107 research outputs found

    Community Detection and Growth Potential Prediction Using the Stochastic Block Model and the Long Short-term Memory from Patent Citation Networks

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    Scoring patent documents is very useful for technology management. However, conventional methods are based on static models and, thus, do not reflect the growth potential of the technology cluster of the patent. Because even if the cluster of a patent has no hope of growing, we recognize the patent is important if PageRank or other ranking score is high. Therefore, there arises a necessity of developing citation network clustering and prediction of future citations. In our research, clustering of patent citation networks by Stochastic Block Model was done with the aim of enabling corporate managers and investors to evaluate the scale and life cycle of technology. As a result, we confirmed nested SBM is appropriate for graph clustering of patent citation networks. Also, a high MAPE value was obtained and the direction accuracy achieved a value greater than 50% when predicting growth potential for each cluster by using LSTM.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.1204

    Community Detection and Growth Potential Prediction from Patent Citation Networks

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    The scoring of patents is useful for technology management analysis. Therefore, a necessity of developing citation network clustering and prediction of future citations for practical patent scoring arises. In this paper, we propose a community detection method using the Node2vec. And in order to analyze growth potential we compare three ''time series analysis methods'', the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), ARIMA model, and Hawkes Process. The results of our experiments, we could find common technical points from those clusters by Node2vec. Furthermore, we found that the prediction accuracy of the ARIMA model was higher than that of other models.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.00653 by other author

    Late Quaternary paleoceanography of Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: Ostracode species as a potential indicator of cold seep activity

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    Past intensity of methane release from deep-ocean methane hydrates continues to be challenging to reconstruct reliably. Here, we used fossil ostracode fauna paired with foraminiferal δ13C values in a marine sediment core from Vestnesa Ridge, western Svalbard margin, to reconstruct methane seepage activity during the late Quaternary and to examine faunal response to deglacial climatic changes. Benthic foraminiferal δ13C values indicate methane seepage activity was relatively strong during marine isotope stage 2, corresponding to a high percentage of the ostracode Rosaliella svalbardensis in the assemblage. In contrast, this species was absent under conditions of no or very strong seepage of methane. Faunal changes in other taxa were more related to global climate changes regardless of the seepage activity. This result indicates that Rosaliella svalbardensis is a potential new useful proxy for past methane release


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    ABSTRACT Susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of Grade X80 linepipe steels, which were produced by recent TMCP (Thermo-Mechanical Controlled Processing) technique, controlled rolling (CR) followed by accelerated cooling process (ACC), in near neutral pH conditions was investigated, and cracking behavior was compared with conventional Grade X65 linepipe. Longitudinal strip specimens with small surface notches were cyclically loaded in the NS4 solution with cathodic polarization of -1000mV vs. SCE. No significant difference in susceptibility to SCC was found between Grades X80 and X65 linepipes, both produced by TMCP process, even under higher stress condition for X80 linepipe steel. Hydrogen permeation test reviled the strong effect of hydrogen for the cracking under the SCC test condition. Transgranular cracking and quasi-cleavage fracture were observed as an evidence of the effect of both corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement on near neutral pH SCC

    Decadal–centennial-scale solar-linked climate variations and millennial-scale internal oscillations during the Early Cretaceous

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    Understanding climate variability and stability under extremely warm ‘greenhouse’ conditions in the past is essential for future climate predictions. However, information on millennial-scale (and shorter) climate variability during such periods is scarce, owing to a lack of suitable high-resolution, deep-time archives. Here we present a continuous record of decadal- to orbital-scale continental climate variability from annually laminated lacustrine deposits formed during the late Early Cretaceous (123–120 Ma: late Barremian–early Aptian) in southeastern Mongolia. Inter-annual changes in lake algal productivity for a 1091-year interval reveal a pronounced solar influence on decadal- to centennial-scale climatic variations (including the ~ 11-year Schwabe cycle). Decadally-resolved Ca/Ti ratios (proxy for evaporation/precipitation changes) for a ~ 355-kyr long interval further indicate millennial-scale (~ 1000–2000-yr) extreme drought events in inner-continental areas of mid-latitude palaeo-Asia during the Cretaceous. Millennial-scale oscillations in Ca/Ti ratio show distinct amplitude modulation (AM) induced by the precession, obliquity and short eccentricity cycles. Similar millennial-scale AM by Milankovitch cycle band was also previously observed in the abrupt climatic oscillations (known as Dansgaard–Oeschger events) in the ‘intermediate glacial’ state of the late Pleistocene, and in their potential analogues in the Jurassic ‘greenhouse’. Our findings indicate that external solar activity forcing was effective on decadal–centennial timescales, whilst the millennial-scale variations were likely amplified by internal process such as changes in deep-water formation strength, even during the Cretaceous ‘greenhouse’ period

    Closure of the Bering Strait caused Mid-Pleistocene Transition cooling

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    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) is characterised by cooling and lengthening glacial cycles from 600–1200 ka, thought to be driven by reductions in glacial CO2 in particular from ~900 ka onwards. Reduced high latitude upwelling, a process that retains CO2 within the deep ocean over glacials, could have aided drawdown but has so far not been constrained in either hemisphere over the MPT. Here, we find that reduced nutrient upwelling in the Bering Sea, and North Pacific Intermediate Water expansion, coincided with the MPT and became more persistent at ~900 ka. We propose reduced upwelling was controlled by expanding sea ice and North Pacific Intermediate Water formation, which may have been enhanced by closure of the Bering Strait. The regional extent of North Pacific Intermediate Water across the subarctic northwest Pacific would have contributed to lower atmospheric CO2 and global cooling during the MPT

