1,416 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Sejarah Pertempuran 10 November 1945 di Surabaya, 2) Sumbangsih Bung Tomo dalam memimpin serta mempertahankan kemerdekaan, dan 3) Pemanfaatan nilai-nilai dalam sejarah Pertempuran 10 November 1945 di Surabaya sebagai sumber belajar dalam upaya menumbuhkan kesadaran sejarah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif yang meliputi teks deskriptif. Pemilihan metode kualitatif- deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan rangkuman sejarah perang 10 November 1945 di Surabaya sebagai sumber pembelajaran guna memperkuat pengetahuan sejarah dalam bentuk kata, bahasa ilmiah, dan metode ilmiah yang jelas. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan pengetahuan tentang sejarah Pertempuran 10 November 1945 di Surabaya yang jika ditelisik memiliki kaitan dengan datangnya pasukan Sekutu dan NICA, sumbangsih Sutomo (Bung Tomo) sebagai pelopor dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di Surabaya, serta perlu diketahui juga tentang nilai- nilai yang terkandung dalam Pertempuran 10 November di Surabaya, seperti nilai semangat kerja sama dan kebersamaan, nilai keberanian dalam memimpin dan mengambil risiko, nilai nasionalisme yang tinggi terhadap tanah airnya serta nilai kegigihan dan pantang menyerah. Sehingga sejarah Pertempuran 10 November di Surabaya ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang edukatif dan inspiratif bagi siswa SMA dalam upaya penguatan kesadaran sejarah

    Pengelolaan Aset Pemerintah Dengan Perspektif Pada Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat Tahun 2021

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    This study aimed to analyze asset management with a Good Governance perspective at the regional asset management office of the administrative city of West Jakarta in 2021. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of the study indicated that the management of regional property in the West Jakarta Asset Service has several stages in the management. In the implementation of Good Governance, in general, the management fulfilled the principles of Good Governance, i.e.: transparency, participation, accountability, and value of money. The obstacle faced in the process of managing regional property was the supervision of regional assets that was still not contributing to the improvement of effective management. It was because the supervision was not fully routinely carried out and not directly conducted in the field, thus allowing deviation possibilities to the management of regional assets that can cause the loss of regional assets, lightly or heavily damaged goods, and the purchases of goods without bookkeeping. To support the improvement of regional asset management, it is necessary to be followed up with supervision from a direct supervisor (Internal) and functional use (Extern) for preventive and repressive supervision as well as to conduct direct supervision in the field by the supervisory apparatus, so that the possibility of deviations can be relatively smaller and to improve the effective management of regional asset

    Expert System for Detecting Disease caused by Aedes Aegypti Mosquito Bites Using Case Based Reasoning Method

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    Abstract. Disease caused by mosquito bites is one of the diseases that needspecial attention, especially in Riau Province because this disease has thepotential to fall into the category of extraordinary events (KLB). Data recordedin the Riau Provincial Health Office in 2015 reveals that patients who contractedthe virus due to mosquito bites, namely dengue fever reached 3,261 people (IR= 51.4 per 100,000 population) and mortality rate of 20 people (CFR = 0.61%).When this virus is already endemic and becomes an extraordinary event, a quicktreatment is needed to reduce the loss of life, especially for the initial diagnosisof the disease. This study aims to design and build an expert system that is usedto diagnose diseases caused by the bite of aedes aegypti mosquitoes so that evencommon people can easily find out whether they have contracted the virus dueto the bite of aedes aegypti mosquito or not. The identified diseases are denguefever, chikungunnya and zika. Expert system developed uses the Case basedReasoning (CBR) method. To measure the level of similarity,ecludean distancemeasuring instrument is used. The expert system developed produces a systemwith an accuracy rate of 80%. This value is the same as the threshold valuespecified by the expert


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    The specific objective of this research is to analyze the effect of the use of digital accounting on the quality of accounting information produced, the effect of using digital-based accounting on business performance, the effect of the quality of accounting information on business performance, and the mediating effect of the quality of accounting information on the relationship between the use of digital accounting on the performance of MSMEs. This study uses quantitative data types sourced from primary data from questionnaires. Respondent population from UMKM in Tegal City with sampling technique using purposive sampling. Structural Equation Model (SEM) test data analysis method. The results showed that the use of digital accounting did not have a significant effect on the quality of accounting information, the use of digital accounting had a positive and significant effect on business performance, the quality of accounting information had no significant effect on business performance, and the quality of accounting information was not able to mediate the effect of using digital accounting on business performance. This study provides an overview of the effect of using digital accounting applications on MSMEs so that they can be a reference for encouraging digitization in MSMEs


