43 research outputs found

    Akirin/Subolesin regulatory mechanisms at host/tick鈥損athogen interactions

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    Ticks and tick-borne pathogens such as Anaplasma phagocytophilum affect human and animal health worldwide and thus the characterization of host/tick鈥損athogen interactions is important for the control of tick-borne diseases. The vertebrate regulatory proteins Akirins and its tick ortholog, Subolesin, are conserved throughout the metazoan and involved in the regulation of different biological processes such as immune response to pathogen infection. Akirin/Subolesin have a key role in host/tick鈥損athogen interactions and exert its regulatory function primarily through interacting proteins such as transcription factors, chromatin remodelers and RNA-associated proteins. Recent results have provided evidence of akirin/subolesin genetic interactions and the interaction of Akirin/Subolesin with histones, thus suggesting a role in direct chromatin remodeling. Finally, and still to be proven, some models suggest the possibility of direct Akirin/Subolesin protein interactions with DNA. Future research should advance the characterization of Akirin/Subolesin interactome and its functional role at the host/tick鈥損athogen interface. These results have implications for translational biotechnology and medicine for the development of new effective interventions for the control of ticks and tick-borne diseases.Las garrapatas y los pat贸genos transmitidos por garrapatas como Anaplasma phagocytophilum afectan la salud humana y animal en todo el mundo y, por lo tanto, la caracterizaci贸n de las interacciones hu茅sped/garrapata-pat贸geno es importante para el control de las enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas. Las prote铆nas reguladoras de vertebrados Akirins y su ort贸logo de garrapata, Subolesin, se conservan en todo el metazoo y participan en la regulaci贸n de diferentes procesos biol贸gicos, como la respuesta inmunitaria a la infecci贸n por pat贸genos. Akirin/Subolesin tienen un papel clave en las interacciones hu茅sped/garrapata-pat贸geno y ejercen su funci贸n reguladora principalmente a trav茅s de prote铆nas que interact煤an, como factores de transcripci贸n, remodeladores de cromatina y prote铆nas asociadas al ARN. Los resultados recientes han proporcionado evidencia de akirin / subolesininteracciones gen茅ticas y la interacci贸n de Akirin/Subolesin con histonas, lo que sugiere un papel en la remodelaci贸n directa de la cromatina. Finalmente, y a煤n por probar, algunos modelos sugieren la posibilidad de interacciones directas de la prote铆na Akirin/Subolesina con el ADN. La investigaci贸n futura deber铆a avanzar en la caracterizaci贸n del interactoma Akirin/Subolesin y su papel funcional en la interfaz hu茅sped/garrapata-pat贸geno. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para la biotecnolog铆a traslacional y la medicina para el desarrollo de nuevas intervenciones efectivas para el control de garrapatas y enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas

    The Apicomplexa-specific glucosamine-6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase gene family encodes a key enzyme for glycoconjugate synthesis with potential as therapeutic target

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    Apicomplexa form a phylum of obligate parasitic protozoa of great clinical and veterinary importance. These parasites synthesize glycoconjugates for their survival and infectivity, but the enzymatic steps required to generate the glycosylation precursors are not completely characterized. In particular, glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase (GNA1) activity, needed to produce the essential UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) donor, has not been identified in any Apicomplexa. We scanned the genomes of Plasmodium falciparum and representatives from six additional main lineages of the phylum for proteins containing the Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain. One family of GNAT-domain containing proteins, composed by a P. falciparum sequence and its six apicomplexan orthologs, rescued the growth of a yeast temperature-sensitive GNA1 mutant. Heterologous expression and in vitro assays confirmed the GNA1 enzymatic activity in all lineages. Sequence, phylogenetic and synteny analyses suggest an independent origin of the Apicomplexa-specific GNA1 family, parallel to the evolution of a different GNA1 family in other eukaryotes. The inability to disrupt an otherwise modifiable gene target suggests that the enzyme is essential for P. falciparum growth. The relevance of UDP-GlcNAc for parasite viability, together with the independent evolution and unique sequence features of Apicomplexa GNA1, highlights the potential of this enzyme as a selective therapeutic target against apicomplexans

