51 research outputs found

    Variation in carbon cycling among four tree species in a tropical rain forest

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    2014 Summer.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Applications of an incompressible fluid-rigid body interaction on progressive moving-grid finite-volume method

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Trans-mesh method and the Moving computational domain method as a progressive Moving-grid finite-volume method. In the Trans-mesh method, the bodies can move freely in a main mesh that covers the entire flow field. On the other hand, in the Moving Computational Domain method, the whole of the computational domain including bodies inside moves in the physical space without the limit of region size. These methods are constructed based on the four-dimensional control volume in space-time unified domain such that the method assures to be divergence-free in the space-time unified domain and thus satisfies both the physical and geometrical conservation laws simultaneously. The methods are applied to a falling sphere by gravity in an infinite long bending pipe and a trajectory of a flying ball over ground in incompressible fluid. The results indicate that these methods are promising in simulating the interaction of incompressible fluid-rigid body

    Simulation of the effects of photodecay on long-term litter decay using DayCent

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    Recent studies have found that solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation significantly shifts the mass loss and nitrogen dynamics of plant litter decomposition in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. In this study, we examined the role of photodegradation in litter decomposition by using the DayCent-UV biogeochemical model. DayCent-UV incorporated the following mechanisms related to UV radiation: (1) direct photolysis, (2) facilitation of microbial decomposition via production of labile materials, and (3) microbial inhibition effects. We also allowed maximum photodecay rate of the structural litter pool to vary with litter\u27s initial lignin fraction in the model. We calibrated DayCent-UV with observed ecosystem variables (e.g., volumetric soil water content, live biomass, actual evapotranspiration, and net ecosystem exchange), and validated the optimized model with Long-Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment (LIDET) observations of remaining carbon and nitrogen at three semi-arid sites in Western United States. DayCent-UV better simulated the observed linear carbon loss patterns and the persistent net nitrogen mineralization in the 10-year LIDET experiment at the three sites than the model without UV decomposition. In the DayCent-UV equilibrium model runs, UV decomposition increased aboveground and belowground plant production, surface net nitrogen mineralization, and surface litter nitrogen pool, but decreased surface litter carbon, soil net nitrogen mineralization, and mineral soil carbon and nitrogen. In addition, UV decomposition had minimal impacts on trace gas emissions and biotic decomposition rates. The model results suggest that the most important ecological impact of photodecay of surface litter in dry grasslands is to increase N mineralization from the surface litter (25%), and decay rates of the surface litter (15%) and decrease the organic soil carbon and nitrogen (5%)

    Rare Histological Type of Adenoma of the Nonpigmented Ciliary Epithelium

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    We report the rare case of an adenoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE). A 67-year-old healthy man presented with a regularly shaped and nonpigmented mass at the iris root of his right eye. His best-corrected visual acuity was 1.5 with normal intraocular pressure. During observation, the size of the tumor remained stable for 1.5 years but then rapidly grew, extending through the iris, and gradually enlarged to the point of compressing the iris. Ultimately, an iridocyclectomy with scleral resection under a lamellar scleral flap was performed. The histopathologic features of the resected tissue were consistent with adenoma of the NPCE. Histopathological analysis showed that the tumor consisted of both tubular and solid components. There were solid lesions inside of the ciliary epithelium and tubular lesions outside. We observed positive immunoreactivity to vimentin and cytokeratin CK (AE1/AE3) and negative reactivity to S-100 and CD68, both rarely associated with adenoma of NPCE. During 1 year of follow-up after the iridocyclectomy, no signs of tumor recurrence were observed

    Diel- and temperature-driven variation of leaf dark respiration rates and metabolite levels in rice

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    Leaf respiration in the dark (R-dark) is often measured at a single time during the day, with hot-acclimation lowering R-dark at a common measuring temperature. However, it is unclear whether the diel cycle influences the extent of thermal acclimation of R-dark, or how temperature and time of day interact to influence respiratory metabolites. To examine these issues, we grew rice under 25 degrees C : 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C : 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C : 35 degrees C day : night cycles, measuring R-dark and changes in metabolites at five time points spanning a single 24-h period. R-dark differed among the treatments and with time of day. However, there was no significant interaction between time and growth temperature, indicating that the diel cycle does not alter thermal acclimation of R-dark. Amino acids were highly responsive to the diel cycle and growth temperature, and many were negatively correlated with carbohydrates and with organic acids of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Organic TCA intermediates were significantly altered by the diel cycle irrespective of growth temperature, which we attributed to light-dependent regulatory control of TCA enzyme activities. Collectively, our study shows that environmental disruption of the balance between respiratory substrate supply and demand is corrected for by shifts in TCA-dependent metabolites.Peer reviewe