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    Different types of ownership structures provide distinct corporate monitoring mechanisms, thus affecting the magnitude of company audit fees. This study aims to empirically examine the relationship between ownership structure and audit fees in Indonesia from the agency theory perspective. The sample comprises non-financial companies listed in the Indonesian capital market over 2015-2021. Based on the purposive sampling results, the final number of observations in this research is 931 company-years. This study employs pooled OLS panel data regression with robust standard error. Results indicate that non-executive director ownership, family ownership, financial institution ownership, and non-financial institution ownership are negatively related to audit fees. Additionally, managerial ownership and foreign ownership are positively related to audit fees. However, the study does not find a positive relation between government ownership and audit fees. Overall, the results of this research support the agency theory, with a focus on the assumption of convergence of interest

    Pengaruh perputaran kas dan perputaran persediaan terhadap laba di PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk Jakarta

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    Perusahaan adalah salah satu bentuk organasasi yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dalam jangka waktu yang pendek atau jangka panjang. Tujuan jangka pendek perusahaan bisa merupakan menghasilkan laba yang sebesar-besarnya dan bisa bertahan dalam jangka waktu kurang dari 5 tahun dan tujuan dalam jangka panjang biasanya rencana-rencana perusahaan lebih dari waktu 5 tahun dan dapat meningkatkan nilai suatu perusahaan dalam bentuk saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perputaran kas dan perputaran persediaan terhadap laba di PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna, Tbk. periode 31 Desember 1999 sampai 31 Desember 2010. Data diperoleh dari Laporan Keuangan yang sudah di publikasikan oleh PT. Hanjaya Mandala Soepurna, Tbk. lewat bursa efek periode 31 Desember 1999 sampai 31 Desember 2010. Teknik analisa yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier untuk mempoleh hubungan antara pengaruh perputaran kas dan perputaran persediaan terhadap laba. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perputaran kas berpengaruh positif terhadap laba tetapi tidak signifikan dan pengaruh perputaran persediaan persediaan terhadap laba segnifikan. Tabel Analisis Koefisien Determinasi (R2) menunjukkan angka 0,769 menunjukkan kemampuan model ini menerangkan variasi variabel dependent sebesar 76,9% dan sisanya sebesar 23,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lainnya yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam tranformasi regresi ini. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bahwa variabel perputaran kas dan perputaran persediaan dapat dijadikan pedoman bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan baik itu pihak manajemen perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan untuk rencana-rencana perusahan maupun pihak luar yang berkepentingan terutama investor yang akan melakukan investasi terhadap perusahaan tersebut


