41 research outputs found

    Shear Force Fiber Spinning: Process Parameter and Polymer Solution Property Considerations

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    For application of polymer nanofibers (e.g., sensors, and scaffolds to study cell behavior) it is important to control the spatial orientation of the fibers. We compare the ability to align and pattern fibers using shear force fiber spinning, i.e. contacting a drop of polymer solution with a rotating collector to mechanically draw a fiber, with electrospinning onto a rotating drum. Using polystyrene as a model system, we observe that the fiber spacing using shear force fiber spinning was more uniform than electrospinning with the rotating drum with relative standard deviations of 18% and 39%, respectively. Importantly, the approaches are complementary as the fiber spacing achieved using electrospinning with the rotating drum was ~10 microns while fiber spacing achieved using shear force fiber spinning was ~250 microns. To expand to additional polymer systems, we use polymer entanglement and capillary number. Solution properties that favor large capillary numbers (\u3e50) prevent droplet breakup to facilitate fiber formation. Draw-down ratio was useful for determining appropriate process conditions (flow rate, rotational speed of the collector) to achieve continuous formation of fibers. These rules of thumb for considering the polymer solution properties and process parameters are expected to expand use of this platform for creating hierarchical structures of multiple fiber layers for cell scaffolds and additional applications


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    Access points are generally only recommended to load up to 40 clients only. Thus, proper placement and arrangement of access points in a room or building can optimize the signal strength received by users. The purpose of this study is to optimize the arrangement and placement of access points built using the genetic algorithm method. In the system built, the user is required to input the number of populations, iterations and the number of nodes 1 and 2. In the program implementation, the population functions to load the genes resulting from the possible placement of the access point based on the iteration results. The access point placement optimization system using the genetic algorithm method has been successfully implemented, the system can perform calculations in processing the ideal access point placement. Access point placement using genetic algorithms can provide recommendations for network architecture design in terms of the coverage area that needs to be used so that designers can save time on node point design and estimate the ideal price in determining the number of access points for network installation and can assist in determining the required coverage area. ideal for schools

    The Effect of Intercultural Interaction on the Glocalization of Döner Kebab

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    Intercultural communication has grown in significance as a result of globalization. By influencing the cultural diversity of goods and services globally, this process has helped to recognize and spread local cultures on a global scale. In this context, glocalization is an example of cross-cultural interaction involving a global product like döner kebab. The döner kebab is a well-known fast-food item that is consumed in various local adaptations in every country, reflecting the rich diversity of cultural traditions and culinary preferences. In addition to emphasizing the subjective experiences, such as taste, smell, and tactile sensations that shape our worldviews from a phenomenological perspective, this article highlights the entry of döner kebab into the process of glocalization through cross-cultural interaction. Therefore, we can better comprehend the intricate interaction between global and local cultures by looking at the sensory experiences of döner kebab during the glocalization process. The case analysis method demonstrates how döner kebab consumption varies by nation and how adaptation affects local culture. The success of döner kebab's glocalization through cross-cultural interaction exemplifies how cultural differences and new culinary traditions are created. An essential framework for comprehending sensory experiences during the consumption and adaptation of döner kebab is provided by phenomenology and case analysis. By highlighting the significance of considering consumers' subjective experiences and the sensory aspects of food in forming global food culture, this approach is helpful in understanding the complex interactions of globalization in the food industry

    The Probiotic Market in Turkey

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    The focus on the gut microbiome is driving many health initiatives today, as it plays a critical role in maintaining overall body health. As a result, the use of microbiotic products is rapidly increasing, and Turkey is an important market in this area. To understand the dynamics of this market, its growth potential, and future predictions, a case study was conducted based on an interview with industry expert Haydar Yılmaz.During the interview, topics such as the history and current state of the industry, growth potential, market trends, consumer behaviour, regulations, and competition were discussed. In addition, detailed information was gathered on the product ranges, production processes, and R&D activities of companies operating in the sector. This information provided an important resource for understanding the industry's current state and identifying future growth opportunities. In the study, the data obtained were analyzed using the narrative analysis method.The microbiome and probiotic market in Turkey has high growth potential, creating opportunities for companies in the future. Investing in R&D and innovation is crucial for the sector's development and utilizing the microbiome in marketing strategies can be advantageous. Ultimately, this sector can have positive effects on human health


