16 research outputs found

    High-frequency heating of the solar wind triggered by low-frequency turbulence

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    The fast solar wind's high speeds and nonthermal features require that significant heating occurs well above the Sun's surface. Two leading theories seem incompatible: low-frequency "Alfvénic" turbulence, which transports energy outwards and is observed ubiquitously by spacecraft but struggles to explain the observed dominance of ion over electron heating; and high-frequency ion-cyclotron waves (ICWs), which explain the nonthermal heating of ions but lack an obvious source. Here, we argue that the recently proposed "helicity barrier" effect, which limits electron heating by inhibiting the turbulent cascade of energy to the smallest scales, can unify these two paradigms. Our six-dimensional simulations show how the helicity barrier causes the large-scale energy to grow in time, generating small parallel scales and high-frequency ICW heating from low-frequency turbulence. The resulting turbulence and ion distribution function also closely match in-situ measurements from Parker Solar Probe and other spacecraft, explaining, among other features, the decades-long puzzle of the steep "transition range" observed in magnetic fluctuation spectra. The theory predicts a causal link between plasma expansion and the ion-to-electron heating ratio. Given the observational association between wind speed and expansion, we argue that the helicity barrier could play a key role in regulating the bimodal speed distribution of the solar wind

    High-frequency heating of the solar wind triggered by low-frequency turbulence

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    The fast solar wind’s high speeds and non-thermal features require that considerable heating occurs well above the Sun’s surface. Two leading theories seem incompatible: low-frequency ‘Alfvénic’ turbulence, which transports energy outwards and is observed ubiquitously by spacecraft but seems insufficient to explain the observed dominance of ion over electron heating; and high-frequency ion-cyclotron waves, which explain the non-thermal heating of ions but lack an obvious source. Here we argue that the recently proposed ‘helicity barrier’ effect, which limits electron heating by inhibiting the turbulent cascade of energy to the smallest scales, can unify these two paradigms. Our six-dimensional simulations show how the helicity barrier causes the large-scale energy to grow through time, generating small parallel scales and high-frequency ion-cyclotron-wave heating from low-frequency turbulence, while simultaneously explaining various other long-standing observational puzzles. The predicted causal link between plasma expansion and the ion-to-electron heating ratio suggests that the helicity barrier could contribute to key observed differences between fast and slow wind streams

    Direct Detection of Black Hole-driven Turbulence in the Centers of Galaxy Clusters

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are thought to provide energy that prevents catastrophic cooling in the centers of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters. However, it remains unclear how this "feedback" process operates. We use high-resolution optical data to study the kinematics of multiphase filamentary structures by measuring the velocity structure function (VSF) of the filaments over a wide range of scales in the centers of three nearby galaxy clusters: Perseus, A2597, and Virgo. We find that the motions of the filaments are turbulent in all three clusters studied. There is a clear correlation between features of the VSFs and the sizes of bubbles inflated by SMBH-driven jets. Our study demonstrates that SMBHs are the main driver of turbulent gas motions in the centers of relaxed galaxy clusters and suggests that this turbulence is an important channel for coupling feedback to the environment. Our measured amplitude of turbulence is in good agreement with Hitomi Doppler line broadening measurement and X-ray surface-brightness fluctuation analysis, suggesting that the motion of the cold filaments is well-coupled to that of the hot gas. The smallest scales that we probe are comparable to the mean free path in the intracluster medium. Our direct detection of turbulence on these scales provides the clearest evidence to date that isotropic viscosity is suppressed in the weakly collisional, magnetized intracluster plasma