59 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a reinforcement learning algorithm to dynamically optimize mechanical ventilation in critical care.

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    The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate the reinforcement learning algorithm VentAI, which is able to suggest a dynamically optimized mechanical ventilation regime for critically-ill patients. We built, validated and tested its performance on 11,943 events of volume-controlled mechanical ventilation derived from 61,532 distinct ICU admissions and tested it on an independent, secondary dataset (200,859 ICU stays; 25,086 mechanical ventilation events). A patient "data fingerprint" of 44 features was extracted as multidimensional time series in 4-hour time steps. We used a Markov decision process, including a reward system and a Q-learning approach, to find the optimized settings for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) and ideal body weight-adjusted tidal volume (Vt). The observed outcome was in-hospital or 90-day mortality. VentAI reached a significantly increased estimated performance return of 83.3 (primary dataset) and 84.1 (secondary dataset) compared to physicians' standard clinical care (51.1). The number of recommended action changes per mechanically ventilated patient constantly exceeded those of the clinicians. VentAI chose 202.9% more frequently ventilation regimes with lower Vt (5-7.5 mL/kg), but 50.8% less for regimes with higher Vt (7.5-10 mL/kg). VentAI recommended 29.3% more frequently PEEP levels of 5-7 cm H2O and 53.6% more frequently PEEP levels of 7-9 cmH2O. VentAI avoided high (>55%) FiO2 values (59.8% decrease), while preferring the range of 50-55% (140.3% increase). In conclusion, VentAI provides reproducible high performance by dynamically choosing an optimized, individualized ventilation strategy and thus might be of benefit for critically ill patients

    Heparan Sulfate Induces Necroptosis in Murine Cardiomyocytes: A Medical-in-Silico Approach Combining In Vitro Experiments and Machine Learning (vol 9, 393, 2018)

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    A Corrigendum on Heparan Sulfate Induces Necroptosis in Murine Cardiomyocytes: A Medical-In silico Approach Combining In vitro Experiments and Machine Learning by Zechendorf E, Vaßen P, Zhang J, Hallawa A, Martincuks A, Krenkel O, Müller-Newen G, Schuerholz T, Simon T-P, Marx G, Ascheid G, Schmeink A, Dartmann G, Thiemermann C and Martin L (2018). Front. Immunol. 9:393. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00393 In the original article, there was an error in the Author Contributions section. The wording used to declare the contribution of Elisabeth Zechendorf was not clear. The new Author Contributions section appears below. Conception and design: EZ, LM, GD, AS, and CT. In vitro experiments and data analyses: EZ, LM, TS, T-PS, AM, GM-N, OK, GM, and PV. Medical in silico experiments and data analyses: EZ, PV, JZ, GD, AS, LM, AH, and GA. EZ wrote the manuscript. Correction of the manuscript: EZ, PV, LM, CT, GM, GD, T-PS, and AS. All the authors reviewed and finally approved the manuscript. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated

    An efficient parallelization technique for high throughput FFT-ASIPs

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    Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and it's inverse (IFFT) are used in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems for data (de)modulation. The transformations are the kernel tasks in an OFDM implementation, and are the most processing-intensive ones. Recent trends in the electronic consumer market require OFDM implementations to be flexible, making a trade-off between area, energy-efficiency, flexibility and timing a necessity. This has spurred the development of Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors (ASIPs) for FFT processing. Parallelization is an architectural parameter that significantly influence design goals. This paper presents an analysis of the efficiency of parallelization techniques for an FFT-ASIP. It is shown that existing techniques are inefficient for high throughput applications such as Ultra Wideband (UWB), because of memory bottlenecks. Therefore, an interleaved execution technique which exploits temporal parallelism is proposed. With this technique, it is possible to meet the throughput requirement of UWB (409.6 Msamples/s) with only 4 non-trivial butterfly units for an ASIP that runs at 400MHz. © 2006 IEEE

    Problems of innovative receptivity of personnel of enterprises of industrial automation

