72 research outputs found

    Fouling and Rejection Behaviour of Ultrafiltration for Oil in Water Emulsion Separation

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    Oily waste water has been generated from food, automotive, metal processing industries as well as petroleum exploration and refinery. Polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane was investigated for treatment of oil in water emulsion. The emulsion models were made based on industrial oily wastewater characteristic in the oil refinery. Flux and rejection were evaluated in order study the fouling and rejection behaviour. Results showed that more than 90% of COD and 85% surfactant were rejected. The permeate flux decline was analyzed in order to study the membrane fouling. In addition, the Hermia model is adopted to investigate the fouling mechanism during ultrafiltration of oil in water emulsion. Analyze of blocking mechanism using Hermia’s model reveal that ultrafiltration of both diesel and mineral oil have good agreement with complete blocking mechanism


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motor educability (X1), Feedback (X2), dan percaya diri (X3) dengan keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot (Y). Penelitian ini dilakukan di  SMP 29 Jakarta, 14 s.d 16 Juni 2013, dengan menggunakan metode korelasional. Dengan sampel 35 siswa yang dipilih menggunakan teknik sampling total sampling. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, adanya  korelasi positif antara motor educability terhadap keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot. Persamaan regresi linier yaitu. Koefisien korelasi 0,805. Ini berarti kecenderungan motor educability terhadap keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot adalah 65%. Kedua, adanya korelasi positif antara feedback terhadap keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot. Persamaan regresi linier yaitu Koefisien korelasi 0,653. Ini berarti kecenderungan feedback terhadap keterampilan keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot adalah 43%. Ketiga, adanya korelasi positif antara percaya diri terhadap keterampilan keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot. Persamaan regresi linier yaitu . Koefisien korelasi 0,801. Ini berarti kecenderungan percaya diri terhadap keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot adalah 64%. Empat, adanya korelasi positif antara motor Educability, Feedback, dan percaya diri dengan keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot. Persamaan regresi linier yaitu . koefisien korelasi 0,78. Ini berarti kecenderungan motor Educability, Feedback, dan percaya diri bersama-sama terhadap keterampilan Dribbling Instep of The Foot adalah 61%. Kata Kunci: Motor Educability, Feedback, Percaya Diri, Dribbling Instep Of The Foo

    Application of Square and Oblong Pore Shapes in Rotating Membrane Emulsification to Produce Novel Particulate Products

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    Rotating membrane emulsification (RMR) has been intensively developed and applied for producing emulsion as well as particulate products such as microcapsules. Polyurea microcapsules were generally prepared by interfacial polycondensation polymerisation with addition of modifier to produce more stable microcapsules. In this research, development of the RMR was applied for producing polymer particles stabilised by nanoparticle without any addition of surfactant or modifier. Two types of membrane pores, the square (Type-A) with hydraulic diameter (Dh) of 84 mm and oblong pores with an aspect ratio of 0.33 (Type-B) having Dh of 69 mm was investigated. For the membranes designed in this research, pore shape A membrane could produce good uniformity in both polyurea microcapsule and polymer particle. In the polymer stabilised particle, this membrane type obtained a narrower size distribution than the usage for o/w emulsification. Reasonable uniform particles at high membrane rotation speed could also be achieved with the use of Type-A membrane. The uniformity confirmed that there was only minor breakup of products during operation at high membrane rotation. This attractive feature was significant in the production of fragile or shear-sensitive particulate products since the delicate structure of these products is possibly easy to destroy at high membrane rotation speed


