183 research outputs found

    The Subventricular Zone En-face: Wholemount Staining and Ependymal Flow

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    The walls of the lateral ventricles contain the largest germinal region in the adult mammalian brain. The subventricular zone (SVZ) in these walls is an extensively studied model system for understanding the behavior of neural stem cells and the regulation of adult neurogenesis. Traditionally, these studies have relied on classical sectioning techniques for histological analysis. Here we present an alternative approach, the wholemount technique, which provides a comprehensive, en-face view of this germinal region. Compared to sections, wholemounts preserve the complete cytoarchitecture and cellular relationships within the SVZ. This approach has recently revealed that the adult neural stem cells, or type B1 cells, are part of a mixed neuroepithelium with differentiated ependymal cells lining the lateral ventricles. In addition, this approach has been used to study the planar polarization of ependymal cells and the cerebrospinal fluid flow they generate in the ventricle. With recent evidence that adult neural stem cells are a heterogeneous population that is regionally specified, the wholemount approach will likely be an essential tool for understanding the organization and parcellation of this stem cell niche

    Becoming a new neuron in the adult olfactory bulb

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    New neurons are continually recruited throughout adulthood in certain regions of the adult mammalian brain. How these cells mature and integrate into preexisting functional circuits remains unknown. Here we describe the physiological properties of newborn olfactory bulb interneurons at five different stages of their maturation in adult mice. Patch-clamp recordings were obtained from tangentially and radially migrating young neurons and from neurons in three subsequent maturation stages. Tangentially migrating neurons expressed extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and then AMPA receptors, before NMDA receptors appeared in radially migrating neurons. Spontaneous synaptic activity emerged soon after migration was complete, and spiking activity was the last characteristic to be acquired. This delayed excitability is unique to cells born in the adult and may protect circuits from uncontrolled neurotransmitter release and neural network disruption. Our results show that newly born cells recruited into the olfactory bulb become neurons, and a unique sequence of events leads to their functional integration

    Adenovirus-mediated gene delivery into neuronal precursors of the adult mouse brain

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    Precursor cells found in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the adult brain can undergo cell division and migrate long distances before differentiating into mature neurons. We have investigated the possibility of introducing genes stably into this population of cells. Replication-defective adenoviruses were injected into the SVZ of the lateral ventricle of adult mice. The adenoviruses carried a cDNA for the LacZ reporter or the human p75 neurotrophin receptor, for which species-specific antibodies are available. Injection of the viruses into the SVZ led to efficient labeling of neuronal precursors. Two months after viral injection, infected cells were detected in the olfactory bulb, a significant distance from the site of injection. Labeled periglomerular and granular neurons with extensive dendritic arborization were found in the olfactory bulb. These results demonstrate that foreign genes can be efficiently introduced into neuronal precursor cells. Furthermore, adenovirus-directed infection can lead to long-term stable gene expression in progenitor cells found in the adult central nervous system

    Unique Organization of the Nuclear Envelope in the Post-natal Quiescent Neural Stem Cells

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    Neural stem cells (B1 astrocytes; NSCs) in the adult ventricular-subventricular-zone (V-SVZ) originate in the embryo. Surprisingly, recent work has shown that B1 cells remain largely quiescent. They are reactivated postnatally to function as primary progenitors for neurons destined for the olfactory bulb and some corpus callosum oligodendrocytes. The cellular and molecular properties of quiescent B1 cells remain unknown. Here we found that a subpopulation of B1 cells has a unique nuclear envelope invagination specialization similar to envelope-limited chromatin sheets (ELCS), reported in certain lymphocytes and some cancer cells. Using molecular markers, [3H]thymidine birth-dating, and Ara-C, we found that B1 cells with ELCS correspond to quiescent NSCs. ELCS begin forming in embryonic radial glia cells and represent a specific nuclear compartment containing particular epigenetic modifications and telomeres. These results reveal a unique nuclear compartment in quiescent NSCs, which is useful for identifying these primary progenitors and study their gene regulation

    Immature excitatory neurons develop during adolescence in the human amygdala

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    The human amygdala grows during childhood, and its abnormal development is linked to mood disorders. The primate amygdala contains a large population of immature neurons in the paralaminar nuclei (PL), suggesting protracted development and possibly neurogenesis. Here we studied human PL development from embryonic stages to adulthood. The PL develops next to the caudal ganglionic eminence, which generates inhibitory interneurons, yet most PL neurons express excitatory markers. In children, most PL cells are immature (DCX+PSA-NCAM+), and during adolescence many transition into mature (TBR1+VGLUT2+) neurons. Immature PL neurons persist into old age, yet local progenitor proliferation sharply decreases in infants. Using single nuclei RNA sequencing, we identify the transcriptional profile of immature excitatory neurons in the human amygdala between 4–15 years. We conclude that the human PL contains excitatory neurons that remain immature for decades, a possible substrate for persistent plasticity at the interface of the hippocampus and amygdala