107 research outputs found

    Diversidad de licopodios y helechos del bosque tropical subcaducifolio del estado de Hidalgo, México

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    Background and Aims: Floristic studies of ferns and lycopods in the tropical forests of Mexico are scarce. The objectives of the present study were to know the richness of both groups in the tropical subdeciduous forest (BTS) of the state of Hidalgo, and compare their composition and richness at the species level with that of other regions of the country with the same type of vegetation.Methods: Collection of plant specimens was carried out in 26 localities of six municipalities with BTS of Hidalgo state. The taxonomic determination was realized up to species level. The taxonomic similarity between municipalities was estimated with cluster analysis (Sørensen and UPGMA index), and species richness among regions with an index of taxonomic diversity.Key results: In the BTS of Hidalgo, 12 families, 32 genera, 66 species and a fern hybrid were identified, as well as one family, one genera, and six species of lycopods. The families with the largest number of genera were Pteridaceae (9) and Polypodiaceae (6). The genera with the highest species richness were Anemia and Selaginella, with six species each. The widely distributed species were Adiantum tenerum and Tectaria heracleifolia (constancy of 85%). Six species were registered for the first time in the state. The floristic similarity between municipalities was high, except Huehuetla, located in the southern end of the study area. The BTS of Hidalgo occupies the third place in species per unit area (6.58/ha), within the tropical forests of the country.Conclusions: The species richness of the BTS of Hidalgo is high with respect to other regions with the same type of vegetation in Mexico, which is relevant to implement management and conservation plans, considering the high degree of deterioration of this ecosystem by human activities.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los estudios florísticos enfocados en helechos y licopodios en los bosques tropicales de México son escasos. Los objetivos de la presente investigación fueron conocer la riqueza de ambos grupos en el bosque tropical subcaducifolio (BTS) del estado de Hidalgo y comparar su composición y riqueza a nivel de especie con la de otras regiones del país con el mismo tipo de vegetación.Métodos: La recolección de ejemplares se realizó en 26 localidades de seis municipios con BTS en la Huasteca Hidalguense. La determinación taxonómica fue hasta nivel de especie. La semejanza taxonómica entre municipios se estimó con análisis de agrupamiento (índice de Sørensen y UPGMA), y la riqueza de especies entre regiones con un índice de diversidad taxonómica.Resultados clave: En el BTS de Hidalgo se identificaron 12 familias, 32 géneros, 66 especies y un híbrido de helechos, así como una familia, un género y seis especies de licopodios. Las familias con mayor número de géneros fueron Pteridaceae (9) y Polypodiaceae (6). Los géneros con mayor riqueza de especies fueron Anemia y Selaginella, con seis especies cada uno. Las especies de amplia distribución fueron Adiantum tenerum y Tectaria heracleifolia (constancia de 85%). Se registraron seis especies por primera vez en la entidad. La semejanza florística entre municipios fue alta, excepto Huehuetla, situado en el extremo sur del área de estudio. El BTS de Hidalgo ocupa el tercer lugar en riqueza de especies por unidad de area (6.58/ha), dentro de los bosques tropicales del país.Conclusiones: La riqueza de especies del BTS de Hidalgo es alta con respecto a la de otras regiones con el mismo tipo de vegetación en México, relevante para implementar planes de manejo y conservación, considerando el elevado grado de deterioro de este ecosistema por las actividades humanas

    Mathematical model for an energy mixed system as technological alternative in the electric power supply in not interconnected areas