    Reviews and syntheses: Field data to benchmark the carbon cycle models for tropical forests

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    For more accurate projections of both the global carbon (C) cycle and the changing climate, a critical current need is to improve the representation of tropical forests in Earth system models. Tropical forests exchange more C, energy, and water with the atmosphere than any other class of land ecosystems. Further, tropical-forest C cycling is likely responding to the rapid global warming, intensifying water stress, and increasing atmospheric CO2 levels. Projections of the future C balance of the tropics vary widely among global models. A current effort of the modeling community, the ILAMB (International Land Model Benchmarking) project, is to compile robust observations that can be used to improve the accuracy and realism of the land models for all major biomes. Our goal with this paper is to identify field observations of tropical-forest ecosystem C stocks and fluxes, and of their long-term trends and climatic and CO2 sensitivities, that can serve this effort. We propose criteria for reference-level field data from this biome and present a set of documented examples from old-growth lowland tropical forests. We offer these as a starting point towards the goal of a regularly updated consensus set of benchmark field observations of C cycling in tropical forests.This work was made possible by the support of the US Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis. The support from the Powell Center included funding the participation of Shinichi Asao. Deborah A. Clark was supported by US National Science Foundation LTREB grants DEB-1147367 and DEB-1357112. Tana E. Wood was supported by US Department of Energy, Terrestrial Ecosystem Sciences grant DE-SC0011806 and by the USDA Forest Service International Institute for Tropical Forestry in collaboration with the University of Puerto Rico. Xiaojuan Yang was supported by the Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments-Tropics and the Biogeochemistry–Climate Feedbacks Scientific Focus Area (BGC Feedbacks SFA) of the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Peter B. Reich was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science (DE-SC0012677). Sasha Reed was financially supported by US Department of Energy, Terrestrial Ecosystem Sciences grant DE-SC0011806 and by the US Geological Survey Ecosystems Mission Area

    Reviews and syntheses: Field data to benchmark the carbon cycle models for tropical forests

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    For more accurate projections of both the global carbon (C) cycle and the changing climate, a critical current need is to improve the representation of tropical forests in Earth system models. Tropical forests exchange more C, energy, and water with the atmosphere than any other class of land ecosystems. Further, tropical-forest C cycling is likely responding to the rapid global warming, intensifying water stress, and increasing atmospheric CO2 levels. Projections of the future C balance of the tropics vary widely among global models. A current effort of the modeling community, the ILAMB (International Land Model Benchmarking) project, is to compile robust observations that can be used to improve the accuracy and realism of the land models for all major biomes. Our goal with this paper is to identify field observations of tropical-forest ecosystem C stocks and fluxes, and of their long-term trends and climatic and CO2 sensitivities, that can serve this effort. We propose criteria for reference-level field data from this biome and present a set of documented examples from old-growth lowland tropical forests. We offer these as a starting point towards the goal of a regularly updated consensus set of benchmark field observations of C cycling in tropical forests. © 2017 Author(s). This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

    Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration

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    Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments provide a remarkable wealth of data which can be used to evaluate and improve terrestrial ecosystem models (TEMs). In the FACE model-data synthesis project, 11 TEMs were applied to two decadelong FACE experiments in temperate forests of the southeastern U.S.—the evergreen Duke Forest and the deciduous Oak Ridge Forest. In this baseline paper, we demonstrate our approach to model-data synthesis by evaluating the models' ability to reproduce observed net primary productivity (NPP), transpiration, and leaf area index (LAI) in ambient CO2 treatments. Model outputs were compared against observations using a range of goodness-of-fit statistics. Many models simulated annual NPP and transpiration within observed uncertainty. We demonstrate, however, that high goodness-of-fit values do not necessarily indicate a successful model, because simulation accuracy may be achieved through compensating biases in component variables. For example, transpiration accuracy was sometimes achieved with compensating biases in leaf area index and transpiration per unit leaf area. Our approach to model-data synthesis therefore goes beyond goodness-of-fit to investigate the success of alternative representations of component processes. Here we demonstrate this approach by comparing competing model hypotheses determining peak LAI. Of three alternative hypotheses—(1) optimization to maximize carbon export, (2) increasing specific leaf area with canopy depth, and (3) the pipe model—the pipe model produced peak LAI closest to the observations. This example illustrates how data sets from intensive field experiments such as FACE can be used to reduce model uncertainty despite compensating biases by evaluating individual model assumptions
