30 research outputs found


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    This research examines about gestures that can be used in learning math in the classroom to strengthen the understanding of students of the material being taught teachers, in this article, I showed the evidence taken from the teacher and the student movement for proving that mathematics can be realized. This research is descriptive research with the kind of data analysis on the research of these video recordings of teachers who carry out learning and research subject processed there are 2 teachers from 5 teachers are observed. We present evidence for a student and a teacher produces gestures when they explain the concepts and ideas of mathematics. The results of this study suggested that gestures have the power so that children quickly understand and understand the learning delivered teacher, and any gestures each had a special movement such as; (a) strengthened understanding pointing gestures students through movement within the physical environment, (b) strengthen representational understanding gestures students through mental simulation, action and perception, and (c) empower students through writing movement action be evidence of permanent marks on a sheet of paper, a whiteboard or visual media. Thus, the teacher's gestures are very important because it can strengthen the understanding of students of material studied in class


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    In order to help students develop their critical thinking skills, teachers need to model the critical thinking skills and dispositions in front of their students. Unfortunately, very rare studies investigating prospective teachers’ readiness in critical thinking dispositions are available in the field of mathematics education. This study was intended to investigate the level of critical thinking disposition of prospective mathematics teachers. Using case study methods, three studies were done in Malang.Three levels of critical thinkers were identified from these case studies namely: non-critical thinker, emergent critical thinker, developing critical thinker. Majority of prospective mathematics teachers’ critical thinking dispositions are at the non-critical thinker level. Only a few of them are at the emergent critical thinker, and very rare at the developing critical thinker level. It can be concluded that prospective mathematics teachers are not critical thinker yet. Teacher education institutions need to reform their curriculum and instructional practices to improve their students critical thinking skills and dispositions.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.8.2.3961.145-15


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    The trends of teaching mathematical thinking and the existence of two thinking skills (critical dan creative thinking) the required by 21st-century skills have created needs for teachers to know their students’ thinking processes. This study is intended to portray how mathematics teachers expect their students showing their thinking processes in students’ written work. The authors surveyed Whatsapp and Telegram group of mathematics teachers. First, the authors shared the result of the literature review and the governmental regulations about the need to develop thinking skills. Second, the authors stated that the potentials of students’ written works as a tool for knowing students’ thinking processes. Third, the authors sent a simple mathematical problem with the topic of algebra and asked the mathematics teachers how should their students answer that problem such that they can easily monitor and assess their students’ thinking processes. A total of 25 teachers participated voluntarily in this survey. Results of the survey were triangulated with direct trial data in lecture classes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The result indicates that participating mathematics teachers do not expect too much for their students to show their thinking processes in written work. Teacher’s focus is mostly on the accuracy and the correctness of their students’ mathematics answer


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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis pendekatan saintifik untuk meningkatkan penalaran siswa pada materi peluang di SMA kelas XII yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Dick and Carey. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa RPP dan LKS. RPP dan LKS disusun dengan mengacu pada pendekatan saintifik yang memuat 5M (mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, menalar, mengomunikasikan). LKS yang disusun juga memuat langkah penalaran model Polya yaitu: 1) pengamatan terhadap suatu permasalahan, 2) perumusan dugaan dari permasalahan tersebut, 3) generalisasi, dan 4) verifikasi dugaan menggunakan permasalahan baru. Dari penelitian ini telah dihasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, praktis, dan efektif.Keywords: pendekatan saintifik, penalaran model Polya, model Dick and Carey, peluan

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Trigonometri Ditinjau Dari Perbedaan Kelas

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyak perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman terhadap matematika dalam kaitannya dengan kelas yang ditempati di sekolah diantaranya pada kemampuan menyelesaiakan soal matematika dan penguasaan materi yang berbeda. Terkadang kelas ilmu pengetahuan alam lebih unggul dalam hal merespon pertanyaan dan masalah terkait matematika, akan tetapi terkadang juga kelas ilmu pengetahuan sosial lebih aktif dalam hal teori atau kemampuan bahasa matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menindaklanjuti perbedaan jenis kesalahan apa saja yang ditimbulkan dari dua kelas yang berbeda yaitu IPA dan IPS dari pemahaman mereka terhadap matematika terkait materi trigonometri. Sampel penelitian yaitu siswa kelas X IPA dan IPS SMAK Frateran Maumere tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Instrumen penelitian adalah soal tes berbentuk uraian dan pedoman wawancara. Penelitian mengacu pada, siswa dapat menyelesaikan soal cerita dengan langkah-langkahnya, siswa mengerjakan sesuai intruksi hasil analisis diperoleh Perbedaan yang lebih mencolok dari cara penyelesaian dan pemaparan hasil pekerjaan siswa dimana kemampuan spasial kelas IPA lebih mencolok sedangkan IPS mungkin saja lebih menguasai kemampuan komunikasi verbal matematis, hal ini juga terlihat dari hasil kerapihan pekerjaan merek


