72 research outputs found

    Avaliação da atividade antibacteriana da própolis iraniana sobre as cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus

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    Propolis has been found to possess antibacterial activity and this has been attributed to specific chemicals in its composition, which depends on the region where it was collected. Our study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of propolis collected from Ardabil province located at northwest of Iran against S.aureus and P.aeroginosa.Twenty propolis (Apis mellifera) samples were obtained from the beehives situated in different regions of Ardabil province, located at the northwest of Iran. The disc diffusion method was employed to test the antibacterial activity of extracts of propolis (EEP, CEP and AEP). S.aureus (PTCC 1431) and P.aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) were used in this investigation to test antimicrobial activity of propolis.The extraction of propolis, regardless of how it is extracted, had the significantly higher inhibitory effect on the Gram-positive bacteria S.aureus compared to P.aeruginosa (p<0.001). Both MIC and MBC of EEP, AEP, and CEP on S.aureus determined 0.164 mg/ml and there was no statistically significant difference. On the other hand, for P.aeruginosa, the amount of MBC and MIC for the EEP, AEP, and CEP determined as 0.022 mg/ml, 0.082 mg/ml, and 0.041 mg/ml, respectively. In conclude, in accordance with literature data the appropriate concentration of propolis might be effective on Gram-positive infectious bact eria but it was inactive against the Gram-negative bacteria. In vivo evaluations are required to find out concise antimicrobial mechanism of propolis and its appropriate dose. In addition, there is need for recognition of the antimicrobial active components in the propolis extracts.Se ha encontrado que el propóleo posee actividad antibacteriana y esto se ha atribuido a productos químicos específicos en su composición, que depende de la región en la que se haya recolectado. Nuestro estudio evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana del propóleos recolectados en la provincia de Ardabil, ubicada al noroeste de Irán, contra S. aureus y P. aeroginosa.Se obtuvieron 20 muestras de propóleos (Apis mellifera) de las colmenas situadas en diferentes regiones de la provincia de Ardabil, ubicadas al noroeste de Irán. El método de difusión de disco se empleó para probar la actividad antibacteriana de extractos de propóleo (EEP, CEP y AEP). Se usaron S. aureus (PTCC 1431) y P.aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) en esta investigación para evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana del propóleos.La extracción de propóleos, independientemente de cómo se extraiga, tuvo un efecto inhibidor significativamente mayor en las bacterias Gram positivas S. aureus en comparación con P. aeruginosa (p <0,001). Tanto la CIM como la MBC de EEP, AEP y CEP sobre S. aureus determinaron 0,164 mg / ml y no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Por otro lado, para P.aeruginosa, la cantidad de MBC y MIC para EEP, AEP y CEP se determinó como 0.022 mg / ml, 0.082 mg / ml y 0.041 mg / ml, respectivamente.En conclusión, de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura, la concentración apropiada de propóleos podría ser efectiva en las bacterias infecciosas Gram-positivas, pero fue inactiva contra las bacterias Gram-negativas. Se requieren evaluaciones in vivo para descubrir el mecanismo antimicrobiano conciso del propóleos y su dosis apropiada. Además, existe la necesidad de reconocimiento de los componentes activos antimicrobianos en los extractos de propóleos.Constatou-se que a própolis possui atividade antibacteriana e isso tem sido atribuído a produtos químicos específicos em sua composição, que depende da região em que foi coletada. Nosso estudo avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana da própolis coletada na província de Ardabil, localizada no noroeste do Irã, contra S. aureus e P. aeroginosa.20 amostras de própolis (Apis mellifera) foram obtidas de colmeias localizadas em diferentes regiões da província de Ardabil, localizada no noroeste do Irã. O método de difusão em disco foi utilizado para testar a atividade antibacteriana dos extratos de própolis (EEP, CEP e AEP). S. aureus (PTCC 1431) e P. aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) foram utilizados nesta investigação para avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana da própolis.A extração de própolis, independentemente da forma como foi extraída, teve um efeito inibitório significativamente maior nas bactérias Gram positivas S. aureus em comparação com P. aeruginosa (p <0,001). Tanto o CIM como o MBC do EEP, AEP e CEP em S. aureus determinaram 0,164 mg / ml e não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Além disso, P. aeruginosa, a quantidade de CBM e CIM para EEP, AEP e CEP foi determinada como 0,022 mg / ml, 0,082 mg / ml e 0,041 mg / ml, respectivamente.Em conclusão, de acordo com dados da literatura, a concentração adequada de própolis pode ser eficaz em bactérias infecciosas Gram-positivas, mas foi inativa contra bactérias Gram-negativas. Avaliações in vivo são necessárias para descobrir o mecanismo antimicrobiano conciso da própolis e sua dose adequada. Além disso, há uma necessidade de reconhecimento dos componentes ativos antimicrobianos nos extratos de própolis