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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang pendekatan dakwah terhadap para muaallaf di PERKIM. Dua metode utama yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah field research dan library research [ kajian lapangan dan kajian pustaka ] , sementara metode deduktif dan induktif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Didalam kajian ini ditemukan adanya pendekatan dakwah terhadap muaalaf di PERKIM kepada masyarakat pedalaman dan suku – suku lain selain Melayu, seperti Cina dan India melalui program yang dibawa oleh PERKIM dan dibantu oleh Majlis Agama Islam di seluruh negeri dan lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan (NGO) yang lain. Kajian ini juga bertujuan menggali secara mendalam persepsi responden mengenai status program dakwah terhadap muaallaf yang mereka ikuti di PERKIM. Kajian ini melibatkan beberapa orang muaallaf dan beberapa orang pegawai di PERKIM. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan responden terdiri dari masyarakat pribumi, Cina, India dan suku – suku yang lain. Sejumlah 76% responden yang memeluk Islam adalah wanita. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahwa program dakwah terhadap muaallaf di PERKIM memang ada dengan hasil memuaskan. Aspek lain yang perlu diberi perhatian lebih besar adalah kenyamanan tempat belajar, kemampuan para da’i dalam menguasai berbagai bahasa asing terutama Arab dan Inggris, dan beberapa aspek isi kandungan pelajaran dasar Agama Islam seperti Fiqh,Tauhid, Akhlak dan Sirah Nabi diberikan kepada muaallaf yang baru memeluk agama Islam

    Optimasi Penataan dan Penempatan Access Point pada Ruangan Indoor SMP Negeri 6 Salatiga Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Access points are generally only recommended to load up to 40 clients only. Thus, proper placement and arrangement of access points in a room or building can optimize the signal strength received by users. The purpose of this study is to optimize the arrangement and placement of access points built using the genetic algorithm method. In the system built, the user is required to input the number of populations, iterations and the number of nodes 1 and 2. In the program implementation, the population functions to load the genes resulting from the possible placement of the access point based on the iteration results. The access point placement optimization system using the genetic algorithm method has been successfully implemented, the system can perform calculations in processing the ideal access point placement. Access point placement using genetic algorithms can provide recommendations for network architecture design in terms of the coverage area that needs to be used so that designers can save time on node point design and estimate the ideal price in determining the number of access points for network installation and can assist in determining the required coverage area. ideal for schools

    An analysis of studies on non-small cell lung cancer registered on clinical trials registry of India

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    Background: Lung cancer is the most common cancer in males, of which non-small cell type is more prevalent. It is an active area of research owing to the limited available treatment modalities with several studies registered on CTRI. Objectives of current study was to analyse randomized control trials for non-small cell lung cancer registered on clinical trial registry India.Methods: Studies registered on CTRI were reviewed in this registry-based audit using the keywords lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Parameters such as type of study, nature of intervention, phase of study, primary and secondary endpoints used, etc, were analysed and summarised using descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel 365.Results: Out of 230 trials for lung cancer, 121 studied non-small cell lung cancer, of which 103 studies (85.1%) were interventional studies. Most common intervention under study was drug 97 studies (94.2%) followed by radiation 4 studies (3.3%). Majority of trials were phase 3, 48 trials (39.7%) and only 4 (3.3%) studies were phase 1. Five most common primary and secondary endpoints observed were survival, response rate, safety, pharmacokinetic data & quality of life. Maximum patients were in the advanced stage of cancer(52.1%) and pemetrexed (9.9%) was the most common drug used.Conclusions: We observed an increasing trend in studies registered on CTRI, with maximum studies in phase 3 with patients in the advanced stage of cancer having overall survival as the endpoint


