrobials. In this context, medicinal plants produce bioactive compounds of pharmacological interest: some extracts have antimicrobial properties that can contrast different pathogens. For such a purpose, Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae family) is a medicinal aromatic plant, whose essential oil (EO) is recognized for its antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiviral activities. The cultivable bacteria from different compartments (i.e., flower, leaf, stem and soil) were isolated in order to: (i) characterize the bacterial microbiota associated to the plant, determining the forces responsible for the structuring of its composition (by evaluation of cross inhibition); (ii) investigate if bacterial endophytes demonstrate antimicrobial activities against human pathogens. A pool of plants belonging to O. vulgare species was collected and the specimen chemotype was defined by hydrodistillation of its essential oil. The isolation of plant associated bacteria was performed from the four compartments. Microbiota was further characterized through a culture-independent approach and next-generation sequencing analysis, as well. Isolates were molecularly typed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling and taxonomically assigned by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Antibiotic resistance profiles of isolates and pairwise cross-inhibition of isolates on agar plates (i.e., antagonistic interactions) were also assessed. High level of diversity of bacterial isolates was detected at both genus and strain level in all different compartments. Most strains were tolerant against common antibiotics; moreover, they produced antagonistic patterns of interactions mainly with strains from different compartments with respect to that of original isolation. Strains that exhibited high inhibitory properties were further tested against human pathogens, revealing a strong capacity to inhibit the growth of strains resistant to several antibiotics. In conclusion, this study regarded the characterization of O. vulgare L. chemotype and of the bacterial communities associated to this medicinal plant, also allowing the evaluation of antibiotic resistance and antagonistic interactions. This study provided the bases for further analyses on the possible involvement of endophytic bacteria in the production of antimicrobial molecules that could have an important role in clinical and therapeutic applications

    Artemisia spp. essential oils against the disease-carrying blowfly Calliphora vomitoria

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    Background: Synanthropic flies play a considerable role in the transmission of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms. In this work, the essential oil (EO) of two aromatic plants, Artemisia annua and A. dracunculus, were evaluated for their abilities to control the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. A. annua and A. dracunculus EOs were extracted, analysed and tested in laboratory bioassays. Besides, the physiology of EOs toxicity and the EOs antibacterial and antifungal properties were evaluated. Results: Both Artemisia EOs were able to deter C. vomitoria oviposition on fresh beef meat. At 0.05 μL cm-2 A. dracunculus EO completely inhibited C. vomitoria oviposition. Toxicity tests, by contact, showed LD50 of 0.49 and 0.79 μL EO per fly for A. dracunculus and A. annua, respectively. By fumigation, LC50 values were 49.54 and 88.09 μL L-1 air for A. dracunculus and A. annua, respectively. EOs AChE inhibition in C. vomitoria (IC50 = 202.6 and 472.4 mg L-1, respectively for A. dracunculus and A. annua) indicated that insect neural sites are targeted by the EOs toxicity. Finally, the antibacterial and antifungal activities of the two Artemisia EOs may assist in the reduction of transmission of microbial infections/contaminations. Conclusions: Results suggest that Artemisia EOs could be of use in the control of C. vomitoria, a common vector of pathogenic microorganisms and agent of human and animal cutaneous myiasis. The prevention of pathogenic and parasitic infections is a priority for human and animal health. The Artemisia EOs could represent an eco-friendly, low-cost alternative to synthetic repellents and insecticides to fight synanthropic disease-carrying blowflies