    Comparative analysis of Rhipicephalus tick salivary gland and cement elementome

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Consejer铆a de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deportes, JCCM , Spain, project CCM17-PIC-036 ( SBPLY/17/180501/000185 ), and partially funded by Funda莽茫o para a Ci锚nciae Tecnologia (FCT) under the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29073/2017 ( UID/Multi/04413/2013 ). Margarita Villar was supported by the University of Castilla La 309 Mancha, UCLM, Spain, and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional , FEDER, EU. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Consejer?a de Educaci?n, Cultura y Deportes, JCCM, Spain, project CCM17-PIC-036 (SBPLY/17/180501/000185), and partially funded by Funda??o para a Ci?nciae Tecnologia (FCT) under the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29073/2017 (UID/Multi/04413/2013). Margarita Villar was supported by the University of Castilla La 309 Mancha, UCLM, Spain, and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, EU. Publisher Copyright: 漏 2021 The Author(s)Rhipicephalus spp. (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks are obligate hematophagous arthropods, which constitute a model for the study of vector-host interactions. The chemical composition or elementome of salivary glands (SG) and cement provides information relevant for the study of protein-based complex multifunctional tissues with a key role in tick biology. In this study, we characterized the elementome of cement cones in Rhipicephalus sanguineus collected from naturally infested dogs and in SG and cement of R. bursa collected from experimentally infested rabbits at different feeding stages. The elementome was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed the identification of up to 14 chemical elements in the cement, and suggested tick/host-driven differences in the cement elementome between tick species and between SG and cement within the same species. By still unknown mechanisms, ticks may regulate cement elementome during feeding to affect various biological processes. Although these analyses are preliminary, the results suggested that N is a key component of the cement elementome with a likely origin in SG/salivary proteins (i.e., Glycine (C2H5NO2)-rich superfamily member proteins; GRPs) and other tick/host-derived components (i.e. NAPDH). Future research should be focused on tick elementome and its functional implications to better understand cement structure and function.publishersversionpublishe

    Differentially represented proteins in response to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis identified by quantitative serum proteomics in Asian elephants

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    Tuberculosis is a major global concern. Tuberculosis in wildlife is a risk for zoonotic transmission and becoming one of the challenges for conservation globally. In elephants, the number of cases is likely rising. The aim of this study was to identify proteins related to tuberculosis infection in elephants, which could then be used for the development of diagnostic tools and/or vaccines. A serum proteomics approach was used to characterize differentially represented proteins in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Asian elephants (Elaphas maximus). Blood samples were collected from eight elephants, four of which were antibody positive for tuberculosis and four were antibody negative. Proteomics analysis identified 26 significantly dysregulated proteins in response to tuberculosis. Of these, 10 (38%) were identified as immunoglobulin and 16 (62%) as non-immunoglobulin proteins. The results provided new information on the antibody response to mycobacterial infection and biomarkers associated with tuberculosis and protective response to mycobacteria in Asian elephants. Protective mechanisms included defense against infection (Alpha- 1-B glycoprotein A1BG, Serpin family A member 1 SERPINA1, Transthyretin TTR), neuroprotection (TTR), and reduced risks of inflammation, infections, and cancer (SERPINA1, Keratin 10 KRT10). Using a translational biotechnology approach, the results provided information for the identification of candidate diagnostic, prognostic, and protective antigens for monitoring and control of tuberculosis in Asian elephants.La tuberculosis es una de las principales preocupaciones a nivel mundial. La tuberculosis en la fauna salvaje es un riesgo de transmisi贸n zoon贸tica y se est谩 convirtiendo en uno de los retos de la conservaci贸n a nivel mundial. En los elefantes, es probable que el n煤mero de casos aumente. El objetivo de este estudio era identificar las prote铆nas relacionadas con la infecci贸n por tuberculosis en los elefantes, que podr铆an utilizarse para el desarrollo de herramientas de diagn贸stico y/o vacunas. Se utiliz贸 un enfoque de prote贸mica s茅rica para caracterizar las prote铆nas representadas diferencialmente en respuesta a Mycobacterium tuberculosis en elefantes asi谩ticos (Elaphas maximus). Se recogieron muestras de sangre de ocho elefantes, cuatro de los cuales dieron positivo a los anticuerpos de la tuberculosis y cuatro fueron negativos a los anticuerpos. El an谩lisis prote贸mico identific贸 26 prote铆nas significativamente desreguladas en respuesta a la tuberculosis. De ellas, 10 (38%) se identificaron como inmunoglobulinas y 16 (62%) como prote铆nas no inmunoglobul铆nicas. Los resultados aportaron nueva informaci贸n sobre la respuesta de los anticuerpos a la infecci贸n micobacteriana y los biomarcadores asociados a la tuberculosis y la respuesta protectora a las micobacterias en los elefantes asi谩ticos. Los mecanismos de protecci贸n inclu铆an la defensa contra la infecci贸n (glicoprote铆na alfa-1-B, miembro 1 de la familia A de las serpinas SERPINA1, transtiretina TTR), la neuroprotecci贸n (TTR) y la reducci贸n del riesgo de inflamaci贸n, infecciones y c谩ncer (SERPINA1, queratina 10 KRT10). Utilizando un enfoque de biotecnolog铆a traslacional, los resultados proporcionaron informaci贸n para la identificaci贸n de ant铆genos candidatos de diagn贸stico, pron贸stico y protecci贸n para el seguimiento y control de la tuberculosis en elefantes asi谩ticos