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    This article final product is a mathematical model from an Energy Mixed System (EMS) using Biogas – Electrical Energy (B-EE) from residual biomass from porcine garbage is developed through a Case Study conducted in San Antonio del Tequendama, Cundinamarca, Colombia. This research reports the relations among carbon – nitrogen (C; N), temperature and PH levels in regards to the total or partial capacity of charging in an organic way; and the relations between the nominal potency and the consumption of residential electric power regarding the generator as variables for the ideal operation of the biodigester. The study standardizes a 2.84 “Chorizo” biodigester for six (6) hogs with a charge of 1:30 relation C: N, a temperature between 18 and 24 °C; implementing a 6.8 and 7.2 intermission of PH. In order to give a potency of 2 KW to a generator that works with this biogas, for a consumption of 0. 55 m^3 h, to be able to guarantee 2kwh in a farm sustainable and auto sufficient.This article final product is a mathematical model from an Energy Mixed System (EMS) using Biogas – Electrical Energy (B-EE) from residual biomass from porcine garbage is developed through a Case Study conducted in San Antonio del Tequendama, Cundinamarca, Colombia. This research reports the relations among carbon – nitrogen (C; N), temperature and PH levels in regards to the total or partial capacity of charging in an organic way; and the relations between the nominal potency and the consumption of residential electric power regarding the generator as variables for the ideal operation of the biodigester. The study standardizes a 2.84 “Chorizo” biodigester for six (6) hogs with a charge of 1:30 relation C: N, a temperature between 18 and 24 °C; implementing a 6.8 and 7.2 intermission of PH. In order to give a potency of 2 KW to a generator that works with this biogas, for a consumption of 0. 55 m^3 h, to be able to guarantee 2kwh in a farm sustainable and auto sufficient

    Modelo matemático para un sistema mixto energético como alternativa tecnológica en el suministro de energía eléctrica en zonas no interconectadas

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    O produto final deste artigo é um modelo matemático de um Sistema Misto Energético (SME) com Biogás-Energia Elétrica (B-EE) que utiliza biomassa residual a partir de dejetos de suínos, com o qual é possível estimar a quantidade de biomassa orgânica necessária (ou o número de animais necessários para a sua produção) para fornecer uma fazenda por um certo número de horas do dia, conhecendo as cargas a serem conectadas ao gerador e tendo em conta os parâmetros necessários para que o biodigestor possa realizar o processo de fermentação e entregar o biogás necessário para o gerador fornecer energia em condições normais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em San Antonio del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colômbia), um município rural, com alto grau de produção de suínos e sem eletricidade. Foi padronizado um pequeno biodigestor de 2,84 m3, tipo chouriço, com carga de seis porcinos, relação C: N 1:30, temperatura entre 18-24 ° C; PH na faixa de 6.8-7.2, para o fornecimento de 2 KW de potência, com um gerador que funciona com este biogás, para um consumo de 0,55 m3 / h.El producto final de este artículo es un modelo matemático de un Sistema Mixto Energético [SME] con Biogás-Energía Eléctrica (B-EE) que utiliza biomasa residual de los desechos de porcinos, con el que se puede estimar la cantidad de biomasa orgánica necesaria (o el número de animales requerido para producirla) para abastecer una finca durante un determinado número de horas del día, conociendo las cargas que se van a conectar al generador y teniendo en cuenta los parámetros necesarios para que el biodigestor pueda realizar su proceso de fermentación y entregar el biogás necesario para que el generador suministre energía en condiciones normales. El trabajo se desarrolló en San Antonio del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia), un municipio rural, con alto grado de explotación porcina, y sin suministro de energía eléctrica. Se estandarizó un biodigestor pequeño de 2.84 m3, tipo chorizo, con carga de seis porcinos, relación C:N 1:30, temperatura entre 18-24 °C; en intervalo PH de 6.8-7.2, para el suministro de 2 KW de potencia, con un generador que funciona con este biogás, para un consumo de 0.55 m3⁄h.The final product of this article is a mathematical model of a Mixed Energy System (MES) with Biogas-Electrical Energy (B-EE) that uses residual biomass of the pig waste, with which it is possible to estimate the amount of organic biomass necessary (or the number of animals required to produce it) to supply a farm for a certain number of hours a day, knowing the loads to be connected to the generator and taking into account the parameters necessary for the biodigester to perform its fermentation process and deliver the necessary biogas for the generator to supply power under normal conditions. The work was carried out in San Antonio del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia), a rural municipality, with a high degree of pork exploitation, and without supply of electrical energy. A small biodigester of 2.84 m3 was standardized, chorizo type, with a load of six pigs, C:N ratio of 1:30, temperature between 18-24 °C; a pH range of 6.8-7.2, for the supply of 2 kW of power, with a generator that runs with this biogas, for a consumption of 0.55 m3⁄h

