15,353 research outputs found

    12C emission from 114Ba and nuclear properties

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    We investigate the influence of nuclear masses, radii, and interaction potentials on 12C radioactivity of 114the best representative of a new island of cluster emitters leading to daughter nuclei around the doubly magic 100Sn. Three different models are considered: one derived by Blendowske, Fliessbach, and Walliser (BFW) from the many-body theory of alpha decay, as well as our analytical (ASAF) and numerical (NuSAF) superasymmetric fission models. A Q value larger by 1 MeV or an ASAF potential barrier reduced by 3% are producing a half-life shorter by 2 orders of magnitude. A similar effect can be obtained within BFW and NuSAF by a decrease of the action integral with less than 10% and 5%, respectively. By increasing the radius constant within ASAF or BFW models by 10%, the half-life becomes shorter by 3 orders of magnitude

    Asaf Halet Çelebi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 37-Kamuran-Sait-Hüsamettin-Işın-Babür-Asaf Halet Çelebi. Not: Makalenin devamında Asaf Halet Çelebi'nin "İstanbulumun dili" başlıklı şiiri bulunmaktadır

    Poetic Searchs of Asaf Halet Çelebi

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    Bu çalışmada, 1940'lardan itibaren şiirlerini tasavvufa, bilinçaltına ve doğu mistisizmine yaslayan; kültür ve bilgi kaynaklı yeni bir şiir çıkaran Asaf Halet Çelebi'nin şiirlerinin estetik/poetik arka planı belirlenmeye çalışılmaktadır. Müphem ve sırlı birer formül gibi duran şiirlerin çözümlenmesi yolunda bu yaklaşımın gerekli olduğu düşünülmektedir. "Eleştiri ve Karşı Eleştiri", "Poetik Belirlemeler" başlıklarıyla Asaf Halet'in düşünceleri, dönemindeki diğer şairlerle karşılaştırmalı olarak irdelenmektedir. In this study, aesthetic/poetic background of Asaf Halet Çelebi's poems will be discussed based on his poems, subconscious, eastem mysticism and who brings out knowledge and culture based a new poetry. It is thought that this approach is necessary for analysizing the poems that seem to be ambiguous and a mystery formula. In the study, under the "Critique and Counter-Critique", "Poetic Definitions" subtitles Asaf Halet's thoughts are examined comparatively with other poets at his period

    Comment élever des abeilles et produire du miel

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    Asaf Ayatuhaire, un apiculteur Ougandais, possède plus de 100 ruches de différents types. Il y a dix ans, Asaf avait juste trois ruches traditionnelles et produisait seulement six kilogrammes de miel par an..