    Characterization by quantitative serum proteomics of immune-related prognostic biomarkers for COVID-19 symptomatology

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 challenges the understanding of factors affecting disease progression and severity. The identification of prognostic biomarkers and physiological processes associated with disease symptoms is relevant for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic interventions to contribute to the control of this pandemic. To address this challenge, in this study, we used a quantitative proteomics together with multiple data analysis algorithms to characterize serum protein profiles in five cohorts from healthy to SARS-CoV-2-infected recovered (hospital discharge), nonsevere (hospitalized), and severe [at the intensive care unit (ICU)] cases with increasing systemic inflammation in comparison with healthy individuals sampled prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed significantly dysregulated proteins and associated biological processes and disorders associated to COVID-19. These results corroborated previous findings in COVID-19 studies and highlighted how the representation of dysregulated serum proteins and associated BPs increases with COVID-19 disease symptomatology from asymptomatic to severe cases. The analysis was then focused on novel disease processes and biomarkers that were correlated with disease symptomatology. To contribute to translational medicine, results corroborated the predictive value of selected immune-related biomarkers for disease recovery [Selenoprotein P (SELENOP) and Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1 (PON1)], severity [Carboxypeptidase B2 (CBP2)], and symptomatology [Pregnancy zone protein (PZP)] using protein-specific ELISA tests. Our results contributed to the characterization of SARS-CoV-2鈥揾ost molecular interactions with potential contributions to the monitoring and control of this pandemic by using immune-related biomarkers associated with disease symptomatology.This research was partially funded by Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM), Spain and EU-FEDER (grants MYCOTRAINING SBPLY/19/180501/000174 and GALINFEC SBPLY/17/180501/000185). EF-C has a predoctoral grant from UCLM. MC was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades, Spain (grant FJC-2018-038277-I). IGF was supported by UCLM. MV was supported by UCLM and EU-FEDER.Peer reviewe

    Allergic reactions to tick saliva components in zebrafish model

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    [Background]: Alpha-Gal syndrome (AGS) is a tick-borne food allergy caused by IgE antibodies against the glycan galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (伪-Gal) present in glycoproteins and glycolipids from mammalian meat. To advance in the diagnosis and treatment of AGS, further research is needed to unravel the molecular and immune mechanisms underlying this syndrome. The objective of this study is the characterization of tick salivary components and proteins with and without 伪-Gal modifications involved in modulating human immune response against this carbohydrate.[Methods]: Protein and 伪-Gal content were determined in tick saliva components, and proteins were identified by proteomics analysis of tick saliva fractions. Pathophysiological changes were recorded in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) model after exposure to distinct Ixodes ricinus tick salivary components. Serum samples were collected from zebrafish at day 8 of exposure to determine anti-伪-Gal, anti-glycan, and anti-tick saliva protein IgM antibody titers by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).[Results]: Zebrafish treated with tick saliva and saliva protein fractions combined with non-protein fractions demonstrated significantly higher incidence of hemorrhagic type allergic reactions, abnormal behavioral patterns, or mortality when compared to the phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-treated control group. The main tick salivary proteins identified in these fractions with possible functional implication in AGS were the secreted protein B7P208-salivary antigen p23 and metalloproteases. Anti-伪-Gal and anti-tick salivary gland IgM antibody titers were significantly higher in distinct saliva protein fractions and deglycosylated saliva group when compared with PBS-treated controls. Anti-glycan antibodies showed group-related profiles.[Conclusions]: Results support the hypothesis that tick salivary biomolecules with and without 伪-Gal modifications are involved in modulating immune response against this carbohydrate.This study was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n/Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain and EU-FEDER (Grant BIOGAL PID2020-116761GB-I00). M. Contreras was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades, Spain, grant IJC2020-042710-I. R. Vaz-Rodrigues was supported by a doctoral contract (2022/20675), from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). L. Mazuecos was supported by UCLM co-financed by ESF, post-doctoral grant 2021/32002). E. Ferreras-Colino was funded by UCLM co-financed by ESF, doctoral grant 2020/3836.Peer reviewe