    Smartphones and Apps to Control Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Level in Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine-metabolic disease, the evolution of which is closely related to people’s self-control of glycemic levels through nutrition, exercise, and medicines. Aim: To determine whether smartphone apps can help persons with diabetes to improve their % levels of glycosylated hemoglobin. Method: A systematic review and meta-analysis were done. ProQuest, Pubmed/Medline, and Scopus databases were used. The search equation used was “(Prevention and Control) AND Diabetes Mellitus AND Smartphones”. The inclusion criteria applied were clinical trials, conducted in 2014–2019. Results: n = 18 studies were included in the review. The studies tried different applications to monitor glycemia and support patients to improve glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. More than half of the studies found statistically significant differences in HbA1c in the intervention group compared with the control group. Eleven studies were included in the meta-analysis and the study sample was n = 545 for the experimental group and n = 454 for the control group. The meta-analytic estimation of the HbA1c % level means differences between intervention and control group was statistically significant in favour of the intervention group with a mean difference of –0.37 (–0.58, –0.15. 95% confidence interval). Conclusion: Smartphone apps can help people with diabetes to improve their level of HbA1c, but the clinical impact is low

    Ventilatory threshold concordance between ergoespirometry and heart rate variability in female professional cyclists

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    The ventilatory threshold (VT) is the point at which ventilation intensifies disproportionately concerning to the oxygen uptake, this parameter is essential within the training methodology to optimize performance; the purpose of this work is to measure the degree of agreement between the determination of the ventilatory threshold determined by for oxygen uptake and four methods by Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Methodology: Twelve professional female cyclists between 18 and 28 years of age were evaluated through a maximal incremental test on a cycle ergometer; gas exchange was measure with a portable telemetric device (Cosmed K4b2®) and simultaneously the HRV was registered by R-R recording trough a Polar RS800CX® (Polar, Finland) heart rate monitor. Statistics: The degree of precision and accuracy established between the variables mentioned and normality test Shapiro-Wilk. Results: rho = 1.00 with p-value < .05, and Lin correlation and concordance coefficients of .99 with r = 0.98 for ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2), constituting a level of precision and accuracy almost perfect; by contrast, ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) did not show significant precision and accuracy. This study suggests that VT2 can be identified from The time series. RR using the analysis of frequency and temporal domains likewise allows. Us to have a reference measure for future research in other sports.The project was funded through the internal of the Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte

    CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup: Altitude impact on goals and results in 16 years of soccer matches

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    Background: The CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup, is the continent’s most important international club tournament. Teams are exposed to different altitudes with short acclimatization periods. The present study describe the effect of altitude on the results and goals of soccer club teams matches between 2000 and 2015 in the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup. Materials & Methods: All home and visiting matches from the group phase onwards and which have been played at the traditional team venue were taken into account, thus, 2039 games were analysed. The teams were classified into altitude categories according to the physiological impact and registered hometown altitude. Poisson´s generalized linear model was used to study the relationship between the altitude of both home and visiting teams and the number of goals scored for each team according to the altitude category. The probabilities that the home team winning, drawing, or losing the match were estimated using a regression model for ordinal variables and assuming a multinomial probability distribution with the logistic linkage. Factors as heat, temperature and general performance of the teams were not considered. Results: Local team scores more (2.62 goals) when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, followed by a descent of two altitude categories (2.01 goals) and an ascent of three altitude categories (1.89 goals). This is associated with an increase probability of winning for the local team, being 5.5 times more likely when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, 2.3 times more when it descends two categories, and 2.5 times more when it ascends three altitude categories. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the visiting team is more likely to lose a match when it has to descend two or three altitude categories and when it ascends three altitude categories

    Description of injuries and associated factors of Colombians athletes with physical and sensory - visual disabilities