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    ABSTRAK Pembinaan spiritual adalah suatu proses bimbingan untuk memperbaiki tingkah laku narapidana atau warga binaan agar memiliki kepribadian baik, akhlak yang terpuji dan bertanggung jawab, agar pembinaan itu berjalan dengan baik diperlukan manajemen pembinaan spiritual yang tepat. Lembaga LPKA kelas II Bandar Lampung dalam membina spiritual warga binaan sudah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen, namun dalam penerapan fungsi pelaksanaan tidak terimplementasikan dengan baik. Karena itu maka penelitian berusaha mengungkapkan proses pembinaan spiritual warga binaan klas II bandar lampung. Penilitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu Staff Lapas, Ustadz atau pembina spritual dan Warga binaan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara (interview) berupa wawancara non struktur, Observasi dan Dokumentasi. Setelah data terkumpul kemudian penulis melakukan analisis data dengan melakukan reduksi data dan display data, untuk menarik kesimpulan menggunakan teknik deduktif yaitu dengan melakukan penarikan kesimpulan yang berangkat dari fakta-fakta khusus dan ditarik kesimpulan secara umum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa manajemen pembinaan spiritual warga binaan di LPKA kelas II Bandar Lampung ,yang diawali proses perencanaan meliputi pembinaan spiritual dengan program-program mingguan, bulanan dan tahunan. Lalu proses pengorganisasian pembinaan spiritual yang meliputi pembagian tugas serta hal-hal yang akan dilakukan dengan orang yang akan melaksanakan. Selanjutnya yaitu pelaksanaan pembinaan spiritual dapat dikatakan belum maksimal karena kegiatan pembinaan spiritual di Lembaga belum terimplementasikan dengan baik yang pertama pada pelaksanaan pembinaan spiritual yang monoton terkait program�program yang Lembaga buat. Terakhir, dilakukan proses pengawasan atau evaluasi oleh petugas terkait bagaimana sistem kegiatan yang telah dilakukan menggunakan metode instrumen. Kata Kunci : Lembaga pembinaan khusus anak, Manajemen pembinaan spiritual iii ABSTRACT Spiritual formation is a process of guidance to improve the behavior of prisoners or fostered citizens so that they have good personalities, commendable and responsible morals, so that the formation runs well, proper spiritual formation management is needed. LPKA class II Bandar Lampung institution in fostering the spirituality of fostered residents has applied management principles, but in the implementation of the implementation function is not implemented properly. Therefore, the research seeks to reveal the process of spiritual formation of class II assisted citizens of Bandar Lampung. This research uses qualitative research. The sources of data in this study are Lapas Staff, Ustadz or spiritual coaches and fostered citizens. The data collection method used in this study is interviews in the form of non-structured interviews, observation and documentation. After the data is collected, the author analyzes the data by reducing data and displaying data, to draw conclusions using deductive techniques, namely by drawing conclusions that depart from specific facts and draw conclusions in general. The results of this study show that the management of spiritual formation of fostered residents in LPKA class II Bandar Lampung, which begins the planning process includes spiritual formation with weekly, monthly and annual programs. Then the process of organizing spiritual formation which includes the division of tasks and things to be done with the person who will carry out. Furthermore, the implementation of spiritual formation can be said to have not been optimal because spiritual formation activities in the institution have not been implemented properly, the first is the implementation of monotonous spiritual formation related to the programs that the institution makes. Finally, a process of supervision or evaluation is carried out by officers related to how the system of activities that have been carried out using the instrument method. Keywords: Special child formation institution, Spiritual formation managemen

    The Effect of Intercultural Interaction on the Glocalization of Döner Kebab

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    Intercultural communication has grown in significance as a result of globalization. By influencing the cultural diversity of goods and services globally, this process has helped to recognize and spread local cultures on a global scale. In this context, glocalization is an example of cross-cultural interaction involving a global product like döner kebab. The döner kebab is a well-known fast-food item that is consumed in various local adaptations in every country, reflecting the rich diversity of cultural traditions and culinary preferences. In addition to emphasizing the subjective experiences, such as taste, smell, and tactile sensations that shape our worldviews from a phenomenological perspective, this article highlights the entry of döner kebab into the process of glocalization through cross-cultural interaction. Therefore, we can better comprehend the intricate interaction between global and local cultures by looking at the sensory experiences of döner kebab during the glocalization process. The case analysis method demonstrates how döner kebab consumption varies by nation and how adaptation affects local culture. The success of döner kebab's glocalization through cross-cultural interaction exemplifies how cultural differences and new culinary traditions are created. An essential framework for comprehending sensory experiences during the consumption and adaptation of döner kebab is provided by phenomenology and case analysis. By highlighting the significance of considering consumers' subjective experiences and the sensory aspects of food in forming global food culture, this approach is helpful in understanding the complex interactions of globalization in the food industry