    Tick Importin-伪 Is Implicated in the Interactome and Regulome of the Cofactor Subolesin

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    Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) represent a burden for human and animal health worldwide. Currently, vaccines constitute the safest and most effective approach to control ticks and TBDs. Subolesin (SUB) has been identified as a vaccine antigen for the control of tick infestations and pathogen infection and transmission. The characterization of the molecular function of SUB and the identification of tick proteins interacting with SUB may provide the basis for the discovery of novel antigens and for the rational design of novel anti-tick vaccines. In the present study, we used the yeast two-hybrid system (Y2H) as an unbiased approach to identify tick SUB-interacting proteins in an Ixodes ricinus cDNA library, and studied the possible role of SUB as a chromatin remodeler through direct interaction with histones. The Y2H screening identified Importin-伪 as a potential SUB-interacting protein, which was confirmed in vitro in a protein pull-down assay. The sub gene expression levels in tick midgut and fat body were significantly higher in unfed than fed female ticks, however, the importin-伪 expression levels did not vary between unfed and fed ticks but tended to be higher in the ovary when compared to those in other organs. The effect of importin-伪 RNAi was characterized in I. ricinus under artificial feeding conditions. Both sub and importin-伪 gene knockdown was observed in all tick tissues and, while tick weight was significantly lower in sub RNAi-treated ticks than in controls, importin-伪 RNAi did not affect tick feeding or oviposition, suggesting that SUB is able to exert its function in the absence of Importin-伪. Furthermore, SUB was shown to physically interact with histone 4, which was corroborated by protein pull-down and western blot analysis. These results confirm that by interacting with numerous tick proteins, SUB is a key cofactor of the tick interactome and regulome. Further studies are needed to elucidate the nature of the SUB-Importin-伪 interaction and the biological processes and functional implications that this interaction may have

    Multi-omics approaches to the study of cellular biological processes and vaccine development