    Avaliação da atividade antibacteriana da própolis irani nas pseudomonas aeruginosa e staphylococcus aureus scp

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    Propolis has been found to possess antibacterial activity and this has been attributed to specific chemicals in its composition, which depends on the region where it was collected. Our study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of propolis collected from Ardabil province located at northwest of Iran against S.aureus and P.aeroginosa.Twenty propolis (Apis mellifera) samples were obtained from the beehives situated in different regions of Ardabil province, located at the northwest of Iran. The disc diffusion method was employed to test the antibacterial activity of extracts of propolis (EEP, CEP and AEP). S.aureus (PTCC 1431) and P.aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) were used in this investigation to test antimicrobial activity of propolis.The extraction of propolis, regardless of how it is extracted, had the significantly higher inhibitory effect on the Gram-positive bacteria S.aureus compared to P.aeruginosa (p<0.001). Both MIC and MBC of EEP, AEP, and CEP on S.aureus determined 0.164 mg/ml and there was no statistically significant difference. On the other hand, for P.aeruginosa, the amount of MBC and MIC for the EEP, AEP, and CEP determined as 0.022 mg/ml, 0.082 mg/ml, and 0.041 mg/ml, respectively. In conclude, in accordance with literature data the appropriate concentration of propolis might be effective on Gram-positive infectious bacteria but it was inactive against the Gram-negative bacteria. In vivo evaluations are required to find out concise antimicrobial mechanism of propolis and its appropriate dose. In addition, there is need for recognition of the antimicrobial active components in the propolis extracts.Se ha encontrado que el propóleo posee actividad antibacteriana y esto se ha atribuido a productos químicos específicos en su composición, que depende de la región en la que se haya recolectado. Nuestro estudio evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana del propóleos recolectados en la provincia de Ardabil, ubicada al noroeste de Irán, contra S. aureus y P. aeroginosa.Se obtuvieron 20 muestras de propóleos (Apis mellifera) de las colmenas situadas en diferentes regiones de la provincia de Ardabil, ubicadas al noroeste de Irán. El método de difusión de disco se empleó para probar la actividad antibacteriana de extractos de propóleo (EEP, CEP y AEP). Se usaron S. aureus (PTCC 1431) y P.aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) fueron usados en esta investigación para evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana del propóleos.La extracción de propóleos, independientemente de cómo se extraiga, tuvo un efecto inhibidor significativamente mayor en las bacterias Gram positivas S. aureus en comparación con P. aeruginosa (p <0,001). Tanto la CIM como la MBC de EEP, AEP y CEP sobre S. aureus determinaron 0,164 mg / ml y no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Por otro parte, para P.aeruginosa, la cantidad de MBC y MIC para EEP, AEP y CEP se determinó como 0.022 mg / ml, 0.082 mg / ml y 0.041 mg / ml, respectivamente.En conclusión, de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura, la concentración apropiada de propóleos podría ser efectiva en las bacterias infecciosas Gram-positivas, pero fue inactiva contra las bacterias Gram-negativas. Se requieren evaluaciones in vivo para descubrir el mecanismo antimicrobiano conciso del propóleos y su dosis apropiada. Adicionalmente, existe la necesidad de reconocimiento de los componentes activos antimicrobianos en los extractos de propóleos.Constatou-se que a própolis possui atividade antibacteriana e isso tem sido atribuído a produtos químicos específicos em sua composição, que depende da região em que foi coletada. Nosso estudo avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana da própolis coletada na província de Ardabil, localizada no noroeste do Irã, contra S. aureus e P. aeroginosa.20 amostras de própolis (Apis mellifera) foram obtidas de colmeias localizadas em diferentes regiões da província de Ardabil, localizada no noroeste do Irã. O método de difusão em disco foi utilizado para testar a atividade antibacteriana dos extratos de própolis (EEP, CEP e AEP). S. aureus (PTCC 1431) e P. aeruginosa (PTCC 1707) foram utilizados nesta investigação para avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana da própolis.A extração de própolis, independentemente da forma como foi extraída, teve um efeito inibitório significativamente maior nas bactérias Gram positivas S. aureus em comparação com P. aeruginosa (p <0,001). Tanto o CIM como o MBC do EEP, AEP e CEP em S. aureus determinaram 0,164 mg / ml e não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Além disso, P. aeruginosa, a quantidade de CBM e CIM para EEP, AEP e CEP foi determinada como 0,022 mg / ml, 0,082 mg / ml e 0,041 mg / ml, respectivamente.Em conclusão, de acordo com dados da literatura, a concentração adequada de própolis pode ser eficaz em bactérias infecciosas Gram-positivas, mas foi inativa contra bactérias Gram-negativas. Avaliações in vivo são necessárias para descobrir o mecanismo antimicrobiano conciso da própolis e sua dose adequada. Além disso, há uma necessidade de reconhecimento dos componentes ativos antimicrobianos nos extratos de própolis