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    Objective: This research aimed to develop pH-sensitive vitamin C encapsulation using a combination of biodegradable glucomannan and alginate as an excipient. Methods: Gelation of the excipient was developed by dropping the matrix into the CaCl2 solution to obtain beads. Various ratios of glucomannan-alginate (1:0, 1:1, 1:3, 3:1 and 0:1, g/g), vitamin C concentrations (1, 3 and 5% of total excipient) and excipient preparation methods (mixed glucomannan-alginate matrix, glucomannan beads coated with alginate and alginate beads coated with glucomannan) were selected as variables. Entrapment efficiency of encapsulation and the release of vitamin C were determined at pH 1.2 and 6.8 which represent the pH of the stomach and the small intestine liquid, respectively. Results: Encapsulation of 3% vitamin C using 1:1 (g/g) glucomannan-alginate showed the most efficient matrix. This ratio also had lower released of vitamin C in pH 1.2 compared to that in pH 6.8. Coating the glucomannan bead with alginate showed better ability in encapsulating vitamin C. Combination excipient, as well as the addition of the vitamin C, increased the peak absorbance of the functional groups. The surface morphology of the encapsulation bead depended on the preparation method. Conclusion: An equal ratio of glucomannan and alginate (1:1, g/g) which encapsulated 3% vitamin C showed the most efficient encapsulation as well as lower released vitamin C in pH 1.2 compared to that in pH 6.8. Higher efficiency was observed in encapsulating vitamin C using glucomannan which was coated with alginate


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    The diversity of gender, age, tenure, educational background and nationality are factors that companies must consider when selecting someone to serve on the company's board of directors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of board of directors diversity on firm value. This research was conducted on Property, Real Estate, and Building Construction sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2020. The sample of this study was selected using purposive sampling. This study obtained data from 56 companies with a total sample used in this study as many as 236 companies. Testing this hypothesis using multiple linear regression test with SPSS software version 24. The results showed that gender diversity, educational diversity and tenure diversity had an effect on firm value, while age diversity and nationality diversity had no effect on firm value.  Keberagaman jenis kelamin, usia, ras, latar belakang pendidikan dan kebangsaan merupakan faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan perusahaan ketika memilih seseorang yang menjabat sebagai dewan direksi perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh diversitas dewan direksi terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan sektor Property, Real Estate, dan Building Construction yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2016-2020. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini diperoleh data 56 perusahaan dengan total sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 236 perusahaan. Pengujian hipotesis ini menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda dengan software SPSS versi 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diversitas gender, diversitas pendidikan dan diversitas masa jabatan berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan sedangkan diversitas usia dan diversitas kebangsaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan

    Značajke i kontrolirano otpuštanje željeza inkapsuliranog geliranjem emulzije deacetiliranog glukomana kao pomoćne tvari