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    Las garrapatas son ectopar谩sitos artr贸podos hemat贸fagos obligados, involucrados en la transmisi贸n de un amplio n煤mero de pat贸genos responsables de enfermedades que afectan a la salud humana y animal por todo el mundo. Las vacunas han mejorado el control de las infestaciones de garrapatas y son consideradas el enfoque m谩s efectivo y respetuoso con el medio ambiente para el control de las garrapatas y la prevenci贸n de las enfermedades que transmiten. En referencia al desarrollo de vacunas, las tecnolog铆as 贸micas han permitido avanzar en el estudio de la funci贸n fisiol贸gica y molecular de los genes y prote铆nas de las garrapatas, mejorando la identificaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n de posibles ant铆genos protectores, sus funciones y prote铆nas interactuantes, contribuyendo as铆 al desarrollo de vacunas m谩s eficaces y de amplio alcance. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el uso de enfoques 贸micos para el estudio de la infecci贸n producida por pat贸genos, la respuesta inmune del hospedador, en c茅lulas de garrapata Ixodes scapularis y c茅lulas humanas, y el desarrollo de vacunas. Cap铆tulo 1: Reguloma, microRNAoma e interactoma celular en respuesta a la infecci贸n por Anaplasma phagocytophilum Este cap铆tulo ofrece una amplia visi贸n de la respuesta inmune frente a la infecci贸n bacteriana en la garrapata hu茅sped Ixodes scapularis desde la perspectiva de las interacciones entre factores de transcripci贸n y sus dianas, microARNs (miARNs) e interacciones entre prote铆nas. Los an谩lisis de redes y los enfoques in silico se utilizan para modelar la modulaci贸n del reguloma de la garrapata en respuesta a la infecci贸n por A. phagocytophilum. La identificaci贸n de los procesos biol贸gicos en los que el reguloma de la garrapata se modifica positivamente en respuesta a una infecci贸n bacteriana puede conducir a la caracterizaci贸n de las interacciones entre factores de transcripci贸n y genes diana mediante enfoques in silico y la posterior prueba de concepto con procedimientos experimentales (cap铆tulo 1a). La caracterizaci贸n del reguloma alterado al alza puede permitir la identificaci贸n de posibles dianas para el desarrollo de vacunas, con el objetivo de controlar las infestaciones de garrapatas y prevenir sus enfermedades. De manera similar, el perfil del miARNoma de la garrapata cambia en respuesta a una infecci贸n bacteriana. Especialmente, los miARNs interesantes son los que intervienen en los procesos biol贸gicos de la respuesta inmune y que, adem谩s, se regulan positivamente en presencia de bacterias. El cap铆tulo 1b se centra en caracterizar el perfil de miARNs en respuesta a la infecci贸n por A. phagocytophilum y, en concreto, identificamos isc-mir-79, el cual est谩 regulado positivamente para facilitar la infecci贸n al interferir en las v铆as de se帽alizaci贸n Slit-Robo. Finalmente, proponemos la teor铆a de grafos como enfoque metodol贸gico para identificar prote铆nas clave del hospedador en respuesta a la infecci贸n para el desarrollo de estrategias de control en modelos hospedador-pat贸geno. En el cap铆tulo 1c, este enfoque se aplica al modelo hospedador-pat贸geno I. scapularis-A. phagocytophilum. Cap铆tulo 2: Funci贸n del interactoma de subolesina/ akirina en la regulaci贸n de procesos biol贸gicos celulares Este cap铆tulo eval煤a la capacidad de subolesina / akirina como ant铆genos protectores para el desarrollo de vacunas mediante la identificaci贸n y la caracterizaci贸n de sus interactomas y su funci贸n biol贸gica. La introducci贸n de este cap铆tulo establece las bases conceptuales de la importancia de estas prote铆nas como ant铆genos protectores y sus importantes implicaciones funcionales conservadas a lo largo de los metazoos. As铆, subolesina / akirina constituyen una buena diana para las estrategias de control de m煤ltiples pat贸genos transmitidos por artr贸podos. Por otra parte, la identificaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n de los interactomas de estas prote铆nas es interesante para mejorar el proceso de desarrollo de vacunas. El cap铆tulo 2a se centra en la identificaci贸n de prote铆nas que interact煤an con akirina2 junto con la propuesta de un enfoque metodol贸gico novedoso basado en la combinaci贸n de perspectivas art铆sticas y cient铆ficas, proporcionando nuevos conocimientos sobre la funci贸n del interactoma de akirina2 en la regulaci贸n de la v铆a mediada por NF-kB. Por otro lado, aunque se ha descrito que la akirina2 act煤a en combinaci贸n con sus prote铆nas interactuantes, esta prote铆na puede desempe帽ar un papel clave en la regulaci贸n de la expresi贸n g茅nica por s铆 misma o por mecanismos a煤n desconocidos. El cap铆tulo 2b aborda esta cuesti贸n con un an谩lisis transcript贸mico y prote贸mico donde destaca la importancia de la funci贸n de akirina2 en algunos procesos biol贸gicos. Adem谩s, se describe que akirina2 interact煤a con la histona H3.1, actuando no solo como un cofactor de transcripci贸n, sino tambi茅n como remodeladora de la cromatina. Para concluir esta secci贸n, el cap铆tulo 2c ofrece una perspectiva similar de la subolesina de la garrapata I. scapularis. Se identificaron prote铆nas que interact煤an con subolesina y se caracteriz贸 la interacci贸n f铆sica entre subolesina e importina-?. Si bien importina-? es una prote铆na encargada de llevar otras prote铆nas al n煤cleo, la ausencia de esta prote铆na no interfiere con el ciclo de vida normal de la garrapata y, por tanto, con las funciones de subolesina, lo que implica la existencia de otros mecanismos por los que subolesina entra al n煤cleo. Al contrario que en el caso de akirina2, se ha descrito previamente que subolesina interact煤a directamente con las histonas y, en este cap铆tulo, caracterizamos una nueva interacci贸n directa con H4, sugiriendo nuevos mecanismos subyacentes a su papel en la remodelaci贸n de la cromatina y la regulaci贸n de la expresi贸n g茅nica. Cap铆tulo 3: Vacun贸mica cu谩ntica: interact贸mica translacional En el cap铆tulo 3a, destacamos la importancia de la interact贸mica en el desarrollo de vacunas contra las garrapatas revisando toda la literatura previa y haciendo evidentes las ventajas de utilizar la interact贸mica traslacional junto con nuevos enfoques. Adem谩s, proponemos una nueva l铆nea para el desarrollo de vacunas denominada vacun贸mica cu谩ntica y presentada en el cap铆tulo 3b. Este enfoque se basa en prote铆nas clave involucradas en el reguloma y en el interactoma que funcionan a trav茅s de interacciones entre prote铆nas y regulan m煤ltiples procesos biol贸gicos involucrados en las interacciones vector-hospedador-pat贸geno. De manera global, el uso de tecnolog铆as 贸micas aplicadas a la caracterizaci贸n de las interacciones vector-hospedador-pat贸geno contribuir谩n a aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre el desarrollo de vacunas, que posiblemente permita el desarrollo de vacunas frente m煤ltiples artr贸podos