    Evaluating dose-response of cataract induction in radiotherapy of head and neck cancers patients

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    Background: Head and neck cancers are currently the most common types of cancers. 3D-conformal radiation therapy is the most common dose delivery technique for head and neck cancers. Eye Lens is a radio sensitive structure and cataract formation as a visual disorder associated with exposure to ionizing radiation which is documented. Objective: Determining the radiation dose to eye lens during head and neck radiography and estimating the probability of cataract induction are essential. Material and Methods: This experimental study was performed on 14 patients with head and neck cancers through experimental study analysis. The maximum opacity of the eyes lens were measured by pentacam� before radiation therapy. CT data of patients were transmitted to Isogray treatment planning Software, and dose calculations for each patient was performed. At the end of radiation treatment, 3 and 6 months after radiotherapy, the eye lens opacity of the patients was assessed. Results: Overall, 28 lenses were studied. Statistical one sample K-S test proved normality of obtained data. Using repeated measures test, the relation before and 3 months after radiotherapy, as well as the relationship before and 6 months after radiotherapy proved a significant relationship. Conclusion: The opacity caused by radiation in eyes is a non-statistical and linear-quadratic response curve with no threshold. This opacity can also appear within 3 months after completion of radiation therapy. © 2021, Shriaz University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Assessment of human and physical resources in health houses and health-care centers providing emergency services: a study in Golestan province

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    Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provide emergency services in Golestan province. Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provideemergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stagesof this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers. Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016 Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, Emergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stages of this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers.Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, EmergencyFor downloading the full text please click here

    ارزیابی وضعیت منابع انسانی و فیزیکی خانه های بهداشت و مراکز بهداشتی درمانی در جهت ارائه خدمات اورژانسی: مطالعه ای در استان گلستان