    Genome-wide association study revealed novel loci which aggravate asymptomatic hyperuricaemia into gout

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    Objective The first ever genome-wide association study (GWAS) of clinically defined gout cases and asymptomatic hyperuricaemia (AHUA) controls was performed to identify novel gout loci that aggravate AHUA into gout. Methods We carried out a GWAS of 945 clinically defined gout cases and 1003 AHUA controls followed by 2 replication studies. In total, 2860 gout cases and 3149 AHUA controls (all Japanese men) were analysed. We also compared the ORs for each locus in the present GWAS (gout vs AHUA) with those in the previous GWAS (gout vs normouricaemia). Results This new approach enabled us to identify two novel gout loci (rs7927466 of CNTN5 and rs9952962 of MIR302F) and one suggestive locus (rs12980365 of ZNF724) at the genome-wide significance level (p<5.0×10– 8). The present study also identified the loci of ABCG2, ALDH2 and SLC2A9. One of them, rs671 of ALDH2, was identified as a gout locus by GWAS for the first time. Comparing ORs for each locus in the present versus the previous GWAS revealed three ‘gout vs AHUA GWAS’-specific loci (CNTN5, MIR302F and ZNF724) to be clearly associated with mechanisms of gout development which distinctly differ from the known gout risk loci that basically elevate serum uric acid level. Conclusions This meta-analysis is the first to reveal the loci associated with crystal-induced inflammation, the last step in gout development that aggravates AHUA into gout. Our findings should help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of gout development and assist the prevention of gout attacks in high-risk AHUA individuals

    Subtype-specific gout susceptibility loci and enrichment of selection pressure on ABCG2 and ALDH2 identified by subtype genome-wide meta-analyses of clinically defined gout patients

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    Objectives Genome-wide meta-analyses of clinically defined gout were performed to identify subtype-specific susceptibility loci. Evaluation using selection pressure analysis with these loci was also conducted to investigate genetic risks characteristic of the Japanese population over the last 2000–3000 years. Methods Two genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of 3053 clinically defined gout cases and 4554 controls from Japanese males were performed using the Japonica Array and Illumina Array platforms. About 7.2 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms were meta-analysed after imputation. Patients were then divided into four clinical subtypes (the renal underexcretion type, renal overload type, combined type and normal type), and meta-analyses were conducted in the same manner. Selection pressure analyses using singleton density score were also performed on each subtype. Results In addition to the eight loci we reported previously, two novel loci, PIBF1 and ACSM2B, were identified at a genome-wide significance level (p<5.0×10–8) from a GWAS meta-analysis of all gout patients, and other two novel intergenic loci, CD2-PTGFRN and SLC28A3-NTRK2, from normal type gout patients. Subtype-dependent patterns of Manhattan plots were observed with subtype GWASs of gout patients, indicating that these subtype-specific loci suggest differences in pathophysiology along patients’ gout subtypes. Selection pressure analysis revealed significant enrichment of selection pressure on ABCG2 in addition to ALDH2 loci for all subtypes except for normal type gout. Conclusions Our findings on subtype GWAS meta-analyses and selection pressure analysis of gout will assist elucidation of the subtype-dependent molecular targets and evolutionary involvement among genotype, phenotype and subtype-specific tailor-made medicine/prevention of gout and hyperuricaemia

    Spatial and temporal sea-surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 150 kyr

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    We present the new alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) records from the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 150 kyr. Core HY04 (4°N) at the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) registered the invariant SSTs (25.8–27.2°C), whereas core HY06 (0°N) registered cyclic glacial-interglacial SST variations (22.4–26.1°C). Although HY06 alkenone-based SST evolution was almost consistent with the previously published SST records from around the equator, at site HY04 alkenone- and foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based SSTs showed a large difference in the magnitude of LGM SST cooling. We hypothesize that alkenone-based SSTs might not fully express the true magnitude of glacial SST cooling in the NECC, as suggested by the coincidence of higher glacial productivity and unchanged glacial SSTs at site HY04. However, further SST data in the NECC are needed before this can be accepted with any degree of confidence

    Evolution of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during the past 190 kyr through the interaction of the Kuroshio Current with the surface and intermediate waters

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    International audienceThe North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) has two important functions, i.e., one in ocean heat transfer and another as a driving force for circulation of the surface and intermediate waters on the basin scale. In the present study, we describe records of the vertical thermal structures and distributions of water masses in the upper ocean of the subtropical northwest (NW) Pacific for the past 190 kyr, using two sediment cores collected from the Kuroshio Current area in the East China Sea and the NPSG area. During the two glacial periods, the Kuroshio Current was weakened owing to changes in ocean-atmosphere circulation and eustasy. The differences in the Mg/Ca-derived temperatures between surface and thermocline waters show the changes of depth and temperature (warming) of thermocline during glacial periods. Conversely, the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages demonstrate that the indicator of the intermediate water from the central area of the NPSG increased synchronously with thermocline warming during marine isotope stage (MIS) 6. These results suggest that warm intermediate water strongly affected the changes in the water-column structure of the subtropical NW Pacific during MIS 6. However, during MIS 2, cold water had precedence over intermediate water probably owing to the southward shift of the subtropical front associated with the reduced transport of the Kuroshio Current. Thus, the NPSG has evolved differently during the two glacial periods (MIS 2 and MIS 6) through interactions between the Kuroshio Current, surface water, and intermediate water