2,469 research outputs found

    Conductivity cells for water salinity measurement

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    Catherine Clément, dziesięć tysiący gitar i „bada” – spotkanie z historią…

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    Sebastianizm jest najbardziej uniwersalnym spośród portugalskich mitów. Ponad czterysta lat po bitwie pod Al-Kasr al-Kabir niektórzy wciąż wierzą, że „król w ukryciu” powróci, aby ocalić kraj i podbić Piąte Imperium. — Catherine Clément proponuje nam szczególną interpretację związanych z tym faktów w powieści „Dziesięć tysięcy gitar” (2010), wybrawszy indyjskiego nosorożca na narratora historii o jego europejskich właścicielach: Sebastianie I, Rudolfie II i Krystynie Wazównie. Biograficzne przedstawienie trzech koronowanych głów, nadające spójność fabule, może zdradzić czytelnikowi aspekty życia pominięte przez „czarne legendy”. To przesłanie nadziei w naszej globalnej wiosce, długa droga do przebycia w naszej podróży przez życie…The sebastianism is the most universal of Portuguese myths. More than four centuries after the battle of Ksar-el-Kebir, some people still believe the return of the “Hidden king” to save the country and conquer the Fifth Empire. — Catherine Clément offers us a very special interpretation of the facts in the novel “Ten thousand guitars” (2010). She chose an Indian rhinoceros to tell the story of his European owners: Sebastian of Portugal, Rudolph II of Germany and Christina of Sweden. —The biographical representation of the three crowned heads that unify the narrative has the power to reveal to the reader facets of life that can take charge of black legends derail. Message of hope in our global village, a long way to go in our journey through life..

    A Remuneração variável como fator para a instabilidade dos mercados financeiros

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em EconomiaO presente trabalho visa analisar se a remuneração variável de analistas e executivos financeiros pode contribuir para a formação de eventos extremos nos mercados acionários. A hipótese norteadora é de que a elevação da parcela da renda variável na remuneração total dos agentes financeiros os incentivariam a realizar sistemáticas elevações nos preços das ações, que poderia levar a formação de eventos extremos, tais como bolhas econômicas. Com o intuito de avaliar tal hipótese, utilizou-se a modelagem computacional baseada em agentes para reproduzir dinâmicas características dos mercados financeiros. Os resultados da análise permitiram observar que a variação do percentual da participação da renda variável na composição da renda total dos agentes financeiros, como suposto, pode levar os mercados financeiros a apresentar uma maior incidência de eventos extremos.The present study aimed to elucidate whether the variable remuneration of executives and financial analysts may lead to the formation of extreme events in the stock markets. The guiding hypothesis is that the increase the share of variable income in total remuneration of financial agents encouraged them to carry out systematic increases in stock prices, which in the extreme could lead to the formation of extreme events, such as economic bubbles. With the intention to earn this hypothesis, we used the agent-based computational modeling to reproduce the dynamic characteristics of financial markets. The results of the analysis allowed the observation that the variation in the percentage of variable income participation in the composition of the total income of financial agents, as supposed, may lead financial markets to have a higher incidence of extreme events

    Developing scaffolds for tissue engineering using the Ca2+-induced cold gelation by an experimental design approach

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    The Ca2+-induced cold gelation technique was found suitable to prepare highly porous biodegradable scaffolds based on bovine serum albumin (BSA) and alpha-casein from bovine milk for tissue engineering. A 23 full factorial design was used to study the influence and impact of each factor on the several responses of the scaffolds. In vitro degradation (ID), swelling ratio (SR), porosity (PO), and pore size (PS) as well cytotoxicity (CT) were evaluated and shown to be dependent on the pH of sample preparation and on the amount of BSA and casein present, making these scaffolds tunable structures. Under optimized working conditions (4.19% of BSA, 0.69% of Casein, pH 7.07), the ID attained was 37.97%, the SR observed was 11.87, the PO was 82.11%, the PS measured was 180.63 μm at surface, and 175.91 μm at fracture, whereas maximum cell viability was 84% in comparison to controls. Moreover, the scaffold supported cell adhesion and proliferation. These results, consistent with the prediction by the experimental design approach, support the use of this methodology to develop tunable scaffolds for tissue engineering using the Ca2+-induced cold gelation.Contract grant sponsor: FEDER through POFC-COMPETE and by national funds from FCT; contract grant number: PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/201

    How do political actors trace voters?