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    Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provide emergency services in Golestan province. Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provideemergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stagesof this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers. Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016 Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, Emergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stages of this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers.زمینه و هدف: مدیریت و ارزیابی فعالیتهای اورژانس و ارائه خدمات مطلوب به بیماران، تنها با داشتن اطلاعات صحیح از وضعیت موجود از قبیل فضا، تجهیزات و نیروی انسانی در مراکز اورژانس امکان پذیر است. هدف از انجام این مطالعه تعیین وضعیت منابع انسانی و فیزیکی خانههای بهداشت و مراکز بهداشتی درمانی در جهت ارائه خدمات اورژانسی بود. مواد و روشها: این مطالعه به صورت توصیفی و از نوع مقطعی انجام شد. جامعه پژوهش را مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهری، روستایی و خانههای بهداشت استان تشکیل میداد. ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات، چک لیست و روش نمونه گیری، چند مرحلهای بود. روش جمع آوری دادهها مشاهده و مصاحبه بود. تمام مراحل این طرح با رعایت موازین اخلاقی و پژوهشی انجام شد. جهت تحلیل دادهها از آمار توصیفی با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری SPSS.16 استفاده شد. یافته ها: بر اساس نتایج مطالعه، 17/9% خانههای بهداشت بهورز مرد و 2/4% بهورز زن نداشتند. همچنین 38/9% مراکز پرستار، 94/4% بهیار مرد و 97/2% بهیار زن نداشتند. اکثر خانه های بهداشت از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات و داروهای مورد نیاز اورژانس در سطح خوب قرار گرفتند. اکثر مراکز از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات اتاق تزریقات در سطح متوسط، از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات اتاق پانسمان در سطح خیلی ضعیف و از نظر وضعیت داروهای مورد نیاز، در سطح ضعیف قرار گرفتند. 74/33% مراکز اتاق پانسمان و 85/3% آمبولانس نداشتند. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به سطح ضعیف نیروی انسانی، تجهیزات و فضای فیزیکی مراکز بهداشتی درمانی، لازم است تدابیر مناسبی به منظور بهبود وضعیت موجود این مراکز اندیشیده شود.      &nbsp

    Tension stimulation drives tissue formation in scaffold-free systems

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    Scaffold-free systems have emerged as viable approaches for engineering load-bearing tissues. However, the tensile properties of engineered tissues have remained far below the values for native tissue. Here, by using self-assembled articular cartilage as a model to examine the effects of intermittent and continuous tension stimulation on tissue formation, we show that the application of tension alone, or in combination with matrix remodelling and synthesis agents, leads to neocartilage with tensile properties approaching those of native tissue. Implantation of tension-stimulated tissues results in neotissues that are morphologically reminiscent of native cartilage. We also show that tension stimulation can be translated to a human cell source to generate anisotropic human neocartilage with enhanced tensile properties. Tension stimulation, which results in nearly sixfold improvements in tensile properties over unstimulated controls, may allow the engineering of mechanically robust biological replacements of native tissue

    Mechanical properties of human amniotic fluid stem cells using nanoindentation

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    The aim of this study was to obtain nanomechanical properties of living cells focusing on human amniotic fluid stem (hAFS) cell using nanoindentation techniques. We modified the conventional method of atomic force microscopy (AFM) in aqueous environment for cell imaging and indentation to avoid inherent difficulties. Moreover, we determined the elastic modulus of murine osteoblast (OB6) cells and hAFS cells at the nucleus and cytoskeleton using force–displacement curves and Hertz theory. Since OB6 cell line has been widely used, it was selected to validate and compare the obtained results with the previous research studies. As a result, we were able to capture high resolution images through utilization of the tapping mode without adding protein or using fixation methods. The maximum depth of indentation was kept below 15% of the cell thickness to minimize the effect of substrate hardness. Nanostructural details on the surface of cells were visualized by AFM and fluorescence microscopy. The cytoskeletal fibers presented remarkable increase in elastic modulus as compared with the nucleus. Furthermore, our results showed that the elastic modulus of hAFS cell edge (31.6 kPa) was lower than that of OB6 cell edge (42.2 kPa). In addition, the elastic modulus of nucleus was 13.9 kPa for hAFS cell and 26.9 kPa for OB6 cells. Differences in cell elastic modulus possibly resulted from the type and number of actin cytoskeleton organization in these two cell types