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    Research background. Deacetylation and the use of CaCl2 as a gelation agent improve the performance of glucomannan as iron encapsulant. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of deacetylation degree and pH of gelation on the characteristics of encapsulated iron using gelation in CaCl2 solution. Experimental approach. Glucomannan was deacetylated at various NaOH concentrations and was subsequently utilized as an iron excipient using the pipette-dropped gelation method in CaCl2 solution to directly investigate the process of encapsulation by gelation. The pH of the gelation solution was also changed. The beads were subsequently vacuum-dried. Results and conclusions. Deacetylation led to lower endothermic peak of the glucomannan than that of the native one. The deacetylation degree and pH of gelation did not significantly affect the diameter of the beads but influenced their appearance and physical characteristics. The backbone of glucomannan was not changed by either the deacetylation degree or the pH of the gelation. The highest encapsulation efficiency (73.27%) was observed in the encapsulated iron using the glucomannan matrix of the highest deacetylation degree (82.56%) and gelated in the solution at pH=10. The highest deacetylation degree of glucomannan caused the highest swelling of the beads, which led to the release of a higher amount of iron. Glucomannan deacetylation improves the iron encapsulation and enables higher iron release at pH=6.8 than at pH=1.2. The Weibull model was the best-fitting model to represent the profile of iron release from the deacetylated glucomannan matrix using the gelation method (R2>0.93) at pH=6.8 and pH=1.2. Novelty and scientific contribution. This result supports the application of deacetylated glucomannan using NaOH as a pH-sensitive matrix for iron encapsulation and CaCl2 solution as gelation agent. A higher deacetylation degree leads to the release of a higher amount of iron from the matrix. The encapsulation does not only protect the iron but also delivers it to the absorption site and controls its release, which is useful in supplement formulation or food fortification. The results show that the deacetylated glucomannan as the matrix holds more iron in encapsulation process.Pozadina istraživanja. Deacetilacija i dodatak kalcijevog klorida tijekom geliranja poboljšavaju učinkovitost glukomanana u inkapsulaciji željeza. U ovom je radu ispitan učinak različitih stupnjeva deacetilacije i pH-vrijednosti na značajke inkapsuliranog željeza dobivenog geliranjem u otopini kalcijevog klorida. Eksperimentalni pristup. Glukomanan je deacetiliran različitim koncentracijama NaOH te je korišten kao pomoćno sredstvo za dobivanje kapsula željeza pipetiranjem u otopini natrijeva klorida, kako bi se ispitao postupak inkapsulacije geliranjem. Pritom je došlo i do promjene pH-vrijednosti otopine za geliranje. Dobivene kapsule sušene su u vakuumu. Rezultati i zaključci. Deacetilacijom je dobiven niži endotermni pik glukomanana nego s neobrađenim glukomananom. Stupanj deacetilacije i pH-vrijednost nisu bitno utjecali na promjer kapsula, no utjecali su na njihov izgled i fizikalna svojstva. Struktura glukomanana se pritom nije promijenila. Najveća učinkovitost geliranja (73,27 %) postignuta je inkapsuliranjem željeza u glukomananu s najvećim stupnjem deacetilacije (82,56 %), geliranim pri pH=10. Kapsule dobivene s glukomananom najvećeg stupnja deacetilacije najviše su bubrile, što je dovelo do oslobađanja veće količine željeza. Deacetilacijom glukomanana poboljšala se inkapsulacija željeza i omogućilo njegovo bolje oslobađanje pri pH-vrijednosti 6,8 nego pri pH=1,2. Weibullov model najbolje je opisao postupak oslobađanja željeza iz kapsula dobivenih geliranjem deacetiliranog glukomanana (R2>0,93) pri pH-vrijednostima od 6,8 i 1,2. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Dobiveni rezultati podupiru primjenu deacetiliranog glukomanana i NaOH kao osnova za dobivanje željeza u kapsulama osjetljivim na promjene pH-vrijednosti, te otopine kalcijevog klorida kao sredstva za provedbu geliranja. Veća količina željeza oslobodila se iz kapsula glukomanana s većim stupnjem deacetilacije. Osim što ima funkciju zaštite, inkapsulacija pomaže prijenosu željeza do mjesta apsorpcije te kontrolira njegovo otpuštanje, što je korisno svojstvo za izradu suplemenata ili obogaćivanje hrane. Rezultati pokazuju da matriks od deacetiliranog glukomanana zadržava više željeza tijekom inkapsulacije

    Kinetic Study of Saponin Extraction from Sapindus rarak DC by Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Methods

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    Saponin is an important plant-derived compound that is commonly found in sapindaceae plants, such as Sapindus rarak DC. Saponin is extensively used in plenty of industries as a detergent or emulsifying agent in cleansers, shampoos, and cosmetics. The extraction of saponin was previously studied and shows that the extraction assisted by ultrasonic waves was found to be an effective method. However, the previous studies have rarely examined the extraction kinetic study of the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). In the present study, the extraction of saponin from Sapindus rarak DC and its extraction kinetics is conducted. The results show that the highest saponin yield of 354.92 (mg of saponin per gram of dry feed) was obtained from the extraction using a solid-to-liquid (S/L) ratio of 1:50 (w/v) at 50 °C. The amount of extracted saponin increased with the increase of extraction temperature as well as the solute ratio in the solution. However, increasing the temperature to 60 °C decreased the saponin yield. The results of a simple kinetics study of saponin extraction also show that the second-order kinetics model can better describe the UAE process, with an R2 value of 0.929 and a rate coefficient of 0.00495 L.g-1.min-1. The experimental results agree well with the practical calculations obtained using the second-order kinetics model based on an average error of 6.79%. Copyright © 2019 BCREC Group. All rights reserve

    Analisis kesalahan berbahasa tataran sintaksis pada artikel Inovasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Pendekatan Proses

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    This study aims to explain the form of language error in rhetorical journal entitled "Innovation of Indonesian Language Learning through Process Approach" in syntax level, as well as describe the cause of the error. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using techniques in the form of observation of the writings of an article from the journal Rhetoric. Data in the study is divided into two scopes, namely literature research and field research Analysis techniques used include, collecting data in the form of errors in terms of syntax, identifying errors, explaining errors, and evaluating errors. The results of this study are descriptions of the form of language errors include: (1) the unity of ideas, (2) word frugality, (3) logic, and (4) word carefulness