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу галузі промислової автоматики (ПА), позначенню та з’ясовуванню проблематики у підприємств ПА для поліпшення інноваційної діяльності (ІД) шляхом комплексного підвищення інноваційної сприйнятливості (ІС) персоналу в системі управління персоналом. Показана динаміка виробничих економічних показників українських підприємств ПА за 2011-2017 рр., запропоновані рекомендації по підвищенню ІС персоналу. Наведено аналіз техніко-економічних показників підприємств ПА. Приведений загальний огляд реалізації продукції (товарів, послуг за видами економічної діяльності) на Україні за період 2010-2017 рр. Для дослідження приведена методологія порівняльного аналізу. Результати дослідження показують виявлення проблем підприємств ПA, які полягають у збільшенні реалізованої продукції і зниженні прибутку, що говорить про необхідність підвищення IС персоналу в системі управління персоналом.The article is devoted to the analysis of industrial areas in particular the field of industrial automation (ІA), the identification and clarification of problems in PA enterprises, to improve innovation activity (IА) through a comprehensive increase in the innovative receptivity (IR) of personnel in the personnel management system. The industrial enterprises of Ukraine and in particular industry of ІА now experiences heavy times of competitive activity with foreign companies and in particular with more cheap commodities from China. Not to lose the positions and occupy new markets it is needed not only to watch after novelties in the field of productive but also in the sphere of personnel and increase of him ІR for the increase of competitiveness. The dynamics of the production of economic indicators of the Ukrainian enterprises of IA for 2011-2017 is shown, recommendations for increasing the executive personnel are offered. The analysis of technical and economic indicators of IA enterprises is given. And also provides a general overview of the sale of products (goods, services by type of economic activity) in Ukraine for the period 2010-2017. For research methodology over of comparative analysis is brought. Research results are exposures of problems of enterprises of IA such as an increase of the realized products and decline of profit, that talks at the necessity of increase of IR of personnel, in control system by a personnel. Innovative activity of every enterprise of industrial automation (IA) is important for the increase of competitiveness and increase arrived. The innovative oriented skilled personnel failing in the Ukrainian enterprises, what called to provide development and increase of efficiency of activity of enterprises. For development normatively of technical documentation on a management and development of personnel experience of front-rank world companies is poorly used what track is adapted to take into account taking into account Ukrainian realities. To the necessity of development of control system by a personnel with the purpose of leading to of them to the standards of front-rank world companies

    XIV Conferencia Nacional sobre Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud, Bibliosalud 2011. Cádiz, 13-15 abril 2011

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    Sección: Noticias. Noticias externasLos bibliotecarios de hospital en España acaban de celebrar sus 25 años de colaboración nacional a través de su XIV conferencia en Cádiz. La iniciativa de reunir a éste colectivo corrió a cargo de Verónica Juan de la Biblioteca Virtual del Servicio de Salud Público de Andalucía (BV-SSPA).N

    Применение метода контрольных возмущений для определения характерных узлов присоединения комплексной нагрузки при расчетах динамической устойчивости

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    Рассматривается влияние способа замещения комплексной нагрузки на характер электромеханических переходных процессов в электрических системах (ЭС) от действия больших возмущений. Показано, что установить общие рекомендации относительно способа замещения нагрузки в сложных ЭС затруднительно. Предлагается для опреде­ления характерных узлов нагрузки, оказывающих существенное влияние на характер динамического перехода, применять известный метод контрольных возмущений. Приводятся результаты сравнительных расчетов с использованием предлагаемой методики

    Approximate MIMO Iterative Processing with Adjustable Complexity Requirements

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    Targeting always the best achievable bit error rate (BER) performance in iterative receivers operating over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels may result in significant waste of resources, especially when the achievable BER is orders of magnitude better than the target performance (e.g., under good channel conditions and at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)). In contrast to the typical iterative schemes, a practical iterative decoding framework that approximates the soft-information exchange is proposed which allows reduced complexity sphere and channel decoding, adjustable to the transmission conditions and the required bit error rate. With the proposed approximate soft information exchange the performance of the exact soft information can still be reached with significant complexity gains

    Complexity Adjusted Soft-Output Sphere Decoding by Adaptive LLR Clipping

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    A-posteriori probability (APP) receivers operating over multiple-input, multiple-output channels provide enhanced bit error rate (BER) performance at the cost of increased complexity. However, employing full APP processing over favorable transmission environments, where less efficient approaches may already provide the required performance at a reduced complexity, results in unnecessary processing. For slowly varying channel statistics substantial complexity savings can be achieved by simple adaptive schemes. Such schemes track the BER performance and adjust the complexity of the soft output sphere decoder by adaptively setting the related log-likelihood ratio (LLR) clipping value

    MIMO APP Receiver Processing with Performance-Determined Complexity

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    Typical receiver processing, targeting always the best achievable bit error rate performance, can result in a waste of resources, especially, when the transmission conditions are such that the best performance is orders of magnitude better than the required. In this work, a processing framework is proposed which allows adjusting the processing requirements to the transmission conditions and the required bit error rate. It applies a-posteriori probability receivers operating over multiple-input multiple-output channels. It is demonstrated that significant complexity savings can be achieved both at the soft, sphere-decoder based detector and the channel decoder with only minor modifications