    Enfoques multi-贸micos para el estudio de procesos biol贸gicos celulares y el desarrollo de vacunas

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    Trabajo de investigaci贸n presentado por Sara Artigas Jer贸nimo para optar al grado de Doctora por la Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha.[EN]: Ticks are obligate hematophagous arthropod ectoparasites involved in the transmission of a wide number of tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) causing diseases affecting human and animal health worldwide. Vaccines have improved the control of tick infestations and are consideredas the most effective and environmentally friendly approach for tick control and prevention of tick-borne diseases (TBDs). Regarding vaccine development, omics technologies advance the study of physiological and molecular function of tick genes and proteins, improving the identification and the characterization of candidate protective antigens, its functions and interacting proteins, thus contributing to the development of more efficacious and wide-targeted vaccines. This doctoral thesis addresses the use of omics approaches to the study of pathogen infection, host immune response in the tick Ixodes scapularis and human cells and vaccine development.[ES]: Las garrapatas son ectopar谩sitos artr贸podos hemat贸fagos obligados, involucrados en la transmisi贸n de un amplio n煤mero de pat贸genos responsables de enfermedades que afectan a la salud humana y animal por todo el mundo. Las vacunas han mejorado el control de las infestaciones de garrapatas y son consideradas el enfoque m谩s efectivo y respetuoso con el medio ambiente para el control de las garrapatas y la prevenci贸n de las enfermedades que transmiten. En referencia al desarrollo de vacunas, las tecnolog铆as 贸micas han permitido avanzar en el estudio de la funci贸n fisiol贸gica y molecular de los genes y prote铆nas de las garrapatas, mejorando la identificaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n de posibles ant铆genos protectores, sus funciones y prote铆nas interactuantes, contribuyendo as铆 al desarrollo de vacunas m谩s eficaces y de amplio alcance. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el uso de enfoques 贸micos para el estudio de la infecci贸n producida por pat贸genos, la respuesta inmune del hospedador, en c茅lulas de garrapata Ixodes scapularis y c茅lulas humanas, y el desarrollo de vacunas.La realizaci贸n de esta tesis ha sido posible gracias a las siguientes entidades y proyectos: Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha: Contrato predoctoral para la formaci贸n de personal investigador en el marco del Plan Propio de I+D+i, realizado mediante resoluci贸n de 03/06/2019, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) [2019/5964]. Ministerio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad, Espa帽a; El interactoma Subolesina/Akirina y su funci贸n en la regulaci贸n de la respuesta inmune en vectores invertebrados (garrapatas) y vertebrados (c茅lulas humanas); BFU2016-79892-P. Proyecto Europeo: Collaborative Management Platform for detection and Analysis of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe (COMPARE); Grant 643476 EMBO Short-Term Fellowship; Grant 8619Peer reviewe

    Akirin/Subolesin regulatory mechanisms at host/tick鈥損athogen interactions

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    Ticks and tick-borne pathogens such as Anaplasma phagocytophilum affect human and animal health worldwide and thus the characterization of host/tick鈥損athogen interactions is important for the control of tick-borne diseases. The vertebrate regulatory proteins Akirins and its tick ortholog, Subolesin, are conserved throughout the metazoan and involved in the regulation of different biological processes such as immune response to pathogen infection. Akirin/Subolesin have a key role in host/tick鈥損athogen interactions and exert its regulatory function primarily through interacting proteins such as transcription factors, chromatin remodelers and RNA-associated proteins. Recent results have provided evidence of akirin/subolesin genetic interactions and the interaction of Akirin/Subolesin with histones, thus suggesting a role in direct chromatin remodeling. Finally, and still to be proven, some models suggest the possibility of direct Akirin/Subolesin protein interactions with DNA. Future research should advance the characterization of Akirin/Subolesin interactome and its functional role at the host/tick鈥損athogen interface. These results have implications for translational biotechnology and medicine for the development of new effective interventions for the control of ticks and tick-borne diseases.This research was financially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n/Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), Spain and by ERDF A way of making Europe grant BFU2016-79892-P and CSIC-IREC grant 2020AEP123. SA-J was supported by a predoctoral fellowship of the UCLM.Peer reviewe