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur struktural yang membangun kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing karya Triyanto Triwikromo dan mendeskripsikan wujud serta makna aspek moral yang terdapat di dalamnya dengan tinjauan semiotik. Objek yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah aspek moral dalam kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing karya Triyanto Triwikromo. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Sampel yang dipilih dalam kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing meliputi: cerpen “Ninabobo Televisi”, cerpen “Mata Sunyi Perempuan Takroni”, cerpen “Sayap Anjing”, cerpen “Masuklah ke Telingaku, Ayah”, dan cerpen “Monumen”. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Studi Kepustakaan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan semiotik, untuk menganalisis data dilakukan dengan pembacaaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Selain itu juga digunakan teknik analisis induktif. Hasil penelitian terhadap kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing karya Triyanto Triwikromo dengan tinjauan semiotik adalah Pertama, berdasarkan analisis struktural, dalam kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing terdapat keterpaduan antarunsur (tema, alur, penokohan, dan latar) dalam membangun totalitas makna. Hal tersebut tercermin dari tema yang membicarakan tentang Hal tersebut tercermin dari tema yang membicarakan tentang kerusakan-kerusakan kehidupan sosial. Adapun alur yang digunakan pengarang dalam kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing meliputi alur maju dan alur campuran. Alur maju terdapat dalam cerpen “Ninabobo Televisi” dan cerpen “Sayap Anjing”. Alur campuran terdapat dalam cerpen “Masuklah ke Telingaku Ayah”, cerpen “Monumen”, dan cerpen “Mata Sunyi Perempuan Takroni”. Tokoh-tokoh yang dianalisis antara lain Anak-anak, Ibu Guru, Zubaedah, Zulaikha, Saya, Ustad Muharor, Morgan, Abilawa, Shela, Aku, Ayah dan guru Semar. Kedua belas tokoh tersebut dianalisis karena memiliki hubungan dengan analisis moral dalam cerita. Latar tempat dalam kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing adalah di perkampungan kumuh yang miskin, pelataran makam Al Baqi di Madinah, Makkah, Sydney (Australia), Rumah Pemotongan Hewan, kota kecil, dan pendapa rumah dinas wali kota. Adapun latar waktu yaitu waktu pagi, siang, sore, dan malam hari, waktu naik haji ke tanah suci Makkah, waktu dahulu ketika Abilawa muak dengan sapi hingga ia berusia tua dan masih menjadi penjagal sapi, dan waktu tiga tahun sebelum monumen berdiri hingga telah berdiri. Latar sosial meliputi kehidupan perkampungan yang miskin, ibadah haji di Makkah, makam Al Baqi yang selalu dipenuhi para peziarah dan terdapat adat/ tradisi yang tidak memperbolehkan masuk ke makam Al Baqi, para pedagang Takroni yang berjualan di sepanjang jalan Makkah, kehidupan penjagal sapi yang harus memotong sepuluh sapi dalam dua hari, dan budaya korupsi dalam birokrasi pemerintah antara penguasa dan pengusaha. Kedua, berdasarkan tinjauan semiotik, kumpulan cerpen Sayap Anjing karya Triyanto Triwikromo mengandung nilai moral meliputi (1) Perilaku kekerasan anak disebabkan kekurangperhatian orang tua terhadap anak dalam menonton tayangan kekerasan di televisi, (2) Perbuatan manusia yang melampaui batas adat/ tradisi akan mendapat kesengsaraan, (3) Kesabaran dalam menghadapi musibah, (4) Krisis kemanusiaan, (5) Tindakan manusia yang memaksakan kehendak akan menyebabkan penderitaan, dan (6) Krisis kepedulian sosial

    Gender Differences in Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Commitment to Independence

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    This study aims to empirically examine the impact of role conflict and role ambiguity on commitment to independence by using a gender perspective approach. This study used a survey method. The sample in this study was the local government internal auditor, namely the District/City Government Inspectorate auditor. The results of purposive sampling obtained the number of respondents as many as 124 local government internal auditors who came from 11 Regional Inspectorates in the provinces of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, South Sumatra and East Java. Based on the gender approach, results independent sample t-test indicates that male local government internal auditors report the level of role conflict higher than female local government internal auditors, however they report levels of role ambiguity and commitment to independence the same one. In addition, the results of the SEM-PLS analysis showed that role conflict not related to commitment to independence for male and female local government internal auditors. Role ambiguity negatively related to commitment to independence both for male local government internal auditors and female local government internal auditors


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    ABSTRACT Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) is a direct cash assistance provided to underprivileged students with Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) as a marker / identity to ensure and ensure that children get the assistance of the Smart Indonesia Program. In order to monitor the distribution of KIP and to ensure that KIP has been accepted and can be utilized by the students, the Ministry of Education and Culture shall validate and update KIP recipient data through the Dapodik Application. Dapodik is an online and real time, based application that can be accessed and operated directly by all school operators in data entry, data processing, updating of PIP data, education personnel, students, periodic, sanitation, study groups and data of infrastructure school. This study aimed to evaluate the level of acceptance of basic education data applications (dapodik) using the method of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study used 3 modified variables are Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) as independent variable while Acceptance of IT as dependent variable. This study used simple random sampling as a sampling technique, with the number of respondents as many as 66 people operators. For data analysis techniques, this study used multiple regression techniques with descriptive quantitative research types, as well as data processing tools using SPSS 16.00 for windows software. The results showed that the benefit factor (Perceived Ease of Use) of 43.5%, factor amenity (Perceived Usefulness) of 36.8%. This proves that the more dominant benefit factor influences receipt of Dapodik application usage as PIP data updating application.   Key Words: Aplication of Dapodik, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Usefulness, Acceptance of IT, Technology Accaptance Mo