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    Purpose: Describe injuries and factors that affect athletes with physical, and sensory-visual disabilities of the Bogotá team. Methods: 165 data from medical records of athletes with disabilities of Paralympic movement members of Bogotá team in the period between 2013 - 2015 (men 81%, women 18%, age 32.3±12.04) were chosen for this study. Results: The prevalence of injuries found in the Bogotá selection was 60% with a proportional incidence of 2.09 injuries / athlete. The most common lesion location was the upper extremities (46%). The most injured anatomical structure was muscle (31%). Athletics are the sport with higher prevalence of injuries. Of the 345 injuries, 90% were presented in the training of the athletes, with the gradual onset of the lesion being greater (56.5%). Main cause of the injuries are due to overuse mechanism (68.4%). Conclusions: Investigations like these, are the basis for very specific prevention programs for Paralympic athletes

    Autonomic modulation and association with the performance in a jump test in university Colombian players of rugby seven

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    It has been observed that training influences modulation of autonomic activity and it can be represented in Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Evaluation of HRV can be useful to obtain information about the internal load to which an individual is being subjected, in order to adjust training loads, either with the aim of increasing sports performance or to prescribe an adequate load to improve specific qualities for the sport. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of autonomic modulation and its association with performance in a jump test, in university players of Rugby Seven. 11 men who belonged to the university team (age 23.63 ± 2.15 years; weight 84.43 ± 10.44 kg; height 1.80 ± 0.04 m), national champion of Colombia in the year 2016 of Rugby Seven, were volunteers for the research. Abalakov jump, CMJ, SJ and DJ were evaluated. We evaluated the behaviour of the autonomic modulation, in controlled resting situation, controlled ventilation, orthostatism, exercise and recovery. Main result of this study was evidence that sympathetic modulation can be reflected in the development of force to execute a jump; because association found between the low frequency component of heart rate variability (2238.364 ± 1381.531 ms2/Hz) and performance in DJ (22.3 ± 3.66 cm) (r=0.65, p=0.029)

    Concordance between the indirect V̇O2max value estimated through the distance in Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 and the direct measurement during a treadmill protocol test in elite youth soccer players

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    The main aim of this study was to evaluate the concordance between the indirect V̇O2max value estimated by the distance achieved in the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIR1) and the direct measurement during a treadmill protocol test (TP) in elite youth soccer players. Methods: Fourteen elite under 20 year’s old soccer players from a first division soccer club were evaluated. Test were performed one week apart. In both tests V̇O2, was measured with an ambulatory gas exchange measurement. YYIR1 estimated V̇O2max was calculated using the equation described by Bangsbo et al. (2008) and in TP was calculated using American College of Sport Medicine equation. Results: Lin´s concordance correlation coefficient between direct V̇O2max in TP and estimated V̇O2max in YYIR1=0.271 (poor concordance). Conclusions: The poor concordance between direct and indirect V̇O2max measurements in TP and YYIR1, indicated that in an elite population both test, are not good indirect predictors of V̇O2max, reached in those tests using current predictive equations. The YYIR1 is well established as a performance-relevant test in elite players, but our data suggests that due to its poor concordance with imprecise estimation of V̇O2max, which should be measured directly if this variable is of specific interest

    Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 2: Cardiorespiratory response and performance in professional soccer players, comparison between under 20 and over 20 years old players

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the older players (O20) and the younger ones (U20) of the Colombian Professional National League 2015 champion team in cardiopulmonary responses and performance, using the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level 2 (YYIR2). Methods: Nine O20 and nineteen U20 were voluntarily evaluated. All subjects were monitored for heart rate, and a continuous breath-to-breath recording was carried out while they performed the YYIR2. The Student T test and the Pearson correlation were used for the statistical analysis. Results: A significant difference in distance covered and speed in the ventilatory threshold between U20 players (280 ± 85,3 m) (16,6 ± 0,3 km.h-1) and O20 players (373 ± 113,1 m) (17 ± 0,3 km.h-1) was observed. Only in the U20 group, a significant correlation between the variables oxygen uptake in the ventilatory threshold (V̇O2atVT) and performance in the test (Dmax), V̇O2 at VT and maximum speed (Smax), peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak) and Smax and V̇O2peak and Dmax was observed. Conclusion: The only variables that differentiated the performance in the population was the analysis of the distance and the speed at the time of the ventilatory threshold