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    The following dissertation examines the factors that influence peoples' voting behavior. In order to understand where peoples' opinions come from, the American political marketing is going to serve as a reference model. This paper will provide an electorate analysis for targeting procurement purposes. The goal is to show the reader, through a political targeting, how Parties can understand better public opinion. Due to the location of the writer, the empirical research will be held in Portugal. Results show how different groups of voters think towards different issues, and what measures, given the party’s position on those issues, are more appropriated for raising public popularity.A seguinte dissertação examina os factores que influenciam a decisão de voto dos eleitores. De modo a entender a origem das opiniões das pessoas, o marketing político Americano irá servir como modelo de referência. Este documento providencia uma análise de eleitorado a nível de "targeting". O objetivo é o de mostrar ao leitor, através de um targeting político, como poderão os partidos entender melhor a opinião pública. Dada a localização do autor, a investigação empírica realiza-se em Portugal. Os resultados mostram como diferentes grupos de pessoas pensam relativamente a diferentes problemas, e que medidas, tendo em conta as posições do partido, são mais apropriadas para aumentar a popularidade pública

    Multifunctional proteins for hair protection and coloring

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antagonistas da angiotensina II: experiência clínica com o tratamento da hipertensão, prevenção de desfechos cardiovasculares e proteção renal na nefropatia diabética e proteinúria

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    Angiotensin II antagonists (AIIAs) were introduced to treat hypertension about 10 years ago. During this period they were evaluated not only in terms of efficacy and safety but also in several large studies with clinical outcomes. They are efficacious in all clinical forms of hypertension and are effective also in all ethnic groups. Cardiovascular and renal protection in proteinuric diabetic nephropathy beyond blood pressure reduction was proved in major clinical studies: Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE), Reduction of Endpoint in Non-Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus with the AII Antagonist Losartan (RENAAL) and Irbesartan Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Trial (IDNT). Their blood pressure independent protective effect is also mentioned by the blockade of AT1 receptor. As a class AIIs have a tolerability profile similar to placebo.Os antagonistas da angiotensina II (AAIIs) foram introduzidos para o tratamento da hipertensão arterial há cerca de 10 anos. Durante esse período eles foram avaliados não apenas em termos de eficácia e segurança, mas também em vários estudos grandes com desfechos clínicos. Os AAIIs são eficazes em todas as formas clínicas de hipertensão e, também, em todos os grupos étnicos. Os principais estudos clínicos em pacientes diabéticos com nefropatia e proteinúia comprovaram, além da redução da pressão arterial, proteção cardiovascular e renal: Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE), Reduction of Endpoint in Non-Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus with the AII Antagonist Losartan (RENAAL) e Irbesartan Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Trial (IDNT). O seu efeito protetor independente da pressão sanguínea também é mencionado pelo bloqueio do receptor AT1. Os AAIIs, como classe medicamentosa, apresentam um perfil de tolerabilidade semelhante ao placebo.UNIFESP Fundação Oswaldo Ramos Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoUniversity School of Medicine Hypertension and Atherosclerosis SectionUNIFESP, Fundação Oswaldo Ramos Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoSciEL