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    This research is a research and development that aims to develop learning tools such as student worksheets (LKS) and lesson plans (RPP) on the circles equation. The approach used is scientific approach with the help of Geogebra.The development is done by following 4D models of development that is only done 3 phases: define, design and development without doing disseminate phase. The quality of development products are Valid, Practical and effective. The validation is done by two validators and after validated the products were tested in the classroom to determine it’s practicality and effectiveness level. The subject of this reasearch were the two validators and 22 students of 11th grade senior high school.Keywords: circles equation, scientific approach, geogebra, learning tool

    Proses berpikir siswa dalam penyelesaian soal persamaan kuadrat dengan informasi yang kontradiksi

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    AbstrakPada era 4.0 dan abad ke-21 kegiatan pembelajaran membutuhkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan penyelesaian masalah untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal dengan informasi yang kontradiksi. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII MA Unggulan Mamba’ul Huda. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan soal non rutin dengan informasi yang kontradiksi dan pedoman wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan proses berpikir siswa yang dapat menyelesaiakan soal dengan informasi yang kontradiksi yaitu dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (1) understanding the problem (2) devising the plan (3) carrying the plan, dan (4) looking back. Dan proses berpikir siswa yang tidak dapat menyelesaikan soal dengan informasi yang kontradiksi melakukan langkah (1) understanding the problem dan (2) devising the plan. Pada langkah (3) carrying the plan dilaksanakan tetapi tidak sempurna dan untuk langkah (4) looking back tidak dilakukan.Kata kunci: proses berpikir; penyelesaian masalah; soal dengan informasi yang kontradiks


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    This study was initially based on the researcher’s interest in a case found in students as they responded mathematical problems provided in the form of critiques to a problem. The study aimed to explore the students’ arguments to describe the students’ thinking processes while they are giving critiques to a mathematical problem. The study was qualitative research in a case study involving one student as a subject of research.  The finding showed that the students used 4 series of arguments as the main reason to give critiques to the given problem. The critiques were delivered due to several factors consisting of; (1) the students’ inability to discover appropriate strategies to deal with the given problems; (2) the personal experiences kept in a Long Term Memory, and (3) the fallacy on reasoning

    The effectiveness of the integration of open-ended and collaborative (OE-C) learning strategies in reducing gaps of elementary school students’ creative thinking skills

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    This study examines a blend of open-ended and collaborative learning strategies (OE-C) in comparison to other strategies in minimizing the gap of creative thinking skills between Upper Academic (UA) and Lower Academic (LA) students. The population of this study was 136 fifth grade students of an elementary school in Salatiga, Indonesia. The sample consisted of each 68 UA and 68 LA students categorized by intact group technique sampling. Research method employed was the 4x2 factorial design. The students’ creative thinking skills were measured with open-ended validated problem testing, focusing on students’ fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Data were analysed using ANCOVA with the pre-test score as the covariate. Findings suggest that OE-C learning strategy is the most effective learning method to elevate students’ creative thinking skills. Further, the OE-C learning strategy also serves as the most efficient to reduce gaps of creative thinking skills

    Student Computational Thinking in Solving Sequence Problems Based on Learning Styles

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    The purpose of this study is to describe students' computational thinking in solving sequence problems based on learning styles. This research approach is qualitative research with exploratory and descriptive research types. The subjects in this study were students majoring in Mathematics Tadris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan UIN SATU Tulungagung semester 5. First, students' computational thinking in solving sequence problems based on assimilation and convergent learning styles, including incoherent, complete, and systematic. Second, students' computational thinking in solving sequence problems based on assimilation and accommodation learning styles, including coherent, complete, and systematic. Third, students' computational thinking in solving sequence problems is based on convergent learning styles and accommodation, including coherent, complete, and unsystematic. Fourth, students' computational thinking in solving sequence problems is based on divergent and convergent learning styles, including incoherent, incomplete, and unsystematic