    Biotechnological applications of mammalian odorant-binding proteins

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    The olfactory system of mammals allows the detection and discrimination of thousands of odors from the environment. In mammals, odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) are considered responsible to carry odorant molecules across the aqueous nasal mucus to the olfactory receptors (ORs). The three-dimensional structure of these proteins presents eight antiparallel ?-sheets and a short ?-helical segment close to the C terminus, typical of the lipocalins family. The great ability of OBPs to bind differentiated ligand molecules has driven the research to understand the mechanisms underlying the OBP function in nature and the development of advanced biotechnological applications. This review describes the role of mammalian OBPs in the olfactory perception, highlighting the influence of several key parameters (amino acids, temperature, ionic strength, and pH) in the formation of the OBP/ligand complex. The information from the literature regarding OBP structure, affinity, the strength of binding, and stability inspiring the development of several applications herein detailed.This study was financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundac¸~ao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and BioTecNorte operation [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004] funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. F.G. thanks Fundac~ao para a Ci^ encia e a Tecnologia for their funding [SFRH/BD/114684/2016].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudos de conforto térmico nos espaços verdes da cidade de Bragança

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    O projecto GREENURBE visa avaliar o impacte dos espaços verdes na qualidade do ambiente urbano abarcando aspectos como o uso social, a qualidade do ar, o ruído e o conforto térmico, e tendo como referência a cidade de Bragança. O presente poster retrata os estudos de microescala desenvolvidos, e a desenvolver, no sentido de identificar as relações existentes entre os espaços verdes e o conforto térmico. Estes resultados serão futuramente interpretados num contexto climático alargado à escala urbana, desenvolvendo-se uma metodologia pela qual se procurará estabelecer relações entre as características climáticas prevalecentes e o seu potencial para propiciar condições de conforto térmico, identificando-se estratégias que possam contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade térmica do ambiente urbano.FCT-MCTE

    Manidipine in the treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity. A brazilian multicentre study of efficacy, tolerability and metabolic effects

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy, metabolic effects and tolerability of manidipine used in the treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity. METHODS: By an open-label, non comparative protocol in 11 Brazilian clinical research centers 102 hypertensive patients of both sexes with over weight or central obesity were treated with manidipine 10 to 20mg once daily for 12 weeks. Blood pressure, heart rate and adverse events were monitored. Fasting plasma glucose, total, HDL and LDL-cholesterol and triglicerides were determined at both placebo period and end of active treatment. Also in 12 patients, insulin sensitivity index was evaluated during placebo and manidipine treatment. RESULTS: Blood pressure was reduced from 159±15 / 102±5mmHg to 141±15 / 90±8mmHg with the treatment without any noticeable change in heart rate. Manidipine-efficacy rate was 71.9% with 51.1% of blood pressure normalization. No significant changes in metabolic parameters were noticed. Tolerability to manidipine was very high and at the last visit 87.1% of the treated patients were free of any adverse event. CONCLUSION: Manidipine is an adequate, highly effective, exempt of metabolic effects and safe option for treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia anti-hipertensiva, efeitos metabólicos e tolerabilidade da manidipina no tratamento de hipertensos essenciais estágio I e II com sobrepeso ou obesidade do tipo andróide. MÉTODOS: Em estudo aberto, não comparativo, realizado em 11 centros brasileiros de pesquisa, 102 pacientes de ambos os sexos com sobrepeso ou obesidade central, foram tratados por 12 semanas com manidipina em dose única diária de 10 a 20mg e avaliadas pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca e a presença de eventos adversos. Ao final dos períodos placebo e de droga ativa foram obtidos os valores plasmáticos da glicemia de jejum, colesterol total e frações e triglicérides. Em 12 pacientes foi avaliada a sensibilidade à insulina. RESULTADOS: A manidipina reduziu a pressão arterial de 159±15 / 102±5mmHg para 141±15 / 90±8mmHg sem acarretar aumento da freqüência cardíaca. A taxa de eficácia foi de 71,9% com 51,1% de normalização pressórica. Não foram observadas alterações significativas dos parâmetros metabólicos. A tolerabilidade da manidipina foi muito boa e no final do estudo 87,1% estavam livres de qualquer reação adversa. CONCLUSÃO: A manidipina constitui opção adequada, altamente eficaz, livre de efeitos metabólicos e segura para tratamento de hipertensos estágios I e II com sobrepeso ou obesidade andróide.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoUNIFESP, EPM, Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoSciEL